655 research outputs found

    The Mass Distribution of the Strong Lensing Cluster SDSS J1531+3414

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    We present the mass distribution at the core of SDSS J1531+3414, a strong-lensing cluster at z=0.335. We find that the mass distribution is well described by two cluster-scale halos with a contribution from cluster-member galaxies. New HST observations of SDSS J1531+3414 reveal a signature of ongoing star formation associated with the two central galaxies at the core of the cluster, in the form of a chain of star forming regions at the center of the cluster. Using the lens model presented here, we place upper limits on the contribution of a possible lensed image to the flux at the center region, and rule out that this emission is coming from a background source.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures; Submitted to Ap

    Lens Model and Time Delay Predictions for the Sextuply Lensed Quasar SDSS J2222+2745

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    SDSS J2222+2745 is a galaxy cluster at z=0.49, strongly lensing a quasar at z=2.805 into six widely separated images. In recent HST imaging of the field, we identify additional multiply lensed galaxies, and confirm the sixth quasar image that was identified by Dahle et al. (2013). We used the Gemini North telescope to measure a spectroscopic redshift of z=4.56 of one of the secondary lensed galaxies. These data are used to refine the lens model of SDSS J2222+2745, compute the time delay and magnifications of the lensed quasar images, and reconstruct the source image of the quasar host and a second lensed galaxy at z=2.3. This second galaxy also appears in absorption in our Gemini spectra of the lensed quasar, at a projected distance of 34 kpc. Our model is in agreement with the recent time delay measurements of Dahle et al. (2015), who found tAB=47.7+/-6.0 days and tAC=-722+/-24 days. We use the observed time delays to further constrain the model, and find that the model-predicted time delays of the three faint images of the quasar are tAD=502+/-68 days, tAE=611+/-75 days, and tAF=415+/-72 days. We have initiated a follow-up campaign to measure these time delays with Gemini North. Finally, we present initial results from an X-ray monitoring program with Swift, indicating the presence of hard X-ray emission from the lensed quasar, as well as extended X-ray emission from the cluster itself, which is consistent with the lensing mass measurement and the cluster velocity dispersion.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures; submitted to Ap

    Spatially Resolved Outflows in a Seyfert Galaxy at z = 2.39

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    We present the first spatially resolved analysis of rest-frame optical and UV imaging and spectroscopy for a lensed galaxy at z = 2.39 hosting a Seyfert active galactic nucleus (AGN). Proximity to a natural guide star has enabled high signal-to-noise VLT SINFONI + adaptive optics observations of rest-frame optical diagnostic emission lines, which exhibit an underlying broad component with FWHM ~ 700 km/s in both the Balmer and forbidden lines. Measured line ratios place the outflow robustly in the region of the ionization diagnostic diagrams associated with AGN. This unique opportunity - combining gravitational lensing, AO guiding, redshift, and AGN activity - allows for a magnified view of two main tracers of the physical conditions and structure of the interstellar medium in a star-forming galaxy hosting a weak AGN at cosmic noon. By analyzing the spatial extent and morphology of the Ly-alpha and dust-corrected H-alpha emission, disentangling the effects of star formation and AGN ionization on each tracer, and comparing the AGN induced mass outflow rate to the host star formation rate, we find that the AGN does not significantly impact the star formation within its host galaxy.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    The Burst Cluster: Dark Matter in a Cluster Merger Associated with the Short Gamma Ray Burst, GRB 050509B

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    We have identified a merging galaxy cluster with evidence of two distinct sub-clusters. The X-ray and optical data suggest that the subclusters are moving away from each other after closest approach. This cluster merger was discovered from observations of the well localized short-duration gamma-ray burst (GRB), GRB 050509B. The Swift/Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) source position is coincident with a cluster of galaxies ZwCl 1234.0+02916. The subsequent Swift/X-Ray Telescope (XRT) localization of the X-ray afterglow found the GRB coincident with 2MASX J12361286+2858580, a giant red elliptical galaxy in the cluster. Deep multi-epoch optical images were obtained to constrain the evolution of the GRB afterglow, including a 27480s exposure in the F814W band with Hubble Space Telescope Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS), among the deepest imaging ever obtained towards a known galaxy cluster in a single passband. We perform a weak gravitational lensing analysis, including mapping the total mass distribution of the merger system. Combined with Chandra X-ray Observatory and Swift/XRT observations, we investigate the dynamical state of the merger to probe the nature of the dark matter component. Our weak gravitational lensing measurements reveal a separation of the X-ray centroid of the western subcluster from the center of the mass and galaxy light distributions, similar to that of the famous "Bullet cluster". We conclude that the "Burst cluster" is another candidate merger system for determining the nature of dark matter and for studying the environment of short GRBs. We discuss connections between the cluster dynamical state and/or matter composition and compact object mergers, the leading model for the origin of short GRBs. Finally, we present results from a weak lensing survey based on archival Very Large Telescope (VLT) images in the areas of 5 other short GRBs.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, accepted by Ap

    Strong Lens Models for 37 Clusters of Galaxies from the SDSS Giant Arcs Survey

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    We present strong gravitational lensing models for 37 galaxy clusters from the SDSS Giant Arcs Survey. We combine data from multi-band Hubble Space Telescope WFC3imaging, with ground-based imaging and spectroscopy from Magellan, Gemini, APO, and MMT, in order to detect and spectroscopically confirm new multiply-lensed background sources behind the clusters. We report spectroscopic or photometric redshifts of sources in these fields, including cluster galaxies and background sources. Based on all available lensing evidence, we construct and present strong lensing mass models for these galaxy clusters.Comment: 53 pages; submitted to ApJ

    Lens Model and Source Reconstruction Reveal the Morphology and Star Formation Distribution in the Cool Spiral LIRG SGAS J143845.1++145407

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    We present Hubble Space TelescopeHubble\ Space\ Telescope (HSTHST) imaging and grism spectroscopy of a strongly lensed LIRG at z=0.816z=0.816, SGAS 143845.1++145407, and use the magnification boost of gravitational lensing to study the distribution of star formation throughout this galaxy. Based on the HSTHST imaging data, we create a lens model for this system; we compute the mass distribution and magnification map of the z=0.237z=0.237 foreground lens. We find that the magnification of the lensed galaxy ranges between 22 and 1010, with a total magnification (measured over all the images of the source) of μ=11.82.4+4.6\mu=11.8^{+4.6}_{-2.4}. We find that the total projected mass density within 34\sim34 kpc of the brightest cluster galaxy is 6.00.7+0.3×1012M6.0^{+0.3}_{-0.7}\times10^{12}\,M_{\odot}. Using the lens model we create a source reconstruction for SGAS 143845.1++145407, which paired with a faint detection of Hα\alpha in the grism spectroscopy, allows us to finally comment directly on the distribution of star formation in a z1z\sim1 LIRG. We find widespread star formation across this galaxy, in agreement with the current understanding of these objects. However, we note a deficit of Hα\alpha emission in the nucleus of SGAS 143845.1++145407, likely due to dust extinction.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, 2 table

    Effects of iron-rich intermetallics and grain structure on semisolid tensile properties of Al-Cu 206 cast alloys near solidus temperature

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    The effects of iron-rich intermetallics and grain size on the semisolid tensile properties of Al-Cu 206 cast alloys near the solidus were evaluated in relation to the mush microstructure. Analyses of the stress–displacement curves showed that the damage expanded faster in the mush structure dominated by plate-like β-Fe compared to the mush structure dominated by Chinese script-like α-Fe. While there was no evidence of void formation on the β-Fe intermetallics, they blocked the interdendritic liquid channels and thus hindered liquid flow and feeding during semisolid deformation. In contrast, the interdendritic liquid flows more freely within the mush structure containing α-Fe. The tensile properties of the alloy containing α-Fe are generally higher than those containing β-Fe over the crucial liquid fraction range of ~0.6 to 2.8 pct, indicating that the latter alloy may be more susceptible to stress-related casting defects such as hot tearing. A comparison of the semisolid tensile properties of the alloy containing α-Fe with different grain sizes showed that the maximum stress and elongation of the alloy with finer grains were moderately higher for the liquid fractions of ~2.2 to 3.6 pct. The application of semisolid tensile properties for the evaluation of the hot tearing susceptibility of experimental alloys is discussed

    Spatially Resolved Outflows in a Seyfert Galaxy at z=2.39

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    We present the first spatially resolved analysis of rest-frame optical and UV (UltraViolet) imaging and spectroscopy for a lensed galaxy at z equals 2.39 hosting a Seyfert active galactic nucleus (AGN). Proximity to a natural guide star has enabled observations with high signal-to-noise ratio using Very Large Telescope SINFONI (Spectrograph for INtegral Field Observations in the Near Infrared) plus adaptive optics (AO) of rest-frame optical diagnostic emission lines, which exhibit an underlying broad component with full width at half maximum approximately 700 kilometers per second in both the Balmer and forbidden lines. Measured line ratios place the outflow robustly in the region of the ionization diagnostic diagrams associated with AGNs. This unique opportunity - combining gravitational lensing, AO guiding, redshift, and AGN activity - allows for a magnified view of two main tracers of the physical conditions and structure of the interstellar medium in a star-forming galaxy hosting a weak AGN at Cosmic Noon. By analyzing the spatial extent and morphology of the Lyman alpha spectral line and dust-corrected Hydrogen spectral line emission, disentangling the effects of star formation and AGN ionization on each tracer, and comparing the AGN-induced mass outflow rate to the host star formation rate, we find that the AGN does not significantly impact the star formation within its host galaxy

    High levels of genetic variability and differentiation in hilsa shad, Tenualosa ilisha (Clupeidae, Clupeiformes) populations revealed by PCR-RFLP analysis of the mitochondrial DNA D-loop region

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    The hilsa shad, Tenualosa ilisha (Clupeidae, Clupeiformes) is an important anadromous clupeid species from the Western division of the Indo-Pacific region. It constitutes the largest single fishable species in Bangladesh. Information on genetic variability and population structure is very important for both management and conservation purposes. Past reports on the population structure of T. ilisha involving morphometric, allozyme and RAPD analyses are contradictory. We examined genetic variability and divergence in two riverine (the Jamuna and the Meghna), two estuarine (Kuakata and Sundarbans) and one marine (Cox's Bazar) populations of T. ilisha by applying PCR-RFLP analysis of the mtDNA D-loop region. The amplified PCR products were restricted with four restriction enzymes namely, XbaI, EcoRI, EcoRV, and HaeIII. High levels of haplotype and gene diversity within and significant differentiations among, populations of T. ilisha were observed in this study. Significant FST values indicated differentiation among the river, estuary and marine populations. The UPGMA dendrogram based on genetic distance resulted in two major clusters, although, these were subsequently divided into three, corresponding to the riverine, estuarine and marine populations. The study underlines the usefulness of RFLP of mtDNA D-loop region as molecular markers, and detected at least two differentiated populations of T. ilisha in Bangladesh waters