876 research outputs found

    Shadow effect on solar systems characteristic

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    Předkládaná práce se zabývá studiem vlivu lokálního zastínění na celkové parametry solárního modulu. Základním zaměřením je navržení a vytvoření solárního modulu pro měření na solárním simulátoru.This work deals with study of shadow effect on solar system characteristic. The general aim is to design and create solar module for study of shadow effect and measurement under solar simulator.

    Betting on Death and Capital Markets in Retirement: A Shortfall Risk Analysis of Life Annuities versus Phased Withdrawal Plans

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    How might retirees consider deploying the retirement assets accumulated in a defined contribution pension plan? One possibility would be to purchase an immediate annuity. Another approach, called the “phased withdrawal” strategy in the literature, would have the retiree invest his funds and then withdraw some portion of the account annually. Using this second tactic, the withdrawal rate might be determined according to a fixed benefit level payable until the retiree dies or the funds run out, or it could be set using a variable formula, where the retiree withdraws funds according to a rule linked to life expectancy. Using a range of data consistent with the German experience, we evaluate several alternative designs for phased withdrawal strategies, allowing for endogenous asset allocation patterns, and also allowing the worker to make decisions both about when to retire and when to switch to an annuity. We show that one particular phased withdrawal rule is appealing since it offers relatively low expected shortfall risk, good expected payouts for the retiree during his life, and some bequest potential for the heirs. We also find that unisex mortality tables if used for annuity pricing can make women’s expected shortfalls higher, expected benefits higher, and bequests lower under a phased withdrawal program. Finally, we show that delayed annuitization can be appealing since it provides higher expected benefits with lower expected shortfalls, at the cost of somewhat lower anticipated bequests.

    Problèmes de stabilisation au bord pour des systèmes d'équations aux dérivées partielles hyperboliques en dimension un d'espace

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    Dans cette thèse, nous étudions le problème de stabilisation au bord de systèmes généraux d'équations aux dérivées partielles hyperboliques. Plus précisément, l'étude se focalise sur des systèmes où le transport est uniquement scalaire et où le sens de propagation de l'information est fixé. En outre, le contrôle choisi sera la plupart du temps sous la forme d'une loi de retour d'état (ou feedback) linéaire que l'on perturbera éventuellement par l'effet d'une saturation. Le travail est séparé en deux parties bien distinctes ; l'une se concentre sur des méthodes de Lyapunov, tandis que l'autre va plutôt utiliser des techniques propres au linéaire. Pour la première partie, deux travaux principaux sont présentés. Dans un premier temps, nous ne considérons que des équations de transport linéaires à vitesses positives et cherchons à stabiliser exponentiellement le système dans L8 grâce à un feedback linéaire saturé. La méthode consiste à utiliser des techniques classiques de Lyapunov afin d'exhiber un bassin d'attraction et d'en donner une estimation fine. On généralise ensuite ce travail dans un cadre BV pour les systèmes de lois de conservation scalaires couplées au bord. Secondement, un système de lois de conservation scalaires à vitesses positives est discrétisé en utilisant un schéma à limiteur de pente. En s'inspirant des méthodes issues du cadre continu, une fonctionnelle de Lyapunov discrète est étudiée pour prouver la stabilisation exponentielle BV par feedback linéaire de la solution discrète. Pour la seconde partie, deux études sont également exposées mais cette fois-ci, dans un cadre totalement linéaire. D'une part, il s'agit d'établir la possibilité de construire un feedback issu d'un placement de pôles pour stabiliser exponentiellement des edps hyperboliques linéaires avec couplage au bord et dans le domaine. D'autre part, nous développons une théorie du backstepping discrétisé pour stabiliser en temps fini un schéma numérique modélisant un système 2 × 2 avec couplage au bord et au sein du domaine.In this thesis, we study the problem of boundary stabilization of general hyperbolic systems of partial differential equations. More precisely, the analysis focuses on systems where the transport term is scalar and for which the information propagates in a fixed direction. In addition, the chosen control is most of the time a state feedback law for which a saturation is possibly applied. The work is divided into two distinct parts, one focusing on Lyapunov techniques while the other one uses the linearity of the problem. In the first part of the thesis, two main works are presented. In the first one, only linear transport equations with positive velocities are considered. The main goal is to design a saturated linear feedback in order to stabilize exponentially the open-loop system in L 8 . The method consists of using classical Lyapunov techniques to exhibit a basin of attraction for which a fine estimate is given. We also extend this work to nonlinear scalar conservation laws in a BV framework. In the other work, thanks to a slope limiter scheme, a system of scalar conservation laws is discretized. Inspired by "continuous" Lyapunov methods, a discrete Lyapunov functional is studied to prove the exponential BV stabilization of the discrete solution using a linear feedback. In the second part of the thesis, two works are exposed as well, this time in a full linear framework. On the one hand, we study systems of linear transport equations of arbitrary dimension, coupled on the domain and at the boundary. Designing a controller from a pole placement algorithm, the exponential stabilization is proved in L 2 . On the other hand, we develop a numerical Backstepping theory in order to stabilize in finite time a numerical scheme modeling a 2 × 2 linear system with in domain and boundary couplings

    Urban Cabin

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    Rationalization of Maintenance Management System in Pars Nova a.s.

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    Import 23/07/2015Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá racionalizací systému údržby firmy Pars nova, a.s., který je zastaralý a neefektivní. Díky tomuto systému dochází k častým odstávkám výrobních strojů z důvodu závady či poruchy daného zařízení. Řád preventivní údržby je soubor opatření a činností, které vedou k včasné diagnostice problému a preventivním zásahům vedoucím k minimalizaci výpadků výrobních strojů z důvodu poruchy. Cílem této práce je racionalizace systému řízení údržby v Pars nova, a.s., tak aby se minimalizovali finanční ztráty vzniklé neplánovanými odstávkami výrobních strojů.This bachelor thesis is focused to maintenance system rationalization for company called Pars nova, a.s.. This company have inefficient and outdated maintenance system. There are frequent machine breakdown and shutdown caused by errors or machinary failures. Preventive maintenance rules is set of activities of diagnostics and preventive maintenance, which leads to minimize count of machinary shutdown caused by equipment failures. Thesis is aiming for rationalization of maintenance concept use by Pars nova, a.s., that can lead to minimize financial losses caused by unexpected machinery shutdown.345 - Katedra mechanické technologievelmi dobř

    Characteristics of the morphological status of children of junior school age with auditory derivation

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    Topicality. Physical development of a child is a complex process, based on an individual genetic program, which is implemented in certain, but not always optimal conditions of the environment. Deviations in physical development are associated with genetic factors, nutritional status, chronic diseases, motor activity, climate, habitat, conditions of education and other environmental influences.Objectives of the study: To systematize the results of practical experience on the peculiarities of the morphological status of elementary school children with hearing impairment in the process of physical education.Research results. Specialists in the field of adaptive physical education note that practically all children of junior school age with sensory impairments have problems of disharmonious physical development, formation and improvement of motor functions. Analysis of literary sources indicates the relevance of scientific developments on the problem of harmonious development of elementary school children with hearing impairments in the process of physical education, which is determined, first of all, by a significant level of prevalence of this nosology.Conclusions The decrease in the frequency of pathology of sensory systems in the coming years is not expected, because the main factors that cause the loss of vision and hearing can not be eliminated in a short period. In this regard, constant development and improvement of methods of comprehensive assistance to children with deprivation of sensory systems is necessary

    Optimizing the Retirement Portfolio: Asset Allocation, Annuitization, and Risk Aversion

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    Retirees must draw down their accumulated assets in an orderly fashion so as not to exhaust their funds too soon. We derive the optimal retirement portfolio from a menu that includes payout annuities as well as an investment allocation and a withdrawal strategy, assuming risk aversion, stochastic capital markets, and uncertain lifetimes. The resulting portfolio allocation, when fixed as of retirement, is then compared to phased withdrawal strategies such a "self-annuitization" plan or the 401(k) 'default' pattern encouraged under US tax law. Surprisingly, the fixed percentage approach proves appealing for retirees across a wide range of risk preferences, supporting financial planning advisors who often recommend this rule. We then permit the retiree to switch to an annuity later, which gives her the chance to invest in the capital market and "bet on death." As risk aversion rises, annuities first crowd out bonds in retiree portfolios; at higher risk aversion still, annuities replace equities in the portfolio. Making annuitization compulsory can also lead to substantial utility losses for less risk-averse investors.

    Pengembangan SSP Tematik-Integratif Berbasis Sosiokultural bagi Kelas IV SDN Babarsari

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan SSP tematik-integratif berbasis sosiokultural yang layak bagi kelas IV SDN Babarsari, dan mengetahui keefektifan dari SSP yang dihasilkan itu. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian dan pengembangan dari Borg dan Gall yang dimodifikasi Sukmadinata menjadi tiga tahap: 1) studi pendahuluan, 2) pengembangan model, dan 3) pengujian model. Dalam tahap pengembangan model dilakukan tiga langkah: 1) validasi, 2) uji coba terbatas, dan 3) uji coba luas. Tempat penelitian adalah SDN Babarsari, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Subjek penelitian mencakup siswa dan guru kelas IV. Pada studi pendahuluan, data sebagai pijakan analisis kebutuhan bersumber dari kepala sekolah dan guru dengan menggunakan teknik wawancara dan angket. Instrumennya adalah lembar panduan wawancara dan lembar angket. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif kualitatif. Pada tahap pengembangan model, data bersumber dari validator, guru, dan observer dengan mengggunakan teknik validasi, angket, dan observasi. Teknik validasi bertujuan untuk mendapatkan data tentang kelayakan dan saran revisi produk. Instrumennya adalah lembar penilaian kelayakan. Analisis data dilakukan secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Angket digunakan untuk mendapatkan data tentang keterterapan dan saran bagi revisi produk. Instrumennya adalah lembar angket. Analisis data dilakukan secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Observasi dilakukan untuk mendapatkan data tentang kinerja guru dan respon siswa, dan menggunakan lembar observasi. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif kualitatif. Pada tahap pengujian model, data tentang keefektifan produk bersumber dari siswa dengan menggunakan teknik tes dan instrumen lembar butir soal tes. Analisis data dilakukan secara kuantitatif melalui uji T dengan interval kepercayaan sebesar 95%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa SSP hasil pengembangan efektif dalam meningkatkan nilai hasil belajar. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan rata-rata nilai postes siswa yang mengggunakan SSP lebih tinggi daripada siswa yang menggunakan perangkat pembelajaran dari Pusat Kurikulum 2013. Perbedaan ini signifikan pada nilai t sebesar 3,73 dengan derajat bebas pada 31 dan signifikansi dua ekor pada 0,001

    A Feasibility Study on Miniaturizing an Automatic Amino Acid Analyzer for Use on Apollo Mission and Mars Voyager Mission Progress Report, Jan. - Jun. 1967

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    Miniaturizing n automatic amino acid analyzer for use on Apollo mission and Mars Voyager missio