50 research outputs found

    Influence of genetic variants of kappa casein on rheological milk properties

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    Elektroforetskim razdvajanjem bjelančevina mlijeka u alkalnom škrobnom gelu identificirali smo genotip kapa kazeina za 117 krava sivosmeđe pasmine. Osim genetskih varijanata A i B, na kapa kazeinskom lokusu našli smo i varijantu C. Proučavali smo utjecaj genotipa kapa kazeina na koagulacijska svojstva mlijeka, postotak bjelančevina u mlijeku i postotak mliječne masti. Utjecaj genotipa kapa kazeina bio je visoko signifikantan na čvrstoću gruša (a30). Izračunali smo regresijske koeficijente koagulacionih svojstava r, K20 i a30 za postotak proteina u mlijeku i postotak mliječne masti.Kappa casein genotypes were identified for 117 Brown cows using alkaline starch gel electrophoresis. In addition to genetic variants A and B the third variant C was found on the kappa casein locus. The influence of kappa casein genotype on coagulation properties of milk, and protein and fat percentage was studied. The influence of kappa casein genotype on curd firmness (a30) was highly significant. The regression coefficients for the properties r, K20 and a30 on protein and fat percentage in milk were calculated

    Data from: Genome-wide SNP data unveils the globalization of domesticated pigs

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    Background: Pigs were domesticated independently in Eastern and Western Eurasia early during the agricultural revolution, and have since been transported and traded across the globe. Here, we present a worldwide survey on 60K genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data for 2093 pigs, including 1839 domestic pigs representing 122 local and commercial breeds, 215 wild boars, and 39 out-group suids, from Asia, Europe, America, Oceania and Africa. The aim of this study was to infer global patterns in pig domestication and diversity related to demography, migration, and selection. Results: A deep phylogeographic division reflects the dichotomy between early domestication centers. In the core Eastern and Western domestication regions, Chinese pigs show differentiation between breeds due to geographic isolation, whereas this is less pronounced in European pigs. The inferred European origin of pigs in the Americas, Africa, and Australia reflects European expansion during the sixteenth to nineteenth centuries. Human-mediated introgression, which is due, in particular, to importing Chinese pigs into the UK during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, played an important role in the formation of modern pig breeds. Inbreeding levels vary markedly between populations, from almost no runs of homozygosity (ROH) in a number of Asian wild boar populations, to up to 20% of the genome covered by ROH in a number of Southern European breeds. Commercial populations show moderate ROH statistics. For domesticated pigs and wild boars in Asia and Europe, we identified highly differentiated loci that include candidate genes related to muscle and body development, central nervous system, reproduction, and energy balance, which are putatively under artificial selection. Conclusions: Key events related to domestication, dispersal, and mixing of pigs from different regions are reflected in the 60K SNP data, including the globalization that has recently become full circle since Chinese pig breeders in the past decades started selecting Western breeds to improve local Chinese pigs. Furthermore, signatures of ongoing and past selection, acting at different times and on different genetic backgrounds, enhance our insight in the mechanism of domestication and selection. The global diversity statistics presented here highlight concerns for maintaining agrodiversity, but also provide a necessary framework for directing genetic conservation

    Genome-wide SNP data unveils the globalization of domesticated pigs

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    Background: Pigs were domesticated independently in Eastern and Western Eurasia early during the agricultural rev‑
 olution, and have since been transported and traded across the globe. Here, we present a worldwide survey on 60K
 genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data for 2093 pigs, including 1839 domestic pigs representing
 122 local and commercial breeds, 215 wild boars, and 39 out-group suids, from Asia, Europe, America, Oceania and
 Africa. The aim of this study was to infer global patterns in pig domestication and diversity related to demography,
 migration, and selection.Results: A deep phylogeographic division refects the dichotomy between early domestication centers. In the core
 Eastern and Western domestication regions, Chinese pigs show diferentiation between breeds due to geographic
 isolation, whereas this is less pronounced in European pigs. The inferred European origin of pigs in the Americas,
 Africa, and Australia refects European expansion during the sixteenth to nineteenth centuries. Human-mediated
 introgression, which is due, in particular, to importing Chinese pigs into the UK during the eighteenth and nineteenth
 centuries, played an important role in the formation of modern pig breeds. Inbreeding levels vary markedly between
 populations, from almost no runs of homozygosity (ROH) in a number of Asian wild boar populations, to up to 20%
 of the genome covered by ROH in a number of Southern European breeds. Commercial populations show moderate
 ROH statistics. For domesticated pigs and wild boars in Asia and Europe, we identifed highly diferentiated loci that
 include candidate genes related to muscle and body development, central nervous system, reproduction, and energy
 balance, which are putatively under artifcial selection.Conclusions: Key events related to domestication, dispersal, and mixing of pigs from diferent regions are refected in the 60K SNP data, including the globalization that has recently become full circle since Chinese pig breeders in the
 past decades started selecting Western breeds to improve local Chinese pigs. Furthermore, signatures of ongoing and
 past selection, acting at diferent times and on diferent genetic backgrounds, enhance our insight in the mechanism
 of domestication and selection. The global diversity statistics presented here highlight concerns for maintaining agro‑
 diversity, but also provide a necessary framework for directing genetic conservation

    Data from: Genome-wide SNP data unveils the globalization of domesticated pigs

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    Background: Pigs were domesticated independently in Eastern and Western Eurasia early during the agricultural revolution, and have since been transported and traded across the globe. Here, we present a worldwide survey on 60K genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data for 2093 pigs, including 1839 domestic pigs representing 122 local and commercial breeds, 215 wild boars, and 39 out-group suids, from Asia, Europe, America, Oceania and Africa. The aim of this study was to infer global patterns in pig domestication and diversity related to demography, migration, and selection. Results: A deep phylogeographic division reflects the dichotomy between early domestication centers. In the core Eastern and Western domestication regions, Chinese pigs show differentiation between breeds due to geographic isolation, whereas this is less pronounced in European pigs. The inferred European origin of pigs in the Americas, Africa, and Australia reflects European expansion during the sixteenth to nineteenth centuries. Human-mediated introgression, which is due, in particular, to importing Chinese pigs into the UK during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, played an important role in the formation of modern pig breeds. Inbreeding levels vary markedly between populations, from almost no runs of homozygosity (ROH) in a number of Asian wild boar populations, to up to 20% of the genome covered by ROH in a number of Southern European breeds. Commercial populations show moderate ROH statistics. For domesticated pigs and wild boars in Asia and Europe, we identified highly differentiated loci that include candidate genes related to muscle and body development, central nervous system, reproduction, and energy balance, which are putatively under artificial selection. Conclusions: Key events related to domestication, dispersal, and mixing of pigs from different regions are reflected in the 60K SNP data, including the globalization that has recently become full circle since Chinese pig breeders in the past decades started selecting Western breeds to improve local Chinese pigs. Furthermore, signatures of ongoing and past selection, acting at different times and on different genetic backgrounds, enhance our insight in the mechanism of domestication and selection. The global diversity statistics presented here highlight concerns for maintaining agrodiversity, but also provide a necessary framework for directing genetic conservation