146 research outputs found

    The Relationship between Job Satisfaction, Organizational Trust and Intention to leave the Job: A Comparative Study Between Kosovo and Turkey

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    This study is focused on comparing the job satisfaction, organizational trust and intention to leave the job variables between employees who work in four-star hotels in Kosovo and those in Turkey. Another purpose of this study is to investigate if there exist any positive or negative relationship between these three variables. 38 hotels have been conducted to perform this study, the data were gathered by surveys on the field. In order to analyse the data, two main statistical methods have been utilized, the Pearson correlation and independent t-tests. In addition to that, descriptive analysis such as frequency, percentage distributions, standard deviation and arithmetic mean have been performed as well. As a result of the analysis, it is identified that there exists a positive correlation between job satisfaction and organizational trust and a negative correlation between these two variables with intention to leave the job. Moreover, when the results of these three variables have been compared among employees in Kosovo and Turkey, a significant difference has been found. Besides these, according to some demographics, significant differences have been found, too. This is the first study conducted in Kosovo regarding to this topic and the first study that compares these two countries


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    In this current study we are examining individuals who are trained for job and career counseling in terms of their ‘attitudes towards diversity' ‘empathy skills' and ‘potential for diversity management performance'. In this respect, the relationship between the ‘attitudes towards diversity' and ‘empathy skills' of career counselors, who will be working in the personnel selection and placement process, will be investigated. Furthermore, the impact of ‘attitudes towards diversity' and ‘empathy skills' on ‘potential for diversity management performance' will be studied. The differentiating effect of gender on ‘empathy skills' of individuals who are trained for job and career counseling will also be covered in the research context. The research is conducted on 266 future job and career counselors. Results reveals a positive relationship between ‘potential for diversity management performance' and ‘empathy skills' as well as between ‘attitudes towards diversity' and ‘empathy skills' of trained counselors. Furthermore, results points out that ‘empathy skills' and ‘attitudes towards diversity' significantly predicts ‘potential for diversity management performance'. Additionally a significant gender difference is found to exist in terms of ‘empathy skills' of individuals. Çalışmada, iş ve meslek danışmanlığı eğitimi almış kişilerin, işgücündeki farklılıklara ilişkin tutumları, empati becerileri ve farklılıkların yönetimine yönelik potansiyel performansları araştırılmaktadır. Personel seçimi ve yerleştirilmesi ile kariyer danışmanlığı süreçlerinde çalışacak bireylerin, farklılıklara ilişkin tutumları ile empati becerileri arasında ilişki olup olmadığı ve farklılıklara yönelik tutumları ile empati becerilerinin, farklılıkların yönetimine yönelik potansiyel performanslarını etkileyip etkilemediği bu doğrultuda incelenmektedir. İş ve meslek danışmanlığı eğitimi almış kişilerin empati becerilerinin, cinsiyet değişkenine göre farklılık gösterip göstermediği de araştırma kapsamında ele alınmaktadır. Araştırma, gelecekte iş ve meslek danışmanı olacak 266 kişi üzerinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda, eğitim almış kişilerin empati becerileri ile farklılıkların yönetimine yönelik potansiyel performansları arasında ve farklılıklara yönelik tutumları ile empati becerileri arasında pozitif yönde ilişki bulunmuştur. Ayrıca bu kişilerin empati becerileri ve farklılıklara yönelik tutumlarının, farklılıkların yönetimine yönelik potansiyel performanslarının açıklayıcısı olduğu görülmüştür. Bunun yanı sıra cinsiyet değişkeni açısından bireylerin, empati becerileri arasında farklılık olduğu belirlenmişti

    Detection of tumours by using CT, MR slices and digital images

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    Bu çalışmada CT, MR kesitleri ve dijital görüntüler kullanılarak, insan vücudunun 3-boyutlu modellerinin oluşturulması ve bu modellerle tümör gibi oluşumların konumlarının yüksek doğrulukta belirlenmesi sağlanmıştır. Çalışmada, hastanın kafasının CT, MR görüntüleri ve dijital fotoğrafları çekilmiştir. Bu görüntülerle hastanın hem beyninin hem de dış yüzünün 3-boyutlu hacim ve yüzey modelleri oluşturulmuş, oluşturulan modeller kontrol noktaları yardımıyla nesne koordinat sistemine dönüştürülmüştür. Dijital fotoğraflar kullanılarak hastanın yüzünün fotorealistik görüntüsü elde edilmiştir. Daha sonra tümör dokuları belirlenmiş ve tümörün konumu hesaplanmıştır. Bu işlemleri gerçekleştirmek için bir medikal görüntüleme ve fotogrametri yazılımı geliştirilmiştir.Anahtar Kelimeler: 3D tıbbi görüntüleme, texture mapping, hacim kaplama, yüzey kaplama.In this study, it?s provided to reconstruct 3D models of a human body by using CT, MR slices and digital images and thus precisely finding locations of abnormalities such as tumors on these 3D models. Volume and surface rendering techniques have been used to construct 3D models of tissues. In this study, an application has been made to find the location of tumor cited on human brain. During the application some control points have been located on to the face of the patient and then her/his head has been scanned with CT and MR scanners. Digital images of the patient?s head, have also been taken. By using CT and MR images, 3D models of both brain tissues and outer face surface have been constructed. These models have been transformed to object coordinate system by using control points. On the other hand, by using digital photographs of patient?s head, photo-realistic visualization of the 3D face model has been obtained by texture mapping. Finally, tumor has been detected and its location has been obtained. In order to realize above works, medical imaging and photogrammetry software has been developed. This software has been coded with Borland C++ Builder. Furthermore, open source VTK C++ libraries, which supports OpenGL have been used and when required, VTK?s functions have been modified. Keywords: 3D medical imaging, texture mapping, volume rendering, surface rendering

    Depressive Symptoms in a General Population: Associations with Obesity, Inflammation, and Blood Pressure

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    To determine whether obesity, inflammation, or conventional risk factors are related to depressive symptoms (DeprSy) in the general population. Responses to 3 questions served to assess sense of depression. Body mass index (BMI), C-reactive protein (CRP), and other epidemiologic data of participants were available. In 1940, individuals who consulted a psychiatrist in the preceding year, or felt depressed (together DeprSy), 248 were female. Logistic regressions for adjusted associations of BMI with DeprSy were not significant as was serum CRP level. Diabetes and, in men, fasting glucose concentrations were associated with DeprSy. Systolic blood pressure (SBP) was robustly inversely associated with DeprSy in diverse models at ORs of 0.74 (95%CI 0.63; 0.89) independent of confounders, including antihypertensive and lipid-lowering medication. The use of antidepressants could not explain the reduced BP. Women are predisposed to depression with which, not BMI and CRP, but SBP is inversely associated. Anti-inflammatory substances produced in depressed persons might explain the slightly lower BP

    Konaklama işletmelerine yönelik yapılan çevrimiçi şikayetlerin sosyal ağ analiziyle incelenmesi: Eskişehir örneği

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    Ulusal Turizm Kongresi (20. : 2019 : Eskişehir, Türkiye)Konaklama sektöründe misafirlerden elde edilen geri dönüşler, özellikle müşteri şikâyetlerinin ve bu şikâyetlere sebep olan unsurların anlaşılmasıyla işletmelerin ürün ve hizmetlerini geliştirmesinde hayati bir öneme sahiptir. Buradan hareketle çalışmanın temel amacı, Eskişehir’de faaliyet gösteren konaklama işletmelerine yönelik yapılmış olan olumsuz yorumları inceleyerek, konaklama işletmelerinin hizmet hatalarına sebep olan unsurların ve bu unsurların birbirleriyle olan ilişkinin belirlenmesidir. Bu bağlamda, çalışmada Eskişehir’de faaliyet gösteren 27 konaklama işletmesine yönelik yapılmış olan 257 olumsuz çevrimiçi yorum analiz edilmiştir. İlk aşamada yorumlar içerik analizine tabi tutulmuş ve temel şikâyet kategorileri belirlenmiştir. Sonraki aşamada sosyal ağ analizi gerçekleştirilmiştir. UCINET ve Netdraw analiz programları kullanılarak belirlenen şikâyet kategorileri arasındaki ilişki ağı incelenmiştir. Elde edilen bulgular, personel, banyo ekipmanı, otel ekipmanı ve gürültü şikâyet kategorilerinin ağ içerisinde önemli bağlantı noktalarını oluşturduklarını göstermiştir. Bulgular ayrıca, en yüksek arasındalık derecesi ve yakınlık derecesine sahip olan personel şikâyet kategorisinin çözülmesiyle, diğer şikâyet kategorilerinin de hızlıca çözülebileceğini ortaya koymuştur.No sponso

    Determining pull - out deformations of bonded metal anchors embedded in concrete by means of photogrammetry

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    Chemical anchorages are applied in many engineering implementations, particularly strengthening of reinforced concrete structures. During strengthening procedure; chemical anchorages should be tested, since they supply to transfer the load between existing construction elements and newly added elements. Therefore; the study of the quality of chemical anchorages is an important issue in construction materials science. In this context; the most important experiment is to determine the pull-out loads of embedded anchorage reinforcement by applying axial loads. In this study; it is aimed to determine the displacements of steel reinforcements, embedded into concrete by using chemical anchorages, while applying axial pulling loads. In order to determine the displacements and load - deformation graphs; starting conditions and every 10 bar pressure applied conditions of the steel reinforcements were captured by the cameras. The obtained images were evaluated by using photogrammetric software. Based on the photogrammetric post-processing results, the load - deformation graphs were plotted and the loads at loss of adhesion were determined.Publisher's Versio

    Comparison between Karydakis flap repair and primary closure for surgical treatment of sacrococcygeal pilonidal sinus

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    Amaç: Bu prospektif çalışmada, pilonidal sinüsün cerrahi tedavisi için son dönemlerde yaygın kullanılan bir teknik olan Karydakis flep ameliyatı ile primer kapama tekniği karşılaştırıldı. Hastalar ve Yöntemler: Pilonidal sinüs nedeniyle ameliyat edilen 48 hasta (46 erkek, 2 kadın) çalışmaya alındı. Hastalar iki gruba ayrıldı. Sinüs eksizyonundan sonra 33 hastaya (grup 1) primer kapama, 15 hastaya (grup 2) ise Karydakis flep ameliyatı uygulandı. Ortalama takip süresi grup 1'de 6.8 ay (dağılım 4-11 ay), grup 2'de 6.2 ay (dağılım 3-10 ay) idi. Bulgular: Grup 1'de dört hastada (%12.1), grup 2'de iki hastada (%13.3) yara yerinde seröz sıvı birikimi ve akıntı saptandı. Grup 2'de bir hastada (%6.7) yara yerinde ciltaltı hematom oluştu. Takipler sırasında her iki grupta da hiçbir hastada yara yerinde enfeksiyon görülmezken, grup 1'de bir (%3), grup 2'de yine bir hastada (%6.7) erken dönemde nüks görüldü. Sonuç: Uygulanması diğer yöntemlere göre daha kolay ve basit, iyileşme süresi daha kısa ve skar dokusu daha az olduğundan, eksizyon ve primer kapama yöntemi uygun olgularda tercih edilen bir ameliyat şekli olabilir.Objectives: In this prospective study, we compared primary closure and Karydakis flap repair which has recently proved a popular technique for surgical treatment of pilonidal sinus. Patients and Methods: The study included 48 patients (46 males, 2 females) who were operated on for pilonidal sinus. The patients were randomized to two groups. After sinus excision, 33 patients (group 1) underwent primary closure, and 15 patients (group 2) underwent Karydakis flap surgery. The mean followup was 6.8 months (range 4 to 11 months) in group 1, and 6.2 months (range 3 to 10 months) in group 2. Results: Serous liquid collection and discharge were seen at the site of the lesion in four patients (12.1%) in group 1, and in two patients (13.3%) in group 2. Subcutaneous hematoma was detected in one patient (6.7%) in group 2. During the follow-up period, none of the patients developed wound infection. Recurrences were seen in one patient (3%) in group 1, and in one patient (6.7%) in group 2. Conclusion: Excision and primary closure can be the preferred method for the treatment of pilonidal sinus in selected patients due to its advantages such as ease and simplicity, shorter recovery time, and limited scar formation

    Does Post-COVID-19 Erectile Dysfunction Improve over Time?

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    BACKGROUND Some studies have shown that there may be an increase in the frequency of erectile dysfunction after COVID-19. However, no long-term study has investigated whether this is permanent or temporary. In this study, we aimed to examine whether there was an increase in the frequency of erectile dysfunction among individuals with a history of COVID-19, and, if there was, whether their condition improved over time. MATERIALS AND METHODS In this study, a total of 125 healthy male healthcare workers, 95 with and 30 without a history of COVID-19, were evaluated in terms of erectile function. Four study groups were formed. The first three groups consisted of individuals with a history of COVID-19 confirmed by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test at different times, who recovered from the disease (time elapsed since COVID-19 positivity: 12 months for Group 3). The individuals in Group 4 did not have a history of COVID-19 diagnosis. In order to evaluate the erectile function of the participants, they were asked to complete the five-item International Index of Erectile Function questionnaire (IIEF-5). Then, statistical analyses were performed to evaluate whether there was a difference between the groups in terms of the IIEF-5 scores. RESULTS There was a statistically significant difference between the groups in terms of the IIEF-5 scores (p 0.999, p = 0.204, and p = 0.592, respectively). CONCLUSION There may be deterioration in erectile function after COVID-19; however, this tends to improve over time, especially from the first year after active infection. Given that vascular, hormonal, and/or psychogenic factors may lead to the development of erectile dysfunction after COVID-19, we consider that in order to easily manage this process, it is important to determine the underlying cause, initiate appropriate treatment, and inform couples that this situation can be temporary

    Retrospective Analysis of Surgically Managed Maxillofacial Fractures in Kayseri Training and Research Hospital

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    Objective: To retrospectively evaluate the clinical and surgical data of patients with maxillofacial fracture (MFF) who were surgically treated at the Department of ENT and Head Neck Surgery in the Kayseri Training and Research Hospital and to compare and discuss the results with relevant literature, including that from Turkey.Methods: Data concerning the age, gender, etiology, type and site of injury, treatment modality, and postoperative complications were collected and analyzed from medical records of patients who underwent maxillofacial surgery for MFF at the Department of ENT and Head Neck Surgery in the Kayseri Training and Research Hospital between January 2013 and March 2015.Results: A total of 35 patients were surgically treated because of MFF between January 2013 and March 2015. Of the 35 patients, 28 (80%) were male, whereas seven (20%) were female. Traffic accidents (40%) were the most frequent cause of MFFs. Mandibular fractures (49.1%) were the most common fractures, followed by zygomatic fractures (31.6%). Surgical management of MFFs was performed via closed reduction (17.5%) and/ or open reduction with internal fixation by miniplates (82.5%). A total of five complications were observed in the present study: malunion (n=2), removal of fixation plate because of infection (n=2), and permanent infraorbital nerve injury (n=1).Conclusion: Based on the experience from the close proximity of the area, we think that surgeries for MFFs should be in the surgical repertoire of ENT surgeons