430 research outputs found

    Estado nutricional em iodo em crianças dos 3 aos 10 anos de idade

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Segurança AlimentarO iodo é um micronutriente essencial, cuja deficiência pode implicar alterações cognitivas, deficiência mental e bócio. Para erradicar a deficiência em iodo, a maioria dos países europeus tem levado a cabo a implementação de programas de utilização de sal iodado. Em Portugal, os estudos mais recentes acerca do estado nutricional em iodo têm evidenciado a existência de deficiência em iodo em grupos de risco, nomeadamente nas crianças e nas mulheres grávidas. Por forma a reduzir este problema na população infantil, a Direção-Geral da Educação emitiu uma recomendação no sentido de substituir o uso de sal não fortificado por sal iodado na confeção das refeições escolares; todavia, os poucos estudos que se dedicaram a verificar o cumprimento desta recomendação permitiram perceber que o uso de sal iodado não é frequente neste contexto. Este trabalho teve como objetivo geral a avaliação do estado nutricional em iodo de crianças do ensino pré-escolar e do primeiro ciclo do município de Sintra, através da medição da iodúria. Como objetivos específicos, procurou-se relacionar os níveis de iodúria com os hábitos alimentares da população estudada e suas características socioeconómicas. Este trabalho, no qual se mediu a iodúria por espectrometria de massa acoplada a plasma indutivo (ICP-MS) de 177 crianças com idades entre os 3 e os 10 anos e se aplicou às respetivas famílias um questionário sobre dados sociodemográficos e sobre os hábitos alimentares relacionados com a ingestão de iodo, permitiu verificar que, apesar da mediana da iodúria – 106 μg/L – ser consistente com a classificação de “Adequado”, 42,4% das crianças apresentaram deficiência em iodo. O rendimento familiar mensal influenciou a iodúria, bem como o consumo de polvo, camarão, solha, lula, peixe-espada e iogurte. Observou-se correlação positiva entre o consumo de leite e iodúria, verificando-se que as crianças que consomem leite 2 ou mais vezes por dia tinham 2,457 vezes mais hipóteses de apresentar valores de iodúria superiores a 100 μg/L. Verificou-se correlação inversa (r=-0,183; p=0,018) entre o consumo de bebidas vegetais e a iodúria. Estes resultados reforçam a necessidade da definição de estratégias para corrigir a deficiência em iodo da população estudada, através da aplicação de medidas com impacto efetivo na sua erradicação.ABSTRACT - Iodine status in children from 3 to 10 years old - Iodine is an essential micronutrient. Its deficiency may lead to cognitive disfunction, mental impairment and goitre. To eradicate iodine deficiency, most European countries have implemented iodized salt programs. Portuguese most recent studies about iodine status found iodine deficiency in school aged children and pregnant women. To reduce this issue in school aged children, Portuguese government recommended to change the use of non-fortified salt to iodized salt in school canteens; however, the few studies that assessed the use of iodized salt in Portuguese school canteens showed that few schools actually adhered to this policy. This work aimed to assess 3 to 10 years old children’s iodine status from the municipality of Sintra through urine iodine concentration (UIC) and to connect their urine iodine concentration to food habits and socio-economic characteristics. A total of 177 participants were included in this study. UIC was assessed by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) to every child. A sociodemographic and food intake questionnaire was completed by parents or tutors. UIC median was 106 μg/L, which indicates the adequacy of iodine status. However, 42.4% of the children had UIC 100 μg/L. An inverse correlation (r=-0.183; p=0.018) was found between drinking non-dairy plant-based beverages and UIC. These results reinforce the need to define strategies to eradicate iodine deficiency in the studied population, through the use of effective policies to improve iodine status.N/

    Международный культурно-академический обмен: опыт личного и научного роста

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    В этой статье описывается опыт трех студентов, участвовавших в программе международной академической мобильности в рамках специальности Металлургическое машиностроение. Это отчет о пребывании студентов в России в Уральском федеральном университете, который стал возможным благодаря Федеральному университету Оуро Прето (UFOP) и Совету по международным делам (CAINT). Обмен, который проходил с начала февраля до конца июля, стал возможностью для приобретения новых научных, культурных и социальных знаний, в том числе знаний в области бизнеса, экономики и менеджмента. Надеемся на стимулирование специальности «Международная мобильность» на высшем уровне, в виду ее важности для улучшения академического образования и повышения уровня подготовки выпускников из Бразилии путем научного и культурного обмена.This article has objective describe an experience of three students to integrate a program of International Mobility Academic, during the graduate in Metallurgical Engineering. It is an account of students experience at Russia, at Ural Federal University, made possible by Federal University of Ouro Preto – (UFOP) and Coordinating international affairs – (CAINT). The exchange experience, that is preview to have started on February and end on July, had possibility the acquisition of new scientific knowledge, cultural and social, including learning Business, Economic and Management. As a contribution, hope to stimulate and intensify the International Mobility specialty in the ambit of graduate, considering the it important to improvement of academic education and the excellence on superior graduate Brazilian by scientific exchange and culture on exterior

    Systematic Literature Review on Negotiation & Conflict Management

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    In this article, we investigated the existing knowledge of Negotiation aiming at mapping the evolution of the main theories up to 123 years through systematic literature review. N = 4,894 publication records were extracted from Google Scholar and Scopus through keyword searching, resulting in more than seven million citations. Based on these records, the study performed bibliometric analysis. A careful content analysis revealed that the scholarly research revolves mostly around five themes: (i) Negotiation; (ii) International Negotiation, (iii) Business Negotiation, (iv) Bargaining, and (v) Conflict Management. Furthermore, the number of citations on Negotiation more than tripled in the last two decades and might double in the coming decades. This study also suggests recommendations for future studies

    Characterization and analysis of scientific collaboration networks of Brazilian researchers

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    Redes sociais face aos desafios num mundo global / coordenação [de] Joaquim Manuel Rocha Fialho, e outros. - Lisboa : Universidade Lusíada. 2023. - ISBN 978-989-640-249-5 - P. 241-247

    Systematization and Description of the Arterial Blood Supply of the Paleopallia areas in the Brain Surface of the Wild Boar (Sus scrofa scrofa)

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    Background: The study was performed on wild boar (Sus scrofa scrofa) wich is a wild ancestor of the domestic pig and is not part of Brazilian fauna. The arterial blood supply of the encephalus has been studied  by some researchers, who have systematized the cerebral blood supply from the rostral and caudal epidural rete mirabile and its sources in wild boar until the blood supply of the base of the brain. The objective was to improve the understanding of the arterial blood supply of the brain, particularly the paleopallium, of the wild boar and to provide a reference for comparative anatomy studies.  Materials, Methods & Results: A total of 30 brains were obtained from an officially authorised slaughterhouse and approved by Brazilian Institute of Environment and Natural Renowable Resources. The animals were desensitized, followed by bleending of the jugular veins and common carotid arteries near the entrance of the thorax, according to the slaughter procedure. Finally, the animals were decapitated at the level of axis vertebra. The cerebral arterial system of each animal was rinsed (cooled saline containing 2500 IU of heparin) and drained by the jugular veins, and vessels were filled with latex 603 stained with specific red dye. The heads were submerged for one hour in running water immersed in 20% formaldehyde for fixation; the brains were removed along with a cervical segment of the spinal cord. The duramater was removed, and the arteries were dissected. Schematic drawings of the ventral view of the all preparations were made using magnifying glasses and photographic records. The Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria was used to named the cerebral arteries and their branches, and calculation of pecentages was applied in the statistical analysis. The cerebral carotid artery originating from the rostral epidural rete mirabile emitted a rostral branch and a caudal branch on the side of the hypophysis gland. The rostral branch emitted one to three middle cerebral arteries and continued as rostral cerebral artery. The latter emitted the superficial and perforating central arteries, lateral rhinal artery, ethmoidal artery, medial branch and medial rhinal artery. Discussion: Wild boar is a macrosmatic animal, it presents well-developed areas of the paleopallium that are exclusively olfactory. Its extensive paleopallium was nourished by branches of the rostral cerebral artery and its collateral branches, including the lateral rhinal, ethmoidal, and medial branch and the medial rhinal artery. The rostral cerebral arteries and their collateral branches supplied blood to the olfactory bulb, olfactory peduncle, two-thirds of the lateral olfactory tract, medial olfactory tract, and rostral two-thirds of the olfactory trigone. The medial cerebral arteries within the lateral fossa of the brain, emitted superficial rostral central branches to the paleopallium, perforating central branches (striated) to the lateral fossa of the brain and caudal third of the olfactory trigone and caudal central branches to the piriform lobe. The rostral most two-thirds of a small medial band of the piriform lobe was vascularised by central branches originating mainly from the rostral branch of the cerebral cartotid artery. The paleopallium in the wild boar was nourished by branches of the cerebral rostral, middle and caudal arteries and by the central branches of the cerebral carotid artery. The arterial blood supply of the paleopallium in the wild boar was compared to the chinchilla, nutria, rabbit and pampas fox. Three cerebral vessels were mainly responsable for the emission of the central branches that supplied blood to the paleopallium, namely the middle, rostral, and caudal cerebral arteries. The differences or variations among these species were due to the type of cerebral blood supply in the formation of the cerebral arterial circle.Keywords : anatomy, brain, paleopallia, arteries, Artiodactila, wild boar

    Obesidade abdominal e consumo alimentar em portadores de HIV/Aids

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the association between dietary intake and central obesity among people living with HIV/AIDS and receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted involving 223 adult individuals in the city of São Paulo city in 2002. The study population was classified according to central obesity, defined as waist-to-hip ratio >;0.95 for men and >;0.85 for women. The dietary variables studied were energy consumption (in calories and calories/kilo of body weight), macronutrients (in grams and % of energy intake), total fiber (grams) and fruit and vegetables intake (grams). The potential confounders examined were sex, skin color, age, schooling, income, body mass index, physical activity, smoking habits, peripheral CD4+ T lymphocyte count and length of protease inhibitor use. The multiple logistic regression model was performed in order to evaluate the association between central obesity and dietary intake. RESULTS: The prevalence of central obesity was 45.7% and it was associated with greater consumption of lipids: for every increase of 10g of lipid intake the odds of central obesity increased 1.28 times. Carbohydrate consumption showed negative association (OR=0.93) with central obesity after adjustment for control variables. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that the amount of carbohydrates and lipids in the diet, regardless of total energy intake, may modify the chance of developing central obesity in the studied population. Nutritional interventions may be beneficial for preventing central obesity among HIV/AIDS patients.OBJETIVO: Avaliar a associação entre consumo alimentar e presença de obesidade abdominal em indivíduos infectados pelo HIV/Aids, em uso de terapia antiretroviral de alta potência. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de estudo transversal envolvendo 223 indivíduos adultos, realizado no município de São Paulo, em 2002. A população de estudo foi classificada de acordo com a obesidade abdominal, definida pela razão das circunferências da cintura e quadril >;0,95 para os homens e >;0,85 para mulheres. As variáveis dietéticas estudadas foram consumo de energia (calorias e calorias/quilo de peso corporal), macronutrientes (em gramas e % da energia ingerida), fibra total (gramas) e consumo de frutas, verduras e legumes (gramas). Potenciais fatores de confusão examinados foram sexo, raça, idade, escolaridade, renda, índice de massa corporal, nível de atividade física, tabagismo, contagem de linfócitos T CD4+ e tempo de uso de inibidor de protease. Estimou-se modelo de regressão logística para avaliar a relação entre obesidade abdominal e consumo alimentar. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de obesidade abdominal foi de 45,7% e esteve associada ao maior consumo de lipídeos: para cada aumento de 10 g de lipídio na dieta a chance aumentou 1,28 vezes. O consumo de carboidratos mostrou-se negativamente associado (OR=0,93) com a presença de obesidade abdominal após ajuste pelas variáveis de controle. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados sugerem que a quantidade de carboidratos e lipídeos na dieta, independente do consumo energético, pode modificar a chance de desenvolver obesidade abdominal na população estudada. Intervenções nutricionais podem ser benéficas na prevenção de obesidade abdominal entre pacientes vivendo com HIV/Aids

    Validity and Reproducibility of a Food Frequency Questionnaire for Children

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    Introduction: A Quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire (QUEFAC) was developed by Hinnig et al. (2010) to evaluate the usual food consumption of children 7 to 10 years old, since those developed for adults may overestimate the consumption of children. However, its validity and reproducibility must be tested to assert that the instrument has a recognized quality.Objective: To assess the reproducibility and validity of the QUEFAC to children aged 7 to 10 years.Methods: Reproducibility was tested with 89 children who responded to two QUEFAC's. Validity was tested with 167 children who responded to three 24-hour recalls (reference method) and one QUEFAC. For the evaluation, the paired t-tests, Wilcoxon, intraclass correlation coefficients, weighted Kappa and analysis of the Bland-Altman graphs were used.Results: For reproducibility, mean differences were observed for all nutrients investigated, correlation coefficients ranged from 0.12 to 0.54 and Kappa values from 0.01 to 0.39. For validity, mean differences for all nutrients were observed, except for energy and zinc, correlation coefficients ranged from 0 to 0.37, Kappa values from 0 to 0.27. Bland-Altman graphs showed a random distribution for most of the nutrients investigated.Conclusion: The QUEFAC was not valid for evaluation of usual food consumption of the last three months in children aged 7 to 10 years in São Paulo and presented moderate reproducibility for energy, protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, magnesium and vitamin B2. Introdução: Um Questionário de Frequência Alimentar Quantitativo (QUEFAC) foi construído por Hinnig et al. para avaliar a dieta habitual de crianças de 7 a 10 anos, uma vez que os desenvolvidos para adultos podem superestimar o consumo de crianças. Porém, precisa ser testado quanto sua validade e reprodutibilidade para se afirmar que o instrumento apresenta qualidade reconhecida. Objetivo: Avaliar a reprodutibilidade e a validade do QUEFAC em crianças de 7 a 10 anos. Método: A reprodutibilidade foi realizada com 89 crianças que responderam a dois QUEFAC’s. A validade foi realizada com 167 crianças que responderam a três Recordatórios de 24 horas (método de referência) e a um QUEFAC. Para avaliação, utilizaram-se o teste t pareado e Wilcoxon, os coeficientes de correlação intraclasse e Kappa ponderado e análise dos gráficos de Bland-Altman.Resultados: Para reprodutibilidade, observou-se diferença de médias para todos os nutrientes investigados, os coeficientes de correlação variaram de 0,12 a 0,54 e os valores de Kappa de 0,01 a 0,39. Na validade, observou-se diferença de média para todos os nutrientes, com exceção da energia e zinco, os coeficientes de correlação variaram de 0 a 0,37, valores de Kappa de 0 a 0,27 e gráficos de Bland-Altman mostraram distribuição aleatória para a maioria dos nutrientes investigados. Conclusão: O QUEFAC não se mostrou válido para avaliação da dieta habitual dos últimos três meses em crianças de 7 a 10 anos em São Paulo e apresentou moderada reprodutibilidade para energia, proteínas, cálcio, fósforo, ferro, potássio, magnésio e vitamina B2.