287 research outputs found

    On-going frontal alpha rhythms are dominant in passive state and desynchronize in active state in adult gray mouse lemurs

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    The gray mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus) is considered a useful primate model for translational research. In the framework of IMI PharmaCog project (Grant Agreement n°115009, www.pharmacog.org), we tested the hypothesis that spectral electroencephalographic (EEG) markers of motor and locomotor activity in gray mouse lemurs reflect typical movement-related desynchronization of alpha rhythms (about 8-12 Hz) in humans. To this aim, EEG (bipolar electrodes in frontal cortex) and electromyographic (EMG; bipolar electrodes sutured in neck muscles) data were recorded in 13 male adult (about 3 years) lemurs. Artifact-free EEG segments during active state (gross movements, exploratory movements or locomotor activity) and awake passive state (no sleep) were selected on the basis of instrumental measures of animal behavior, and were used as an input for EEG power density analysis. Results showed a clear peak of EEG power density at alpha range (7-9 Hz) during passive state. During active state, there was a reduction in alpha power density (8-12 Hz) and an increase of power density at slow frequencies (1-4 Hz). Relative EMG activity was related to EEG power density at 2-4 Hz (positive correlation) and at 8-12 Hz (negative correlation). These results suggest for the first time that the primate gray mouse lemurs and humans may share basic neurophysiologic mechanisms of synchronization of frontal alpha rhythms in awake passive state and their desynchronization during motor and locomotor activity. These EEG markers may be an ideal experimental model for translational basic (motor science) and applied (pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions) research in Neurophysiology

    Frontal Functional Connectivity of Electrocorticographic Delta and Theta Rhythms during Action Execution Versus Action Observation in Humans

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    We have previously shown that in seven drug-resistant epilepsy patients, both reaching-grasping of objects and the mere observation of those actions did desynchronize subdural electrocorticographic (ECoG) alpha (8–13 Hz) and beta (14–30) rhythms as a sign of cortical activation in primary somatosensory-motor, lateral premotor and ventral prefrontal areas (Babiloni et al., 2016a). Furthermore, that desynchronization was greater during action execution than during its observation. In the present exploratory study, we reanalyzed those ECoG data to evaluate the proof-of-concept that lagged linear connectivity (LLC) between primary somatosensory-motor, lateral premotor and ventral prefrontal areas would be enhanced during the action execution compared to the mere observation due to a greater flow of visual and somatomotor information. Results showed that the delta-theta (<8 Hz) LLC between lateral premotor and ventral prefrontal areas was higher during action execution than during action observation. Furthermore, the phase of these delta-theta rhythms entrained the local event-related connectivity of alpha and beta rhythms. It was speculated the existence of a multi-oscillatory functional network between high-order frontal motor areas which should be more involved during the actual reaching-grasping of objects compared to its mere observation. Future studies in a larger population should cross-validate these preliminary results

    Football players do not show "neural efficiency" in cortical activity related to visuospatial information processing during football scenes: an EEG mapping study

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    This study tested the hypothesis of cortical neural efficiency (i.e., reduced brain activation in experts) in the visuospatial information processing related to football (soccer) scenes in football players. Electroencephalographic data were recorded from 56 scalp electrodes in 13 football players and eight matched non-players during the observation of 70 videos with football actions lasting 2.5 s each. During these videos, the central fixation target changed color from red to blue or vice versa. The videos were watched two times. One time, the subjects were asked to estimate the distance between players during each action (FOOTBALL condition, visuospatial). Another time, they had to estimate if the fixation target was colored for a longer time in red or blue color (CONTROL condition, non-visuospatial). The order of the two conditions was pseudo-randomized across the subjects. Cortical activity was estimated as the percent reduction in power of scalp alpha rhythms (about 8-12 Hz) during the videos compared with a pre-video baseline (event-related desynchronization, ERD). In the FOOTBALL condition, a prominent and bilateral parietal alpha ERD (i.e., cortical activation) was greater in the football players than non-players (p &lt; 0.05) in contrast with the neural efficiency hypothesis. In the CONTROL condition, no significant alpha ERD difference was observed. No difference in behavioral response time and accuracy was found between the two groups in any condition. In conclusion, a prominent parietal cortical activity related to visuospatial processes during football scenes was greater in the football players over controls in contrast with the neural efficiency hypothesis

    Sleep deprivation and Modafinil affect cortical sources of resting state electroencephalographic rhythms in healthy young adults

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    Objective: It has been reported that sleep deprivation affects the neurophysiological mechanisms underpinning the vigilance. Here, we tested the following hypotheses in the PharmaCog project (www.pharmacog.org): (i) sleep deprivation may alter posterior cortical delta and alpha sources of resting state eyes-closed electroencephalographic (rsEEG) rhythms in healthy young adults; (ii) after the sleep deprivation, a vigilance enhancer may recover those rsEEG source markers. Methods: rsEEG data were recorded in 36 healthy young adults before (Pre-sleep deprivation) and after (Post-sleep deprivation) one night of sleep deprivation. In the Post-sleep deprivation, these data were collected after a single dose of PLACEBO or MODAFINIL. rsEEG cortical sources were estimated by eLORETA freeware. Results: In the PLACEBO condition, the sleep deprivation induced an increase and a decrease in posterior delta (2–4 Hz) and alpha (8–13 Hz) source activities, respectively. In the MODAFINIL condition, the vigilance enhancer partially recovered those source activities. Conclusions: The present results suggest that posterior delta and alpha source activities may be both related to the regulation of human brain arousal and vigilance in quiet wakefulness. Significance: Future research in healthy young adults may use this methodology to preselect new symptomatic drug candidates designed to normalize brain arousal and vigilance in seniors with dementia

    Effects of tiredness on visuo-spatial attention processes in elite karate athletes and non-athletes

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    "Attentional" adaptations are fundamental effects for sport performance. We tested the hypothesis that tiredness and muscular fatigue poorly affect visuo-spatial attentional processes in \ue9lite karate athletes. To this aim, 14 \ue9lite karate athletes and 11 non-athletes were involved in an isometric contraction exercise protocol up to muscular fatigue. Blood lactate and attention measurements were taken. Posner's test probed "endogenous" (i.e. internally planned allocation of spatial attention) and "reflexive" (i.e. brisk variation of endogenous spatial attention due to unexpected external stimuli) attention. Lactate and attentional measurements were performed before (Block 1, B1) and after the fatiguing exercise (B2) and at the end of a recovery period (B3). Compared to the non-athletes, the athletes showed a better performance in the fatigue protocol, confirmed by the higher absolute lactate values in B2. The correct responses in the "valid trials" probing "endogenous" attention were 92.4% (B1), 93.9% (B2), and 95.8% (B3) in the non-athletes, and 98.5%, 96.4%, 95.5% in the \ue9lite karate athletes. The correct responses in the "invalid trials" probing "reflexive" attention were 95.4%, 89.7%, 93.2% in the non-athletes, and 96.4%, 97.3%, 98.5% in the \ue9lite karate athletes. The percentage of correct responses in the "invalid" trials significantly decreased from B1 to B2 in the non-athletes but not in the \ue9lite karate athletes. In conclusion, tiredness and muscular fatigue do not affect "reflexive" attentional processes of \ue9lite karate athletes, which is crucial to contrast attacks coming from an unexpected spatial region

    Contesting language policy for asylum seekers in the Northern periphery: The story of Tailor F

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    This article is about navigating asylum, employment and language policy in a new country as an asylum seeker. Through the story of one individual, we show that profound inequalities are exacerbated when forced migrants are limited in their choice of language they might study or use. The individual is Tailor F, an Iraqi man seeking asylum, and the country is Finland, officially bilingual, with a majority language (Finnish) and a minority language (Swedish). Finland’s official bilingualism does not extend evenly to language education provided for asylum seekers, who are taught Finnish regardless of the region where they are placed. Upon arrival, Tailor F was housed in a reception centre for asylum seekers located in a Swedish-dominant rural area of the country. Through our linguistic ethnography we examine how he navigates multilingually in his early settlement, his current work and his online life. We relate his story to explicit and implicit official bilingualism in Finland and discuss his lived experiences in relation to the contexts of asylum policy and employment. Tailor F’s story shows how, through his practices, he has contested implicit language policy for asylum seekers in order to gain membership of the local Swedish-dominant community, achieve a sense of belonging, and potentially realise his aspirations for the future

    Measures of Resting State EEG Rhythms for Clinical Trials in Alzheimer’s Disease:Recommendations of an Expert Panel

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    The Electrophysiology Professional Interest Area (EPIA) and Global Brain Consortium endorsed recommendations on candidate electroencephalography (EEG) measures for Alzheimer's disease (AD) clinical trials. The Panel reviewed the field literature. As most consistent findings, AD patients with mild cognitive impairment and dementia showed abnormalities in peak frequency, power, and "interrelatedness" at posterior alpha (8-12Hz) and widespread delta (&lt;4Hz) and theta (4-8Hz) rhythms in relation to disease progression and interventions. The following consensus statements were subscribed: (1) Standardization of instructions to patients, resting state EEG (rsEEG) recording methods, and selection of artifact-free rsEEG periods are needed; (2) power density and "interrelatedness" rsEEG measures (e.g., directed transfer function, phase lag index, linear lagged connectivity, etc.) at delta, theta, and alpha frequency bands may be use for stratification of AD patients and monitoring of disease progression and intervention; and (3) international multisectoral initiatives are mandatory for regulatory purposes

    Reduced motor cortex activity during movement preparation following a period of motor skill practice

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    Experts in a skill produce movement-related cortical potentials (MRCPs) of smaller amplitude and later onset than novices. This may indicate that, following long-term training, experts require less effort to plan motor skill performance. However, no longitudinal evidence exists to support this claim. To address this, EEG was used to study the effect of motor skill training on cortical activity related to motor planning. Ten non-musicians took part in a 5-week training study learning to play guitar. At week 1, the MRCP was recorded from motor areas whilst participants played the G Major scale. Following a period of practice of the scale, the MRCP was recorded again at week 5. Results showed that the amplitude of the later pre-movement components were smaller at week 5 compared to week 1. This may indicate that, following training, less activity at motor cortex sites is involved in motor skill preparation. This supports claims for a more efficient motor preparation following motor skill training
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