43 research outputs found

    Consistent state software transactional memory

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    Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia InformáticaAs the multicore CPUs start getting into everyone’s computers, concurrent programming must start covering, not only the scientific and enterprise applications, but also every computer application we all use in our daily lives. Since the introduction of software transactional memory [ST95,HLMWNS03], this topic has had a strong interest by the scientific community as it has the potential of greatly facilitating concurrent programming by hiding the concurrency issues under the transactional layer. This thesis builds on the TL2 STM engine [DON06], which is one of the top performing to date. We have explored different design alternatives focusing on performance and safety. With our research we have achieved performance improvements and better safety properties of the engine. We have also achieved a much better understanding of the design alternatives and their impacts. During the course of this thesis we have come across several tough concurrency bugs and we have created a list of testing patterns, which proved to be useful in finding and reproducing several problems. This thesis describes the cutting edge of STM engine technology, elaborates on the design of a new STM engine and reports on the experimental results obtained

    How servant leadership is perceiver by leaders and followers in a Portuguese organizational context: An empirical analysis

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    Servant leadership theory has been the subject of great academic discussion, namely in what concerns reaching a consensus for its definition. As many frameworks have been designed in order to define the servant leader’s characteristics, we based ourselves in van Dierendonck’s review and synthesis on servant leadership (2011) to assess how it is perceived in a Portuguese organizational context. After performing several interviews in a private health care organization, we conclude that the perception of servant leadership is generally positive and that its characteristics seem to be in line with academic literature. However, some issues arose such as a seemingly lack of relevance given to authenticity and humility, the latter being a unique attribute of servant leadership. Also, we found a discrepancy between hierarchical levels’ perception of servant leadership characteristics as well as questioning if an over emphasis on service can diminish the servant leader’s impact on organizational performance

    Autoconceito, autoestima e comportamentos desviantes em adolescentes

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Psicocriminologia, apresentada ao ISPA - Instituto UniversitárioO fenómeno da delinquência juvenil é uma realidade cada vez mais preocupante na nossa sociedade. Na fase crucial da adolescência acontecem a maior parte dos comportamentos desviantes que podem originar percursos delinquentes. A investigação tem vindo a dar importância à relação destes comportamentos com o autoconceito e a autoestima; estes poderão ser determinantes como fatores de proteção do fenómeno. Este estudo teve como amostra 98 participantes com idades entre os 12 e os 15 anos, moradores em três freguesias limítrofes de Lisboa. Estes responderam a dois questionários: a Escala do Autoconceito e Autoestima para Adolescentes e a Escala da Comportamentos Desviantes. Explorou-se a presença de diferenças significativas entre os sete domínios do autoconceito e da autoestima global e os relatos quantificados de comportamentos desviantes pelos jovens. Os resultados permitiram concluir a existência de diferenças significativas na dimensão do comportamento do autoconceito.ABSTRACT: Juvenile delinquency is a growing concern reality in our society. The major volume of deviant behaviors occurs during the critical phase of adolescence, potentially leading to delinquent conducts. Research has been weighting the relationship between the behaviors and self-concept and self-esteem; these later might be relevant protective factors. This work had a sample of 98 participants aged between 12 and 15 years, living in three Lisbon neighboring parishes. Two questionnaires were used: Self-Perception Profile for Adolescents and Deviant Behaviors Evaluation Scale. The presence of significant differences was explored within the Self-Perception Profile seven domains and the Deviant Behaviors scale. Results revealed significant differences in the Self-Concept behavior domain

    Tecnologias Aplicadas em Vidraças para Prevenir a Colisão de Aves Durante o Voo

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências Biológicas. Biologia.A colisão das aves nos vidros das edificações causa enorme impacto ambiental para a biodiversidade na Terra. Esses acidentes durante o voo podem provocar fraturas no bico, ferimentos oculares, hemorragias internas e até mesmo lesões intracranianas severas que muitas vezes levam as aves a óbito. Estima-se que as mortes não intencionais de avifauna ocasionada pelas colisões com vidraças ultrapassem o número de bilhões de indivíduos por ano em todo o planeta. A migração é um dos comportamentos mais fascinantes realizados por esses animais. As aves migratórias frequentemente colidem com as vidraças das edificações em áreas urbanas enquanto tentam percorrer seu trajeto nas grandes cidades. As espécies que realizam a migração noturna se guiam pela luz das estrelas, mas ao verem a iluminação urbana através das vidraças são atraídas para perto das edificações e acabam colidindo com esses obstáculos. O Modernismo na arquitetura do Brasil e no mundo contribuiu historicamente para a intensificar o envelopamento de edifícios através de enormes fachadas de vidro. Com base nesses aspectos, o presente trabalho almejou esclarecer os fatores relacionados à mortalidade de aves por meio das colisões com vidros. Foram propostas soluções para melhorar a sinalização das vidraças e ideias para a inovação das construções. Utilizouse conhecimentos da arquitetura ecológica e responsiva para sugerir tecnologias que se baseiem no benefício das aves. Este trabalho apresentou soluções existentes que visam proteger a avifauna contra essas colisões mortais.Collisions between birds and building glass has a huge environmental impact on biodiversity on Earth. These accidents during flight can cause beak fractures, eye injuries and even severe intracranial injuries that often lead to death. Unintentional birdlife deaths due to window collisions are estimated to exceed billions of people per year worldwide. Migration is one of the most fascinating behaviors performed by these animals. Migratory birds often collide with buildings glass panel in urban areas as they try to make their way through big towns. Modernism, in the architecture of Brazil and the world, has historically contributed to intensifying the involvement of buildings through huge glass panels. In this term paper, the existing glass signaling solutions in the global marketplace and potential uses of technologies for green buildings were assembled for the benefit of the birds. Thus, the goal is to develop proposals to ensure greater freedom of flight through the perception of these animals. Many birds are able to see or spectrum ultraviolet light. Based on this knowledge, several products have been developed by companies that use innovative materials for glass application. These products aim to protect an birdlife from these deadly collisions

    Comportamento de bactérias deteriorantes e Salmonella enterica subespécie entérica O:4,5 em carne bovina embalada a vácuo durante refrigeração

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    In this study, the kinetic parameters of mesophilic, psychrotrophic and lactic acid bacteria in vacuum-packed beef at 1 °C and 4 °C were estimated from experimental growth curves produced by samples stored during 21 and 60 days, respectively. In a separate experiment, the survival of multidrug resistant (MDR) Salmonella enterica O:4,5 at 1°C was also characterized. The shelf-life of vacuum-packed beef stored at 4 °C was estimated at 16.1 days (95% CI: 14.8 – 17.3 days), whereas at 1 °C it was longer than 21 days because the mesophiles count estimated towards the end of the experiment was 12.5 ln CFU.g-1 (95% CI: 11.8 – 13.3 ln CFU.g-1) which is lower than the shelf-life reference value. At 1 °C, inoculated Salmonella was reduced in 6.61 ln CFU.g-1 (2.87 log CFU.g-1). These results demonstrated the importance of establishing in legislation, especially in Brazil, standard values of deteriorating microorganisms in beef for maintaining product quality.Neste estudo, os parâmetros cinéticos de bactérias mesófilas, psicrotróficas e ácido lácticas foram estimados em carne bovina embalada a vácuo a 1 °C e 4 °C, a partir de curvas experimentais produzidas em amostras estocadas durante 21 e 60 dias, respectivamente. Em um experimento separado, a sobrevivência de Salmonella enterica O:4,5 multirresistente (MDR) a 1°C também foi caracterizada. A vida de prateleira da carne bovina embalada a vácuo, estocada a 4°C, foi estimada em 16.1 dias (95% CI: 14.8 – 17.3 dias), enquanto que a 1 °C o período foi maior que 21 dias, porque a contagem estimada de mesófilos ao final do experimento foi de 12.5 ln UFC.g-1 (95% CI: 11.8 – 13.3 ln UFC.g-1), o qual é mais baixo que o valor referência de shelf-life. A 1 °C, Salmonella inoculada reduziu em 6.61 ln UFC.g-1 (2.87 log UFC.g-1). Estes resultados demonstram a importância de estabelecimento em legislação, especialmente no Brasil, de valores padrões para contagem de microrganismos deteriorantes em carnes visando manter a qualidade do produto.The authors thank the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), Brazil, for supporting the first author with a scholarship from the International Sandwich Exchange Program (PDSE) approved at the Call 047/2017/Process: 88881.189927/2018- 01. We also thank the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), Brazil (Process: 310462 / 2018-5), and the Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Mato Grosso (IFMT) for their support. Our gratitude also to the “Ad hoc” evaluators who reviewed our work and contributed to its improvement.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Photocatalysis of functionalised 3D printed cementitious materials

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    The main objective of this study was to evaluate the photocatalytic behaviour of 3D printed cementitious mortars that were functionalised with TiO2 nanoparticles. This study is one of the few available regarding functionalisation of 3D concrete printing (3DCP) with photocatalytic properties. Despite the fact 3DCP research is swiftly growing, it is still necessary further investigation to fully understand these materials’ physicochemical and mechanical properties, which will influence the functionalised properties of the composite. Due to the freeform nature of the 3DCP there are no moulds, therefore the functionalisation through coating can be performed in a much earlier stage than in conventional moulded concrete. The developed smart 3D printed concrete could promote the photodegradation of pollutants for self-cleaning and air purification. In particular, this study investigated the effect of two parameters on photocatalytic behaviour: light power intensity and the coating rate of nano-TiO2 particles. Surface coating was adopted as the functionalisation method, and the Rhodamine B dye degradation efficiency was used as an indicator to evaluate the photocatalytic behaviour. Additionally, the surface roughness and microstructure of the 3D printed cementitious mortar specimens were assessed to distinguish between the reference and TiO2 coated series. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray Energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), and X-ray diffraction (XRD) crystallography were carried out as three techniques to evaluate the morphology, composition, and microstructure of the specimens, respectively. The results indicated successful activation of catalyst particles under illumination, where higher light power intensity increased the degradation efficiency. Furthermore, dye degradation efficiency increased with increasing coating rates of nano-TiO2 particles on the surface of the specimens. The roughness of the 3D printed specimens’ surface was sufficient for settling the nano-TiO2 particles. Finally, microscopy results confirmed the presence and suitable distribution of the nano-TiO2 particles on the surface of the coated specimens.Support SECIL, SIKA, ELKEM and UNIBETAO, which graciously provided the required materials for printing the cementitious specimensThis work was partly financed by Fundaç˜ao para a Ciˆencia e a Tecnologia (FCT)/MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC) under the R&D Unit Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering (ISISE), under reference UIDB/04029/2020. The authors acknowledge the support of DST group construction company for funding the project Chair dst/IB-S: Smart Systems for Construction. The first two authors would like to acknowledge the PhD grants SFRH/BD/143636/2019 and SFRH/BD/137421/2018 provided by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). Additionally, the authors would like to acknowledge FCT for the financing this research work by the project NanoAir PTDC/FIS-MAC/6606/2020 and the Strategic Funding UIDB/04650/ 2020–2023


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    Dignity is the common point of unity and existence of all human beings and, therefore, its preservation must legitimize and justify the State action, which must ensure the effectiveness of certain rights considered essential for people to reach a necessary life standard in order to participate as full members of society. In this list of fundamental rights, social and labor rights are included. The purpose of this research is to analyze the scope of human dignity as the main principle of national and international legal rules of protection of social and labor rights, particularly in Brazil, with the aim of reaffirming its universal and unquestionable status.La dignidad es el punto común de unión y existencia entre todos los seres humanos, y, por esa razón, su preservación debe legitimar y justificar la actuación del Estado, a quien se le incumbe la garantía de la efectividad de determinados derechos considerados esenciales para que uno alcance el nivel de vida necesario para participar como miembro pleno en su sociedad. En ese catálogo de derechos se incluyen los sociales del trabajo o sociolaborales. El objetivo del presente artículo es analizar el alcance de la dignidad de la persona humana como principio rector de la normativa jurídica nacional e internacional de protección de los derechos sociolaborales, especialmente la de Brasil, con la finalidad de reafirmar su incuestionable estatus de universalidad

    A computational method for the identification of dengue, zika and chikungunya virus species and genotypes

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    In recent years, an increasing number of outbreaks of Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika viruses have been reported in Asia and the Americas. Monitoring virus genotype diversity is crucial to understand the emergence and spread of outbreaks, both aspects that are vital to develop effective prevention and treatment strategies. Hence, we developed an efficient method to classify virus sequences with respect to their species and sub-species (i.e. serotype and/or genotype). This tool provides an easy-to-use software implementation of this new method and was validated on a large dataset assessing the classification performance with respect to whole-genome sequences and partial-genome sequences.publishersversionpublishe

    revista de Ciências da Arte

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    Organizando-se agora no formato de número duplo, de modo a comportar dois números por ano, a revista digital Convocarte – Revista de Ciências da Arte mantém o mesmo propósito de promover o debate e edição de questões artísticas no espaço universitário, mantendo as coordenadas dominantes: convocar um número de especialistas em torno de um tema do mundo das artes, integrar trabalhos relevantes desenvolvidos nas fases curriculares e de projecto em mestrados e doutoramentos, sobretudo da FBAUL, e publicar trabalhos desenvolvidos em linhas de investigação do CIEBA. Assim, embora de funcionamento afecto à área científica de Ciências da Arte e do Património a Convocarte está aberta a outras especialidades interessadas em contribuir para a reflexão sobre as artes em geral, incorporando ensaios de predomínio teórico enraizado nos mais predominantes modos de discurso sobre arte, tais como História da arte, Crítica de Arte, Estética, Teorias da Arte ou Curadoria. (...) O nº2 organizou-se em torno de uma homenagem a uma figura importante das teorias da arte em Portugal, estratégia que Convocarte procurará manter nos próximos números. A intenção será deixar estudos sistematizados, entre o depoimento ou o ensaio, a memória e a reflexão, que estudem figuras marcantes da cultura portuguesa. (...) Neste número essa pasta foi dedicada a Rui Mário Gonçalves. Os textos são o resultado de uma sessão especial alargada a 2 de Maio no âmbito dos 2ºs Encontros com Críticos de Arte, com organização e coordenação de Fernando Rosa Dias, Cristina Tavares e Viviane Soares Silva, e decorridos ao longo das segundas do mês de Maio de 2016 na FBAUL (http://convocarte.belasartes.ulisboa.pt/index.php/2016/04/29/2o-encontros-com-criticos-de-arte/#more-325). A partir destes trabalhos reuniu-se um conjunto de estudos em torno de Rui Mário Gonçalves, com depoimentos e estudos sobre as mais diferentes facetas desta importante figura da cultura portuguesa: crítico de arte, historiador de arte, curador artístico, pedagogo e professor, político e activista, etc. A Convocarte orgulha-se de publicar os textos dessas comunicações, acrescentado de outros estudos, agradecendo a todos os colaboradores deste evento, que consideramos uma pasta que adianta contributos dando continuidade a estudos no catálogo de homenagem e no âmbito de apresentação da colecção do crítico de arte na SNBA, realizada pouco antes na SNBA.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio