973 research outputs found

    Root cortex development is fine-tuned by the interplay of MIGs, SCL3 and DELLAs during arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis

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    Root development is a crucial process that determines the ability of plants to acquire nutrients, adapt to the substrate and withstand changing environmental conditions. Root plasticity is controlled by a plethora of transcriptional regulators that allow, in contrast to tissue development in animals, post-embryonic changes that give rise to new tissue and specialized cells. One of these changes is the accommodation in the cortex of hyperbranched hyphae of symbiotic arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, called arbuscules. Arbuscule-containing cells undergo massive reprogramming to coordinate developmental changes with transport processes. Here we describe a novel negative regulator of arbuscule development, MIG3. MIG3 induces and interacts with SCL3, both of which modulate the activity of the central regulator DELLA, restraining cortical cell growth. As in a tug-of-war, MIG3-SCL3 antagonizes the function of the complex MIG1-DELLA, which promotes the cell expansion required for arbuscule development, adjusting cell size during the dynamic processes of the arbuscule life cycle. Our results in the legume plant Medicago truncatula advance the knowledge of root development in dicot plants, showing the existence of additional regulatory elements not present in Arabidopsis that fine-tune the activity of conserved central modules

    SST-GATE: A dual mirror telescope for the Cherenkov Telescope Array

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    The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) will be the world's first open observatory for very high energy gamma-rays. Around a hundred telescopes of different sizes will be used to detect the Cherenkov light that results from gamma-ray induced air showers in the atmosphere. Amongst them, a large number of Small Size Telescopes (SST), with a diameter of about 4 m, will assure an unprecedented coverage of the high energy end of the electromagnetic spectrum (above ~1TeV to beyond 100 TeV) and will open up a new window on the non-thermal sky. Several concepts for the SST design are currently being investigated with the aim of combining a large field of view (~9 degrees) with a good resolution of the shower images, as well as minimizing costs. These include a Davies-Cotton configuration with a Geiger-mode avalanche photodiode (GAPD) based camera, as pioneered by FACT, and a novel and as yet untested design based on the Schwarzschild-Couder configuration, which uses a secondary mirror to reduce the plate-scale and to allow for a wide field of view with a light-weight camera, e.g. using GAPDs or multi-anode photomultipliers. One objective of the GATE (Gamma-ray Telescope Elements) programme is to build one of the first Schwarzschild-Couder prototypes and to evaluate its performance. The construction of the SST-GATE prototype on the campus of the Paris Observatory in Meudon is under way. We report on the current status of the project and provide details of the opto-mechanical design of the prototype, the development of its control software, and simulations of its expected performance.Comment: In Proceedings of the 33rd International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2013), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). All CTA contributions at arXiv:1307.223

    Male social niche conformance? Effects of manipulated opportunity for extra-pair mating on behavior and hormones of male zebra finches

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    Success in sperm competition is an important determinant of male fitness in mating systems with female multiplemating. Thus, sperm competition risk represents a key dimension of the male social environment to which in-dividual males are expected to adaptively adjust their reproductive phenotype. Such adaptive phenotypicadjustment we here refer to as male social niche conformance. In this pre-registered study, we investigated howmale zebra finches, Taeniopygia guttata, adjust their behavior to sperm competition risk. We experimentallymanipulated the opportunity for extra-pair mating to create two levels of sperm competition risk: 1) Single-pair,no sperm competition risk; 2) Double-pair, sperm competition risk. We compared male courtship, mate guarding,copulation rates, and aggression between the treatment groups. To identify hormonal correlates of malebehavioral adjustment, we measured plasma testosterone and corticosterone levels before and after the socialtreatment started. Contrary to our pre-registered predictions, males from the Double-pair treatment groupdecreased courtship rates compared to those from the Single-pair group, and Double-pair males responded lessaggressively towards intruders than Single-pair males. Testosterone levels decreased over the breeding cycle, butsocial treatment had no effect on either testosterone or corticosterone levels. Our results indicate that male zebrafinches do not intensify courtship or competitive reproductive behaviors, or upregulate key hormones whenanother breeding pair is present. Although we found no evidence for the predicted adaptive behavioral responsesto sperm competition risk, we show that male zebra finches plastically adjust their behavior to their socialenvironmen

    Stable longitudinal associations of family income with children's hippocampal volume and memory persist after controlling for polygenic scores of educational attainment

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    Despite common notion that the correlation of socioeconomic status with child cognitive performance may be driven by both environmentally- and genetically-mediated transactional pathways, there is a lack of longitudinal and genetically informed research that examines these postulated associations. The present study addresses whether family income predicts associative memory growth and hippocampal development in middle childhood and tests whether these associations persist when controlling for DNA-based polygenic scores of educational attainment. Participants were 142 6-to-7-year-old children, of which 127 returned when they were 8-to-9 years old. Longitudinal analyses indicated that the association of family income with children's memory performance and hippocampal volume remained stable over this age range and did not predict change. On average, children from economically disadvantaged background showed lower memory performance and had a smaller hippocampal volume. There was no evidence to suggest that differences in memory performance were mediated by differences in hippocampal volume. Further exploratory results suggested that the relationship of income with hippocampal volume and memory in middle childhood is not primarily driven by genetic variance captured by polygenic scores of educational attainment, despite the fact that polygenic scores significantly predicted family income

    3D Spectrophotometry of Planetary Nebulae in the Bulge of M31

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    We introduce crowded field integral field (3D) spectrophotometry as a useful technique for the study of resolved stellar populations in nearby galaxies. As a methodological test, we present a pilot study with selected extragalactic planetary nebulae (XPN) in the bulge of M31, demonstrating how 3D spectroscopy is able to improve the limited accuracy of background subtraction which one would normally obtain with classical slit spectroscopy. It is shown that due to the absence of slit effects, 3D is a most suitable technique for spectrophometry. We present spectra and line intensities for 5 XPN in M31, obtained with the MPFS instrument at the Russian 6m BTA, INTEGRAL at the WHT, and with PMAS at the Calar Alto 3.5m Telescope. Using 3D spectra of bright standard stars, we demonstrate that the PSF is sampled with high accuracy, providing a centroiding precision at the milli-arcsec level. Crowded field 3D spectrophotometry and the use of PSF fitting techniques is suggested as the method of choice for a number of similar observational problems, including luminous stars in nearby galaxies, supernovae, QSO host galaxies, gravitationally lensed QSOs, and others.Comment: (1) Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam, (2) University of Durham. 18 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Relevance of the light signaling machinery for cellulase expression in trichoderma reesei (hypocrea jecorina)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In nature, light is one of the most important environmental cues that fungi perceive and interpret. It is known not only to influence growth and conidiation, but also cellulase gene expression. We therefore studied the relevance of the main components of the light perception machinery of <it>Trichoderma reesei </it>(<it>Hypocrea jecorina</it>), ENV1, BLR1 and BLR2, for production of plant cell wall degrading enzymes in fermentations aimed at efficient biosynthesis of enzyme mixtures for biofuel production.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>Our results indicate that despite cultivation in mostly dark conditions, all three components show an influence on cellulase expression. While we found the performance of the enzyme mixture secreted by a deletion mutant in <it>env1 </it>to be enhanced, the higher cellulolytic activity observed for <it>Δblr2 </it>is mainly due to an increased secretion capacity of this strain. <it>Δblr1 </it>showed enhanced biomass accumulation, but due to its obviously lower secretion capacity still was the least efficient strain in this study.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We conclude that with respect to regulation of plant cell wall degrading enzymes, the blue light regulator proteins are unlikely to act as a complex. Their regulatory influence on cellulase biosynthesis involves an alteration of protein secretion, which may be due to adjustment of transcription or posttranscriptional regulation of upstream factors. In contrast, the regulatory function of ENV1 seems to involve adjustment of enzyme proportions to environmental conditions.</p

    The first GCT camera for the Cherenkov Telescope Array

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    The Gamma Cherenkov Telescope (GCT) is proposed to be part of the Small Size Telescope (SST) array of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA). The GCT dual-mirror optical design allows the use of a compact camera of diameter roughly 0.4 m. The curved focal plane is equipped with 2048 pixels of ~0.2{\deg} angular size, resulting in a field of view of ~9{\deg}. The GCT camera is designed to record the flashes of Cherenkov light from electromagnetic cascades, which last only a few tens of nanoseconds. Modules based on custom ASICs provide the required fast electronics, facilitating sampling and digitisation as well as first level of triggering. The first GCT camera prototype is currently being commissioned in the UK. On-telescope tests are planned later this year. Here we give a detailed description of the camera prototype and present recent progress with testing and commissioning.Comment: In Proceedings of the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2015), The Hague, The Netherlands. All CTA contributions at arXiv:1508.0589

    Re-examining the XMM-Newton Spectrum of the Black Hole Candidate XTE J1652-453

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    The XMM-Newton spectrum of the black hole candidate XTE J1652-453 shows a broad and strong Fe K-alpha emission line, generally believed to originate from reflection of the inner accretion disc. These data have been analysed by Hiemstra et al. (2011) using a variety of phenomenological models. We re-examine the spectrum with a self-consistent relativistic reflection model. A narrow absorption line near 7.2 keV may be present, which if real is likely the Fe XXVI absorption line arising from highly ionised, rapidly outflowing disc wind. The blue shift of this feature corresponds to a velocity of about 11100 km/s, which is much larger than the typical values seen in stellar-mass black holes. Given that we also find the source to have a low inclination (i < 32 degrees; close to face-on), we would therefore be seeing through the very base of outflow. This could be a possible explanation for the unusually high velocity. We use a reflection model combined with a relativistic convolution kernel which allows for both prograde and retrograde black hole spin, and treat the potential absorption feature with a physical model for a photo-ionised plasma. In this manner, assuming the disc is not truncated, we could only constrain the spin of the black hole in XTE J1652-453 to be less than ~ 0.5 Jc/GM^{2} at the 90% confidence limit.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA
