89 research outputs found

    Uji Efek Antiinflamasi Ekstrak Etanol Kulit Batang Jambu Biji (Psidium Guajava) Terhadap Edema Kaki Tikus Jantan Galur Wistar

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    Inflamation is a protective response of body from injury of cell. Edema is one ofinflammation sign. Guava stem leather contains of flavonoid which has potency to inhibitedema. The aims of this research were to study antiinflamation effect of ethanolic extractofguava stem leather (Psidium guajava L.) on edema of white mice strain wistar legs.Thesubjects in this research were 25 wistar male which divided into 5 groups, namely negativecontrol (aquades), positive control (indometasin) and extract group with concentration 1%,2% and 4%. Every group consists of five mices. Aquades, indometasin and extractsupplementation were done per oral, followed with 5% of white egg induction on mice leftleglead to edema formation.Measurement of edema volume was done using plestimometer,and observation of edema were made every hour during 7 hours. Data which obtained wereanalyzed with ANOVA, if there is a differences between treatment, analysis continue to LSDtest. The result shows that supplementation of ethanolic extract of guava stem leatherconcentration 1% and 2 % decrease edema significantly with percent of inhibition 37,37 and32,59%, but supplementation of ethanolic extract of guava stem leather concentration 1% didnot shows inhibition effect

    Accessing scientific data through knowledge graphs with Ontop.

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    In this tutorial, we learn how to set up and exploit the virtual knowledge graph (VKG) approach to access data stored in relational legacy systems and to enrich such data with domain knowledge coming from different heterogeneous (biomedical) resources. The VKG approach is based on an ontology that describes a domain of interest in terms of a vocabulary familiar to the user and exposes a high-level conceptual view of the data. Users can access the data by exploiting the conceptual view, and in this way they do not need to be aware of low-level storage details. They can easily integrate ontologies coming from different sources and can obtain richer answers thanks to the interaction between data and domain knowledge

    Ontop: answering SPARQL queries over relational databases

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    We present Ontop, an open-source Ontology-Based Data Access (OBDA) system that allows for querying relational data sources through a conceptual representation of the domain of interest, provided in terms of an ontology, to which the data sources are mapped. Key features of Ontop are its solid theoretical foundations, a virtual approach to OBDA, which avoids materializing triples and is implemented through the query rewriting technique, extensive optimizations exploiting all elements of the OBDA architecture, its compliance to all relevant W3C recommendations (including SPARQL queries, R2RML mappings, and OWL2QL and RDFS ontologies), and its support for all major relational databases

    A serving of blueberry (V. corymbosum) acutely improves peripheral arterial dysfunction in young smokers and non-smokers : two randomized, controlled, crossover pilot studies

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    Several studies have documented the important role of polyphenol-rich foods in the modulation of vascular remodelling and function. This study aimed to evaluate the capacity of a single portion of blueberry (V. corymbosum) to acutely improve peripheral arterial dysfunction in a group of young volunteers. Twenty-four healthy males (12 non-smokers and 12 smokers) were recruited for two different randomized, controlled, crossover pilot acute studies. In the first study, non-smokers were exposed to a control treatment (C; 300 mL of water with sugar) and a blueberry treatment (BB; 300 g of blueberry). In the second study, smokers underwent 3 different protocols: (1) - smoking treatment (S); (2) - control treatment (CS; 300 mL of water with sugar + smoking); (3) - blueberry treatment (BS; 300 g of blueberry + smoking). Each treatment (1 day long) was separated by a one week washout period. Blood pressure, peripheral arterial function (reactive hyperemia index, RHI, a marker of endothelial function) and arterial stiffness (digital augmentation index, dAix and dAix normalized by considering a heart rate of 75 bpm, dAix@75) were measured before and after each treatment. In the first study, the consumption of blueberry and control treatment acutely increased peripheral arterial function in the group of non-smokers. The improvement in RHI was higher and significantly different after blueberry treatment compared to the control treatment (54.8 \ub1 8.4% BB vs. 28.2 \ub1 8.3% C; p = 0.01). No effects were observed for markers of arterial stiffness, blood pressure and heart rate. Acute cigarette smoke significantly increased blood pressure and heart rate, while no significant effect was registered in peripheral arterial function and stiffness. The intake of blueberry and control treatment before a cigarette did not counteract the increase in blood pressure and heart rate, while it significantly improved peripheral arterial function. In particular, a significant increase was observed following BS (35.2 \ub1 7.5% RHI; p = 0.02) and CS treatments (34.6 \ub1 11.9% RHI; p = 0.02) when compared to only smoking treatment. No difference between BS and CS was detected. In conclusion, the intake of blueberry and control treatments acutely improved peripheral arterial dysfunction both in smoker and in non-smoker subjects. Further studies should be performed to confirm the results obtained and reveal the potential mechanisms of blueberry in the improvement of endothelial function


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    Background: Health report by The Ministry of Health in 2006 revealed that 16% of children under five had mild to severe development problem. About 5-10% of children under five had mental retardation. The current study hypotesized that parental socio-economic status such as family income and maternal education affect child development. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationshipbetween parental socio-economic status, birthweight, and development in children aged 1-5 years in Surakarta.Subjects and Method: This was an analytic observational study with case control design. This study was conducted at Ngoresan Health Center, Surakarta, from December, 2016 to January, 2017. The study population was children under five living within the area of Ngoresan Health Center. A total of 100 children under five was selected by fixed disease sampling, consisting of 25 cases and 75 controls. The dependent variable was child development, measured by Ministry of Health\u27s KPSP. The independent variables were family income, maternal education, and birthweight. The data were analyzed by chi-square and multiple logistic regression.Results:T here were positive and statistically signifcant relationships between maternal education ≥ high school (OR=1.61; 95% CI=1.5 to 15.7; p=0.046), family income ≥minimum regional wage(OR=5.1; 95% CI= 1.1 to 22.8; p=0.032), and normal birthweight (OR=8.5; 95% CI= 2.4 to 30.1; p=0.001) and child development.Conclusion: There are positiverelationships between highfamily income,high maternal education, normal birthweight, and normal development in children aged 1-5 years.Keywords: parental socio-economic status, birthweight, child development Correspondence: Rizka Agnes Kusumasari. Masters Program in Public Health, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta. Email: [email protected] of Maternal and Child Health (2016), 1(3): 195-199https://doi.org/10.26911/thejmch.2016.01.03.0

    Ontology Based Data Access in Statoil

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    Ontology Based Data Access (OBDA) is a prominent approach to query databases which uses an ontology to expose data in a conceptually clear manner by abstracting away from the technical schema-level details of the underlying data. The ontology is ‘connected’ to the data via mappings that allow to automatically translate queries posed over the ontology into data-level queries that can be executed by the underlying database management system. Despite a lot of attention from the research community, there are still few instances of real world industrial use of OBDA systems. In this work we present data access challenges in the data-intensive petroleum company Statoil and our experience in addressing these challenges with OBDA technology. In particular, we have developed a deployment module to create ontologies and mappings from relational databases in a semi-automatic fashion; a query processing module to perform and optimise the process of translating ontological queries into data queries and their execution over either a single DB of federated DBs; and a query formulation module to support query construction for engineers with a limited IT background. Our modules have been integrated in one OBDA system, deployed at Statoil, integrated with Statoil’s infrastructure, and evaluated with Statoil’s engineers and data

    Optique: Zooming in on Big Data

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    Despite the dramatic growth of data accumulated by enterprises, obtaining value out of it is extremely challenging. In particular, the data access bottleneck prevents domain experts from getting the right piece of data within a constrained time frame. The Optique Platform unlocks the access to Big Data by providing end users support for directly formulating their information needs through an intuitive visual query interface. The submitted query is then transformed into highly optimized queries over the data sources, which may include streaming data, and exploiting massive parallelism in the backend whenever possible. The Optique Platform thus responds to one major challenge posed by Big Data in data-intensive industrial settings

    Immunomodulatory effect of a wild blueberry anthocyanin-rich extract in human Caco-2 intestinal cells

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    Intestinal inflammation is a natural process crucial for the maintenance of gut functioning. However, abnormal or prolonged inflammatory responses may lead to the onset of chronic degenerative diseases, typically treated by means of pharmacological interventions. Dietary strategies for the prevention of inflammation are a safer alternative to pharmacotherapy. Anthocyanins and other polyphenols have been documented to display anti-inflammatory activity. In the present study, three bioactive fractions (anthocyanin, phenolic, and water-soluble fractions) were extracted from a wild blueberry powder. The Caco-2 intestinal model was used to test the immunomodulatory effect of the above fractions. Only the anthocyanin-rich fraction reduced the activation of NF-\u3baB, induced by IL-1\u3b2 in intestinal epithelial Caco-2 cells. Specifically, concentrations of 50 and 100 \u3bcg mL(-1) decreased NF-\u3baB activation by 68.9 and 85.2%, respectively (p 64 0.05). These preliminary results provide further support for the role of food bioactives as potential dietary anti-inflammatory agents

    The virtual knowledge graph system Ontop

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    Ontop is a popular open-source virtual knowledge graph system that can expose heterogeneous data sources as a unified knowledge graph. Ontop has been widely used in a variety of research and industrial projects. In this paper, we describe the challenges, design choices, new features of the latest release of Ontop v4, summarizing the development efforts of the last 4 years