102 research outputs found

    Partition Constant of Binary Mixtures for the Equilibrium between a Bulk and a Confined Phase

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    It is well-known that the thermodynamic, kinetic and structural properties of fluids, and in particular of water and its solutions, can be drastically affected in nanospaces. A possible consequence of nanoscale confinement of a solution is the partial segregation of its components. Thereby, confinement in nanoporous materials (NPM) has been proposed as a means for the separation of mixtures. In fact, separation science can take great advantage of NPM due to the tunability of their properties as a function of nanostructure, morphology, pore size, and surface chemistry. Alcohol-water mixtures are in this context among the most relevant systems. However, a quantitative thermodynamic description allowing for the prediction of the segregation capabilities as a function of the material-solution characteristics is missing. In the present study we attempt to fill this vacancy, by contributing a thermodynamic treatment for the calculation of the partition coefficient in confinement. Combining the multilayer adsorption model for binary mixtures with the Young equation, we conclude that the liquid-vapor surface tension and the contact angle of the pure substances can be used to predict the separation ability of a particular material for a given mixture to a semiquantitative extent. Moreover, we develop a Kelvin-type equation that relates the partition coefficient to the radius of the pore, the contact angle, and the liquid-vapor surface tensions of the constituents. To assess the validity of our thermodynamic formulation, coarse grained molecular dynamics simulations were performed on models of alcohol-water mixtures confined in cylindrical pores. To this end, a coarse-grained amphiphilic molecule was parametrized to be used in conjunction with the mW potential for water. This amphiphilic model reproduces some of the properties of methanol such as enthalpy of vaporization and liquid-vapor surface tension, and the minimum of the excess enthalpy for the aqueous solution. The partition coefficient turns out to be highly dependent on the molar fraction, on the interaction between the components and the confining matrix, and on the radius of the pore. A remarkable agreement between the theory and the simulations is found for pores of radius larger than 15 Ă…

    Monoxide carbon frequency shift as a tool for the characterization of TiO2 surfaces: Insights from first principles spectroscopy

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    The adsorption and vibrational frequency of CO on defective and undefective titanium dioxide surfaces is examined applying first-principles molecular dynamics simulations. In particular, the vibrational frequencies are obtained beyond the harmonic approximation, through the time correlation functions of the atomic trajectories. In agreement with experiments, at low CO coverages we find an upshift in the vibration frequency with respect to the free CO molecule, of 45 and 35 cm-1 on the stoichiometric rutile (110) and anatase (101) faces, respectively. A band falling 8 cm-1 below the frequency corresponding to the perfect face is observed for the reduced rutile (110) surface in the low vacancy concentration limit, where the adsorption is favored on Ti4+ sites. At a higher density of defects, adsorption on Ti3+ sites becomes more stable, accompanied by a downshift in the stretching band. In the case of anatase (101), we analyze the effect of subsurface oxygen vacancies, which have been shown to be predominant in this material. Interestingly, we find that the adsorption of CO on five coordinate Ti atoms placed over subsurface vacancies is favored with respect to other Ti4+ sites (7.25 against 6.95 kcal/mol), exhibiting a vibrational redshift of 20 cm-1 . These results provide the basis to quantitatively assess the degree of reduction of rutile and anatase surfaces via IR spectroscopy, and at the same time allow for the assignment of characteristic bands in the CO spectra on TiO2 whose origin has remained ambiguous.Fil: Lustemberg, Pablo German. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Rosario. Instituto de Física de Rosario (i); Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Química, Física de los Materiales, Medioambiente y Energía; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Química Inorgánica, Analítica y Quimica Fisica; ArgentinaFil: Scherlis Perel, Damian Ariel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Química, Física de Los Materiales, Medioambiente y Energía; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Química Inorgánica, Analítica y Quimica Fisica; Argentin

    Fluorescence in quantum dynamics: accurate spectra require post-mean-field approaches

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    Real time modeling of fluorescence with vibronic resolution entails the representation of the light–matter interaction coupled to a quantum-mechanical description of the phonons and is therefore a challenging problem. In this work, taking advantage of the difference in timescales characterizing internal conversion and radiative relaxation—which allows us to decouple these two phenomena by sequentially modeling one after the other—we simulate the electron dynamics of fluorescence through a master equation derived from the Redfield formalism. Moreover, we explore the use of a recent semiclassical dissipative equation of motion [C. M. Bustamante et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 087401 (2021)], termed coherent electron electric-field dynamics (CEED), to describe the radiative stage. By comparing the results with those from the full quantum-electrodynamics treatment, we find that the semiclassical model does not reproduce the right amplitudes in the emission spectra when the radiative process involves the de-excitation to a manifold of closely lying states. We argue that this flaw is inherent to any mean-field approach and is the case with CEED. This effect is critical for the study of light–matter interaction, and this work is, to our knowledge, the first one to report this problem. We note that CEED reproduces the correct frequencies in agreement with quantum electrodynamics. This is a major asset of the semiclassical model, since the emission peak positions will be predicted correctly without any prior assumption about the nature of the molecular Hamiltonian. This is not so for the quantum electrodynamics approach, where access to the spectral information relies on knowledge of the Hamiltonian eigenvalues

    Dissipative equation of motion for electromagnetic radiation in quantum dynamics

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    The dynamical description of the radiative decay of an electronically excited state in realistic many-particle systems is an unresolved challenge. In the present investigation electromagnetic radiation of the charge density is approximated as the power dissipated by a classical dipole, to cast the emission in closed form as a unitary single-electron theory. This results in a formalism of unprecedented efficiency, critical for ab initio modeling, which exhibits at the same time remarkable properties: it quantitatively predicts decay rates, natural broadening, and absorption intensities. Exquisitely accurate excitation lifetimes are obtained from time-dependent DFT simulations for C2+, B+, and Be, of 0.565, 0.831, and 1.97 ns, respectively, in accord with experimental values of 0.57±0.02, 0.86±0.07, and 1.77–2.5 ns. Hence, the present development expands the frontiers of quantum dynamics, bringing within reach first-principles simulations of a wealth of photophysical phenomena, from fluorescence to time-resolved spectroscopies

    Topological defects and shape of aromatic self-assembled vesicles

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    We show that the stacking of flat aromatic molecules on a curved surface results in topological defects. We consider, as an example, spherical vesicles, self-assembled from molecules with 5- and 6-thiophene cores. We predict that the symmetry of the molecules influences the number of topological defects and the resulting equilibrium shape.Comment: accepted as a Letter in the J. Phys. Chem.

    First-principles molecular dynamics simulations at solid-liquid interfaces with a continuum solvent

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    Continuum solvent models have become a standard technique in the context of electronic structure calculations, yet, no implementations have been reported capable to perform molecular dynamics at solid-liquid interfaces. We propose here such a continuum approach in a DFT framework, using plane-waves basis sets and periodic boundary conditions. Our work stems from a recent model designed for Car-Parrinello simulations of quantum solutes in a dielectric medium [J. Chem. Phys. 124, 74103 (2006)], for which the permittivity of the solvent is defined as a function of the electronic density of the solute. This strategy turns out to be inadequate for systems extended in two dimensions, by introducing new term in the Kohn-Sham potential which becomes unphysically large at the interfacial region, seriously affecting the convergence. If the dielectric medium is properly redefined as a function of the atomic coordinates, a good convergence is obtained and the constant of motion is conserved during the molecular dynamics simulations. Moreover, a significant gain in efficiency can be achieved if the simulation box is partitioned in two, solving the Poisson problem separately for the "dry" region using fast Fourier transforms, and for the solvated or "wet" region using a multigrid method. Eventually both solutions are combined in a self-consistent procedure, and in this way Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics simulations of solid-liquid interfaces can be performed at a very moderate computational cost. This scheme is employed to investigate the acid-base equilibrium at the TiO2-water interface.Comment: 36 pages, 7 figure

    Structure and dynamics of nanoconfined water and aqueous solutions

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    This review is devoted to discussing recent progress on the structure, thermodynamic, reactivity, and dynamics of water and aqueous systems confined within different types of nanopores, synthetic and biological. Currently, this is a branch of water science that has attracted enormous attention of researchers from different fields interested to extend the understanding of the anomalous properties of bulk water to the nanoscopic domain. From a fundamental perspective, the interactions of water and solutes with a confining surface dramatically modify the liquid's structure and, consequently, both its thermodynamical and dynamical behaviors, breaking the validity of the classical thermodynamic and phenomenological description of the transport properties of aqueous systems. Additionally, man-made nanopores and porous materials have emerged as promising solutions to challenging problems such as water purification, biosensing, nanofluidic logic and gating, and energy storage and conversion, while aquaporin, ion channels, and nuclear pore complex nanopores regulate many biological functions such as the conduction of water, the generation of action potentials, and the storage of genetic material. In this work, the more recent experimental and molecular simulations advances in this exciting and rapidly evolving field will be reported and critically discussed

    The HERMIT in the machine: a plugin for the interactive transformation of GHC core language programs

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    The importance of reasoning about and refactoring programs is a central tenet of functional programming. Yet our compilers and development toolchains only provide rudimentary support for these tasks. This paper introduces a programmatic and compiler-centric interface that facilitates refactoring and equational reasoning. To develop our ideas, we have implemented HERMIT, a toolkit enabling informal but systematic transformation of Haskell programs from inside the Glasgow Haskell Compiler’s optimization pipeline. With HERMIT, users can experiment with optimizations and equational reasoning, while the tedious heavy lifting of performing the actual transformations is done for them. HERMIT provides a transformation API that can be used to build higher-level rewrite tools. One use-case is prototyping new optimizations as clients of this API before being committed to the GHC toolchain. We describe a HERMIT application - a read-eval-print shell for performing transformations using HERMIT. We also demonstrate using this shell to prototype an optimization on a specific example, and report our initial experiences and remaining challenges

    The History of Communications and its Implications for the Internet

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