131 research outputs found

    Pearl powder - an innovation in medicine and dermatocosmetics

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    Въведение: Познанието за перления прах, използван от традиционната китайска медицина като лечебно средство, датира от преди 2000 години. Добиван от природни източници - черупки и перли на миди, стриди и морски охлюви, днес перленият прах провокира сериозен научен интерес поради уникалните си характеристики и качества. Цел: Да се анализира достъпната литература, реферирана в базите данни MEDLINE (PubMed), Scopus и Web of Science през последните 10 г. Материал и методи: Проучени са съдържанията на резюметата и пълнотекстовите публикации по проблема. Резултати: Перленият прах се разглежда като активно вещество с овлажняващ, избелващ, стимулиращ регенерацията и заздравяването на рани, антиконвулсивен, антиоксидантен, седативен, остеогенен, антиостеопоротичен ефект. Доказано е и противостареещото му действие. Изводи: Приложението на перлен прах е иновация както в медицината, така и в дерматозметиката. Модифицирането на перлен прах посредством нанотехнологии демонстрира големи промени в абсорбцията и бионаличността на веществото, което го прави още по-ефективно средство.Introduction: Pearl powder has been known for more than 2000 years, including as a remedy in traditional Chinese medicine. Nowadays, pearl powder raises serious scientific interest due to its unique characteristics and properties. The main natural sources include shells and pearls of mussels, oysters and molluscs. Aim: The aim of this paper is to evaluate the literature referred in the last 10 years in MEDLINE (PubMed), Scopus and Web of Science-referred literature data bases. Materials and Methods: Abstracts and full text publications on the topic were reviewed. Results: Pearl powder is considered an active substance with numerous actions, including moisturizing, whitening, anticonvulsive, antioxidant, sedative, antiosteoporotic and osteogenic effects. It stimulates regeneration and wound healing and is shown to have anti-aging properties. In addition, pearl powder modifications via nanotechnology demonstrate considerable changes in absorption and bioavailability. Conclusion: Pearl powder application is an innovation in both medicine and dermatocosmetics. Combined with nanotechnology it can become even more effective

    The EDGE-CALIFA Survey: Evidence for Pervasive Extraplanar Diffuse Ionized Gas in Nearby Edge-On Galaxies

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    We investigate the prevalence, properties, and kinematics of extraplanar diffuse ionized gas (eDIG) in a sample of 25 edge-on galaxies selected from the CALIFA survey. We measure ionized gas scale heights from Hα{\rm H\alpha} and find that 90% have measurable scale heights with a median of 0.80.4+0.70.8^{+0.7}_{-0.4} kpc. From the Hα{\rm H\alpha} kinematics, we find that 60% of galaxies show a decrease in the rotation velocity as a function of height above the midplane. This lag is characteristic of eDIG, and we measure a median lag of 21 km s1^{-1} kpc1^{-1} which is comparable to lags measured in the literature. We also investigate variations in the lag with radius. HI\rm H{\small I} lags have been reported to systematically decrease with galactocentric radius. We find both increasing and decreasing ionized gas lags with radius, as well as a large number of galaxies consistent with no radial lag variation, and investigate these results in the context of internal and external origins for the lagging ionized gas. We confirm that the [SII]{\rm [S{\small II}]}/Hα{\rm H\alpha} and [NII]{\rm [N{\small II}]}/Hα{\rm H\alpha} line ratios increase with height above the midplane as is characteristic of eDIG. The ionization of the eDIG is dominated by star-forming complexes (leaky HII{\rm H{\small II}} regions). We conclude that the lagging ionized gas is turbulent ejected gas likely resulting from star formation activity in the disk as opposed to gas in the stellar thick disk or bulge. This is further evidence for the eDIG being a product of stellar feedback and for the pervasiveness of this WIM-like phase in many local star-forming galaxies.Comment: 36 pages (including 13 appendix pages), 17 figures, resubmitted to ApJ after one round of refereein

    Seasonal differences in fatty acid content of white brine cheese offered at the Bulgarian market

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    The present study provides scientific information for fatty acid composition of white brine cheese from cow milk, produced from all regions of Bulgaria, across seasons for the period 2012–2016. A total of 670 samples produced from different manufacturers and collected from supermarkets by Offi-cial control of Bulgarian Food Safety Agency (BFSA) were examined. Fatty acid composition was determined by gas chromatography. The milk fat purity of 18 samples was established through gas chromatographic analysis of triglycerides. Seasonal variations were observed in fatty acid composi-tion of white brine cheese. The seasonal changes in the concentration of lauric, myristic, palmitic, stearic, oleic and α-linolenic acids have largely contributed to the variation of fatty acid composition of cheese. Saturated fatty acids (SFAs) were in the range 68.39–71.53% of total FAs and the propor-tion of unsaturated fatty acids (UFA) was 28.44–31.61% of total FAs. Fourty-five out of examined samples have exhibited different fatty acid profile than that established in the present study for cow milk cheese. The determined SFAs were 44.7–57.5% and UFA varied from 42.5% to 55.3%. The fatty acids with short chain (C4:0 ÷ C10:0) were not detected or in traces, lauric and myristic acids were in small amounts, while palmitic and oleic acids predominated in the fatty acid composition of cheese analogues

    The EDGE-CALIFA survey: The local and global relations between Σ\Sigma_\ast , ΣSFR\Sigma_{SFR} and Σmol\Sigma_{mol} that regulate star-formation

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    We present a new characterization of the relations between star-formation rate, stellar mass and molecular gas mass surface densities at different spatial scales across galaxies (from galaxy wide to kpc-scales). To do so we make use of the largest sample combining spatially-resolved spectroscopic information with CO observations, provided by the EDGE-CALIFA survey, together with new single dish CO observations obtained by APEX. We show that those relations are the same at the different explored scales, sharing the same distributions for the explored data, with similar slope, intercept and scatter (when characterized by a simple power-law). From this analysis, we propose that these relations are the projection of a single relation between the three properties that follows a distribution well described by a line in the three-dimension parameter space. Finally, we show that observed secondary relations between the residuals and the considered parameters are fully explained by the correlation between the uncertainties, and therefore have no physical origin. We discuss these results in the context of the hypothesis of self-regulation of the star-formation process.Comment: 21 pages,7 figures, accepted to be published in the MNRA

    The EDGE-CALIFA survey: Molecular Gas and Star Formation Activity Across the Green Valley

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    We present a 12^{12}CO(JJ=2-1) survey of 60 local galaxies using data from the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Compact Array as part of the Extragalactic Database for Galaxy Evolution: the ACA EDGE survey. These galaxies all have integral field spectroscopy from the CALIFA survey. Compared to other local galaxy surveys, ACA EDGE is designed to mitigate selection effects based on CO brightness and morphological type. Of the 60 galaxies in ACA EDGE, 36 are on the star-formation main sequence, 13 are on the red sequence, and 11 lie in the ``green valley" transition between these sequences. We test how star formation quenching processes affect the star formation rate (SFR) per unit molecular gas mass, SFEmol=_{\rm mol}=SFR/MmolM_{\rm mol}, and related quantities in galaxies with stellar masses 1010\leqlog[M/M_\star/M_\odot]11.5\leq11.5 covering the full range of morphological types. We observe a systematic decrease of the molecular-to-stellar mass fraction (RmolR^{\rm mol}_{\star}) with decreasing level of star formation activity, with green valley galaxies having also lower SFEmol_{\rm mol} than galaxies on the main sequence. On average, we find that the spatially resolved SFEmol_{\rm mol} within the bulge region of green valley galaxies is lower than in the bulges of main sequence galaxies if we adopt a constant CO-to-H2_2 conversion factor, αCO\alpha_{\rm CO}. While efficiencies in main sequence galaxies remain almost constant with galactocentric radius, in green valley galaxies we note a systematic increase of SFEmol_{\rm mol}, RmolR^{\rm mol}_{\star}, and specific star formation rate, sSFR, with increasing radius. Our results suggest that although gas depletion (or removal) seems to be the most important driver of the star-formation quenching in galaxies transiting through the green valley, a reduction in star formation efficiency is also required during this stage

    Bar pattern speeds in CALIFA galaxies: I. Fast bars across the Hubble sequence

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    The bar pattern speed (Ωb\Omega_{\rm b}) is defined as the rotational frequency of the bar, and it determines the bar dynamics. Several methods have been proposed for measuring Ωb\Omega_{\rm b}. The non-parametric method proposed by Tremaine \& Weinberg (1984; TW) and based on stellar kinematics is the most accurate. This method has been applied so far to 17 galaxies, most of them SB0 and SBa types. We have applied the TW method to a new sample of 15 strong and bright barred galaxies, spanning a wide range of morphological types from SB0 to SBbc. Combining our analysis with previous studies, we investigate 32 barred galaxies with their pattern speed measured by the TW method. The resulting total sample of barred galaxies allows us to study the dependence of Ωb\Omega_{\rm b} on galaxy properties, such as the Hubble type. We measured Ωb\Omega_{\rm b} using the TW method on the stellar velocity maps provided by the integral-field spectroscopy data from the CALIFA survey. Integral-field data solve the problems that long-slit data present when applying the TW method, resulting in the determination of more accurate Ωb\Omega_{\rm b}. In addition, we have also derived the ratio R\cal{R} of the corotation radius to the bar length of the galaxies. According to this parameter, bars can be classified as fast (R\cal{R} 1.4).Forallthegalaxies,1.4). For all the galaxies, \cal{R}iscompatiblewithintheerrorswithfastbars.Wecannotruleout(at95 is compatible within the errors with fast bars. We cannot rule out (at 95\%level)thefastbarsolutionforanygalaxy.Wehavenotobservedanysignificanttrendbetween level) the fast bar solution for any galaxy. We have not observed any significant trend between \cal{R}$ and the galaxy morphological type. Our results indicate that independent of the Hubble type, bars have been formed and then evolve as fast rotators. This observational result will constrain the scenarios of formation and evolution of bars proposed by numerical simulations.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    CALIFA, the Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area survey: I. Survey presentation

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    We present here the Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area (CALIFA) survey, which has been designed to provide a first step in this direction.We summarize the survey goals and design, including sample selection and observational strategy.We also showcase the data taken during the first observing runs (June/July 2010) and outline the reduction pipeline, quality control schemes and general characteristics of the reduced data. This survey is obtaining spatially resolved spectroscopic information of a diameter selected sample of 600\sim600 galaxies in the Local Universe (0.005< z <0.03). CALIFA has been designed to allow the building of two-dimensional maps of the following quantities: (a) stellar populations: ages and metallicities; (b) ionized gas: distribution, excitation mechanism and chemical abundances; and (c) kinematic properties: both from stellar and ionized gas components. CALIFA uses the PPAK Integral Field Unit (IFU), with a hexagonal field-of-view of \sim1.3\sq\arcmin', with a 100% covering factor by adopting a three-pointing dithering scheme. The optical wavelength range is covered from 3700 to 7000 {\AA}, using two overlapping setups (V500 and V1200), with different resolutions: R\sim850 and R\sim1650, respectively. CALIFA is a legacy survey, intended for the community. The reduced data will be released, once the quality has been guaranteed. The analyzed data fulfill the expectations of the original observing proposal, on the basis of a set of quality checks and exploratory analysis. We conclude from this first look at the data that CALIFA will be an important resource for archaeological studies of galaxies in the Local Universe.Comment: 32 pages, 29 figures, Accepted for publishing in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    CALIFA : a diameter-selected sample for an integral field spectroscopy galaxy survey

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    JMA acknowledges support from the European Research Council Starting Grant (SEDmorph; P.I. V. Wild).We describe and discuss the selection procedure and statistical properties of the galaxy sample used by the Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area (CALIFA) survey, a public legacy survey of 600 galaxies using integral field spectroscopy. The CALIFA "mother sample" was selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) DR7 photometric catalogue to include all galaxies with an r-band isophotal major axis between 45 '' and 79 : 2 '' and with a redshift 0 : 005 M-r > -23 : 1 and over a stellar mass range between 10(9.7) and 10(11.4) M-circle dot. In particular, within these ranges, the diameter selection does not lead to any significant bias against - or in favour of - intrinsically large or small galaxies. Only below luminosities of M-r = -19 (or stellar masses <10(9.7) M-circle dot) is there a prevalence of galaxies with larger isophotal sizes, especially of nearly edge-on late-type galaxies, but such galaxies form <10% of the full sample. We estimate volume-corrected distribution functions in luminosities and sizes and show that these are statistically fully compatible with estimates from the full SDSS when accounting for large-scale structure. For full characterization of the sample, we also present a number of value-added quantities determined for the galaxies in the CALIFA sample. These include consistent multi-band photometry based on growth curve analyses; stellar masses; distances and quantities derived from these; morphological classifications; and an overview of available multi-wavelength photometric measurements. We also explore different ways of characterizing the environments of CALIFA galaxies, finding that the sample covers environmental conditions from the field to genuine clusters. We finally consider the expected incidence of active galactic nuclei among CALIFA galaxies given the existing pre-CALIFA data, finding that the final observed CALIFA sample will contain approximately 30 Sey2 galaxies.Peer reviewe

    The EDGE-CALIFA Survey: An Extragalactic Database for Galaxy Evolution Studies

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    The EDGE-CALIFA survey provides spatially resolved optical integral field unit (IFU) and CO spectroscopy for 125 galaxies selected from the CALIFA Data Release 3 sample. The Extragalactic Database for Galaxy Evolution (EDGE) presents the spatially resolved products of the survey as pixel tables that reduce the oversampling in the original images and facilitate comparison of pixels from different images. By joining these pixel tables to lower dimensional tables that provide radial profiles, integrated spectra, or global properties, it is possible to investigate the dependence of local conditions on large-scale properties. The database is freely accessible and has been utilized in several publications. We illustrate the use of this database and highlight the effects of CO upper limits on the inferred slopes of the local scaling relations between stellar mass, star formation rate (SFR), and H2_2 surface densities. We find that the correlation between H2_2 and SFR surface density is the tightest among the three relations.Comment: 21 pages, accepted for publication in ApJS, see DOIs below for code and data acces

    A recurrent epidermoid cyst of the spleen: report of a case and literature review

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    BACKGROUND: Splenic cysts are rare disease. Epidermoid cysts of the spleen belong to the primary nonparasitic splenic cysts group. They are an unusual event in surgical practice. Usually, epidermoid cysts occur in children and young female. Most often, they are asymptomatic, but they may present with abdominal discomfort. CASE PRESENTATION: We are reporting a rare case of a 23-year-old female came to our attention with history of intermittent pain and previously undergone two times to laparoscopic decapsulation of the cyst in others institutions. During hospitalization, serum and intracystic levels of tumor marker CA19-9 increased. Enhanced CT of the abdomen showed recurrent large cyst in the upper pole of the spleen with satellite nodules. Laparotomic total splenectomy was performed. Histopathological and immunoreactive examinations were executed, and they revealed stratified squamous epithelium on the inner surface of cystic wall, which was positive for EMA, CEA, and CA19-9. The diagnosis of epidermoid cyst was confirmed. CONCLUSIONS: Recently, the surgical approach is changing towards conservative treatments in order to save the spleen in young patients for immunological reasons. Sometimes, this target is not achievable. In such circumstances, like recurrent large cyst, anomalous anatomical relationship to the surrounding tissues, total splenectomy is safe and necessary