221 research outputs found

    Myeloid expression of adenosine a2A receptor suppresses T and NK cell responses in the solid tumor microenvironment

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    High concentrations of adenosine in tumor microenvironments inhibit antitumor cytotoxic lymphocyte responses. Although T cells express inhibitory adenosine A2A receptors (A2AR) that suppress their activation and inhibit immune killing of tumors, a role for myeloid cell A2ARs in suppressing the immune response to tumors has yet to be investigated. In this study, we show that the growth of transplanted syngeneic B16F10 melanoma or Lewis lung carcinoma cells is slowed in Adora2af/f-LysMCre+/- mice, which selectively lack myeloid A2ARs. Reduced melanoma growth is associated with significant increases in MHCII and IL12 expression in tumor-associated macrophages and with >90% reductions in IL10 expression in tumor-associated macrophages, dendritic cells (DC), and Ly6C+ or Ly6G+ myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSC). Myeloid deletion of A2ARs significantly increases CD44 expression on tumor-associated T cells and natural killer (NK) cells. Depletion of CD8+ T cells or NK cells in tumor-bearing mice indicates that both cell types initially contribute to slowing melanoma growth in mice lacking myeloid A2A receptors, but tumor suppression mediated by CD8+ T cells is more persistent. Myeloid-selective A2AR deletion significantly reduces lung metastasis of melanomas that express luciferase (for in vivo tracking) and ovalbumin (as a model antigen). Reduced metastasis is associated with increased numbers and activation of NK cells and antigen-specific CD8+ T cells in lung in filtrates. Overall, the findings indicate that myeloid cell A2ARs have direct myelosuppressive effects that indirectly contribute to the suppression of T cells and NK cells in primary and metastatic tumor microenvironments. The results indicate that tumor-associated myeloid cells, including macrophages, DCs, and MDSCs all express immunosuppressive A2ARs that are potential targets of adenosine receptor blockers to enhance immune killing of tumors. ©2014 AACR

    The cholesterol transporter ABCG1 links cholesterol homeostasis and tumour immunity

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    ATP-binding cassette transporter G1 (ABCG1) promotes cholesterol efflux from cells and regulates intracellular cholesterol homeostasis. Here we demonstrate a role of ABCG1 as a mediator of tumour immunity. Abcg1-/- mice have dramatically suppressed subcutaneous MB49-bladder carcinoma and B16-melanoma growth and prolonged survival. We show that reduced tumour growth in Abcg1-/- mice is myeloid cell intrinsic and is associated with a phenotypic shift of the macrophages from a tumour-promoting M2 to a tumour-fighting M1 within the tumour. Abcg1-/- macrophages exhibit an intrinsic bias towards M1 polarization with increased NF-κB activation and direct cytotoxicity for tumour cells in vitro. Overall, our study demonstrates that the absence of ABCG1 inhibits tumour growth through modulation of macrophage function within the tumour, and illustrates a link between cholesterol homeostasis and cancer. © 2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

    Biocompatible microemulsions for improved dermal delivery of sertaconazole nitrate: Phase behavior study and microstructure influence on drug biopharamaceutical properties

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    The aim of this study was development of biocompatible topical microemulsions (MEs) for incorporation and improved dermal delivery of sertaconazole nitrate (SN). For this purpose, phase behavior and microstructure of pseudo-ternary glycereth-7-caprylate/caprate (Emanon EV-E, EV)/cosurfactant/Capryol (TM) 90/water systems were investigated. Furhermore, the influence of these properties on the drug skin delivery was also assessed. Expansion of ME single-phase regions with the use of short chain alcohols was a consequence of the more fluid interface when compared to other investigated systems, which was confirmed by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy-EPR. The chosen bicontinuous to inverted bicontinuous formulations were assessed against the ME based on polysorbate 80 as referent sample. Despite incorporation of SN within the selected formulations induced similar alternations in electrical conductivity, viscosity and pH values, obtained EPR spectra suggested different SN localization: within the oil phase (for most of the EV based formulations), or interacting with the interface (polysorbate 80 based formulation). Due to higher in vitro drug release (12.24%-18.53%), ex vivo SN penetration into porcine ear skin (dermal retention Enhancement Ratio (ERO) ranged from 2.66 to 4.25) and pronounced antifungal activity, the chosen MEs represent promising vehicles for dermal delivery of SN in treatment of cutaneous fungal infections. The biopharmaceutical and skin performance differences obtained with different formulations were possible to be explained on the basis of their physicochemical characteristics.This is the peer-reviewed version of the article: Pajic, N. B., Nikolić, I., Mitsou, E., Papadimitriou, V., Xenakis, A., Randjelović, D., Dobricic, V., Smitran, A., Cekic, N., Calija, B.,& Savić, S. D. (2018). Biocompatible microemulsions for improved dermal delivery of sertaconazole nitrate: Phase behavior study and microstructure influence on drug biopharamaceutical properties. Journal of Molecular LiquidsElsevier Science Bv, Amsterdam., 272, 746-758. [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molliq.2018.10.002]The published version: [https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2360

    Treatment of Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion induced Macular Edema with Bevacizumab

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    BACKGROUND: Branch retinal vein occlusion is a frequent cause of visual loss with currently insufficient treatment options. We evaluate the effect of Bevacizumab (Avastin) treatment in patients with macular edema induced by branch retinal vein occlusion. METHODS: Retrospective analysis of 32 eyes in 32 patients with fluorescein angiography proven branch retinal vein occlusion, macular edema and Bevacizumab treatment. Outcome measures were best corrected visual acuity in logMAR and central retinal thickness in OCT. RESULTS: Visual acuity was significantly better 4 to 6 weeks after Bevacizumab treatment compared to visual acuity prior to treatment (before 0.7 +/- 0.3 and after 0.5 +/- 0.3; mean +/- standard deviation; p < 0.01, paired t-test). Gain in visual acuity was accompanied by a significant decrease in retinal thickness (454 +/- 117 to 305 +/- 129 microm, p < 0.01, paired t-test). Follow up (170, 27 - 418 days; median, range) shows that improvement for both visual acuity and retinal thickness last for several months after Bevacizumab use. CONCLUSION: We present evidence that intravitreal Bevacizumab is an effective and lasting treatment for macular edema after branch retinal vein occlusion

    Structural and mechanistic insights into a Bacteroides vulgatus retaining N-acetyl-β-galactosaminidase that uses neighbouring group participation

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    Bacteroides vulgatus is a member of the human microbiota whose abundance is increased in patients with Crohn's disease. We show that a B. vulgatus glycoside hydrolase from the carbohydrate active enzyme family GH123, BvGH123, is an N-acetyl-β-galactosaminidase that acts with retention of stereochemistry, and, through a 3-D structure in complex with Gal-thiazoline, provide evidence in support of a neighbouring group participation mechanism

    Understanding Battery Interfaces by Combined Characterization and Simulation Approaches: Challenges and Perspectives

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    Driven by the continuous search for improving performances, understanding the phenomena at the electrode/electrolyte interfaces has become an overriding factor for the success of sustainable and efficient battery technologies for mobile and stationary applications. Toward this goal, rapid advances have been made regarding simulations/modeling techniques and characterization approaches, including high-throughput electrochemical measurements coupled with spectroscopies. Focusing on Li-ion batteries, current developments are analyzed in the field as well as future challenges in order to gain a full description of interfacial processes across multiple length/timescales; from charge transfer to migration/diffusion properties and interphases formation, up to and including their stability over the entire battery lifetime. For such complex and interrelated phenomena, developing a unified workflow intimately combining the ensemble of these techniques will be critical to unlocking their full investigative potential. For this paradigm shift in battery design to become reality, it necessitates the implementation of research standards and protocols, underlining the importance of a concerted approach across the community. With this in mind, major collaborative initiatives gathering complementary strengths and skills will be fundamental if societal and environmental imperatives in this domain are to be met

    Patrolling monocytes control tumor metastasis to the lung

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    The immune system plays an important role in regulating tumor growth and metastasis. Classical monocytes promote tumorigenesis and cancer metastasis, but how nonclassical "patrolling" monocytes (PMo) interact with tumors is unknown. Here we show that PMo are enriched in the microvasculature of the lung and reduce tumor metastasis to lung in multiple mouse metastatic tumor models. Nr4a1-deficient mice, which specifically lack PMo, showed increased lung metastasis in vivo. Transfer of Nr4a1-proficient PMo into Nr4a1-deficient mice prevented tumor invasion in the lung. PMo established early interactions with metastasizing tumor cells, scavenged tumor material from the lung vasculature, and promoted natural killer cell recruitment and activation. Thus, PMo contribute to cancer immunosurveillance and may be targets for cancer immunotherapy

    The Effects of Vitamin D Receptor Silencing on the Expression of LVSCC-A1C and LVSCC-A1D and the Release of NGF in Cortical Neurons

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    Recent studies have suggested that vitamin D can act on cells in the nervous system. Associations between polymorphisms in the vitamin D receptor (VDR), age-dependent cognitive decline, and insufficient serum 25 hydroxyvitamin D(3) levels in Alzheimer's patients and elderly people with cognitive decline have been reported. We have previously shown that amyloid β (Aβ) treatment eliminates VDR protein in cortical neurons. These results suggest a potential role for vitamin D and vitamin D-mediated mechanisms in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and neurodegeneration. Vitamin D has been shown to down-regulate the L-type voltage-sensitive calcium channels, LVSCC-A1C and LVSCC-A1D, and up-regulate nerve growth factor (NGF). However, expression of these proteins when VDR is repressed is unknown. The aim of this study is to investigate LVSCC-A1C, LVSCC-A1D expression levels and NGF release in VDR-silenced primary cortical neurons prepared from Sprague-Dawley rat embryos.qRT-PCR and western blots were performed to determine VDR, LVSCC-A1C and -A1D expression levels. NGF and cytotoxicity levels were determined by ELISA. Apoptosis was determined by TUNEL. Our findings illustrate that LVSCC-A1C mRNA and protein levels increased rapidly in cortical neurons when VDR is down-regulated, whereas, LVSCC-A1D mRNA and protein levels did not change and NGF release decreased in response to VDR down-regulation. Although vitamin D regulates LVSCC-A1C through VDR, it may not regulate LVSCC-A1D through VDR.Our results indicate that suppression of VDR disrupts LVSCC-A1C and NGF production. In addition, when VDR is suppressed, neurons could be vulnerable to aging and neurodegeneration, and when combined with Aβ toxicity, it is possible to explain some of the events that occur during neurodegeneration

    Transport reduction by current profile control in the reversed‐field pinch

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