391 research outputs found

    La traducció per al sistema de les Nacions Unides Propostes tecnològiques

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    Setzenes Jornades de Foment de la Investigació (Any 2011)El present article tracta de com s’organitza la traducció dintre del sistema de les Nacions Unides des d’un punt de vista tecnològic i quines eines i programes podrien ser útils per facilitar i agilitar el treball dels traductors externs i de plantilla que hi treballen. Hem estructurat el treball en diversos apartats. En primer lloc, expliquem què són les eines de traducció assistida per ordinador (TAO) i quina utilitat tenen per a un traductor professional, com també diversos recursos per explotar corpus textuals de considerable grandària, com els que tenen les organitzacions del sistema de les Nacions Unides. A continuació, expliquem de manera breu la diferència entre traducció automàtica i traducció assistida per ordinador. Una vegada explicats els conceptes bàsics, passem a explicar l’ús de les eines TAO i dels corpus textuals dintre de les Nacions Unides i ens centrem en les funcionalitats del programa memoQ® (una eina TAO integradora i recent que intenta incorporar-se en el dia a dia dels traductors), atesa la seuThis paper is about the organization of translation within the United Nations system from a technological point of view and which tools and programs could be useful to facilitate and expedite the work of external and staff translators working there. We divided the paper into several sections. First, we explain what is the Computer Assisted Translation tools (CAT) and which its utility is for a professional translator, and a variety of resources to exploit huge textual corpus, as those who have at the UN system. Next, we will briefly explain the difference between Machine Translation (MA) and Computer Assisted Translation (CAT). Once the basic concepts are explained, we will explain the use of CAT tools and textual corpus in the UN and we will focus in the functions that the program memoQ® comprises (an integrative and recent CAT tool which is trying to be implemented in the translators daily life), because of its flexibility and the conception of work methodology in translation below demonstrated

    ¿Qué leen los adolescentes españoles? Un estudio de los consumos de lectura analógica

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    This work is part of the project “Determining factors in the reading habits of secondary school students. A study from the variables of the educational context” (PR2017040), funded by the Own Research Plan of the University of Cádiz. The main objective is to know the reading consumption of Spanish teenagers. Specifically, the consumption of analog reading of students of 1st year of Compulsory Secondary Education in Spain is studied. A sample of students from the province of Cádiz (n=664) and from other Spanish provinces (n=192) responded to a questionnaire about their reading habits. It allowed, in the first instance, to determine if informants enjoy reading and, later, to gather information about what and in what format they read, the criteria on which they are based to choose their readings, how much time they dedicate to read and where they get their readings. The results indicate that this sector of the population prefers reading adventure books, chooses books by subject, reads more during holidays and uses their own books. However, it is confirmed that the development of the reading habit is still a subject to pass

    A near/mid infrared search for ultra-bright submillimetre galaxies: searching for sosmic eyelash analogues

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    We present results from a near/mid IR search for submillimetre galaxies over a region of 6230 sq deg. of the southern sky. We used a cross-correlation of the VISTA Hemispheric Survey (VHS) and the WISE database to identify bright galaxies (Ks � 18.2) with near/mid IR colours similar to those of the high redshift lensed sub-mm galaxy SMM J2135-0102. We find 7 galaxies which fulfill all five adopted near/mid IR colour (NMIRQC) criteria and resemble the SED of the reference galaxy at these wavelengths. For these galaxies, which are broadly distributed in the sky, we deter- mined photometric redshifts in the range z=1.6-3.2. We searched the VHS for clusters of galaxies, which may be acting as gravitational lenses, and found that 6 out of the 7 galaxies are located within 3.5 arcmin of a cluster/group of galaxies. Using the J-Ks vs J sequences we determine photometric redshifts for these clusters/groups in the range z=0.2-0.9. We propose the newly identified sources are ultra-bright high red- shift lensed SMG candidates. Follow-up observations in the sub-mm and mm are key to determine the ultimate nature of these objects

    Coping Style and Early Life Vocalizations in the Common Marmoset ( Callithrix jacchus )

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    From Springer Nature via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: received 2019-11-09, accepted 2020-03-20, registration 2020-03-20, pub-electronic 2020-05-20, online 2020-05-20, pub-print 2020-06Publication status: PublishedFunder: University of ChesterAbstract: Coping styles describe behavioral differences during stressful or challenging situations. Coping styles are stable over time but little is known about early life manifestation and development of these behavioral differences. We aimed to investigate if differences in the way marmosets produce vocalizations at an early age are related to their coping style in the future. We studied 14 common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) from three social groups housed at the marmoset colony at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. We recorded the vocalizations of each marmoset in isolation at 15–17 days of age, analyzing latency to vocalize and calling rate of phee and tsik calls. To measure coping style, we introduced a novel stimulus to the group cages when infants were 3 months old and recorded exploration, headcocking, and approaches to the stimulus. The results showed negative relationships between the latency of phee call (a long-range contact call) at 15–17 days and frequency of exploration and approach to the novel stimulus at 3 months, although both correlations fall above the cut-off points for the false discovery rate. Marmosets that gave long-range calls sooner at 15–17 days of age also showed more exploratory behaviors at 3 months. The results also showed group differences in exploration at 3 months, and twins were more similar to each other than to other infants in the sample. There were no group differences in early vocalizations and no sex differences in any variable. These findings suggest that coping style is stable from as early as 15–17 days after birth and suggest that the group can influence exploration in marmosets

    Discovery of a lensed ultrabright submillimeter galaxy at z = 2.0439. Póster

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    We report an ultra-bright lensed submillimeter galaxy (SMG) at z = 2.0439, WISE J132934.18+224327.3, identified as a result of a full-sky cross-correlation of the AllWISE and Planck compact source catalogs aimed to search for bright analogs of the submillimeter galaxy SMMJ2135, the Cosmic Eyelash. Inspection of archival SCUBA-2 observations of the candidates revealed a source with fluxes (S850μm= 130 mJy) consistent with the Planck measurements. The centroid of the SCUBA-2 source coincides within 1 arcsec with the position of the AllWISE mid-IR source, and, remarkably, with an arc shaped lensed galaxy in HST images at visible wavelengths. Low-resolution rest-frame UV-optical spectroscopy of this lensed galaxy obtained with 10.4 m GTC reveals the typical absorption lines of a starburst galaxy. Gemini-N near-IR spectroscopy provided a clear detection of H_ emission. The lensed source appears to be gravitationally magnified by a massive foreground galaxy cluster lens at z = 0.44, modeling with Lenstool indicates a lensing amplification factor of 11±2. We determine an intrinsic rest-frame 8-1000-μm luminosity, LIR, of (1.3±0.1)×1013 L⊙, and a likely star-formation rate (SFR) of _ 500−2000 M⊙yr−1 . The SED shows a remarkable similarity with the Cosmic Eyelash from optical-mid/IR to sub-millimeter/radio, albeit at higher fluxes

    Social network changes in cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus) after the birth of new infants

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    Cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus) are characterized by a system of cooperative breeding where helpers, in addition to the reproductive pair, contribute to infant care. Grooming interactions between individuals play an important role in establishing social relationships, creating an interconnected social network in the group. We used social network analysis to investigate the social structure of two groups of cotton-top tamarins with different sizes and compositions and study whether they remain stable after the birth of new infants. We also investigated the possible correlation between the time spent carrying infants and an increase in the grooming centrality. We found that group A (n = 13) had a stable grooming network that showed consistent stability after the birth, although group B (n = 8 and no adult helpers) changed its grooming network and showed a lower density after the birth. Infant carrying was not correlated with increased grooming centrality after the birth. These findings highlight the usefulness of social network analysis in the study of group structure in cooperatively breeding primates and suggest that the birth of offspring has a greater impact on the stability of groups without adult helpersThis research was funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Cultura; Contract grant number: FP-93 9310751 (DGICyT PB90-206); Contract grant sponsor: International Agreement between Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain) and Deutsches Primatenzentrum (Göttingen, Germany) 1994–199

    Coping style and early life vocalizations in the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus)

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    Coping styles describe behavioral differences during stressful or challenging situations. Coping styles are stable over time but little is known about early life manifestation and development of these behavioral differences. We aimed to investigate if differences in the way marmosets produce vocalizations at an early age are related to their coping style in the future. We studied 14 common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus)from three social groups housed at the marmoset colony at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. We recorded the vocalizations of each marmoset in isolation at 15–17 days of age, analyzing latency to vocalize and calling rate of phee and tsik calls. To measure coping style, we introduced a novel stimulus to the group cages when infants were 3 months old and recorded exploration, headcocking, and approaches to the stimulus. The results showed negative relationships between the latency of phee call (a long-range contact call) at 15–17 days and frequency of exploration and approach to the novel stimulus at 3 months, although both correlations fall above the cut-off points for the false discovery rate. Marmosets that gave long-range calls sooner at 15–17 days of age also showed more exploratory behaviors at 3 months. The results also showed group differences in exploration at 3 months, and twins were more similar to each other than to other infants in the sample. There were no group differences in early vocalizations and no sex differences in any variable. These findings suggest that coping style is stable from as early as 15–17 days after birth and suggest that the group can influence exploration in marmosetsThis project received funding from a grant from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, “Proyectos de Investigación Fundamental No Orientada Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad,” PSI 2012-3074

    ¿Qué leen los adolescentes españoles? Un estudio de los consumos de lectura analógica

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    This work is part of the project “Determining factors in the reading habits of secondary school students. A study from the variables of the educational context” (PR2017040), funded by the Own Research Plan of the University of Cádiz. The main objective is to know the reading consumption of Spanish teenagers. Specifically, the consumption of analog reading of students of 1st year of Compulsory Secondary Education in Spain is studied. A sample of students from the province of Cádiz (n=664) and from other Spanish provinces (n=192) responded to a questionnaire about their reading habits. It allowed, in the first instance, to determine if informants enjoy reading and, later, to gather information about what and in what format they read, the criteria on which they are based to choose their readings, how much time they dedicate to read and where they get their readings. The results indicate that this sector of the population prefers reading adventure books, chooses books by subject, reads more during holidays and uses their own books. However, it is confirmed that the development of the reading habit is still a subject to pass

    Design of an estimator based on artificial neural networks to characterize the braking of a vehicle

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    Hoy en día, los vehículos inteligentes están equipados con interfaces de usuario muy avanzadas que pueden reaccionar ante las decisiones y necesidades del conductor. De esta manera mejora la dinámica vehicular según la situación de conducción evitando posibles colisiones fortuitas. Esta tecnología permite tomar decisiones sobre la conducción con un nivel de resolución superior al humano a la hora de, por ejemplo, realizar una frenada de emergencia ante un imprevisto. Con este trabajo se pretende que, en un futuro, se pueda gobernar el sistema de frenado de manera automática y que el vehículo pueda reproducir los hábitos y las formas de actuación de los conductores durante la maniobra de frenada de un vehículo, pero corrigiendo los posibles fallos humanos ligados a distracciones, falta de visibilidad o tiempos de reacción. Un sistema de frenado inteligente ha de ser capaz de obtener información de los diferentes sensores embarcados en el vehículo, procesar los datos obtenidos a través de los mismos y transformarlos en información útil para el control activo del automóvil. Con el vehículo instrumentado con los sensores capaces de proporcionar en tiempo real información sobre el sistema de frenado se llevan a cabo una serie de ensayos. Los datos obtenidos experimentalmente durante la realización de los ensayos se utilizan para el diseño de un estimador mediante la técnica de redes neuronales artificiales. Se estimarán las variables medidas por los sensores con el fin de caracterizar una frenada.Today, smart vehicles are equipped with highly advanced user interfaces that can react to the driver’s decisions and needs. In this way, it improves vehicle dynamics according to the driving situation and avoiding possible accidental collisions. This technology makes it possible to make decisions about driving with a level of resolution higher than human, for example, carrying out an emergency braking in the event of an unforeseen event. With this work it is intended that, in the future, the braking system can be governed automatically and that the vehicle can reproduce drivers’ habits and forms of action during the braking maneuver of a vehicle, but correcting the possible human failures linked to distractions, lack of visibility and reaction times. An intelligent braking system must be able to obtain information from the different sensors on board the vehicle, process the data obtained through them and transform them into useful information for the active control of the car. With the vehicle instrumented with sensors capable of providing real-time information about the braking system, a series of tests are carried out. The data obtained experimentally during the tests are used to design an estimator using the artificial neural network technique. The variables measured by the sensors will be estimated in order to characterize a braking

    Upregulation of NKG2D ligands impairs hematopoietic stem cell function in Fanconi anemia

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    Cellular immune response; Immunology; Stem cellsRespuesta inmune celular; Inmunología; Células madreResposta immune cel·lular; Immunologia; Cèl·lules mareFanconi anemia (FA) is the most prevalent inherited bone marrow failure (BMF) syndrome. Nevertheless, the pathophysiological mechanisms of BMF in FA have not been fully elucidated. Since FA cells are defective in DNA repair, we hypothesized that FA hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) might express DNA damage–associated stress molecules such as natural killer group 2 member D ligands (NKG2D-Ls). These ligands could then interact with the activating NKG2D receptor expressed in cytotoxic NK or CD8+ T cells, which may result in progressive HSPC depletion. Our results indeed demonstrated upregulated levels of NKG2D-Ls in cultured FA fibroblasts and T cells, and these levels were further exacerbated by mitomycin C or formaldehyde. Notably, a high proportion of BM CD34+ HSPCs from patients with FA also expressed increased levels of NKG2D-Ls, which correlated inversely with the percentage of CD34+ cells in BM. Remarkably, the reduced clonogenic potential characteristic of FA HSPCs was improved by blocking NKG2D–NKG2D-L interactions. Moreover, the in vivo blockage of these interactions in a BMF FA mouse model ameliorated the anemia in these animals. Our study demonstrates the involvement of NKG2D–NKG2D-L interactions in FA HSPC functionality, suggesting an unexpected role of the immune system in the progressive BMF that is characteristic of FA.This work was supported by the “Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y Competitividad y Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER)” (SAF2015-68073-R, SAF2015-64152-R, and RTI2018-097125-B-I00); Next Generation EU; Plan de Recuperación Transformación y Resilencia (Instituto de Salud Carlos III; TERAV) (RD12/0019/0023); Programs of the European Commission (HEALTHF5-2012-305421 and EUROFANCOLEN); the “Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad” (EC11/060 and EC11/550 “Comunidad de Madrid” (AvanCell, B2017/BMD-3692); and the ICREA-Academia program