52 research outputs found

    Caracterización de mieles de obtención artesanal y comerciales producidas en Galicia (NO de España) a partir de su espectro polínico y contenido proteico

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    An analysis was made of 49 honeys produced in NW of Spain (Ourense-Galicia), 37 of homemade production and 12 commercialized with quality label “Mel de Galicia” (Galician Honey). Its flower origin was determinate by the method of percentage pollen analysis and its protein content by Bradford method. They resulted to be 9 chestnut tree (Castanea sativa) and 6 bramble (Rubus ulmifolius-t.) unifloral, one Cytisus scoparius- t. unifloral and the other honeys was multifloral with predominance of chestnut (Castanea sativa), bramble (Rubus ulmifolius-t.), shrubland (Erica sp.) with gorse (Cytisus scoparius–t.) or heather. It was found 9 homemade honeys belonged to the Maurizio’s Class I, 9 to the Class II, 9 to the Class III, 7 to the Class IV and 3 belong to the Class V. Among the commercial honeys, 4 belong to the Class IV and 8 to the Class V. The value of protein in the honeys varied from 0.8 to 5.2 mg prot./g honey. The average was 1.95mg prot./g honey for homemade honeys, and 3.1 mg prot./g honey for commercial ones. This wide variation resulted as homemade like commercial honeys, and in this last it seem even to be higher.Se han estudiado 49 mieles producidas en el NO de España (Ourense-Galicia), 37 de producciĂłn artesanal y 12 comercializadas con etiqueta de calidad “Mel de Galicia”. Se determinĂł su origen floral, mediante el mĂ©todo de anĂĄlisis polĂ­nico porcentual, y su contenido proteico, mediante el mĂ©todo de Bradford. En cuanto a su origen floral, han resultado ser 9 monoflorales de Castanea sativa, 6 de Rubus ulmifolius-t., una monofloral de Cytisus scoparius-t. y las demĂĄs milflores con predominancia de castaño (Castanea sativa), zarza (Rubus ulmifolius-t.), xesta-tojo (Cytisus scoparius-t.) o brezo (Erica sp.). Por su riqueza polĂ­nica, se han encontrado, en las mieles artesanales, 9, de clase de Maurizio I; 9, de Clase II; 9, de Clase III; 7, de Clase IV y 3, de Clase V. En las comerciales, 4, de Clase IV y 8, de Clase V. El contenido en proteĂ­na de las mieles variĂł desde 0,8 mg prot./g miel a 5,2 mg prot./g miel. Los valores medios han sido de 1,95, para las de origen artesanal y 3,1, para las comerciales

    Diversity among traditional minority red grape varieties according to their aromatic profile

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    Free and glycosidically-bound aromatic characterization of 21 minority red grapevine varieties was carried out, along three consecutive vintages, using solid phase microextraction followed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry methodology (SPME-GC-MS). The two main study aims were to evaluate the possibility of aromatically differentiated varieties based on their origin and to test the aromatic profile for being used as a chemotaxonomic tool. Based on the results obtained in this research, it would be also interesting to verify in future studies if this varietal diversity could translate into a diversification of quality products in the current globalized wine market. A volatile profile was established grouping aroma compounds into thirteen families: acids, alcohols, esters, C6 compounds, thiols, ketones, aldehydes, phenols, terpenes, C13-norisoprenoids, lactones, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and sesquiterpenes. Significant differences were found among varieties for esters, phenols, terpenes, and total compounds in the free fraction and for alcohols, acids, C6 compounds, C13-norisoprenoids, terpenes, sesquiterpenes, and total compounds in the glycosidically-bound fraction. Subtle differentiation between different groups of varieties with common genetic origin was achieved by free aromatic profile (PCA) component analysis. Nevertheless, more in-depth studies are considered necessary to confirm the usefulness of the aromatic profile as a chemotaxonomic tool.Agencia Estatal de InvestigaciĂłn (AEI) – Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciĂłn de España | Ref. BES-2017-082396European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) | Ref. 12/32/408/280318/1

    Estudio melisopalinológico en Galicia (NW de España)

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    Se han estudiado, a microscopio Óptico, veinte muestras de miel y polen, procedentes de seis colmenares, localizados en distintas zonas de la regiĂłn gallega. Los resultados muestran que el nĂ©ctar es la principal fuente de miel de la zona. Cabe destacar, como principales fuentes de nĂ©ctar, Castanea sativa, Rubus y Eucalyptus y, como fuentes de polen, T. Cytisus scoparius, Castanea sativa, Rubus, Eucalyptus, T. Quercus robur, Erica y Halirnium alyssoides.Twenty honey and pollen samples from six apiary situated in different localities of Galicia have been made. The results show that nectar from flowers is the main honey source in the region. Castanea sativa, Rubus and Eucalyptus furnish the greatest part of the nectar, wile T. Cytisus scoparius, Castanea sativa, Rubus, Eucalyptus, T. Quercus robur, Erica and Halimium alyssoides are the main pollen sources, in the region

    In-the-field authentication of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) cv: Albariño using chlorotype discrimination and a single SNP interrogation by LAMP

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    Authentication of grapevine cultivars, Vitis vinifera L., is difficult, especially when analytical specimens lack diagnostic ampelographic characters, which prevents the verification of traceability systems aimed at guaranteeing varietal integrity. This issue is problematic when viticultural strategies and regulations associated with high-value wine-producing geographical areas rely on extensive control and monitoring of valuable cultivars. Varietal identification based on grapevine molecular markers is a standardized methodology that requires a specialised laboratory for its application. In contrast, the use of loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) allows DNA markers to be characterized quickly and easily, without the need for skilled personnel, allowing implementation in-situ or in-the-field. Simultaneous identification of the chlorotype and the interrogation of a single SNP using a portable device have allowed the first discrimination in-the-field of grafted grapevines, without appreciable ampelographic characters, as belonging to the valuable “Albariño” cultivar. This methodology constitutes a valuable tool for cultivar discrimination and can be efficiently implemented in the traceability of valuable grapevine genetic resources.Xunta de GaliciaMinisterio de Agricultura, AlimentaciĂłn y Medio AmbienteAgencia Estatal de InvestigaciĂłnMinisterio de Ciencia e InnovaciĂłnFEADER | Ref. 12/32/408/310322/11FEDE

    Estudio palinológico de la turbera de Ameneiros (Galicia, NO de España)

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    AÍRA RonRĂ­cuEz, MI.; DiAL LosADA, E. & SAA OTERo, M. P. Palynological study of the Ameneiros peat bog (Galicia. N.W. Spain). Botanica Complutensis 19: 59-73. In Amcneiras peal bag. 17 drillings have been perfonned. In dic more profound, thc coĂ­nplete pollen analysis and the absolute datation have been made, so long as the remaining bave been utilised for to know Ă­he pollen frequency of very important taza in the different. layers. ihe relation of ÂĄhe new pollen spectruĂ­ns and the previous paleobotanic information, allow to define eighĂ­ sequential phases, and to propose a chronological hypothesis.AÍRA RooRĂ­oĂ­:cz, M. J.~ DÍAz LOSAOA, E. & SAA OrERo, Nl. 1'. Eswdio palinolĂłgico de la turbera de A,neneiros (Galicia. NO. de España). Botan ica Ccnnp/utensis 19: 59-73. En la turbera de Ameneiros se han realizado 17 sondeos. En el mĂĄs profundo, se ha Llevado a cabo eĂ­ estudin palinolĂłgico completo y la dataciĂłn absoluta, mientras que los restantes se han utilizado para conocer las frecuencias polĂ­nicas de los tazones mĂĄs importantes en las diferentes capas. La relaciĂłn entre los nuevos espectros polĂ­nicos y tos datos paleobotĂĄriicos obtenidos anteriormente ha permitido definir ocho fases secuenciales, para las que se propone una hipĂłtesis cronolĂłgica

    Contribución al estudio de la utilización selectiva por Apis mellifera L. de la flora local en un colmenar del NW de la Península Ibérica: (Galicia)

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    Contribution at the study of the selective utilization for Apis melltfera L. of the local flora in one apyary in the NW of Spain. In this work, we have determined the selective utilizatiĂłn of the pollen collection by Api.s inellifera in the species of the sub-humed mediterranean (in accordance with climatic index of AlluĂ©) zone of Galicia (NW of Spain), throughout sampling pollen loud at the hives. This was quantified the different plant used by honey bees, analyzing the relative importance of them.En el presente trabajo se ha estudiado la apetencia selectiva que Apis mellifera hace de las especies de la vegetaciĂłn mediterrĂĄnea subhĂșmeda de tendencia centroeuropea (segĂșn los Ă­ndices climĂĄticos de AlluĂ©) en Galicia (NW de España), en su recolecciĂłn de polen, mediante el muestreo sistemĂĄtico de cĂșmulos de polen corbicular. Ello ha permitido diagnosticar y cuantificar las especies preferidas y determinar la importancia relativa de cada una de ellas

    Screening of Galician grapevine varieties by SNPs, phenotypic traits, and phytopathology

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    The genetic erosion of the European grapevine diversity in the last century has promoted the conservation of varieties in germplasm banks to prevent their disappearance. The study of these varieties is necessary as it would allow the diversification of the wine market, as well as provide a source of genes to face new pathogens or climate constraints. In this work, the grapevine varieties preserved in the “Estación de Viticultura e Enoloxía de Galicia” (EVEGA) Germplasm Bank (Ourense, Spain) were widely characterized, combining ampelography, ampelometry, agronomy, and phytopathology. Moreover, genetic characterization was carried out through the analysis of 48 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). A Bayesian analysis based on the SNP data was carried out to define the genetic structure of the EVEGA Germplasm Bank, which allowed the differentiation of two main reconstructed panmictic populations (RPPs), confirming previous results obtained based on microsatellite markers (SSRs). A great diversity between varieties was found for almost every parameter evaluated for ampelography, ampelometry, phytopatology, phenology, and berry quality. A principal component analysis (PCA) performed with these phenotypical data allowed discrimination among some groups of varieties included in different genetic populations. This study allowed us to evaluate the grapevine diversity maintained in the EVEGA Germplasm Bank and characterize varieties of potential value for breeding programs of interest for the Galician viticulture

    Droplet Digital PCR technology for detection of Ilyonectria liriodendri from grapevine environmental samples

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    http://apsjournals.apsnet.org/feedback/show[EN] Black-foot disease is one of the most important soilborne diseases affecting planting material in grapevine nurseries and young vineyards. Accurate, early, and specific detection and quantification of black-foot disease causing fungi are essential to alert growers and nurseries to the presence of the pathogens in soil, and to prevent the spread of these pathogens through grapevines using certified pathogen-free planting material and development of resistance. We comparatively assessed the accuracy, efficiency, and specificity of droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) and real-time PCR (qPCR) techniques for the detection and quantification of Ilyonectria liriodendri in bulk and rhizosphere soils, as well as grapevine endorhizosphere. Fungal abundance was not affected by soil-plant fractions. Both techniques showed a high degree of correlation across the samples assessed (R2 = 0.95) with ddPCR being more sensitive to lower target concentrations. Roots of asymptomatic vines were found to be a microbial niche that is inhabited by black-foot disease fungi.David Gramaje was supported by the DOC-INIA program from the INIA, co-funded by the European Social Fund. María del Pilar Martínez-Diz was supported by the FPI-INIA program from the INIA.Martínez Martínez, MDP.; Andrés-Sodupe, M.; Berbegal Martinez, M.; Bujanda, R.; Díaz-Losada, E.; Gramaje Pérez, D. (2020). Droplet Digital PCR technology for detection of Ilyonectria liriodendri from grapevine environmental samples. Plant Disease. 104(4):1144-1150. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-03-19-0529-RES11441150104

    GuĂ­a sobre las enfermedades fĂșngicas de la madera de la vid

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    ReuniĂłn Grupo de Trabajo de experimentaciĂłn en viticultura y enologĂ­a. 34ÂȘ ReuniĂłn: Centro de Transferencia Agroalimentaria: Gobierno de AragĂłn: Zaragoza: 10 y 11 de abril de 2019. ANEXOLas enfermedades fĂșngicas de la madera de la vid (EMV) son uno de los retos mĂĄs importantes que actualmente debe afrontar la viticultura en todo el mundo para su sostenibilidad. Estas enfermedades causan daños severos en el viñedo todos los años y su incidencia estĂĄ creciendo rĂĄpidamente en todos los paĂ­ses productores (De la Fuente et al., 2016). Las EMV estĂĄn causadas por varios hongos patĂłgenos que viven y colonizan la madera de los Ăłrganos perennes, causando necrosis y decoloraciĂłn de la madera, infecciones vasculares, y descomposiciĂłn esponjosa seca. Las viñas afectadas muestran, externamente, un decaimiento general y progresivo (retraso de la brotaciĂłn, yemas muertas, decaimiento de la planta, parada del desarrollo, clorosis, apoplejĂ­a, etc.), generalmente asociado a unos sĂ­ntomas foliares acordes a las diferentes enfermedades, que inicialmente pueden causar pĂ©rdida de productividad y eventualmente la muerte de las plantas (Gramaje et al., 2018). En España se estima una media del 3% de plantas afectadas por EMV, aunque existen plantaciones reciĂ©n establecidas en las que su incidencia podrĂ­a superar el 20%, generando pĂ©rdidas econĂłmicas anuales muy elevadas (De la Fuente et al., 2016). SegĂșn estimaciones recientes, el coste anual de replantar el 1% de vid del cultivar Tempranillo en La Rioja debido a las EMV asciende a 7,16 millones de euros anuales (MartĂ­nez-Diz et al., 2019). En Francia, se estima que aproximadamente un 12% de los viñedos son improductivos debido a las EMV, causando unas pĂ©rdidas anuales de 1 billĂłn de euros (Lorch, 2014)

    Outcomes from elective colorectal cancer surgery during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

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    This study aimed to describe the change in surgical practice and the impact of SARS-CoV-2 on mortality after surgical resection of colorectal cancer during the initial phases of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic
