284 research outputs found

    Cambios histomorfométricos tardíos del islote pancreático en un modelo murino, sometido a cirugía bariátrica/metabólica experimental bypass gástrico con y de roux

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    Antecedentes: La cirugía bariátrica/metabólica por bypass gástrico con Y de Roux, es la técnica quirúrgica que mejores resultados ofrece en cuanto pérdida ponderal de peso, así como remisión de la diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Pese a esta mejoría un amplío número de pacientes presentan una recaída significativa a partir de los cinco años. Por esto decidimos estudiar que sucede en el páncreas endocrino con los linajes beta y alfa, a partir del reordenamiento intestinal que produce la cirugía modifica los fenómenos absortivos a largo plazo. Métodos: Para ello utilizamos un modelo sano compuesto por ratas Wistar dividas en tres grupos: un control ayuno (FC), un grupo control quirúrgico (Sham) y un último grupo sometido a cirugía de bypass gástrico con Y de Roux (RYGB). Medimos tras la cirugía: tolerancia a la glucosa y secreción de insulina, masa beta y alfa; factores de transcripción (Pdx-1 y ARX), proliferación (Ki67). Además comprobamos los cambios histológicos y funcionales adaptativos en el asa alimentaria, así como transportadores intestinales de glucosa y otros glúcidos. Resultados: Nuestro estudio mostró un incremento inicial en la secreción de insulina tras la cirugía, produciéndose una disminución en su secreción al final del estudio. La masa beta a las veinticuatro semanas sufre un descenso significativo en el grupo de la RYGB, acompañado de una pérdida de su factor promotor de transcripción Pdx-1. A la vez que se registró un aumento en la masa alfa con una alta expresión de su factor de transcripción ARX en el mismo grupo RYGB. El estudio de los transportes de glucosa e histológicos demostraron una adaptación en forma de picos absortivos. Conclusiones: De este trabajo se desprende que el reordenamiento del tubo digestivo provoca un hiperinsulinismo que conduce al agotamiento de las células beta que lleva a la masa beta mediante fenómenos de transdiferenciación a incrementar la masa alfa en el grupo de ratas sometidas a RYGB

    Propuesta de guía metodológica para la aplicación del mantenimiento centrado en confiabilidad (RCM) en transformadores de potencia

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    Presenta la funcionalidad de un transformador de potencia, sus partes y características que conforman estas máquinas eléctricas, describe los componentes y las fallas más comunes que pueden suceder a lo largo de la vida útil del equipo. Se describen posibles modelos de fallas y se abordan posibles soluciones para evitar llegar hasta esta situación

    Characterization of Alkanolamine Blends for Carbon Dioxide Absorption. Corrosion and Regeneration Studies

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    There are a lot of research programs focusing on the development of new solvents for carbon dioxide capture. The most important priority should be reducing the energy consumption needed at the regeneration step, but minimizing solvent degradation and its corrosivity is also considered as a priority. In this research, the aqueous blends of 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol (AMP: 1 kmol·m−3) and 1-amino-2-propanol (MIPA: 0.1–0.5 kmol·m−3) are characterized in terms of density, viscosity, and surface tension. The carbon dioxide absorption rate and capacity, the regeneration capacity, and the corrosivity of these solvents are also evaluatedFinancial support for this research was obtained under the Project UJA 2016/08/07: “Development of more efficient solvents for carbon dioxide capture-2” (I+D+i Support Plan of the University of Jaen), for which we are gratefulS

    Integration of chemical engineering skills in the curriculum of a master course in industrial engineering

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    Promoting new teaching methodologies is essential to improve the participation, motivation, interest, and results of students in all educational stages. In this sense, flipped classroom and problem-based learning have emerged in the last years as fascinating options to be implemented in high education levels thanks to the students’ maturity and previously acquired background. Working with motivating case studies based on real processes with their restrictions appears as an opportunity to bring future professionals closer to the industrial problems; this will capacitate engineers to solve and understand complex procedures getting tangible results. In this context, the main goal of this work is to combine flipped classroom and problem-based learning methodologies to gain the interest of students of a Master course in Industrial Engineering in the subject of Chemical Processes using real data of local companies. A survey, designed by the academics involved, will help collecting the opinion of students as well as the acquired skills in the frame of the specific subject. Results demonstrated the satisfaction of the students with the course, highlighting mainly the acquisition or improvement of self-learning skills (survey 4.0/5.0), capacity for organization and planning (survey 4.0/5.0), analytical ability (survey 4.2/5.0), and teamwork (survey 4.3/5.0). In addition, the grades accomplished during the year of implementation show that although the success rate is quite similar to preceding years, the marks achieved are considerably higher

    Application of biodegradable fluids as liquid insulation for distribution and power transformers

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    In the last years the use of biodegradable fluids as liquid insulation for distribution and power transformers is becoming more common. The main biodegradable fluids are the natural and synthetic esters, although biodegradable hydrocarbons have been recently proposed as well. Biodegradable fluids have a much lower environmental impact than mineral oil, limiting the risk of soil contamination in case of leaks what makes them a suitable solution for some applications, as off-shore transformers or railway transformers. Additionally, these fluids have higher flash point than conventional mineral oils what reduces dramatically the risk of fire and collateral damage derived from explosion and fire. Despite of these advantageous factors, there are still some aspects that hinders the spread of their use, such as the difference on thermal properties, the lack of accepted maintenance procedures and the price. This paper presents the current situation of biodegradable insulating fluids, analyzing some of their properties and discussing the aspects that are still to be investigated to make them a real alternative to petroleum-based fluids.This work was supported in part by the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme through the Marie Sklodowska-Curie under Grant 823969, in part by the Ministry of Universities and Innovation Economy through Grants DPI2015-71219-C2 and PID2019-107126RB-C21

    Effect of the thermal characteristics of dielectric fluids on the loading capacity of a power transformer

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    The use of biodegradable dielectric liquids in power transformers has several advantages, such as increased fire safety or their biodegradability in the event of a leak in the tank. However, they also have a higher viscosity that does not benefit their cooling function within these machines. Although there are many references that analyze the transformers hotspot temperature for dynamic loading, there are hardly any references that focus on the dynamic evaluation of the hotspot when the viscosity of the dielectric and cooling fluid changes, with respect to that of the oil of mineral origin. In this work, the algorithms proposed in the bibliography will be combined with the use of computational fluid dynamics software ANSYSFLUENT, which uses the finite volumes method to solve the equations that govern fluid flow. The software tool will be used to calculate the temperatures of a 100MVA transformer winding. Once these temperatures have been calculated, they can be entered into the hotspot temperature estimation algorithm when the machine's load regime is varied. This analysis will be repeated using dielectric liquids with different thermal characteristics. Transformer fleet managers may use the results of this study in order to adapt their procedures when the machines they manage do not have conventional mineral oil insidePart of the work was performed during secondments between University of Valle and the Universidad de Cantabria executed in the framework of the BIOTRAFO project “Raising knowledge and developing technology for the design and deployment of high performance power transformers immersed in biodegradable fluids”, H2020-MSCARISE-2018-823969, 2019–21. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 823969. Also, we acknowledge the support of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation by means of the National Research Project Asset management of biodegradable-fluid-based transformers (PID2019-107126RB-C22/AEI/10.13039/501100011033). The authors also want to thank the grant received from the Call for the Development of the 2020 Industrial Doctorate Program of the Universidad de Cantabria

    RNA self-cleavage activated by ultraviolet light-induced oxidation

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    A novel UV-C-light-induced ribozyme activity was discovered within the highly structured 5′-genomic regions of both Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) and the related Classic Swine Fever Virus (CSFV). Cleavage is mediated by exposure to UV-C light but not by exogenous oxygen radicals. It is also very selective, occurring at base positions HCV C 79 and CSFV A45 in some molecules and at the immediately adjacent 5′-positions HCV U 78 and CSFV U 44 in others. Among other reaction products, the majority of biochemically active products detected contained 3′-phosphate and 5′-phosphate-end groups at the newly generated termini, along with a much lower amount of 3′-hydroxyl end group. While preservation of an E-loop RNA structure in the vicinity of the cleavage site was a requisite for HCV RNA self-cleavage, this was not the case for CSFV RNA. The short size of the reactive domains (∼33nt), which are compatible with primitive RNA motifs, and the lack of sequence homology, indicate that as-yet unidentified UV-activated ribozymes are likely to be found throughout structured RNAs, thereby providing clues to whether early RNA self-cleavage events were mediated by photosensitive RNA structures. © 2012 The Author(s).http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkr82

    Application of biodegradable fluids as liquid insulation for distribution and power transformers

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    In the last years the use of biodegradable fluids as liquid insulation for distribution and power transformers is becoming more common. The main biodegradable fluids are the natural and synthetic esters, although biodegradable hydrocarbons have been recently proposed as well. Biodegradable fluids have a much lower environmental impact than mineral oil, limiting the risk of soil contamination in case of leaks what makes them a suitable solution for some applications, as off-shore transformers or railway transformers. Additionally, these fluids have higher flash point than conventional mineral oils what reduces dramatically the risk of fire and collateral damage derived from explosion and fire. Despite of these advantageous factors, there are still some aspects that hinders the spread of their use, such as the difference on thermal properties, the lack of accepted maintenance procedures and the price. This paper presents the current situation of biodegradable insulating fluids, analyzing some of their properties and discussing the aspects that are still to be investigated to make them a real alternative to petroleum-based fluidsThis work was supported in part by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme through the Marie Sklodowska-Curie under Grant 823969, in part by the Ministry of Universities and Innovation Economy through Grants DPI2015-71219-C2 and PID2019-107126RB-C21

    Fifteen Years (1996-2010) of the Revista de Psicodidáctica/Journal of Psychodidactics

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    [Es] Este artículo ofrece un balance de la trayectoria que ha experimentado la Revista de Psicodidáctica/Journal of Psychodidactics desde su fundación en el año 1996 hasta el 2010. Salvo el año 2004 en el que sólo se editó en una ocasión, ha aparecido con periodicidad semestral, alcanzado un total de 29 números. Se ofrecen datos bibliométricos sobre las personas que han escrito artículos, sobre la procedencia (por universidades y regiones/países) de los artículos, así como sobre las áreas de conocimiento cuyas temáticas se abordan. Se aprecian importantes diferencias en el número de artículos entre las distintas áreas psicodidácticas probablemente como reflejo de una desigual trayectoria de investigación en las mismas. De otro lado, al comparar datos diferenciando tres lustros (el de inicio, el de mantenimiento y el de transformación), se perfila una clara trayectoria: desde un inicio como revista de ámbito regional, con participación mayoritaria de autores del entorno próximo, se está convirtiendo en tiempos recientes en una publicación con una participación creciente de autores externos y que cubre los requisitos exigidos por las agencias de evaluación de la calidad de las revistas. Analizar esta trayectoria permite identificar señas de identidad propias a la vez que plantear objetivos de futuro.[En] This paper offers an overview of the development of the Revista de Psicodidáctica/Journal of Psychodidactis since its creation in 1996 to the year 2010. With the exception of the year 2004, in which only one issue was published, the journal has been published regularly every six months, making a total of 29 issues. This paper provides bibliometric data about the authors whose work has featured in the journal, the origin (university and region/country) of the papers published and the fields of knowledge and themes dealt with. The number of papers focusing on different psychopedagogic areas varies widely, probably as a reflection of the unequal development of research in the different fields. Also, when the data from the three five-year periods (the initial period, the maintenance period and the period of transformation) are compared, a clear development becomes apparent: at first, the journal was a regional publication, featuring mainly authors from the immediate environment; over recent years, however, it has become a publication which features a growing number of external authors and which complies with the requisites established by journal quality assessment agencies. Analysing this trajectory enables us both to determine the journal’s identifying characteristics and to establish future objectives