789 research outputs found

    Mission Impossible? Preventing discrimination on grounds of disability of foetuses with Down syndrome in Spain after the emergence of non-invasive prenatal testing.

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    This article analyses the current situation of discrimination towards foetuses with Down syndrome (DS) in Spain, both legally and through the medical practice, pointing out how this discrimination breaches the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), ratified by Spain, according to the Committee of the CRPD. This work argues that an eventual modification of the Spanish abortion legislation (in appeal before the Constitutional Court) might not be enough to prevent the said discrimination due to the emergence of the non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT). It explores the challenges introduced by the NIPT and the relationship between a prenatal diagnose of a disability (DS in particular) and termination of pregnancy rates. Health practitioners, mainly through the communication of the diagnose, play a significant role in the bias against the DS population that leads to discrimination. Consequently, this article suggests the need for a different approach towards a DS diagnose, more accurate, positive and based on the actual experience of individuals with DS and their families.pre-print727 K

    Role of Sentinel Node Biopsy in Endometrial Cancer

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    Lymphadenectomy, for early stages of endometrial cancer (EC), provides a low detection rate of lymphatic metastasis, without having demonstrated a therapeutic effect; so that the collection and histological analysis of the sentinel lymph node (SLN) might be an alternative to lymphadenectomy. The contribution of SLN to surgical staging represents a change in the paradigm of lymphadenectomy in EC, being an intermediate approach between not assessing the condition of the lymph nodes and complete pelvic and paraaortic dissection. Accurate identification of the main uterine drainage pathway increases the likelihood of detecting metastases during lymphatic mapping. In addition, pathological assessment by the ultrastaging of the SLN is the most important advance in the SLN biopsy (SLNB) technique. The application of the SLNB presumes a decrease in surgical and long-term morbidity, with an increase in the detection of lymphatic metastasis, mainly at the expense of detecting low tumour volume, selecting the group of patients that would benefit from a modification in adjuvant therapy. The SLNB can be established as an oncologically safe and effective method in the surgical staging of early-stage EC. Prospective studies are required to determine optimal behaviour and prognosis in the detection of low-volume metastases

    ¿Do theoretical conceptions of intrinsic motivation have any common features?

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    Actualmente muchos estudiantes tienen dificultad para mantener centrada su atención durante las clases. Este estudio persigue conocer si existe algún rasgo o rasgos comunes en las aproximaciones teóricas sobre la motivación intrínseca que pudiera reducir este déficit. Con estas premisas se ha realizado una búsqueda documental de artículos científicos en repositorios de acceso abierto. Analizados los trabajos, se ha concluido que no existe un aspecto común vinculado de forma explícita y generalizada a la comprensión de la motivación intrínseca. En cualquier caso, el rasgo “reto” o “desafío” si parece tener presencia, en alguna medida, en gran parte de los planteamientos revisadosMany students have difficult to keep focus during classes nowadays. This research aims to find out if there are common features in theoretical conceptions of intrinsic motivation to reduce this hardship. On this basis, a documentary review of scientific papers has been done in open access repositories. It has been concluded there is not a common feature linked to theoretical conception of intrinsic motivation on a widespread and explicit way. In any case, the “challenge” trait seems having presence in a great part of reviewed approaches to a greater or lesser exten

    La Realidad Aumentada en Educación Primaria desde la visión de los estudiantes

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    Trabajar hoy con recursos digitales en las aulas es una realidad sin posibilidad de cuestionamiento. En este sentido la incorporación de herramientas como la Realidad Aumentada, están reflejando una nueva forma de ver y entender el proceso de enseñanza y de aprendizaje. En este sentido, este artículo presenta la visión que un grupo de profesores en formación tienen de la Realidad Aumentada en la Educación Primaria de modo que se pueda esclarecer la viabilidad o no de la utilización de esta tecnología en el aprendizaje en este nivel educativo. Así, mediante el empleo de un diseño ex post facto, se ha creado un cuestionario conformado por 30 ítems, distribuidos en 6 dimensiones, empleando una escala de respuesta tipo Likert de 5 opciones. La muestra ha estado compuesta por N=520 maestros en formación de la Universidad de Córdoba. El objetivo principal de la investigación ha sido: evaluar las posibilidades y potencialidades que ofrecen diferentes softwares utilizados para la creación de entornos tecnológicos bajo la arquitectura de la Realidad Aumentada para ser utilizados en contextos formativos universitarios. El principal resultado alcanzado refleja la no existencia de diferencias en torno a la percepción que los maestros tienen de la RA en el ámbito de la educación primaria, que esta es una herramienta de difícil uso con alumnado con necesidades específicas de apoyo educativo y, que una vez dominada, sería fácil de ser incorporada a su acción docente.// Working today with digital resources in the classroom is a reality without the possibility of questioning. In this sense, the incorporation of tools such as Augmented Reality (from now on AR) are reflecting a new way of seeing and understanding the teaching and learning process. Its use for curriculum development is very diverse as well as the different ways of incorporating them, depending on the perspective that teachers have of it. In this sense, this article presents the vision that a group of pre-service teachers have of AR in Primary Education, so that the viability or not of the use of this technology in the learning in this educational level can be clarified. Thus, by using an ex post facto design, by the collection the dates a questionnaire with 30 items has been created, distributed in 6 dimensions, using a Likert type response scale of 5 options. The sample has been composed of N=520 students from the University of Córdoba. The main objective of the research has been: to evaluate the possibilities and potentials offered by different software used for the creation of technological environments under the AR architecture to be used in university formative contexts. The main result achieved reflects the non-existence of differences around the perception that teachers have of the RA in the field of primary education that this is a difficult-to-use tool with students with specific educational support needs and that once dominated would be easy to be incorporated into your teaching action

    Dispersión de semillas por adhesión en pastizales mediterráneos: una aproximación experimental

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    El impacto de la CDPD en el ordenamiento de la UE a través de la jurisprudencia del TJUE balance y perspectivas de futuro.

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    Introducción. –2. El impacto de la CDPD en el derecho derivado de la UE. –3. Otras vías de tutela de la eficacia de la CDPD en la UE. 3.1. La eficacia directa de la CDPD. 3.2 La cuestión prejudicial: balance del impacto de la CDPD por vía jurisprudencial. 3.3 Otras vías referidas a la UE como Administración. –4. Perspectivas de futuro y conclusiones.post-print227 K

    Analysis of Basque temporal constructions and the creation of a corpus

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    Tesis titulada “Euskarazko denbora-egituren azterketa eta corpusaren sorrera / Analysis of Basque temporal constructions and the creation of a corpus”, defendida por Begoña Altuna Díaz en la Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU) y elaborada bajo la dirección de las doctoras Arantza Díaz de Ilarraza (Departamento de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos) y María Jesús Aranzabe (Departamento de Lengua Vasca y Comunicación). La defensa se celebró el 21 de noviembre de 2018 en la Facultad de Informática (UPV/EHU) en San Sebastián ante el tribunal formado por Kepa Sarasola (Presidente, Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU)), Itziar Aduriz (Secretaria, Universidad de Barcelona (UB)) y Ricardo Etxepare (Vocal, Centre National de Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)). La tesis obtuvo la calificación de sobresaliente Cum Laude otorgada por unanimidad y mención internacional.Ph. D. thesis entitled “Euskarazko denbora-egituren azterketa eta corpusaren sorrera / Analysis of Basque temporal constructions and the creation of a corpus”, defended by Begoña Altuna Díaz at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) under the supervision of Dr. Arantza Díaz de Ilarraza (Languages and Computer Systems Department) and Dr. María Jesús Aranzabe (Basque Language and Communication Department). The thesis defense was held on the 21st of November 2018 at the Computer Science Faculty (UPV/EHU) in San Sebastian and the members of the commission were Dr. Kepa Sarasola (President, University of Basque Country (UPV/EHU)), Dr. Itziar Aduriz (Secretary, Universidad de Barcelona (UB)) and Dr. Ricardo Etxepare (Vocal, Centre National de Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)). The thesis was awarded an excellent grade and Cum Laude honours and the international mention.La tesis se ha desarrollado gracias a las becas PRE_2013_1_959, PRE_2014_2_242, PRE_2015_4_0284 y PRE_2016_2_294 del Gobierno Vasco y ha sido financiada por los proyectos PROSA-MED (TIN2016-77820-C3-1-R) del Ministerio Economía y Competitividad y DETEAMI (2014111003) del Gobierno Vasco