749 research outputs found

    Identification and rejection of scattered neutrons in AGATA

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    Gamma rays and neutrons, emitted following spontaneous fission of 252Cf, were measured in an AGATA experiment performed at INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro in Italy. The setup consisted of four AGATA triple cluster detectors (12 36-fold segmented high-purity germanium crystals), placed at a distance of 50 cm from the source, and 16 HELENA BaF2 detectors. The aim of the experiment was to study the interaction of neutrons in the segmented high-purity germanium detectors of AGATA and to investigate the possibility to discriminate neutrons and gamma rays with the gamma-ray tracking technique. The BaF2 detectors were used for a time-of-flight measurement, which gave an independent discrimination of neutrons and gamma rays and which was used to optimise the gamma-ray tracking-based neutron rejection methods. It was found that standard gamma-ray tracking, without any additional neutron rejection features, eliminates effectively most of the interaction points due to recoiling Ge nuclei after elastic scattering of neutrons. Standard tracking rejects also a significant amount of the events due to inelastic scattering of neutrons in the germanium crystals. Further enhancements of the neutron rejection was obtained by setting conditions on the following quantities, which were evaluated for each event by the tracking algorithm: energy of the first and second interaction point, difference in the calculated incoming direction of the gamma ray, figure-of-merit value. The experimental results of tracking with neutron rejection agree rather well with Geant4 simulations

    CO in Protostars (COPS): HerschelHerschel-SPIRE Spectroscopy of Embedded Protostars

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    We present full spectral scans from 200-670μ\mum of 26 Class 0+I protostellar sources, obtained with HerschelHerschel-SPIRE, as part of the "COPS-SPIRE" Open Time program, complementary to the DIGIT and WISH Key programs. Based on our nearly continuous, line-free spectra from 200-670 μ\mum, the calculated bolometric luminosities (LbolL_{\rm bol}) increase by 50% on average, and the bolometric temperatures (TbolT_{\rm bol}) decrease by 10% on average, in comparison with the measurements without Herschel. Fifteen protostars have the same Class using TbolT_{\rm bol} and LbolL_{\rm bol}/LsubmmL_{\rm submm}. We identify rotational transitions of CO lines from J=4-3 to J=13-12, along with emission lines of 13^{13}CO, HCO+^+, H2_{2}O, and [CI]. The ratios of 12^{12}CO to 13^{13}CO indicate that 12^{12}CO emission remains optically thick for JupJ_{\rm up} < 13. We fit up to four components of temperature from the rotational diagram with flexible break points to separate the components. The distribution of rotational temperatures shows a primary population around 100 K with a secondary population at ∼\sim350 K. We quantify the correlations of each line pair found in our dataset, and find the strength of correlation of CO lines decreases as the difference between JJ-level between two CO lines increases. The multiple origins of CO emission previously revealed by velocity-resolved profiles are consistent with this smooth distribution if each physical component contributes to a wide range of CO lines with significant overlap in the CO ladder. We investigate the spatial extent of CO emission and find that the morphology is more centrally peaked and less bipolar at high-JJ lines. We find the CO emission observed with SPIRE related to outflows, which consists two components, the entrained gas and shocked gas, as revealed by our rotational diagram analysis as well as the studies with velocity-resolved CO emission.Comment: 50 pages, 18 figures, accepted to ApJS. Revised for Table 6 and Figure

    Gender-based violence-supportive cognitions in adolescent girls and boys: The function of violence exposure and victimisation

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    Violence against women and girls is widespread in the Caribbean, which may be due to heightened acceptance of such acts in this specific social context. In spite of this, studies investigating attitudes towards violence and their correlates among participants drawn from the region are missing. In order to address this void in the literature, we examined associations between violence exposure and victimisation and two gender-based violence-related cognitions (attitudes towards male physical domestic violence and social norms regarding physical violence against girls) as well as general beliefs about violence, using structural equation modelling. Participants were a sample of adolescent girls (n = 661; M age = 13.15) and boys (n = 639; M age = 13.22) from two Eastern Caribbean countries, Barbados and Grenada, recruited from 10 primary schools, nine secondary schools, and two youth offender centres. In considering that girls and boys were previously demonstrated to differ in their experiences as well as tolerance of violence, structural models were specified and tested separately for the two sexes. Results indicated that violence victimisation was positively strongly associated with attitudes towards male physical domestic violence and social norms regarding physical violence against girls among boys. Increased violence victimisation among girls, in turn, correlated with increased acceptance of social norms regarding physical violence against girls, but this relationship was weak. Violence exposure did not have any significant associations with any of the attitudinal variables included in the study. We discuss the importance of these findings for the development of appropriate gender-based violence prevention strategies for youths from the Eastern Caribbean

    Proteomic and Transcriptional Profiles of Human Stem Cell-Derived beta Cells Following Enteroviral Challenge

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    Enteroviral infections are implicated in islet autoimmunity and type 1 diabetes (T1D) pathogenesis. Significant beta-cell stress and damage occur with viral infection, leading to cells that are dysfunctional and vulnerable to destruction. Human stem cell-derived beta (SC-beta) cells are insulin-producing cell clusters that closely resemble native beta cells. To better understand the events precipitated by enteroviral infection of beta cells, we investigated transcriptional and proteomic changes in SC-beta cells challenged with coxsackie B virus (CVB). We confirmed infection by demonstrating that viral protein colocalized with insulin-positive SC-beta cells by immunostaining. Transcriptome analysis showed a decrease in insulin gene expression following infection, and combined transcriptional and proteomic analysis revealed activation of innate immune pathways, including type I interferon (IFN), IFN-stimulated genes, nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kappaB) and downstream inflammatory cytokines, and major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I. Finally, insulin release by CVB4-infected SC-beta cells was impaired. These transcriptional, proteomic, and functional findings are in agreement with responses in primary human islets infected with CVB ex vivo. Human SC-beta cells may serve as a surrogate for primary human islets in virus-induced diabetes models. Because human SC-beta cells are more genetically tractable and accessible than primary islets, they may provide a preferred platform for investigating T1D pathogenesis and developing new treatments

    Overview on the Trojan Horse Method in nuclear astrophysics

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    The use of the Trojan Horse Method (THM) appears as one of the most suitable tools for investigating nuclear processes of interest for astrophysics. THM has been demonstrated to be useful for exploring different nuclear reactions intervening both in stellar and primordial nucleosynthesis as well. Some recent results will be here discussed together with a brief discussion of the fundamental theoretical description. General details about the recently studied 7Be(n,α)4He reaction will be givenDepartamento de Física Aplicad

    Subpromille Measurements and Calculations of CO (3–0) Overtone Line Intensities

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    Intensities of lines in the near-infrared second overtone band (3–0) of {12}^C{16}^O are measured and calculated to an unprecedented degree of precision and accuracy. Agreement between theory and experiment to better than 1‰ is demonstrated by results from two laboratories involving two independent absorption- and dispersion-based cavity-enhanced techniques. Similarly, independent Fourier transform spectroscopy measurements of stronger lines in this band yield mutual agreement and consistency with theory at the 1‰ level. This set of highly accurate intensities can provide an intrinsic reference for reducing biases in future measurements of spectroscopic peak areas

    Guidance on the Selection of Appropriate Indicators for Quantification of Antimicrobial Usage in Humans and Animals

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    An increasing variety of indicators of antimicrobial usage has become available in human and veterinary medicine, with no consensus on the most appropriate indicators to be used. The objective of this review is therefore to provide guidance on the selection of indicators, intended for those aiming to quantify antimicrobial usage based on sales, deliveries or reimbursement data. Depending on the study objective, different requirements apply to antimicrobial usage quantification in terms of resolution, comprehensiveness, stability over time, ability to assess exposure and comparability. If the aim is to monitor antimicrobial usage trends, it is crucial to use a robust quantification system that allows stability over time in terms of required data and provided output; to compare usage between different species or countries, comparability must be ensured between the different populations. If data are used for benchmarking, the system comprehensiveness is particularly crucial, while data collected to study the association between usage and resistance should express the exposure level and duration as a measurement of the exerted selection pressure. Antimicrobial usage is generally described as the number of technical units consumed normalized by the population at risk of being treated in a defined period. The technical units vary from number of packages to number of individuals treated daily by adding different levels of complexity such as daily dose or weight at treatment. These technical units are then related to a description of the population at risk, based either on biomass or number of individuals. Conventions and assumptions are needed for all of these calculation steps. However, there is a clear lack of standardization, resulting in poor transparency and comparability. By combining study requirements with available approaches to quantify antimicrobial usage, we provide suggestions on the most appropriate indicators and data sources to be used for a given study objective

    A Novel Role for the Centrosomal Protein, Pericentrin, in Regulation of Insulin Secretory Vesicle Docking in Mouse Pancreatic β-cells

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    The centrosome is important for microtubule organization and cell cycle progression in animal cells. Recently, mutations in the centrosomal protein, pericentrin, have been linked to human microcephalic osteodysplastic primordial dwarfism (MOPD II), a rare genetic disease characterized by severe growth retardation and early onset of type 2 diabetes among other clinical manifestations. While the link between centrosomal and cell cycle defects may account for growth deficiencies, the mechanism linking pericentrin mutations with dysregulated glucose homeostasis and pre-pubertal onset of diabetes is unknown. In this report we observed abundant expression of pericentrin in quiescent pancreatic β-cells of normal animals which led us to hypothesize that pericentrin may have a critical function in β-cells distinct from its known role in regulating cell cycle progression. In addition to the typical centrosome localization, pericentrin was also enriched with secretory vesicles in the cytoplasm. Pericentrin overexpression in β-cells resulted in aggregation of insulin-containing secretory vesicles with cytoplasmic, but not centrosomal, pericentriolar material and an increase in total levels of intracellular insulin. RNAi- mediated silencing of pericentrin in secretory β-cells caused dysregulated secretory vesicle hypersecretion of insulin into the media. Together, these data suggest that pericentrin may regulate the intracellular distribution and secretion of insulin. Mice transplanted with pericentrin-depleted islets exhibited abnormal fasting hypoglycemia and inability to regulate blood glucose normally during a glucose challenge, which is consistent with our in vitro data. This previously unrecognized function for a centrosomal protein to mediate vesicle docking in secretory endocrine cells emphasizes the adaptability of these scaffolding proteins to regulate diverse cellular processes and identifies a novel target for modulating regulated protein secretion in disorders such as diabetes

    Identification of the barrier to gene flow between phylogeographic lineages of the common hamster Cricetus cricetus

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    In anthropogenically disturbed habitats, natural barriers still exist and have to be recognized, as they are important for conservation measures. Areas of phylogeographic breaks within a species are often stabilized in inhospitable regions which act as natural barriers. An area of contact between phylogeographic lineages of the common hamster (Cricetus cricetus) was found in the Małopolska Upland in Poland. A total of 142 common hamsters were captured between 2005 and 2009. All hamsters were genotyped at 17 microsatellite loci and partial sequences of the mitochondrial (mtDNA) control region were obtained. No mixed populations with mtDNA haplotypes of both lineages were found. The distance between marginal populations was about 20 km; no hamsters were found in the area between. A principal components analysis (PCA) was performed on microsatellite data and the greatest change in PC1 scores was found between marginal samples. To define the habitat components responsible for the phylogeographic break, we compared the habitat composition of sites occupied by hamsters with those from which hamsters were absent. We found that hamsters avoided forested areas and sandy soils. The area of the potential barrier was characterized by a high proportion of woodland and unfavorable soils in comparison with neighboring areas inhabited by hamsters. They cannot settle in this area due to their high winter mortality in shallow burrows and high predation in the fields adjacent to forests
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