290 research outputs found

    „Mała Ojczyzna Tatarów Polskich” – Kruszyniany

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    Demokracja bezpośrednia wobec dążeń separatystycznych. Rozważania nad kategorią referendum niepodległościowego

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    The aim of this article was to present the referendum on independence within the framework of the current definitions and typologies of referendum, and to present the main doubts concerning the political conditions and the function of the independence referendum. The referendum on independence in most cases is considered to be a particular instrument of direct democracy and a key step in the process of gaining statehood by the ethno-regional movements. Such a type of referendum should be defined as popular vote in which citizens (with voting rights) of a certain territory may declare their will to establish a new state through secession. The independence referendum is a concept in relation to which there is a significant disproportion between the number of empirical studies in the form of a case study and the number of studies of more general character and theoretical ambitions. The key issues concerning the analysis of this category of referenda are: the referendum procedure - the way of referendum initiative, the preconditions, the persons entitled, the content of the question or the interpretation of the results. It is important to remember about the possibility of a constitutional regulations of referendum, although its implementation is influenced by current factors and tactical political decisions by actors, just like ordinary public votes.Celem niniejszego artykułu było ujęcie referendum niepodległościowego w ramach obecnych w nauce definicji i typologii oraz ukazanie głównych wątpliwości dotyczących politologicznych uwarunkowań oraz funkcji referendum niepodległościowego. Referendum niepodległościowe w większości przypadków uchodzi za szczególny instrument demokracji bezpośredniej i kluczowy etap procesu uzyskiwania własnej państwowości przez ruchy etnoregionalistyczne. Należy je zdefiniować jako głosowanie o charakterze powszechnym, w którym obywatele danego terytorium posiadający czynne prawo wyborcze mogą zadeklarować wolę utworzenia nowego państwa poprzez secesję. Referendum niepodległościowe jest pojęciem, w odniesieniu do którego widoczna jest istotna dysproporcja między liczbą badań empirycznych w formie studium przypadku a liczbą studiów o bardziej generalnym charakterze i teoretycznych ambicjach. Kluczowe problemy dotyczące analizy tej kategorii referendów to: określenie procedury referendum – sposobu inicjacji, warunków wstępnych, osób uprawnionych, treści pytania czy interpretacji wyników. Pamiętać należy o możliwości ustrojowego umocowania instytucji referendum, choć jej realizacja podlega wpływowi czynników bieżących oraz taktycznych decyzji politycznych aktorów, tak jak zwykłe głosowania powszechne

    The use of GIS network analysis methods that assess the availability of places of open physical activity in Bydgoszcz

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    Development of an analysis of the availability of physical activity for the inhabitants of Bydgoszcz using the methods of GIS network analysis. A characteristic feature of the development is the use of network analysis methods commonly used instead of the methods for estimating the distance based on the buffers. Thanks to the technology used, obtained communication availability of land sports and recreation for individual areas of the city. Considerable differences in the availability of open areas of physical activity in Bydgoszcz, some areas located in the city center, in a significant concentration of the population has a very good accessibility. Worst availability located in areas characterized by a predominance of the production function and significant areas of forest

    Loss of the Parent-Child Relationship after Divorce: Does Custodial Arrangement Matter?

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    Today about 50 percent of marriages end in divorce and 40 percent of these divorces have children involved. Divorce can be a traumatic event and because of this divorce can be considered an ambiguous loss. This study looked at the losses that could be experienced by children from a parental divorce. Using attachment theory as the lens, literature was reviewed surrounding the effects of divorce on children. After completing the literature review the loss of the parent-child relationship was the primary focus for this study. A quantitative study was conducted to answer the question: does the custodial arrangement alleviate or exacerbate the loss of the parent-child relationship after a parental divorce? A total of 74 respondents, who experienced a parental divorce as a child, completed a survey to determine their legal custodial arrangement after the divorce and their Parent Child Relationship Survey (PCRS) scale score for both mother and father. The findings of this study concluded that there is a significant difference between a respondent in one legal custodial arrangement to a respondent with a different legal custodial arrangement and their mean PCRS scale score for father but not for mother. Recommendations for further research of other factors that can influence respondent’s parent-child relationship and research before and after the divorce occurred would be beneficial. Implications for social workers were also discussed in providing more education to parents and children experiencing a divorce to support resilience

    Manipulowanie zyskami przez spółki debiutujące na GPW

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    The research sample covers non-financial initial public offerings (IPOs) on the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE, GPW) in the period 1998-2013. The study aims to answer the question whether Polish IPO firms managed their earnings in the issuance period.Differentiated estimation models were applied and several approaches were engaged to detect accrual-based earnings management. The empirical research covered four groups of research problems: zero-profit threshold, last-year threshold, discretionary accruals and profitability consequencesfor the consecutive years.High, positive and statistically significant discretionary accruals were reported in the IPO year or before going public, along with an inclination to report a positive and higher profitability. In consequence, the deterioration in profitability was observed in the following years.Badania prowadzone były dla spółek z sektora pozafinansowego dokonujących pierwszych ofert publicznych (initial public offering, IPO), na rynku głównym Giełdy Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie w latach 1998-2013. Celem była odpowiedź na pytanie, czy dla spółek dokonujących pierwotnych emisji akcji w Polsce zaobserwować można zjawisko zarządzania zyskami w okresach okołoemisyjnych.Badania empiryczne dotyczyły zjawiska kształtowania wyniku typu materiałowego i przeprowadzono je, wykorzystując różnorodne podejścia i kilku modeli estymacji przesunięć międzyokresowych. Podjęto cztery grupy problemów badawczych – badano skłonność do przekraczania zysku zerowego, skłonność do przekraczania rentowności roku poprzedniego, manipulowanie zyskami poprzez dokonywanie nietypowych przesunięć międzyokresowych oraz konsekwencje manipulowania zyskami dla kolejnych okresów sprawozdawczych.W roku debiutu giełdowego zaobserwowano relatywne zwiększenie poziomu nietypowych przesunięć międzyokresowych (discretionary accruals), czemu towarzyszyło nasilenie skłonności do wykazywania zysku przynajmniej na poziomie roku poprzedniego i skłonności do raportowania dodatniego wyniku finansowego. Konsekwencją nietypowych korekt w roku IPO było osłabienie rentowności w okresie bezpośrednio po debiucie

    Loss of the Parent-Child Relationship after Divorce: Does Custodial Arrangement Matter?

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    Today about 50 percent of marriages end in divorce and 40 percent of these divorces have children involved. Divorce can be a traumatic event and because of this divorce can be considered an ambiguous loss. This study looked at the losses that could be experienced by children from a parental divorce. Using attachment theory as the lens, literature was reviewed surrounding the effects of divorce on children. After completing the literature review the loss of the parent-child relationship was the primary focus for this study. A quantitative study was conducted to answer the question: does the custodial arrangement alleviate or exacerbate the loss of the parent-child relationship after a parental divorce? A total of 74 respondents, who experienced a parental divorce as a child, completed a survey to determine their legal custodial arrangement after the divorce and their Parent Child Relationship Survey (PCRS) scale score for both mother and father. The findings of this study concluded that there is a significant difference between a respondent in one legal custodial arrangement to a respondent with a different legal custodial arrangement and their mean PCRS scale score for father but not for mother. Recommendations for further research of other factors that can influence respondent’s parent-child relationship and research before and after the divorce occurred would be beneficial. Implications for social workers were also discussed in providing more education to parents and children experiencing a divorce to support resilience

    Monomers and Polymers via Catalytic Oxyfunctionalization of Renewable Resources

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    Rural economic development in the post-agricultural era : policy recommendations

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    Present rural economies of developed countries are no more dominated by agriculture. However, in policies of rural economic development the position of farming remains very strong due to the persisiting pro - ductivist thinking. Consequently, the tools of such policies are strongly related to agriculture, despite its minor contribution to rural economies of developed countries. The aim of this article is to offer recommendations for more efficient policies of rural economic development which are not based only on agriculture. These policy re - commendations for European or national, regional and local authorities are key research findings of the project Non-agricultural and non-tourism economic industries in rural peripheries of the Visegrad countries funded by the International Visegrad Fund

    Analysis of air mass back trajectories with present and historical volcanic activity and anthropogenic compounds to infer pollution sources in the South Shetland Islands (Antarctica)

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    This work analyses atmospheric transport of natural and anthropogenic pollution to the South Shetland Islands (SSI), with particular reference to the period September 2015 – August 2017. Based on data from the Global Volcanism Program database and air mass back trajectories calculated using the HySPLIT model, it was found that it is possible that in the analysed period volcanic pollution was supplied via long-range transport from South America, and from the South Sandwich Islands. Air masses flowed in over the South Shetland Islands from the South America region relatively frequently – 226 times during the study period, which suggests the additional possibility of anthropogenic pollution being supplied by this means. In certain cases the trajectories also indicated the possibility of atmospheric transport from the New Zealand region, and even from the south-eastern coast of Australia. The analysis of the obtained results is compared against the background of research by other authors. This is done to indicate that research into the origin of chemical compounds in the Antarctic environment should take into account the possible influx of pollutants from remote areas during the sampling period, as well as the possible reemission of compounds accumulated in snow and ice