163 research outputs found

    Estudio de la interacción leguminosas-hongos fitopatógenos mediante una aproximación de genómica funcional (proteómica y transcriptómica)

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    The objectives pursued in this PhD thesis are to study the legume responses to phytopathogenic fungi by using a functional genomics approach (transcriptomics and proteomics). The pea (Pisum sativum) and the model legume Medicago truncatula were chosen to study their stress responses to Erysiphe pisi and Mycosphaerella pinodes pathogens. The pea crop constitutes an important source of protein for human consumption, being one of the most grown grain legume in the world, meanwhile M. truncatula is an important forage legume which is being used as a model plant for use in molecular and classical genetic studies. Moreover, within the phytopathogenic fungi, powdery mildew and ascochyta blight are one the most plant pathogenic fungi that seriously constrain crop production worldwide. Within the functional genomics approaches carried out to study the defense mechanisms in legumes to phytopathogenic fungi infection, a differential expression proteomic approach was carried out in order to unveil which resistance mechanisms are involving in the defense response of the pea to E. pisi and M. pinodes infections. The results obtained from the application of this approach in both studies are presented. The changes observed reflect a metabolic adjustment performed by the pea in response to phytopathogen fungi infection. To go deeper into the knowledge of the defence mechanism related to the response to E. pisi infection in legumes, two different transcriptomics approaches were performed using the model legume M. truncatula. Thus, M. truncatula - E. pisi pathosystem was analyzed by using microarray and quantitative real-time PCR platforms, respectively. These results revealed a wide variety of mechanisms and pathways involved in M. truncatula in response to E. pisi infection, including an important number of genes belonging to diverse functional groups, which will help to develop new genetic tools in the breeding program in legumes.Los objetivos planteados en esta tesis doctoral son analizar las respuestas de las leguminosas a la infección de hongos fitopatógenos mediante el uso de una aproximación de genómica funcional (transcriptómica y proteómica). El guisante (Pisum sativum) y la leguminosa modelo Medicago truncatula fueron elegidas para estudiar sus respuestas de estrés a los patógenos Erysiphe pisi y Mycosphaerella pinodes. Dentro de las aproximaciones de genómica funcional llevadas a cabo para estudiar los mecanismos de defensa de las leguminosas a la infección de hongos fitopatógenos, una aproximación de proteómica diferencial fue llevada a cabo con el objetivo de revelar cuáles son los mecanismos de resistencia implicados en las respuestas de defensa del guisante a la infección de E. pisi y M. pinodes. Los resultados obtenidos de la aplicación de esta aproximación en ambos estudios son presentados. Los cambios observados reflejan un ajuste metabólico del guisante en respuesta a la infección de estos hongos fitopatógenos. Para profundizar en el conocimiento de los mecanismos de defensa de las leguminosas en respuesta a la infección de E. pisi, dos aproximaciones transcriptómicas diferentes fueron realizadas usando la leguminosa modelo M. truncatula. En consecuencia, el patosistema M. truncatula - E. pisi fue analizado mediante dos plataformas, microarray y PCR cuantitativa en tiempo real, respectivamente. Estos resultados revelaron una amplia variedad de mecanismos y rutas implicadas en las respuestas de defensa de M. truncatula en respuesta a la infección de E. pisi, incluyendo un importante número de genes pertenecientes a diversos grupos funcionales, los cuales ayudaran en el desarrollo de nuevas herramientas genéticas en los programas de mejora vegetal en leguminosas

    Avaliação da performance financeira por segmentos

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    Com o presente projecto pretendeu-se conhecer a vivência de uma empresa relativamente ao seu controlo de gestão e instrumentos financeiros utilizados, e simultaneamente contribuir para uma melhoria das práticas de intervenção e de gestão, procurando dar resposta à questão inicial que levou ao desenvolvimento deste projecto: Como avaliar a performance financeira dos vários segmentos da empresa: gestores, processos, produtos e clientes, utilizando as métricas de criação de valor? Nas opções metodológicas, optou-se pela observação e análise de documentos (referentes à empresa em estudo) como técnica de recolha de dados, o que permitiu compreender o funcionamento da empresa e aquisição de conhecimentos mais profundos face às suas reais dificuldades. A revisão da literatura foi igualmente fundamental para uma melhor compreensão dos conceitos em estudo. Da análise realizada foi reconhecida a necessidade pertinente de uma mudança a nível das ferramentas de gestão utilizadas, com o objectivo de medir a criação de valor. A utilização de instrumentos tradicionais de avaliação de “valor” da empresa em estudo fomentou a necessidade de criar um sistema de controlo de gestão que responda às especificidades dos problemas encontrados. O sistema de controlo de gestão proposto utiliza instrumentos de pilotagem, comportamentais e de diálogo que permitem à empresa orientar os seus gestores no sentido de implementar a sua estratégia, tendo em vista atingir os objectivos previamente definidos e difundidos. Permite a correcta avaliação de performance de cada segmento e qual a sua contribuição para a destruição ou criação de valor para a empresa na sua globalidade.Current work intends to present a company through its management control and financial tools and simultaneously contribute to an improvement of management intervention skills, pursuing the answer to initial question: How to evaluate financial performance of company’s areas: managers, procedures and clients, using value creation measures? In methodological procedures, we based our data research in analyzing company’s documents, which provided a better knowledge about company’s operation, but also to get in touch with its real problems. Literature was also essential to a better comprehension studied terms. Analysis identified a relevant need of changing management skills/tools used with purpose of measuring value creation. The appliance of traditional “value” (of a company) evaluation methods, revealed also the need to create a new management control system capable of answering the specific problems encountered. The proposed management control system uses behavioral and dialogue indexes, which allows the company to guide its management team to implement strategies to achieve the previously defined goals. It also provides a correct evaluation of each company’s areas financial performance and their contribution to firm’s value creation or even destruction

    Fiabilidade, barreiras e facilitadores para a implementação da bateria de testes funcionais Split.OA em pessoas com Osteoartrose: um estudo de métodos mistos

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    Introdução: Para uma prescrição de exercício adequada e personalizada em pessoas com osteoartrose da anca ou joelho (OAAJ), é crucial avaliar a aptidão física, através de testes funcionais objetivos fiáveis e adaptados ao contexto em que são implementadas. Objetivos: Avaliar a fiabilidade de uma bateria de testes de desempenho físico para pessoas com osteoartrose e explorar barreiras e facilitadores para a sua implementação na prática clínica dos fisioterapeutas. Metodologia: Realizou-se um estudo de métodos mistos convergente em duas fases sequenciais. Na fase quantitativa foi aplicada a bateria de testes Split.OA a pessoas com OAAJ (n=21) (30sec Chair Stand Test, 40 meter Fast Paced Walk Test, 6 Minute Walk Test, Sit-and-Reach Test, Modified Thomas Test e o Star Excurssion Balance Test) em dois momentos, um para testar a fiabilidade inter-observador, e 7 a 14 dias após, para testar a fiabilidade intra-observador. Foi analisado o coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (CCI). Na fase qualitativa realizaram-se 2 grupos focais com 11 fisioterapeutas. O guião da entrevista e análise de dados dedutiva foram orientados pelo modelo Capacidade, Oportunidade, Motivação – Comportamento (COM-B). Resultados: Foram incluídos 21 participantes com OA. A análise de fiabilidade inter- observador dos instrumentos revelou valores de CCIs moderados a excelentes (CCI1,1 entre 0,726 e 0,986; CCI1,k entre 0,925 e 0,966), assim como a intra-observador (CCI3,1 entre 0,699 e 0,995; CCI3,k entre 0,890 e 0,975). A análise dedutiva dos grupos focais revelou 14 barreiras e 16 facilitadores, em 5 domínios do COM-B. Os participantes consideraram que os seus contextos e equipas de trabalho, os recursos necessários, as expectativas do utente e comunicação com o mesmo e o treino para a aplicação da bateria, são fatores importantes para a sua implementação. Conclusão: Os níveis de fiabilidade demonstrados, revelam que os fisioterapeutas podem confiar nos resultados da bateria de testes Split.OA e as barreiras e facilitadores identificadas, permitirão informar possíveis estratégias a adotar no treino de competências do programa Split.OA, otimizando a implementação da bateria na prática clínica dos fisioterapeutas.Introduction: For an adequate and tailored exercise prescription in people with hip and/or knee osteoarthritis (HKOA), it is crucial to evaluate physical performance, through objective functional tests that are reliable and adapted to the context which they are implemented. Purpose: Assess the reliability of a battery of physical performance tests for people with osteoarthritis (OA) and explore barriers and enablers to implementing this battery in clinical practice. Methodology: A convergent mixed methods study was carried out in two sequential phases. In the quantitative phase, the Split.OA test battery was applied to people with HKOA (n=21) (6 Minute Walk Test, 40 meter Fast Paced Walk Test, 30sec Chair Stand Test, Sit-and-Reach Test, Modified Thomas Test e o Star Excursion Balance Test) in two moments, one for interrater reliability, and 7 to 14 days after, for intrarater reliability. This was analysed with Interclass Correlation Coefficient (CCI). For the qualitative phase, 2 focus groups were conducted with 11 physiotherapists. The interview guide and deductive content analysis were guided by the Capacity, Opportunity, Motivation – Behaviour (COM-B) model. Results: In total, 21 participants with OA were include. The interrater reliability analysis of the tests showed moderate to excellent CCI values (CCI1,1 between 0,726 e 0,986; CCI1,k between 0,925 e 0,966), like the intrarrater (CCI3,1 between 0,699 e 0,995; CCI3,k between 0,890 e 0,975). The deductive analysis revealed 14 barriers and 16 enablers, within 5 domains of COM-B. The physiotherapists considered that their contexts and work teams, necessary resources, patient’s expectations and communication with them, and the training for applying the battery were important factors for its implementation. Conclusion: The reliability levels showed that physiotherapist can trust the results of the Split.OA battery of tests. Additionally, the barriers and enablers identified will inform possible strategies to be adopted in the training of the Split.OA programme and optimise the implementation of the battery in physiotherapists’ clinical practice

    Selective C–Cl bond oxidative addition of chloroarenes to a POP–rhodium complex

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    The C–Cl bond cis oxidative addition of 12 chloroarenes, including chlorobenzene, chlorotoluenes, chlorofluorobenzenes, and di- and trichlorobenzenes to RhH{xant(PiPr2)2} (1; xant(PiPr2)2 = 9,9-dimethyl-4,5-bis(diisopropylphosphino)xanthene) and the ability of the resulting rhodium(III) species to undergo reductive elimination reactions are reported. Complex 1 reacts with chlorobenzene to give RhHCl(C6H5){xant(PiPr2)2} (2), which eliminates benzene to afford RhCl{xant(PiPr2)2} (3). On the other hand, in the presence of potassium tert-butoxide (KOtBu), it undergoes dehydrodechlorination to yield Rh(C6H5){xant(PiPr2)2} (4). The reactions of 1 with 3- and 4-chlorotoluenes lead to RhHCl(C6H4-3-Me){xant(PiPr2)2} (5) and RhHCl(C6H4-4-Me){xant(PiPr2)2} (6), respectively. Treatment of the acetone solutions of both compounds with KOtBu also results in their dehydrodechlorination to give Rh(C6H4-3-Me){xant(PiPr2)2} (7) and Rh(C6H4-4-Me){xant(PiPr2)2} (8). Chlorofluorobenzenes undergo both C–Cl oxidative addition and C–H bond activation in a competitive manner. The amount of the C–H activation product increases as fluorine and chlorine are separated. Complex 1 reacts with o-chlorofluorobenzene to afford the C–Cl oxidative addition product RhHCl(C6H4-2-F){xant(PiPr2)2} (9). The reaction of 1 with m-chlorofluorobenzene leads to RhHCl(C6H4-3-F){xant(PiPr2)2} (10; 91%) and the C–H bond activation product Rh(C6H3-2-Cl-6-F){xant(PiPr2)2} (12; 9%), whereas p-chlorofluorobenzene gives a mixture of RhHCl(C6H4-4-F){xant(PiPr2)2} (13; 61%) and Rh(C6H3-3-Cl-6-F){xant(PiPr2)2} (15; 39%). The addition of KOtBu to the acetone solutions of 9, 10, and 13 produces the HCl abstraction and the formation of Rh(C6H4-2-F){xant(PiPr2)2} (16), Rh(C6H4-3-F){xant(PiPr2)2} (17), and Rh(C6H4-4-F){xant(PiPr2)2} (18). In contrast to o-chlorofluorobenzene, 1,2-dichlorobenzene reacts with 1 to give RhHCl(C6H4-2-Cl){xant(PiPr2)2} (19; 32%), Rh(C6H4-2-Cl){xant(PiPr2)2} (20; 51%) and Rh(C6H3-2,3-Cl2){xant(PiPr2)2} (22; 17%). The reactions of 1 with 1,3- and 1,4-dichlorobenzene lead to the respective C–Cl bond oxidative addition products RhHCl(C6H4-3-Cl){xant(PiPr2)2} (23) and RhHCl(C6H4-4-Cl){xant(PiPr2)2} (24), which afford Rh(C6H4-3-Cl){xant(PiPr2)2} (25) and Rh(C6H4-4-Cl){xant(PiPr2)2} (26) by dehydrodechlorination with KOtBu in acetone. Treatment of 1 with 1,2,3-, 1,2,4-, and 1,3,5-trichlorobenzenes leads to RhHCl(C6H3-2,3-Cl2){xant(PiPr2)2} (27), RhHCl(C6H3-3,4-Cl2){xant(PiPr2)2} (28), and RhHCl(C6H3-3,5-Cl2){xant(PiPr2)2} (29). The addition of KOtBu to acetone solutions of 27-29 affords 22, Rh(C6H3-3,4-Cl2){xant(PiPr2)2} (30) and Rh(C6H3-3,5-Cl2){xant(PiPr2)2} (31).Financial support from the MINECO of Spain (Projects CTQ2014-52799-P and CTQ2014-51912-REDC), the Diputacion General de Aragon (E-35), FEDER, and the European Social Fund is acknowledged.Peer reviewe

    Confirming geomagnetic Sfe by means of a solar flare detector based on GNSS

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    Solar Flares (SF) refer to sudden increases of electromagnetic radiation from the Sun lasting from minutes to hours. Irradiance in the Extremely Ultra-Violet (EUV) or X band is enhanced and it can produce a sudden over-ionization in the ionosphere, which can be tracked by several techniques. On the one hand, this over-ionization increases the ionospheric delays of GNSS signals in such a way as can be monitored using measurements collected by dual-frequency GNSS receivers. On the other hand, this over-ionization of the ionosphere is the origin of electrical currents which, in turn, induce magnetic fields which can be monitored with ground magnetometers. In this work we propose the use of a GNSS Solar Flare Monitor (GNSS-SF) for its utility to confirm the presence of ionospheric ionization which is able to produce Solar Flare Effects (Sfe) in geomagnetism. A period of 11 years (2008–2018) has been analyzed and contingency tables are shown. Although most of the GNSS-SF detections coincide with SF and most of the Sfe have a detected origin in the ionosphere, there are some paradoxes: sometimes small flares produce disturbances which are clearly detected by both methods while other disturbances, originated by powerful flares, go by virtually unnoticed. We analyzed some of these cases and proposed some explanations. We found that suddenness in the variation is a key factor for detection. Threshold values of the velocity of change to remove the background noise and the use of the acceleration of change instead of the velocity of change as the key performance detector are other topics we deal with in this paper. We conclude that the GNSS-SF detector could provide warnings of ionization disturbances from SF covering the time when the Sfe detectors are “blind”, and can help to confirm Sfe events when Sfe detectors are not able to give a categorical answer.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    A Europa e a Ásia: histórias e historiografias comparadas

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    Based on a critical assessment of the fundamental debates ignited by Kenneth Pomeranz’ seminal work The great divergence – a work that was recently translated into Portuguese –, this article presents a reconstitution of the historiographical contributions of the recent decades that have comparatively evaluated the development of Europe and Asia. On the one hand, the article highlights a group of works that offer new insights and interpretations on the history of Asian societies since the modern age, from which Pomeranz’ work stands out. On the other hand, the article identifies and critically engages with the fundamental analytical and historical issues in connection with this important historiographical movement.Basendo-se na interpretação dos principais debates suscitados pela obra seminal de Kenneth Pomeranz A grande divergência, recentemente traduzida para o português, este artigo procura reconstituir as dinâmicas historiográficas que nas últimas décadas têm discutido comparativamente o desenvolvimento da Europa e da Ásia. Neste artigo, procura-se, por um lado, realçar a relevância de um conjunto de estudos na reformulação da história das sociedades asiáticas desde a Idade Moderna, entre as quais se destaca o trabalho de Pomeranz. Por outro lado, este artigo identifica e analisa criticamente os principais temas e problemas que decorrem desse movimento historiográfico