16 research outputs found

    The Problem of Colliding Networks and its Relation to Cancer

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    Complex systems, ranging from living cells to human societies, can be represented as attractor networks, whose basic property is to exist in one of allowed states, or attractors. We noted that merging two systems that are in distinct attractors creates uncertainty, as the hybrid system cannot assume two attractors at once. As a prototype of this problem, we explore cell fusion, whose ability to combine distinct cells into hybrids was proposed to cause cancer. By simulating cell types as attractors, we find that hybrids are prone to assume spurious attractors, which are emergent and sporadic states of networks, and propose that cell fusion can make a cell cancerous by placing it into normally inaccessible spurious states. We define basic features of hybrid networks and suggest that the problem of colliding networks has general significance in processes represented by attractor networks, including biological, social, and political phenomena

    A cost of cryptic female choice in the yellow dung fly

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    Female dung flies Scathophaga stercoraria (L.) store sperm from several males in three or four spermathecae. Selection on the number of spermathecae was successful and the morphological intermediate stages in the evolution from three to four spermathecae are illustrated. The genetic quality of a male from a female’s perspective depends on an interaction between their genotypes and the microhabitat in which the offspring will grow. Females influence the paternity pattern of their offspring, and do this differently in different microhabitats. Females with four spermathecae are better able to influence paternity than are those with three spermathecae. However, there must be a cost to building and maintaining an extra spermatheca. We estimate, using the animal model on pedigree data, that this cost is approximately five eggs per clutch, i.e. around 8% of the mean clutch size. This is a substantial cost and such costs should not be ignored in discussions of the benefits to females of assessing the genetic qualities of their mating partners. We suggest that the number of spermathecae in the study population is stable because the relative benefits in quality of offspring through cryptic female choice is balanced by the costs in total numbers of offspring

    The whole genome sequence of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), reveals insights into the biology and adaptive evolution of a highly invasive pest species

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    The Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly), Ceratitis capitata, is a major destructive insect pest due to its broad host range, which includes hundreds of fruits and vegetables. It exhibits a unique ability to invade and adapt to ecological niches throughout tropical and subtropical regions of the world, though medfly infestations have been prevented and controlled by the sterile insect technique (SIT) as part of integrated pest management programs (IPMs). The genetic analysis and manipulation of medfly has been subject to intensive study in an effort to improve SIT efficacy and other aspects of IPM control

    Incomplete reprogramming after fusion of human multipotent stromal cells and bronchial epithelial cells

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    Bone marrow-derived progenitor cells can fuse with cells of several different tissues, including lung, especially following injury. Despite many reports of cell fusion, few studies have examined the function of the resulting hybrid cells. We cocultured human multipotent stromal cells (hMSCs) and normal human bronchial epithelial cells (NHBEs) and observed the formation of hMSC/NHBE heterokaryons. The heterokaryons expressed several proteins characteristic of epithelial cells, such as keratin and occludin. Hybrid cells also expressed the mRNAs and proteins for 2 important ion channels that maintain bronchial and alveolar fluid balance: the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) and the amiloride-sensitive epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC). By immunocytochemistry, CFTR was expressed in many hybrid cells but was absent or low in others. Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings demonstrated a glibenclamide-sensitive current in the presence of barium chloride, consistent with functional CFTR channels, in control NHBEs and hMSC/NHBE heterokaryons. Total cell capacitance measurements showed that the membrane surface area of heterokaryons was similar to that of NHBEs. Heterokaryons expressed the α- and γ-ENaC subunits but did not express the β-ENaC subunit, indicating the inability to form a complete ENaC channel. In addition, hybrid cells formed by the fusion of hMSCs with immortalized bronchial cells that expressed CFTR ΔF508 did not lead to reprogramming of the hMSC nucleus and expression of wild-type CFTR mRNA. Our data show that reprogramming can be incomplete following fusion of adult progenitor cells and somatic cells and may lead to altered cell function.—Curril, I. M., Koide, M., Yang, C. H., Segal, A., Wellman, G. C., Spees, J. L. Incomplete reprogramming after fusion of human multipotent stromal cells and bronchial epithelial cells

    Erratum: "The whole genome sequence of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), reveals insights into the biology and adaptive evolution of a highly invasive pest species", [Genome Biol. (2016), 17, (192)]

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    After publication of our recent article [1] we noticed that Monica Munoz-Torres had been omitted from the author list. We have now added her, and the updated Funding and Authors' contributions sections are below. © The Author(s). 2017

    The whole genome sequence of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), reveals insights into the biology and adaptive evolution of a highly invasive pest species

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    Background: The Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly), Ceratitis capitata, is a major destructive insect pest due to its broad host range, which includes hundreds of fruits and vegetables. It exhibits a unique ability to invade and adapt to ecological niches throughout tropical and subtropical regions of the world, though medfly infestations have been prevented and controlled by the sterile insect technique (SIT) as part of integrated pest management programs (IPMs). The genetic analysis and manipulation of medfly has been subject to intensive study in an effort to improve SIT efficacy and other aspects of IPM control. Results: The 479 Mb medfly genome is sequenced from adult flies from lines inbred for 20 generations. A high-quality assembly is achieved having a contig N50 of 45.7 kb and scaffold N50 of 4.06 Mb. In-depth curation of more than 1800 messenger RNAs shows specific gene expansions that can be related to invasiveness and host adaptation, including gene families for chemoreception, toxin and insecticide metabolism, cuticle proteins, opsins, and aquaporins. We identify genes relevant to IPM control, including those required to improve SIT. Conclusions: The medfly genome sequence provides critical insights into the biology of one of the most serious and widespread agricultural pests. This knowledge should significantly advance the means of controlling the size and invasive potential of medfly populations. Its close relationship to Drosophila, and other insect species important to agriculture and human health, will further comparative functional and structural studies of insect genomes that should broaden our understanding of gene family evolution. © 2016 The Author(s)

    The whole genome sequence of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), reveals insights into the biology and adaptive evolution of a highly invasive pest species

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    Background The Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly), Ceratitis capitata, is a major destructive insect pest due to its broad host range, which includes hundreds of fruits and vegetables. It exhibits a unique ability to invade and adapt to ecological niches throughout tropical and subtropical regions of the world, though medfly infestations have been prevented and controlled by the sterile insect technique (SIT) as part of integrated pest management programs (IPMs). The genetic analysis and manipulation of medfly has been subject to intensive study in an effort to improve SIT efficacy and other aspects of IPM control. Results The 479 Mb medfly genome is sequenced from adult flies from lines inbred for 20 generations. A high-quality assembly is achieved having a contig N50 of 45.7 kb and scaffold N50 of 4.06 Mb. In-depth curation of more than 1800 messenger RNAs shows specific gene expansions that can be related to invasiveness and host adaptation, including gene families for chemoreception, toxin and insecticide metabolism, cuticle proteins, opsins, and aquaporins. We identify genes relevant to IPM control, including those required to improve SIT. Conclusions The medfly genome sequence provides critical insights into the biology of one of the most serious and widespread agricultural pests. This knowledge should significantly advance the means of controlling the size and invasive potential of medfly populations. Its close relationship to Drosophila, and other insect species important to agriculture and human health, will further comparative functional and structural studies of insect genomes that should broaden our understanding of gene family evolution