86 research outputs found

    Caracterización de resíduos de vid transformados en biochar

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    Los residuos en la industria vitivinícola, referidos a restos de poda y otros materiales lignificados, requieren de una gestión para retirarlos o transformarlos de manera rápida, para evitar las incomodidades de las labores realizadas en los viñedos o trabajos en bodega (vendimias). Estos restos de biomasa pueden transformarse, a través de un proceso de pirólisis, en biochar.Grado en EnologíaPremio San Isidro otorgado por la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenierías Agrarias (Palencia

    Descripción sensorial utilizando mapeo proyectivo con consumidores

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    Las pruebas descriptivas dentro del análisis sensorial tienen un papel fundamental para la industria alimentaria, ya que proporcionan mucha información sobre las características y aceptabilidad de los productos que están en el mercado. La industria alimentaria está interesada en que las pruebas de análisis sensorial se lleven a cabo por consumidores, ya que los paneles de cata formados por jueces entrenados conllevan una inversión de tiempo y dinero. Este trabajo tiene por objetivo obtener una descripción sensorial rápida con consumidores, utilizando nuevas metodologías de caracterización sensorial. Los productos que se han analizado son galletas con pepitas de chocolate y vinos tintos de diferentes Denominaciones de Origen, usando la metodología Ultra Flash Profile combinada con la prueba de Napping®. Los distintos aqtributos proporcionados por los consumidores han permitido realizar caracterizaciones de los productos y también establecer diferencias entre ellos.Máster en Calidad, Desarrollo e Innovación de Alimento

    Use of Mobile Technologies in Personal Learning Environments of Intercultural Contexts: Individual and Group Tasks

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    This paper presents the results of the analysis of the personal learning environments (PLE) used individually and in groups by fifth grade primary education students. The main objective was to determine if the use of mobile technologies in the students’ PLEs encouraged their school integration and learning in intercultural communities. For this, a content analysis of the students’ responses to an ad hoc interview was carried out, with a content validity index of 0.89. The students represented their answers using 41 concept maps in the individual tasks and 5 in the group tasks, which were analyzed with the Nvivo software in its latest version. The results show the categorization of the students’ responses in three dimensions: read, make/reflection and relationship. Among the main conclusions, it was obtained that, in both types of tasks, the strategies and tools that fostered intercultural relationships, intercultural education and communication between the students, and therefore school integration, are mostly linked to the use of mobile technologies applications, such as Wikipedia, the internet, Word, PowerPoint, social networks and YouTube, although it is essential to develop more studies to have more data to understand the phenomenon in depth.Unidad de Calidad, Innovacion Docente y Prospectiva, Universidad de Granada 19-2

    Aeropuertos inteligentes: aceptación de la tecnología por parte de los pasajeros

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    This paper analyzes the acceptance of the technologies that make an airport an Smart Airport, by Spanish passengers. In particular, it is verified how the use of self-service technologies in the boarding, obtaining luggage tags and baggage check processes increases the passenger's satisfaction. It also shows that the desire to use new technologies in these processes and the use of video games and biometric passports is related to the age of the passengers.En este trabajo se analiza la aceptación de las tecnologías que hacen de un aeropuerto un Aeropuerto Inteligente, por parte de los pasajeros españoles. En concreto, se comprueba cómo el uso de tecnologías autoservicio en los procesos de embarque, obtención de etiquetas de equipaje y facturación del equipaje aumenta la satisfacción del pasajero. También se muestra que el deseo de utilización de las nuevas tecnologías en estos procesos y del uso de videojuegos y pasaporte biométrico está relacionada con la edad de los pasajeros.      &nbsp

    Tree species effects on soil microbial community composition and greenhouse gases emissions in a Mediterranean ecotone forest

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    Resumen de una presentación realizada en: I Simposio sobre Interacciones Planta-Suelo (ICA-CSIC, Madrid, 25-26 Febrero 2016)Over recent decades in the Iberian Peninsula, altitudinal shifts from Pinus sylvestris L. to Quercus pyrenaica Willd species has been observed as a consequence of Global Change, meaning changes in temperature, precipitation, land use and forestry. The forest conversion from pine to oak can alter the litter quality and quantity provided to the soil and thereby the soil microbial community composition and functioning. Since soil microbiota plays an important role in organic matter decomposition, and this in turn is key in biogeochemical cycles and forest ecosystems productivity, the rate in which forests produce and consume greenhouse gases can be also affected by changes in forest composition. In other words, changes in litter decomposition will ultimately affect downstream carbon and nitrogen dynamics although this impact is uncertain. In order to predict changes in carbon and nitrogen stocks in Global Change scenarios, it is necessary to deepen the impact of vegetation changes on soil microbial communities, litter decomposition dynamics (priming effect) and the underlying interactions between these factors. To test this, we conducted a full-factorial transplant microcosms experiment mixing both fresh soils and litter from Pyrenean oak, Scots pine and mixed stands collected inside their transitional area in Central Spain. The microcosms consisted in soil cylinders inside Kilner jars used as chambers inside an incubator. In this experiment, we investigated how and to what extent the addition of litter with different quality (needles, oak leaves and mixed needlesleaves) to soil inoculums with contrasting soil microbiota impact on soil (i) CO2, NO, N2O and CH4 efflux rates, (ii) total organic carbon and nitrogen and (iii) dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen. Furthermore, we assessed if these responses were controlled by changes in the microbial community structure using the PLFA analyses prior and after the incubation period of 54 days.Peer reviewe

    Los mapas auto-organizados para la evaluación de la investigación de tesis doctorales : el caso de la Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales en España

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    This paper has as main objective to demonstrate how the use of neural networks, self-organized maps type, is a potentially clarifying tool in the treatment, analysis and visualization of scientometric data, specifically, in the case of the analysis of the Spanish doctoral theses in teaching Social Sciences, indexed in TESEO database and defended between 1976 and 2014. A census of 301 doctoral theses has been recovered, analyzed according to autonomous communities (Andalusia and Catalonia), five-year term groups, thematic categories and educational stages. In Andalusia, research has concentrated its production in the stages of Primary and Secondary Education, and in the thematic of Didactics of Geography. The dissertations production is highest in the five-year period 1986-1990 and 2001-2005. In Catalonia, research deals mainly with the stages of Secondary and Higher Education, and the theme of Didactics of Social Sciences. The most productive five-year periods in Catalonia were 1991-1995, 1996-2000, 2001-2005 and 2006-2010

    Hypoxic exposure as a means of increasing sporting performance: fact or fiction?

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    Las crecientes exigencias del deporte de élite han propiciado la continua investigación de diversos métodos para aumentar el rendimiento deportivo de los deportistas. Uno de los que más se ha hablado en los últimos años, especialmente en los deportes de resistencia, es el entrenamiento en altitud o exposición hipóxica. No obstante, a pesar de la popularidad que ha cobrado entre atletas y entrenadores de todo el mundo, existe una gran controversia sobre sus supuestas bondades. De esta forma, el objetivo de esta revisión es tratar de clarificar el papel de la exposición hipóxica en el aumento del rendimiento deportivo, analizando las distintas metodologías, herramientas e investigaciones al respecto. Se concluye que la exposición hipóxica carece en la actualidad de suficientes evidencias científicas que validen su efectividad, pues los resultados de la literatura son contradictorios.The increasing demands of elite sports have led to continuing research into various methods for improving the sporting performance of their participants. One of the most widely discussed in the past few years, especially in the field of endurance sports, is altitude training, or hypoxic exposure. However, despite its increasing popularity amongst athletes and coaches worldwide, a great deal of controversy remains regarding its supposed benefits. As such, the aim of this review was to attempt to clarify the role of hypoxic exposure on improved sporting performance by analysing the various methodologies, tools and research available. The key conclusion is that hypoxic exposure currently lacks sufficient scientific evidence to validate its efficacy as literature results tend to be contradictory

    Polysaccharide content of extracts obtained from unfermented skins from red varieties

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    Grape pomace is one of the main by-products generated by wine industry and contains several bioactive compounds such as polysaccharides. They are contained in the cell walls of the grape skins. The variety can be an important factor influencing the polysaccharide content of grapes. Actually, there is great interest in the revaluation of by-products and their incorporation into the production process. Therefore, the aim of this work was to evaluate the polysaccharide content of different extracts obtained from unfermented pomaces of different red grape varieties from Castilla y León. Eight different grape varieties were studied. The polysaccharides from grape pomace was obtained following a flash extraction process and the total polysaccharide content and the molecular weight distribution were estimated by High-Performance Size-Exclusion Chromatography with a Refractive Index Detector. Statistically significant differences were found in the content of total polysaccharides by grape variety varying between 112 and 200 mg/g. Only high and low molecular weight polysaccharide fractions were detected. All varietal extracts presented higher percentage of low molecular weight polysaccharides (50.8-64.3%) than of high molecular weight (35.7-49.2%)

    Análisis de los Premios Nacionales Vicente Ferrer como instrumento para alcanzar el objetivo nº4 del Desarrollo Sostenible

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    The research ‘Analysis of the Vicente Ferrer National Awards as an instrument to achieve the nº4 goal of Sustainable Development’ aims to study the current dimensions of the concept of Education for Sustainable Development, deepen its pedagogy and show the involvement of Spanish educational centres and their teachers in Education for Development through the Vicente Ferrer awards. After having surveyed 174 teachers and analysed the data obtained, it is inferred that the implementation of Education for Development in Spanish classrooms has been carried out effectively and efficiently so far. In addition, the data indicate that teachers are increasingly qualified in this area but few have seen their efforts rewarded. However, the text highlights that it is essential that, before joining teaching, future teachers and professors have a Higher Education that provides them with the necessary tools to incorporate skills related to Education for Sustainable Development in the classroom.La investigación ‘Análisis de los premios nacionales Vicente Ferrer como instrumento para alcanzar el objetivo nº4 del Desarrollo Sostenible’ pretende estudiar las dimensiones actuales del concepto de Educación para el Desarrollo Sostenible, profundizar sobre su pedagogía y mostrar la implicación de los centros educativos españoles y sus docentes en la Educación para el Desarrollo a través de los galardones Vicente Ferrer. Tras haber encuestado a 174 docentes y analizado los datos obtenidos, se infiere que la implantación de la Educación para el Desarrollo en las aulas españolas se ha conseguido realizar de una forma eficaz y eficiente hasta el momento. Además, los datos indican que los docentes están cada vez más cualificados en esta materia pero pocos han visto premiado su esfuerzo. Sin embargo, el texto destaca que es imprescindible que, antes de incorporarse a la docencia, los futuros maestros y profesores cuenten con una Educación Superior que les aporte las herramientas necesarias para incorporar competencias vinculadas a la Educación para el Desarrollo Sostenible en las aulas

    Respuesta láctica de atletas de élite ante un entrenamiento específico para la prueba de 3.000 metros lisos

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    This paper analyses the lactic behaviour of four elite athletes (with personal bests for the 3,000 metres of between 7' 38'' and 8' 08'') in response to an average extensive interval training stimulus: 4 × (4 × 400) (102%, Recovery: 1' and 3') + 1 × 400 (maximum intensity), and in response to 3,000 metres races. The study firstly uses descriptive statistics to show what the lactic response of the athletes is to these stimuli, and secondly non-parametric inferential analysis to explore the suitability of this training for improving lactic endurance in 3,000 metres races.El presente trabajo analiza el comportamiento láctico de cuatro atletas de élite (con marcas en 3.000 metros entre 7'38'' y 8' 08'') ante un estímulo de entrenamiento interválico extensivo medio: 4 × (4 × 400) (102 %, Recuperación: 1' y 3') + 1 × 400 (máxima intensidad), y ante la prueba de competición de 3.000 metros lisos. El estudio evidencia, por una parte y mediante estadística descriptiva, cuál es la respuesta láctica de los atletas a estos estímulos y, por otro lado y mediante análisis inferencial no paramétrico, la idoneidad de este entrenamiento a la hora de mejorar la resistencia láctica en la prueba de 3.000 metros lisos
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