298 research outputs found

    Crystallization of threonyl-tRNA synthetase from Thermus thermophilus and preliminary crystallographic data

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    AbstractThreonyl-tRNA synthetase from Thermus thermophilus (ttTRS) has been overproduced in Escherichia coli, purified and crystallized in solutions containing ammonium sulfate and glycerol. The crystals grew in the orthorhombic space group C2221 with unit cell dimensions a = 119.5 Å, b = 120.0 Å, c = 317.5 Å. The asymmetric unit is constituted of two monomers and the crystals contain 66% solvent. This paper reports the first crystals of ttTRS and preliminary crystallographic results since the presumed crystals of ttTRS described in a previous paper [1] were crystals of aspartyl-tRNA synthetase [2]

    Fibroblast behavior after titanium surfaces exposure.

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    Background: The main requirements for a good material are its ability to promote attraction and adhesion of bone precursor cells and their proliferation and differentiation. Different biocompatible materials are currently employed as scaffold. Among these, titanium is considered a gold standard because of its biocompatibility and good corrosion resistance. Materials and Methods: The aim of this work was to compare two different AoN titanium layers (GR4 and GR5) to investigate which one had a greater osteoconductive power using human fibroblasts (HFb) culture at two different time-points. The expression levels of some adhesion and traction-resistance related genes (COL11A1, COL2A1, COL9A1, DSP, ELN, HAS1, and TFRC) were analyzed using real time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. Results: After 7 days of treatment with TiA 4GR, the only two up-regulated genes were COL2A1 and DSP. After 15 days of treatment, none of genes over expressed. Conclusion: Our preliminary results suggest that neither AoN 4GR nor AoN 5GR are able to promote the production of protein involved in cell\u2013cell and cell\u2013matrix adhesion and in stress-resistance, required for a good outcome in dental implantolog

    On the Low-Frequency Dynamics of Turbulent Separation Bubbles

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    The low-frequency modal and non-modal stability characteristics of an incompressible, pressure-gradient-induced turbulent separation bubble (TSB) are investigated with the objective of studying the mechanism responsible for the low-frequency contraction and expansion (breathing) commonly observed in experimental studies. The configuration of interest is a TSB generated on a flat test surface by a succession of adverse and favourable pressure gradients. The base flow selected for the analysis is the average TSB from the direct numerical simulation of Coleman et al. (J. Fluid Mech., vol. 847, 2018). Global linear stability analysis reveals that the flow is globally stable for wavenumbers. The mode closest to the stability threshold appears to occur at zero frequency and low, non-zero spanwise wavenumber. Resolvent analysis is then employed to examine the forced dynamics of the flow. At low frequency, a region of low, non-zero spanwise wavenumber is also discernible, where the receptivity appears to be driven by the identified weakly damped global mode. The results from resolvent analysis are compared to the unsteady experimental database of Le Floc'h et al. (J. Fluid Mech., vol. 902, 2020) in a similar TSB flow. The alignment between the optimal response and the first spectral proper orthogonal decomposition mode computed from the experiments is shown to exceed 95 %, while the spanwise wavenumber of the optimal response is consistent with that of the low-frequency breathing motion captured experimentally. This indicates that the fluctuations observed experimentally at low frequency closely match the response computed from resolvent analysis. Based on these results, we propose that the forced dynamics of the flow, driven by the weakly damped global mode, serve as a plausible mechanism for the origin of the low-frequency breathing motion commonly observed in experimental studies of TSBs

    Titanium alloys (AoN) and their involvement in osseointegration.

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    Background: Osseointegration is essential for a long-term successful and inflammation-free dental implant. Such a result depends on osteoblastic cells growth and differentiation at the tissue-implant interface. The aim of this study was to compare two different AoN titanium layers (GR4 and GR5) to investigate which one had a greater osteoconductive power using human osteoblasts (HOb) culture at two different time-points. Materials and Methods: The expression levels of some bone-related (ALPL, COL1A1, COL3A1, SPP1, RUNX2, and SPARC) were analyzed using real time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (real time RT-PCR). Results: Real-time RT-PCR data showed that after 3 days of treatment with TiA4GR, the genes up-regulated were COL3A1, ALPL, SPP1, and RUNX2. Moreover, no difference in gene expression was noticed 4 days later. On the other hand, the genes that overexpressed after 3 days of treatment with AoN5GR were ALPL, SPP1, and RUNX2. In both cases, the expression of COL1A1 and SPARC was negatively regulated. Conclusion: Our data showed that both titanium surfaces led to osteoblasts recruitment, maturation, and differentiation, thus promoting osseointegration at the tissue-implant interface

    Shell we cook it? An experimental approach to the microarchaeological record of shellfish roasting

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    In this paper, we investigate the microarchaeological traces and archaeological visibility of shellfish cooking activities through a series of experimental procedures with direct roasting using wood-fueled fires and controlled heating in a muffle furnace. An interdisciplinary geoarchaeological approach, combining micromorphology, FTIR (in transmission and ATR collection modes), TGA and XRD, was used to establish a baseline on the mineralogical transformation of heated shells from aragonite to calcite and diagnostic sedimentary traces produced by roasting fire features. Our experimental design focused on three main types of roasting procedures: the construction of shallow depressions with heated rocks (pebble cuvette experiments), placing shellfish on top of hot embers and ashes (fire below experiment), and by kindling short-lived fires on top of shellfish (fire above experiments). Our results suggest that similar shellfish roasting procedures will largely create microstratigraphic signatures of anthropogenically reworked combusted material spatially “disconnected” from the actual combustion locus. The construction of shallow earth ovens might entail an increased archaeological visibility, and some diagnostic signatures of in situ hearths can be obtained by fire below roasting activities. We also show that macroscopic visual modifications and mineralogical characterization of discarded shellfish might be indicative of specific cooking activities versus secondary burning

    Phenytoin and gingival mucosa: A molecular investigation.

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    Several distinct classes of drugs, such as anticonvulsants, immunosuppressants, and calcium channel blockers, caused gingival overgrowth. One of the main drugs associated with the gingival overgrowth is the anti-epileptic such as phenytoin, which affects gingival tissues by altering extracellular matrix metabolism. In our study, we evaluate the effect of phenytoin, a drug whose active substance is phenytoin, on gingival fibroblasts of healthy volunteers. Gene expression of 29 genes was investigated in gingival fibroblasts' cell culture treated with phenytoin compared with untreated cells. Among the studied genes, only 13 genes (CXCL5, CXCL10, CCR1, CCR3, CCR5, CCR6, IL-1A, IL-1B, IL-5, IL-7, IL-6R, BMP-2, and TNFSF-10) were statistically significant. All but one gene resulted downregulated after 24\u2009h of treatment with phenytoin. BPM2 was the only, although weakly, up-expressed gene. Probably, we have not highlighted overexpression of the other inflammatory molecules because the study was performed on healthy people. Many studies show that phenytoin induces the overexpression of these cytokines but, probably, in our study, the drug does not have the same effect because we used gingival fibroblasts of healthy people

    Establishment of a validation and benchmark database for the assessment of ship operation in adverse conditions

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    The Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI), introduced by the IMO [1] is applicable for various types of new-built ships since January 2013. Despite the release of an interim guideline [2], concerns regarding the sufficiency of propulsion power and steering devices to maintain manoeuvrability of ships in adverse conditions were raised. This was the motivation for the EU research project SHOPERA (Energy Efficient Safe SHip OPERAtion, 2013-2016 [3-6]). The aim of the project is the development of suitable methods, tools and guidelines to effectively address these concerns and to enable safe and green shipping. Within the framework of SHOPERA, a comprehensive test program consisting of more than 1,300 different model tests for three ship hulls of different geometry and hydrodynamic characteristics has been conducted by four of the leading European maritime experimental research institutes: MARINTEK, CEHIPAR, Flanders Hydraulics Research and Technische Universität Berlin. The hull types encompass two public domain designs, namely the KVLCC2 tanker (KRISO VLCC, developed by KRISO) and the DTC container ship (Duisburg Test Case, developed by Universität Duisburg-Essen) as well as a RoPax ferry design, which is a proprietary hull design of a member of the SHOPERA consortium. The tests have been distributed among the four research institutes to benefit from the unique possibilities of each facility and to gain added value by establishing data sets for the same hull model and test type at different under keel clearances (ukc). This publication presents the scope of the SHOPERA model test program for the two public domain hull models – the KVLCC2 and the DTC. The main particulars and loading conditions for the two vessels as well as the experimental setup is provided to support the interpretation of the examples of experimental data that are discussed. The focus lies on added resistance at moderate speed and drift force tests in high and steep regular head, following and oblique waves. These climates have been selected to check the applicability of numerical models in adverse wave conditions and to cover possible non-linear effects. The obtained test results with the KVLCC2 model in deep water at CEHIPAR are discussed and compared against the results obtained in shallow water at Flanders Hydraulics Research. The DTC model has been tested at MARINTEK in deep water and at Technische Universität Berlin and Flanders Hydraulics Research in intermediate/shallow water in different set-ups. Added resistance and drift force measurements from these facilities are discussed and compared. Examples of experimental data is also presented for manoeuvring in waves. At MARINTEK, turning circle and zig-zag tests have been performed with the DTC in regular waves. Parameters of variation are the initial heading, the wave period and height

    Concepción Bonet Muñoz (1916-2014). Pioneer of professional geology and photogeology in Spain

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    Concepción Bonet Muñoz (1916-2014) fue la primera mujer que se incorporó a la geología profesional y, además contribuyó en la implementación de la fotogeología en España. Cursó Ciencias Naturales en Madrid, graduándose en 1943. Se dedicó a la enseñanza, y en 1950 obtuvo una beca del CSIC para especializarse como paleontóloga. Entre 1953 y 1954, realizó una estancia en la Universidad de Heerlen (Holanda) para estudiar las megasporas carboníferas. Defendió su Tesis Doctoral en 1955. Entre 1954 y 1956 dió clases en la Facultad de Ciencias Naturales. Se especializó en Fotogeología y entre 1956 y 1973 impartió clases de fotogeología. En 1957 ingresó en la Junta de Energía Nuclear, dónde creó el Departamento de Fotogeología y realizó varias estancias de especialización en el extranjero. En 1964 entró en la Dirección General de Carreteras del Ministerio de Obras Públicas, donde permaneció hasta que se jubiló en 1984. Trabajó en el desarrollo del Plan General de Carreteras y participó en los Estudios Geológicos Previos de las principales carreteras, donde influyó en la metodología de trabajo, incluyendo los fotoplanos geológicos como herramienta fundamental de trabajo, tanto por su aportación al conocimiento de la geomorfología como por su utilidad para buscar materias primas para la obra públicaConcepción Bonet Muñoz (1916-2014) was the first woman who joined professional geology, and also she contributed to the implementation of photogeology in Spain. She studied Natural Sciences at Madrid University, finally she was graduated in 1943. She devoted herself to teaching, and in 1950 she obtained a CSIC research grant to specialize as a palaeontologist. Between 1953 and 1954, she got a research grant to stay at the University of Heerlen (Holland) to study the carboniferous megasporas. She completed her PhD in 1955. Between 1954 and 1956 she taught at the Faculty of Natural Sciences. She specialized in Photogeology and between 1956 and 1973 taught photogeology classes. In 1957 she joined the Nuclear Energy Board, where she created the Department of Photogeology and made several specialization stays abroad. In 1964 she joined the Department of Roads of the Ministry of Public Works, where she retired in 1984. She joined the development team of the General Road Plan and participated in the Previous Geological Studies of the main roads, where she strongly influenced the work methodology, making geological photoplanes the fundamental work tool, both for her contribution to the knowledge of geomorphology and for its usefulness in looking for raw materials for public work

    Biorreceptividad de las dolomías a la colonización fúngica

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    In many historic monuments in which signs of biodeterioration have been frequently reported, dolostones were used as dimension stone for their construction. In an effort to assess the influence of the texture of dolostones on their potential bioreceptivity, we characterized microbial colonization strategies in dolostone samples of predictably different textural features by scanning electron microscopy in back scattered electron mode (SEM-BSE), low temperature scanning electron microscopy (LTSEM), transmission light microscopy (TLM) and mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP). Fungi were the predominant microorganisms in the dolostones examined and their colonization showed three well defined stages with the final consequence of complete rock disaggregation. The results of this study indicate that porosity differences (mainly the extent and type) were particularly relevant for determining the presence and extent of each colonization stage. As a determinant of bioreceptivity, the porosity of dolostones will also condition the decay processes associated with this colonization. These findings highlight the fact that the intrinsic properties of dolostones, such as texture, need to be considered when selecting this type of stone for future construction projects.La dolomía ha sido empleada como piedra de fábrica en la construcción de muchos monumentos históricos en los que se han detectado fenómenos de biodeterioro en numerosas ocasiones. En este trabajo se evalúa cómo influye la textura de las dolomías en las estrategias adoptadas por los microorganismos para colonizar estos materiales pétreos. Para ello se han caracterizado muestras de dolomías con diferentes texturas mediante microscopía electrónica de barrido en modo de electrones retrodispersados (SEM-BSE), microscopía electrónica de barrido a bajas temperaturas (LTSEM), microscopía de luz transmitida (TLM) y porosimetría por intrusión de mercurio (MIP). De estas observaciones se deduce que los hongos son los microorganismos colonizadores más importantes en las dolomías estudiadas. Además, en esta colonización fúngica se han distinguido tres fases bien definidas que tienen como resultado final la disgregación completa de la roca. La presencia y extensión de cada fase de colonización se han visto determinadas por la magnitud y tipo de porosidad de las distintas dolomías analizadas. Los resultados de este estudio apuntan a que estas características de textura pueden condicionar la biorreceptividad de las dolomías y por tanto también los procesos de alteración asociados a esta colonización. Por ello, propiedades intrínsecas de las dolomías, como puede ser la textura, deben ser consideradas como factores imprescindibles a tener en cuenta a la hora de elegir este material para su utilización en futuras construcciones

    Real world data in primary care: validation of diagnosis of atrial fibrillation in primary care electronic medical records and estimated prevalence among consulting patients

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    Primary care electronic medical records contain clinical-administrative information on a high percentage of the population. Before this information can be used for epidemiological purposes, its quality must be verified. This study aims to validate diagnoses of atrial fibrillation (AF) recorded in primary care electronic medical records and to estimate the prevalence of AF in the population attending primary care consultations. Methods: We performed a cross-sectional validation study of all diagnoses of AF recorded in primary care electronic medical records in Madrid (Spain). We also performed simple random sampling of diagnoses of AF (ICPC-2 code K78) registered by 55 physicians and random age- and sex-matched sampling of the records that included a diagnosis of AF. Electrocardiograms, echocardiograms, and hospital discharge or cardiology clinic reports were matched. Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values (PPV and NPV), and overall agreement were calculated using the kappa statistic (κ). The prevalence of AF in the community of Madrid was estimated considering the sensitivity and specificity obtained in the validation. All calculations were performed overall and by sex and age groups. Results: The degree of agreement was very high (κ = 0.952), with a sensitivity of 97.84%, specificity of 97.39%, PPV of 97.37%, and NPV of 97.85%. The prevalence of AF in the population aged over 18 years was 2.41% (95%CI 2.39–2.42% [2.25% in women and 2.58% in men]). This increased progressively with age, reaching 16.95% in those over 80 years of age (15.5% in women and 19.44% in men). Conclusions: The validation results obtained enable diagnosis of AF recorded in primary care to be used as a tool for epidemiological studies. A high prevalence of AF was found, especially in older patientsThis study forms part of research funded by the FIS (Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias—Health Research Fund, Instituto de Salud Carlos III) grants no. PI13/00632, and co-funded by the European Union through the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER, “A way of shaping Europe”. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript