223 research outputs found

    As coleções de Arqueologia e Antropologia do Museu de História Natural da Universidade do Porto.

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    SIAM. Series Iberoamericanas de Museología. Año 3, Vol.

    La legalidad de la autosegregación: urbanizaciones cerradas en Valinhos y Vinhedo, São Paulo, Brasil

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    En las últimas décadas, la expansión de las ciudades brasileñas se ha caracterizado por la fuerte presencia de emprendimientos residenciales cerrados. Esta expansión es un proceso determinado por agentes tanto públicos como privados donde la administración, las leyes urbanísticas y el mercado inmobiliario juegan un papel fundamental. Este trabajo estudia la función de la Administración Pública Local, el municipio, como agente regulador de este proceso. El objetivo específico de este artículo es discutir cómo las políticas de planificación y regulación urbana pueden promover y naturalizar los procesos de segregación territorial mediante la expansión de barrios residenciales cerrados. Metodológicamente, se optó por la presentación de un breve cuadro sobre la legislación urbanística de Brasil y el papel del municipio en la regulación del suelo urbano. Posteriormente, se discute la legalidad de los emprendimientos cerrados en Brasil. Por último, esta temática se profundiza con el análisis de la legislación municipal de dos municipios con gran número de estos emprendimientosCongreso Internacional CONTESTED_CITIE

    The Art of Childbirth of the Midwives of Al-Andalus: Social Assessment and Legal Implication of Health Assistance in the Cultural Diversity of the 10th–14th Centuries

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    (1) Background: The role of Al-Andalus’s women were the result of Arabization and Islamization in Spain. The 10th to the 14th centuries were a time of significant cultural diversity in the region. Female physicians and midwives were important for providing care to women. Despite existing studies, there is still a lack of focused research on the professionalization of these trades, including their requirements, intervention areas, and treatments. (2) Methods: To address this gap, we conducted a scoping review using the dialectical structural model of care (DSMC). Primary medical and legislative sources were used. (3) Results: two kinds of midwife, or qābila, were discovered, along with a woman physician, or ṭabība, who also acted as a midwife. These professions underwent diverse training and fulfilled duties as obstetricians and pediatricians. Midwives were esteemed members of society and were the sole female professionals who needed qualified training. Their performance in the courts was exemplary. Tools for facilitating childbirth and interventions related to female health were discovered in the study. (4) Conclusions: The patriarchal societies suffer from significant inequality in terms of academic training, knowledge transmission, and healthcare provision. Midwives functioned in segregated domestic and legal spaces and were responsible for providing public care to communities from the 10th to 14th centuries.This work is financed by ENDOCU research group, through resolution 31 March 2023 UCLM aid for research projects co-financed by FEDER, reference 2023-GRIN-34481

    On the presence of a complex hybrid fish (Squalius alburnoides Steindachner, 1866) in a cave system located in southern of Spain

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    Ponencia Invitada Inaugural del Congreso de Espeleología "EspeleoMeeting Ciudad de Villacarrillo" (Villacarrillo (Jaén), 13, 14 y 15 de agosto de 2016).[ES] En este trabajo se describe a través de la citología, histología y secuenciación del gen de la rodopsina, la única población de peces encontrada en una cueva de la Península Ibérica. Esta población pertenece a la especie Squalius alburnoides (Steindachner, 1866) (Cyprinidae) y tiene la particularidad de tener un origen híbrido con individuos y poblaciones de diferentes ploidias (2n=50; 3n=75 y 4n=100) y distintos mecanismos de reproducción. Los peces de la cueva de Peal del Becerro I presentaron una degeneración incipiente de la retina, con menor cantidad de fotorreceptores y pigmentación que los peces de la misma especie situados en el exterior de la cueva (Embalse de La Bolera). Todos resultaron ser tetraploides simétricos AAPP lo que sugiere que este biotipo favorece de algún modo la viabilidad de poblaciones de esta especie permitiendo recuperar la bisexualidad y un genoma balanceado. Sin embargo, es necesario realizar estudios en profundidad desde la genómica y transcriptómica y tener un mejor conocimiento de la biología y ecología de esta población cavernícola.[EN] In this study we described through a multidisciplinary approach (cytology, histology and rhodopsin gene sequencing) the only cave population of freshwater fish found in the Iberian Peninsula. This population belong to the species Squalius alburnoides (Steindachner, 1866) (Cyprinidae), which has the singularity of being a species of hybridogenetic origin with individuals and populations of different ploidies (2n=50; 3n=75 y 4n=100) and diverse mechanisms of reproduction. The individuals of S. alburnoides found in the Peal del Becerro I cave showed an incipient degeneration of the retina, with lower amount of photoreceptor cells and pigmentation relative to individuals outside the cave (de la Bolera reservoir). All individuals from the cave were symmetric tetraploids AAPP, which suggests that this biotope is favouring the viability of this population through the recovery of bisexuality and a balanced genome. Nonetheless, further deeper studies using genomics and transcriptomics approaches are required to achieve a better understanding of the biology and ecology of this cave-dweller population.Peer reviewe

    Palm forest landscape in Castillos (Rocha, Uruguay): contributions to the design of a conservation area

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    Butia palm forests are considered unique due to their aesthetic value, high biodiversity level and historical, archaeological and cultural value. The lack ofregeneration of butia palms caused by cattle overgrazing and natural grasslands replacement by agriculture endangers these palm forests. The aim of this work is to provide information for the proposal of a conservation area in this rural landscape within the framework of sustainable development. This work was developed within the context of a Geographic Information System with thematic information on palm forest density levels, soils, land use aptitude and rural registers. Field surveys were conducted to record the presence of plant species and genetic resources in different vegetation units. The main category of soil cover was natural grasslands, followed by native forests, wetlands and palm forests. Palm forests grow mainly on soil units with poor to rather poor drainage and on arable or non-arable lands under special conditions. We identified 212 farms where the palm forest is found, a high diversity of vegetation units, the presence of 302 native taxa of plants and a significant number of plant genetic resources for various uses. For the designation of a conservation area, we propose 20 priority farms that will ensure that palm forests are well represented regarding ecosystem diversity. We consider the creation of a Protected Landscape, a State Park or a GIAHS to be the best alternatives so as to protect this unique multifunctional landscape

    Vitamin b1 intake in multiple sclerosis patients and its impact on depression presence: a pilot study

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    Vitamin B1, or thiamine, is one of the most relevant vitamins in obtaining energy for the nervous system. Thiamine deficiency or lack of activity causes neurological manifestations, especially symptoms of depression, intrinsic to multiple sclerosis (MS) and related to its pathogenesis. On this basis, the aim of this study was to determine the possible relationship between the nutritional habits of patients with MS and the presence of depression. Therefore, a cross-sectional and observational descriptive study was conducted. An analysis of dietary habits and vitamin B1 consumption in a Spanish population of 51 MS patients was performed by recording the frequency of food consumption. Results showed a vitamin B1 intake within the established range, mainly provided by the consumption of ultra-processed products such as cold meats or pastries, and a total carbohydrate consumption lower than recommended, which stands out for its high content of simple carbohydrates deriving from processed foods such as dairy desserts, juice, snacks, pastries, chocolate bars, soft drinks and fermented alcohol. In addition, a significant negative correlation between depression and the intake of thiamine and total carbohydrates was observed. These findings could explain the influence of MS patients’ eating habits, and consequently vitamin B1 activity, on depression levels.This research was funded by the Catholic University Foundation San Vicente Mártir, for the research project “The Impact of Triglycerides on Multiple Sclerosis” (promotion code 2018-203-001)Nutrición humana y dietétic

    Multi-objective optimization of the solar orientation of two residential multifamily buildings in south Brazil

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    The shape and orientation of a building influence the energy demand, therefore optimal decisions should only be made rigorously supported by energy evaluation programs, which allow for measuring the energy demand of a building more precisely. The main purpose of this research is to evaluate the shape and orientation of massive residential social housing multifamily buildings to find the best solar positioning to minimize cooling and heating demands simultaneously in the bioclimatic zone 2 (Cfa) in the southern region of Brazil. To do this, this study utilizes multi-objective optimization with a genetic algorithm (NSGA-II) simulating the thermal behavior in EnergyPlus and performing the optimization with a Python language programming code, totalizing 80,000 simulations. The main results showed that solar orientation optimization could reduce the total demand by 4% for the ‘‘H” shape and 22% for linear buildings in the isolated scenario. For the condominium condition, the reduction is 2% for the ‘‘H” typology and 8% for the linear shape. The results presented can help engineers and architects to design more energyefficient buildings and address the energetic vulnerability in the same building. Moreover, future work can be carried out to improve the constructive pattern replicated all over the country, improving the surroundings

    Estudio microtomográfico de la anatomía de Laubieriopsis cabiochi (Amoureux, 1982) (Annelida, Fauveliopsidae)

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    Micro-computed tomography (micro-CT or μCT) is a microstructural, non-destructive, technique that allows the study of the external and internal anatomy of biological samples, and then allows for their reconstruction through 3D-virtual models. In the last years, this technique is providing significant advances in the knowledge of the anatomy of several marine invertebrate taxa. In this paper, we study the external and internal anatomy of Laubieriopsis cabiochi (Amoureux, 1982) (Annelida, Fauveliopsidae), comparing the quality of μCT images against those shown in previous works and obtained by classic histological methods.La Microtomografía Computarizada (micro-CT o μCT) es una técnica de estudio microestructural, no destructiva, que permite estudiar la anatomía interna y externa de muestras biológicas, y realizar su reconstrucción a través de un modelo virtual en tres dimensiones. En los últimos años esta técnica está aportando avances significativos en el conocimiento anatómico de diversos invertebrados marinos. En este trabajo se estudia la anatomía externa e interna de Laubieriopsis cabiochi (Amoureux, 1982) (Annelida, Fauveliopsidae) y paralelamente se valora la calidad de las imágenes de μCT frente a las obtenidas en estudios previos mediante métodos histológicos clásicos

    An exceptionally long paleoseismic record of a slow-moving fault: the Alhama de Murcia fault (Eastern Betic Shear Zone, Spain)

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    Most catastrophic earthquakes occur along fast-moving faults, although some of them are triggered by slow-moving ones. Long paleoseismic histories are infrequent in the latter faults. Here, an exceptionally long paleoseismic record (more than 300 k.y.) of a slow-moving structure is presented for the southern tip of the Alhama de Murcia fault (Eastern Betic shear zone), which is characterized by morphological expression of current tectonic activity and by a lack of historical seismicity. At its tip, the fault divides into a splay with two main faults bounding the Góñar fault system. At this area, the condensed sedimentation and the distribution of the deformation in several structures provided us with more opportunities to obtain a complete paleoseismic record than at other segments of the fault. The tectonic deformation of the system was studied by an integrated structural, geomorphological, and paleoseismological approach. Stratigraphic and tectonic features at six paleoseismic trenches indicate that old alluvial units have been repeatedly folded and thrusted over younger ones along the different traces of the structure. The correlation of the event timing inferred for each of these trenches and the application of an improved protocol for the infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) dating of K-feldspar allowed us to constrain a paleoseismic record as old as 325 ka. We identifi ed a minimum of six possible paleoearthquakes of Mw = 6-7 and a maximum mean recurrence interval of 29 k.y. This provides compelling evidence for the underestimation of the seismic hazard in the region

    El pleistoceno medio y superior en la secuencia ceneral de las terrazas del Guadalquivir (sgtg): nuevas dataciones por luminiscencia de la t12 y t13 en la Rinconada (SW de España)

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    This work includes the luminescence dating (quartz-OSL, pIRIR on K-feldespar and TL) of the T12 and T13 terraces of the Guadalquivir River near La Rinconada (Seville). Lithic Achelense industry is located from the basal USLC-1 unit of T12, together with remains of macromammal fauna. The results obtained of the analysis of the T12 terrace in “Sando-La Cabaña” show that the age or the unit lower in the terrace is older than 240 ka, probably, corresponding to MIS12-MIS11 or MIS10-MIS9.The upper part of the alluvial formation of the T13 presents an absolute age (quartz-OSL) of ca.75 ka (MIS5a)