373 research outputs found
A Survey of Extra-Curricular Activities in Class A High School in East Texas
The problem of this thesis is to study the number and nature of extra-curricular activities and their supervision in the Class A High Schools of East Texas.
There are several reasons why the writer chose this subject for a thesis. Chief among them is the belief that the benefits derived from extra-curricular activities far outweigh the disadvantages. There has been and still is a great deal of time and energy expended on these extra-class organizations. Some of our educators believe that too much time is wasted in this way and they tell us that such an extensive program should be reduced. Others are in favor of expanding the activity program still further. Whether or not to expand or reduce this activity program is a subject for debate. The writer however has the opinion that many of the disadvantages and criticisms arising from these programs of extra-curricular activities should be eliminated and could be eliminated by better organization and supervision on the part of the school authorities responsible for them.
Several school administrators have stated that they do not believe that they are getting all of the benefits that they should receive from these activity programs. The writer has been associated with secondary school work for many years, and during this time, has been advised by both athletic minded groups and non-athletic, non extra-class minded groups. Frequently he has been asked what benefits are derived from the activities by the participants. He has often told these inquirers that there were supposed to be certain advantages derived from these activities but the ends had not been achieved. It is reasonable to suppose that no program such as this can function as it should unless it is thoroughly understood and competently supervised. It Is not uncommon to find a school attempting to carry on a program without either organization nor supervision and still wondering why the program is not successful.
This study includes fifty-five high schools that are known as Class A in the terminology of the Interscholastic League. It is limited further to the study of their programs of extra-curricular activities. In scope, this study will cover the number and nature of these activities and the methods controling them. The study is further limited to the school year of 1948-1949
The Puy-les-Vignes breccia pipe (Massif Central, France): a unique occurrence of polymetallic W-Nb±Ta-HREE-Bi-Cu-As±Au-Ag mineralization in the Variscan belt
International audienceThe Puy-les-Vignes deposit (Limousin, French Massif Central) represents an uncommon occurrence in the West European Variscan belt of a hydrothermal tungsten mineralization associated with a breccia pipe structure. A new study of this atypical quartz-wolframite-tourmaline deposit has been possible, allowing to revisit the mineral paragenesis and to identify four main successive stages of mineralization: (i) W-As -Nb±Ta stage corresponding to the historically economic mineralization hosted in quartz-wolframite-arsenopyrite veins; (ii) Fe-Cu-Zn±Mo stage represented by the deposition of base metal sulphides; (iii) Nb-Y-HREE stage associated with a late hydrothermal paragenesis in a tourmaline, adularia and chlorite matrix; (iv) Bi±Au-Ag stage, related to the late-Variscan regional metallogenic event in the Limousin
Les migrations des étudiants francs-comtois vers les universités limitrophes
La mobilité géographique des étudiants est un phénomène d'intérêt régional. Pourquoi va t-on étudier dans telle université, pour la qualité ou l' originalité de ses formations, pour la richesse culturelle de la ville qui l'héberge
Magmatic and hydrothermal behavior of uranium in syntectonic leucogranites: The uranium mineralization associated with the Hercynian Guérande granite (Armorican Massif, France)
Most of the hydrothermal uranium (U) deposits from the European Hercynian belt (EHB) are spatially associated with Carboniferous peraluminous leucogranites. In the southern part of the Armorican Massif (French part of the EHB), the Guérande peraluminous leucogranite was emplaced in an extensional deformation zone at ca. 310 Ma and is spatially associated with several U deposits and occurrences. The apical zone of the intrusion is structurally located below the Pen Ar Ran U deposit, a perigranitic vein-type deposit where mineralization occurs at the contact between black shales and Ordovician acid metavolcanics. In the Métairie-Neuve intragranitic deposit, uranium oxide-quartz veins crosscut the granite and a metasedimentary enclave.
Airborne radiometric data and published trace element analyses on the Guérande leucogranite suggest significant uranium leaching at the apical zone of the intrusion. The primary U enrichment in the apical zone of the granite likely occurred during both fractional crystallization and the interaction with magmatic fluids. The low Th/U values (18Owhole rock = 9.7–11.6‰ for deformed samples and δ18Owhole rock = 12.2–13.6‰ for other samples) indicate that the deformed facies of the apical zone underwent sub-solidus alteration at depth with oxidizing meteoric fluids. Fluid inclusion analyses on a quartz comb from a uranium oxide-quartz vein of the Pen Ar Ran deposit show evidence of low-salinity fluids (1–6 wt.% NaCl eq.), in good agreement with the contribution of meteoric fluids. Fluid trapping temperatures in the range of 250–350 °C suggest an elevated geothermal gradient, probably related to regional extension and the occurrence of magmatic activity in the environment close to the deposit at the time of its formation. U-Pb dating on uranium oxides from the Pen Ar Ran and Métairie-Neuve deposits reveals three different mineralizing events. The first event at 296.6 ± 2.6 Ma (Pen Ar Ran) is sub-synchronous with hydrothermal circulations and the emplacement of late leucogranitic dykes in the Guérande leucogranite. The two last mineralizing events occur at 286.6 ± 1.0 Ma (Métairie-Neuve) and 274.6 ± 0.9 Ma (Pen Ar Ran), respectively. Backscattered uranium oxide imaging combined with major elements and REE geochemistry suggest similar conditions of mineralization during the two Pen Ar Ran mineralizing events at ca. 300 Ma and ca. 275 Ma, arguing for different hydrothermal circulation phases in the granite and deposits. Apatite fission track dating reveals that the Guérande granite was still at depth and above 120 °C when these mineralizing events occurred, in agreement with the results obtained on fluid inclusions at Pen Ar Ran.
Based on this comprehensive data set, we propose that the Guérande leucogranite is the main source for uranium in the Pen Ar Ran and Métairie-Neuve deposits. Sub-solidus alteration via surface-derived low-salinity oxidizing fluids likely promoted uranium leaching from magmatic uranium oxides within the leucogranite. The leached out uranium may then have been precipitated in the reducing environment represented by the surrounding black shales or graphitic quartzites. As similar mineralizing events occurred subsequently until ca. 275 Ma, meteoric oxidizing fluids likely percolated during the time when the Guérande leucogranite was still at depth. The age of the U mineralizing events in the Guérande region (300–275 Ma) is consistent with that obtained on other U deposits in the EHB and could suggest a similar mineralization condition, with long-term upper to middle crustal infiltration of meteoric fluids likely to have mobilized U from fertile peraluminous leucogranites during the Late Carboniferous to Permian crustal extension events
Uranium resources, scenarios, nuclear and energy dynamics
ISBN 978-1-49-51-6286-2International audienceA dynamic simulation of coupled supply and demand of energy, resources and nuclear reactors is done with the global model Prospective Outlook for Long Term Energy Supply (POLES) over this century. In this model, both electricity demand and uranium supply are not independent of the cost of all base load electricity suppliers. Uranium consuming Thermal Neutron Reactors and future generation, free from the uranium market once started, breeder reactors are only one part of the market and are in a global competition, not limited to the other nuclear generation. In this paper we present a new model of the impact of uranium scarcity on the development of nuclear reactors. Many scenarios rely on the subjective definition of ultimate uranium resources. We suggest that when uranium will mainly be extracted together with other resources, its cost should not be simply a function of cumulated uranium mined but also of mine yearly outputs. We describe the sensitivities of our model to breeder reactor physical performance indicators. Used fuels can be seen as a liability or as a source of usable material and a scarce resource limiting fast reactor startups in fast development in India or China. We present the impact of synergetic strategies where countries with opposite strategies share used fuels
Petrological and Geochronological Peculiarities of Novoukrainka Massif Rocks and Age Problem of Uranium Mineralization of the Kirovograd Megablock of the Ukrainian Shield
Basing on the new and published data of isotopic dating, the ages of the rock complexes of the Novoukrainka granite massif (the Ukrainian Shield) and uranium mineralization in albitites with the complexes of the host rocks were compared. A sequence of the geologic events in the Ingul megablock of the Ukrainian Shield is marked: formation of the Kirovograd (2025–2060 mln. y. ago) and Novoukrainka (2025–2040 mln. y. ago) magmatic complexes — formation of the uranium deposits (~ 1800 mln. y. ago, but the age should be precised) — Korsun-Novomyrgorod magmatic complex (1730–1760 mln. y. ago). The Novoukrainka massif is presented by differentiated magma of the magmatic melt originated from the upper crust material.На основі нових та узагальнених літературних даних про ізотопне датування проведено
вікові порівняння породних комплексів Новоукраїнського гранітного масиву та уранового зруденіння
в альбітитах з комплексами вмісних порід. Визначено таку послідовність геологічних подій в
Інгульському мегаблоці Українського щита: становлення кіровоградського (2025–2060 млн рр. тому)
та новоукраїнського (2025–2040 млн рр. тому) магматичних комплексів — формування уранових
родовищ (~ 1800 млн рр. тому, вік потребує уточнення) — корсунь-новомиргородський магматичний
комплекс (1730–1760 млн рр. тому). Зроблено припущення, що Новоукраїнський масив представлений
диференціатами єдиного магматичного розплаву, що утворився за рахунок плавлення верхньокорового
матеріалу.На основании новых и обобщенных литературных данных по изотопному датированию
осуществлено возрастное сравнение породных комплексов Новоукраинского гранитного массива и
уранового оруденения в альбититах с комплексами вмещающих пород. Установлена такая последовательность геологических событий в Ингульском мегаблоке Украинского щита: становление кировоградского (2025–2060 млн лет назад) и новоукраинского (2025–2040 млн лет назад) магматических
комплексов — формирование урановых месторождений (~ 1800 млн лет назад, возраст должен быть
уточнен) — корсунь-новомиргородский магматический комплекс (1730–1760 млн лет назад). Высказано
предположение, что Новоукраинский массив представлен дифференциатами единого магматического
расплава, образовавшегося вследствие плавления верхнекорового материала
Le magmatisme de la région de Kwyjibo, Province\ud du Grenville (Canada) : intérêt pour les\ud minéralisations de type fer-oxydes associées
The granitic plutons located north of the Kwyjibo property in Quebec’s Grenville Province are of\ud
Mesoproterozoic age and belong to the granitic Canatiche Complex . The rocks in these plutons are calc-alkalic, K-rich,\ud
and meta- to peraluminous. They belong to the magnetite series and their trace element characteristics link them to\ud
intraplate granites. They were emplaced in an anorogenic, subvolcanic environment, but they subsequently underwent\ud
significant ductile deformation. The magnetite, copper, and fluorite showings on the Kwyjibo property are polyphased\ud
and premetamorphic; their formation began with the emplacement of hydraulic, magnetite-bearing breccias, followed by\ud
impregnations and veins of chalcopyrite, pyrite, and fluorite, and ended with a late phase of mineralization, during\ud
which uraninite, rare earths, and hematite were emplaced along brittle structures. The plutons belong to two families:\ud
biotite-amphibole granites and leucogranites. The biotite-amphibole granites are rich in iron and represent a potential\ud
heat and metal source for the first, iron oxide phase of mineralization. The leucogranites show a primary enrichment in\ud
REE (rare-earth elements), F, and U, carried mainly in Y-, U-, and REE-bearing niobotitanates. They are metamict and\ud
underwent a postmagmatic alteration that remobilized the uranium and the rare earths. The leucogranites could also be\ud
a source of rare earths and uranium for the latest mineralizing events
Structure of late Variscan Millevaches leucogranite massif in the French Massif Central: AMS and gravity modelling results
In the Limousin area, Variscan leucogranitic plutons are spatially associated with normal faults and major strike-slip shear zones that are a continuation of the South Armorican shear zone. Our study focuses on the large N-S-trending Millevaches granitic massif (Massif Central, France), and intends to highlight, through gravity modelling, structural and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS), the massif structure at depth and to discuss the mode of emplacement of granites within a strike-slip tectonic context. The mica subfabric suggests that the magnetic foliations display a general NW-SE sub-horizontal pattern on both sides of the N-S Pradines dextral wrench fault zone that deforms the core of the massif on 5 km width. The magnetic lineation trend exhibits a sigmoïdal pattern, N-S in the Pradines fault zone and NW-SE on both sides of it, which are consistent with a dextral wrench component. The horizontal magnetic foliations and lineations are consistent with the thin granite laccolith model. There is no significant imprint of the extensional Variscan belt collapse on the internal fabric of Millevaches granites than the tectonic dextral transcurrent movement prevailing in this area. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved
Rare-metal granites as a potential source of critical metals: A geometallurgical case study
This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via the DOI in this recordBecause of their low grades in critical metals such as Light Rare Earth Elements (LREE) or Sn, rare-metal granites are not considered as economic for metal recovery but, when altered, they are often exploited for their industrial minerals. The St Austell rare-metal granite is well known for its world-class kaolin deposits which formed as a result of the extensive weathering and alteration of the underlying granite. The St Austell granite body is composed of several granite components, each having its own accessory minerals assemblage. As a result of the kaolinisation process, some metal-bearing accessory minerals of the granite, such as monazite (LREE) or cassiterite (Sn), are partially liberated from the gangue which allow their pre-concentration in the micaceous residue which is considered as a potential source for critical metals recovery. Similarities with other similar rare-metal granites suggest that topaz granite is the most prospective for disseminated magmatic Sn-Nb-Ta-REE mineralization. However, comparison of the potentiality of 3 granite types i.e., biotite, topaz and tourmaline granites suggest that biotite granites is actually the most prospective due to higher degree of kaolinisation of the biotite granite which favour pre-concentration of its accessory mineral in the micaceous residue. In order to develop a geometallurgical framework for extraction of kaolin and metals from the selected granite component, a field sampling campaign is performed. Core samples are processed in the laboratory using a characterisation program that mimics the full-scale kaolin refining route. Two main products are recovered through this program, viz. MR180 (−180 +53 µm) and P5 (−5 µm), which correspond to a fine micaceous residue and a fine kaolin product respectively. These products are both analysed routinely for major and minor trace elements by XRF and yields are recorded to indicate process performance. A selected number of MR180 samples are also being characterised in terms of particle size by laser light scattering, geochemistry by ICP-MS, and mineralogy by QEMSCAN®. Comparison of characterisation results of MR180 samples and corresponding industrial residue samples shows a good correlation, suggesting that sample analyses are representative for the in-situ deposit and the processing behaviour. Monazite is found to be either fully liberated or fully locked from one sample to the other. Next, pilot-scale gravity concentration tests are performed on micaceous residue samples. Characterisation of the processing products shows that monazite lost in the tailings is mostly locked within tourmaline or micas and is fine grained. Then, predictive regression models for spiral separation performance in terms of recovery, product grade and enrichment as a function of the feed grade are developed for MR180 LREE grade data. Finally, kaolin resources can be classified using quantitative indicators such as yield of the P5 product and the iron oxides content which provides insight into the kaolin quality in terms of whiteness. This geometallurgical classification can be used to delineate zones of interest within the deposit. Although kaolin quality and recovery primarily inform extraction planning, zones which are also of interest for metal recovery can be identified. The proposed model predicts whether the expected LREE grade and recovery satisfy the by-product requirements.European CommissionNatural Environment Research Council (NERC)French National Research Agenc
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