1,275 research outputs found

    El refugio y la evasión. Los productos culturales en la obra de Francisca Aguirre

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    Francisca Aguirre ofrece en su obra –especialmente en Espejito, espejito- toda una serie de anécdotas y reflexiones personales, que sirven como testimonio y memoria traumática del cruel período histórico que le tocó vivir: la Guerra Civil y la posguerra de los años cuarenta. Muchos de los escritores que vivieron este período histórico intentarán curar sus heridas contando su historia. Este artículo pretende analizar el valor catártico y de refugio que los productos culturales (cine, literatura, música y pintura) tuvieron para la autora y su familia. El arte se convierte en un método de evasión, una forma de sobrevivir a la tragedia, la rutina y la ignominia cotidiana.Francisca Aguirre gives all kinds of anecdotes and personal reflections in her work –specially in Espejito, espejito-, which are a testimony and a traumatic memory of the cruel historical period in which she lived: the Civil War and the post-war era. Many of the authors who lived this historical period will try to heal their rounds by telling their story. This article aims to analyze the cathartic value and refuge that cultural products (cinema, literature, music and painting) had for this author and her family. Art becomes an evasión method, a way to survive the tragedy, the routine and the daily ignominy

    Credit, liquidity and housing prices

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    Treball Final de Grau en Economia. Codi: EC1049. Curs acadèmic: 2018-2019The document analyses links between real estate prices, interest rates, the amount of credit granted, the international direct investment position and the net income derived from tourism during the period between 2003 and 2016 for the Spanish case. For statistical evaluation, an autoregressive vectors model with quarterly frequency and four lags is used. The results highlight the net foreign direct investment position as the main factor, followed by interest rates and the credit granted divided by per capita income. Another determining factor is the autoregressive behavior shown by prices. There is practically no influence from tourism. It is necessary to emphasize the presence of wide confidence intervals in the impulse response functions that could compromise some of the results obtained

    Archive documentary sources on the study of the district of canons in Salamanca in the Middle Age

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    El “barrio de canónigos” salmantino fue un área urbana singular que se configuró en las inmediaciones del templo catedralicio desde finales del siglo XII, tras el proceso de secularización que afectó a su Cabildo, y que significó el fin de la vida en comunidad que había llevado junto a su Obispo desde la restauración de su sede episcopal en 1102. En este artículo, enumeramos y analizamos las distintas fuentes documentales que se conservan en el Archivo Catedralicio de Salamanca y en Archivo Histórico Nacional que nos han permitido llevar a cabo la localización y reconstrucción de la topografía canonical salmantina. De igual forma, la riqueza informativa de estas fuentes capitulares también nos ha permitido determinar otros aspectos fundamentales como el sistema de explotación, régimen de tenencia y conservación de esa arquitectura doméstica por parte de su Cabildo Catedralicio, además de estudiar la repercusión que tuvo la construcción de la Catedral Nueva de Salamanca sobre esa demarcación urbana.The district of canons in Salamanca was an exceptional urban area which was formed in the surroundings of the Cathedral from the end of the 12th century, after the secularization process that affected its Chapter, and which meant the end of the community life it had started with its Bishop since the restoration of its episcopal see in 1102. In this article, we have listed and analyzed the different documentary sources preserved in the Cathedral Archive of Salamanca and in the National Historical Archive and which have made it possible to locate and reconstruct the canonical topography of Salamanca. In the same way, the informative richness of these chapter sources has also allowed us to establish other essential aspects such as the explotation system, the regime of possession and preservation of this domestic architecture by the Cathedral Chapter, as well as looking into the effect that the construction of the New Cathedral of Salamanca had on this urban district

    Doubling the Length of the Longest Pyrene-Pyrazinoquinoxaline Molecular Nanoribbons

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    [EN] Molecular nanoribbons are a class of atomically-precise nanomaterials for a broad range of applications. An iterative approach that allows doubling the length of the longest pyrene-pyrazinoquinoxaline molecular nanoribbons is described. The largest nanoribbon obtained through this approach-with a 60 linearly-fused ring backbone (14.9 nm) and a 324-atoms core (C276N48)-shows an extremely high molar absorptivity (values up to 1 198 074 M-1 cm(-1)) that also endows it with a high molar fluorescence brightness (8700 M-1 cm(-1)).This work was carried out with support from the Basque Science Foundation for Science (Ikerbasque), POLYMAT, the University of the Basque Country, Diputacion de Guipuzcoa, Gobierno Vasco (BERC programme) and Gobierno de Espana (Project CEX2020-001067-M financed by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033). Technical and human support provided by SGIker of UPV/EHU and European funding (ERDF and ESF) is acknowledged. This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant Agreement No. 722951). This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 899895. In addition, support through the project IF/00894/2015, the advanced computing project CPCA/A2/2524/2020 granting access to the Navigator cluster at LCA-UC and within the scope of the project CICECO-Aveiro Institute of Materials, UIDB/50011/2020 & UIDP/50011/2020 funded by national funds through the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology I.P./MCTES is gratefully acknowledged

    The loss of the inducible Aspergillus carbonarius MFS transporter MfsA leads to ochratoxin A overproduction

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    Ochratoxin A (OTA), a nephrotoxic compound produced by certain Aspergillus and Penicillium species, is one of the most abundant mycotoxins in food commodities. Aspergillus carbonarius is the main source of OTA in wine, grape juice and dried vine fruits. Although many studies have focused on OTA production by A. carbonarius, little is known about the genes related to OTA production and transport. We have found a transporter that belongs to the major facilitator superfamily (MfsA) which is highly expressed with a 102-fold induction in an ochratoxigenic A. carbonarius strain compared to a low OTA producer strain. The encoding mfsA gene shows similarity to the multidrug efflux transporter flu1 from Candida albicans. A high number of putative transcription factor binding sites involved in the response to stress were identified within the promoter of mfsA. Phenotypical analysis of δ. mfsA deletion mutants revealed that the loss of mfsA leads to a slight growth reduction and increased OTA production. We therefore hypothesize that MfsA could be a stress response transporter whose disruption could cause an increase in oxidative stress together with a stimulation of mycotoxin production. •A. carbonarius mfsA expression is induced over 100 fold in an OTA producing strain.•mfsA gene has been cloned and sequenced.•An A. carbonarius δmfsA null mutant has been obtained by ATMT.•The δmfsA null mutants produce more OTA than the parental strain.•The expression of mfsA is up regulated by hydrogen peroxide.A. Crespo-Sempere was recipient of a FPI fellowship from the Spanish Government. This research was supported by grants AGL2005-00707 and AGL2008-04828-C03-02 from the Spanish Government.Peer Reviewe

    Study of cardiovascular risk factors in patients with Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection. Analytical, cross-sectional nested prospective cohort study

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    53 p.Introducción. La población con infección por VIH presenta un mayor riesgo cardiovascular debido no solo a los factores de riesgo cardiovascular clásicos (hipertensión, dislipemia y tabaquismo) sino también a los factores propios de la infección y la terapia antirretroviral. Los objetivos incluyen conocer la prevalencia de FRCV y comparar el grado de acuerdo entre las diferentes calculadoras de riesgo cardiovascular (FRS-CHD, REGICOR, SCORE, AHA/ACC y DAD-R). Material y métodos. Estudio de corte, transversal anidado en una cohorte prospectiva. Se estudiaron los FRCV y su relación con la carga viral y los linfocitos T CD4. Se analizó el grado de acuerdo mediante coeficiente κ y coeficiente de correlación intraclase entre las diferentes calculadoras de riesgo cardiovascular. Resultados. Se estudiaron 266 pacientes de forma consecutiva. Un 69,2% eran hombres, la mediana de edad fue de 50,5 años. La prevalencia de HTA, DM, tabaquismo y síndrome metabólico fue de 27,4%, 7,2%, 57,9% y 25%, respectivamente. No hubo asociación entre el RCV y la cifra de CD4, una carga viral detectable ni el tipo de TARV. El grado de acuerdo entre las escalas fue escaso, oscilando el coeficiente κ entre 0,23-0,58 y el coeficiente de correlación intraclase entre 0,28-0,73. Conclusiones. La prevalencia de FRCV clásicos fue alta. Las escalas de riesgo cardiovascular presentaron bajo grado de acuerdo. No se asoció un mayor riesgo cardiovascular con el grado de inmunodepresión, una mayor carga viral ni ningún régimen de tratamiento antirretroviral.Introduction. The HIV-infected population is at increased cardiovascular risk due not only to the classic cardiovascular risk factors (hypertension, dyslipidemia, and smoking) but also to the factors inherent to the infection and antiretroviral therapy. The objectives included finding out the prevalence of CVRF and comparing the degree of agreement between the different cardiovascular risk calculators (FRS-CHD, REGICOR, SCORE, AHA/ACC and DAD-R). Material and methods. Cross-sectional study, nested in a prospective cohort. The CVRF and their relationship with viral load and CD4 T lymphocytes were studied. The degree of agreement was analyzed by κ coefficient and intraclass correlation coefficient between the different cardiovascular risk calculators. Results. A total of 266 patients were studied consecutively. The median age was 50.5 years and 69.2% were men. The prevalence of HT, DM, smoking and metabolic syndrome was 27.4%, 7.2%, 57,9% and 25%, respectively. There was no association between CVR and CD4 count, detectable viral load or type of ART. The degree of agreement between the scales was low, with the κ coefficient ranging from 0.23-0.58 and the intraclass correlation coefficient from 0.28-0.73. Conclusions. The prevalence of classic CVRF was high. The cardiovascular risk scales showed a low degree of agreement. Higher cardiovascular risk was not associated with the degree of immunosuppression, higher viral load or any antiretroviral treatment regimen.Grado en Medicin