7,465 research outputs found

    Caracterización Espacial de la Vulnerabilidad Sociodemográfica en dos Distritos Madrileños ante Riesgos Tecnológicos

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    Economic growth is accompanied by adverse effects. In urban areas, humans are increasingly exposed to potential risk sources. The main objective of this study was to analyse population vulnerability to risks related to technological accidents in two urban districts of Madrid. The methodology was based on Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and the integration of more than 70 thematic layers. One of the main outcomes of the project was the calculation of a synthetic index to estimate population of the area exposed to some form of risk. Informal settlements, common in the study area, were considered in the analysis. In addition, the methodology was applied to the future residential area of the PAU of Vallecas (Madrid), allowing for the estimation of future areas and population subject to risk.JRC.DDG.H.7-Land management and natural hazard

    Allelopathic effects of aqueous extracts of the legumes crotalaria [Crotalaria juncea (L.) 'Tropic Sun'], jack bean [Canavalia ensiformis (L.)] and pigeon pea [Cajanus cajan (L.) 'Lazaro'] on crop development

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    En el laboratorio se evaluaron los efectos alelopáticos de extractos acuosos 3.3% m/v de crotalaria [Crotalaria júncea(L.) 'Tropic Sun'], canavalia [Canavalia ensiformis (L.)] y gandul [Cajanus cajan (L.) 'Lázaro'] en siete cultivos agronómicos: maíz (Zea mays 'Mayorbela 2011'), sorgo (Sorghum bicolor), habichuela (Phaseolus vulgaris 'Verano'), soya [Glycine max (L.)], caupí [Vigna unguiculata (L.)], lechuga [Lactuca sativa (L.) 'Nevada'] y gandul. Se encontró una Interacción entre cultivos x extracto acuoso en el séptimo día de germinación. Se determinó el efecto alelopátlco contrastando con el tratamiento control el largo del coleóptllo y la radícula en maíz y sorgo y el largo hlpocótllo y radícula en habichuela, soya, caupí, lechuga y gandul. El sorgo y la lechuga presentaron Inhibición de crecimiento del coleóptllo e hlpocótllo (respectlvamete) y radícula al tratarse con los tres extractos acuosos, donde el extracto acuoso de canavalia mostró mayores porcentajes de Inhibición (66% en lechuga y 49% en sorgo). Por el contrario, en los cultivos de maíz, habichuela y caupí, el extracto acuoso de crotalaria estimuló el crecimiento. De acuerdo a estos resultados se debe experimentar en el campo las asociaciones de leguminosas con cultivos agronómicos para determinar si las Interacciones estimulan o Inhiben el desarrollo de los cultivos ya que la Influencia de los factores ambientales son determinantes en el efecto alelopátlco.Allelopathic effects of aqueous extracts 3.3% w/v of crotalaria [Crotalaria júncea (L.)' Tropic Sun'], jack bean [Canavalia ensiformis(L.)] and pigeon pea [Cajanus cajan (L.) 'Lázaro'] were determined on seven agronomic crops: corn (Zea mays 'Mayorbela 2011'), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), bean (Phaseolus vulgaris 'Verano'), soybean (Glycine max), cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.)], lettuce [Lactuca sativa (L.) 'Nevada'] and pigeon pea in the laboratory. There was interaction between aqueous extracts x agronomic crops on the seventh day of germination. Allelopathic effect was determined by contrasting with the control coleoptile and radicle length in corn and sorghum, and the hypocotyl and radicle length in bean, soybean, cowpea, lettuce and pigeon pea. Sorghum and lettuce showed growth inhibition of the coleoptile and hypocotyl (respectively) and radicle when treated with the three aqueous extracts, where jack bean aqueous extracts showed higher inhibitions percentages (66% in lettuce and 49% in sorghum). By contrast, corn, bean and cowpea treated with crotalaria aqueous extracts exhibited growth stimulation. According to these results, field experiments must be conducted using legume associations with agronomic crops to confirm if the interactions stimulate or inhibit crop development because environmental factors are a major determinant of allelopathic effects

    Caso clínico

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    Resumen El objetivo de este caso clínico es describir el cuidado que se otorga al paciente con úlceras por presión, con aplicación del proceso de enfermería a través del Plan de Cuidado de Enfermería (place); valorado con patrones de salud, haciendo hincapié en patrones alterados, para identificar los diagnósticos de enfermería; deterioro de la movilidad en cama, de la integridad cutánea y riesgo de infección, para realizar posteriormente el plan de cuidados a seguir y ejecutarlo; en la evaluación se logró disminuir el tamaño de las úlceras. Conclusión: las intervenciones dirigidas a pacientes con úlceras por presión, a través del proceso de enfermería, muestran la recuperación de lesiones en la piel. Abstract The objective is to describe the care given to the patient with pressure ulcers, with application of the nursing process in through the Place; valued with patterns of health, with emphasis on patterns altered, to identify the nursing diagnoses; deterioration of mobility in bed, deterioration of the skin integrity and risk of infection, and to subsequently carry out the plan of care to follow and execute it, in the assessment we were able to decrease the size of the ulcers. Conclusion: nursing interventions aimed at patients with pressure ulcers through the nursing process in shows the recovery of lesions in the skin. Resumo O objetivo é descrever a assistência prestada ao paciente com úlceras de pressão, com a aplicação do processo de enfermagem através do lugar; avaliados com os padrões de saúde, com ênfase em padrões alterados, para identificar os diagnósticos de enfermagem; deterioração da mobilidade no leito, deterioração da integridade da pele e o risco de infecção, e posteriormente realizar o plano de cuidado para seguir e executá-lo, a avaliação que foram capazes de diminuir o tamanho das úlceras. Conclusão, as intervenções de enfermagem destinadas a pacientes com úlceras de pressão através do processo de enfermagem nos mostra a recuperação de lesões na pele

    Splitting of the middle layer of LPW SAFNWC/MSG satellite product in order to improve the monitoring of pre-convective environments

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    International audienceSeven of the infrared channels from the Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imagery (SEVIRI) instrument, on board the Meteosat Second Generation (MSG), are used to retrieve Layer Precipitable Water (LPW) and Stability Analysis Imagery (SAI) in the SAFNWC framework. Both products are retrieved using a statistical retrieval based on neural networks; they are routinely generated every fifteen minutes at a satellite horizontal resolution of 3 km in NADIR only in cloud-free areas. Many factors are involved in the development of severe weather and these parameters are only some of the indicators. However, due to the high resolution of these products, the use of them in conjunction with satellite and radar images can help to identify mesoscale features related to convection. The MSG moisture and parcel instability time trend fields are especially useful during the period previous to convection. Once the outbreak of convection occurs, the products calculated in the clear air pixels surrounding the convective system can give us hints to anticipate its evolution. SAFNWC LPW and SAI were analyzed for a severe weather event during August 2004. A thunderstorm over Teruel (Spain) produced intense precipitation and hail; a tornado developed while this thunderstorm was moving towards SE. The pre-convective parcel potential buoyancy and moisture SAFNWC products changed in a way that was consistent with the observed intense convective activity. In previous studies, the atmospheric moisture in medium levels, which has been proven to be relevant in some cases, was represented by only one level parameter (ML: middle layer LPW). However, it was observed that this layer is too thick to do an adequate analysis of moisture available for convection. Hence, an improvement on the LPW algorithm has been carried out by splitting the middle layer into two new sub-layers (approximately separated at 700 hPa) and training two new neural networks. The impact of monitoring moisture in the new sub-layers separately in this severe weather event has been tested, and the improvements achieved have been evaluated

    Physicochemical Characterization of a Cellulosic Film Modified with Two Room-Temperature Ionic Liquids

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    Changes in the physicochemical characteristics of a regenerated cellulose (RC) film due to a surface modification with room-temperature ionic liquids (ILs) are determined. Two ILs (1-butyl-3-metylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate and tricaprylmethylammonium chloride) were selected, and film surface modification was performed by a dip-coating process (1 h) in the corresponding IL. The surface characterization of the RC/IL films was carried out by XPS at various take-off angles (from 15° to 75°), while the modification of mechanical properties was established by tensile analysis, obtaining a significant increase for the Young modulus of both RC/IL films when compared with the RC-support. Optical characteristics of the RC/IL films were determined by transmittance and reflectance measurements for wavelengths covering visible and near-infrared regions, while impedance spectroscopy (IS) measurements allow us to estimate the electrical changes in the RC/IL films. These results show the high transmittance of both RC/IL films (>90%) with slight differences depending on the IL in both optical regions, while the IS data analysis indicated a conductivity reduction and dielectric constant increase in the dielectric constant for both eco-friendly RC/IL filmsPartial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    A case-based tool to assess college students’ perceptions about ethical competence

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    [EN] The main objective of this study was to design a new tool to explore the perception of professionally-related ethical values in Health Sciences undergraduate students. For this purpose, 24 conversational interviews, as well as an extensive literature review, were initially employed. Then, five ethical values were selected: respect for the patient, altruism, empathy, responsibility for my actions, and lifelong learning. Next, twenty cases with ethical dilemmas were created with protagonists pertaining to four degrees in the Health Sciences: Nursing, Dentistry, Physical Therapy, and Medicine. These cases were examined by professionals from these fields and presented to a sample of students to analyze their functioning. Our results indicate that the cases are easy to understand as most cases were identified correctly. Interestingly, students reported “respect for the patient” as the most important ethical value. The least important value was “altruism.” This new tool adds a practical perspective based on clinical cases with real-life dilemmas. Further studies are needed to continue exploring this topic.Gonzalez-Cuevas, G.; Lopez Del Hierro, M.; Martinez, N.; Hernando, MA. (2017). A case-based tool to assess college students’ perceptions about ethical competence. En Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Higher Education Advances. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1271-1277. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD17.2017.55811271127

    Level sets estimation and Vorob'ev expectation of random compact sets

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    The issue of a "mean shape" of a random set XX often arises, in particular in image analysis and pattern detection. There is no canonical definition but one possible approach is the so-called Vorob'ev expectation \E_V(X), which is closely linked to quantile sets. In this paper, we propose a consistent and ready to use estimator of \E_V(X) built from independent copies of XX with spatial discretization. The control of discretization errors is handled with a mild regularity assumption on the boundary of XX: a not too large 'box counting' dimension. Some examples are developed and an application to cosmological data is presented

    Gestión documental en un grupo de investigación biomédica

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    In order to systematize the processes and improve the quality of the activities of a biomedical research group, a research, development and innovation (RDI) management system based on the Spanish norm UNE 166002:2006 has been designed and implemented. We describe the experience and results obtained during the selection and adaptation of the OpenKM document management system platform as a useful means for research group management. The usefulness of this type of platform for this purpose is demonstrated, which could be exported to other research groups

    Fever of Unknown Origin: Don’t Forget Kala-Azar Even in Europe

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    We present the case of a 70-year-old male patient with fever of unknown origin after a long period of convalescence from a previous admission to a chronic care hospital. During the admission, multiple combinations of antibiotic and antifungal treatments were prescribed, but with persistent fever and, eventually, neutropenia (200 lymphocytes, 0 neutrophils). Given the suspicion of infection at bone marrow level, a biopsy was performed as was serology of Leishmania, both diagnostic determinations. Treatment with amphotericin B liposomal resulted in a good outcome