
Caracterización Espacial de la Vulnerabilidad Sociodemográfica en dos Distritos Madrileños ante Riesgos Tecnológicos


Economic growth is accompanied by adverse effects. In urban areas, humans are increasingly exposed to potential risk sources. The main objective of this study was to analyse population vulnerability to risks related to technological accidents in two urban districts of Madrid. The methodology was based on Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and the integration of more than 70 thematic layers. One of the main outcomes of the project was the calculation of a synthetic index to estimate population of the area exposed to some form of risk. Informal settlements, common in the study area, were considered in the analysis. In addition, the methodology was applied to the future residential area of the PAU of Vallecas (Madrid), allowing for the estimation of future areas and population subject to risk.JRC.DDG.H.7-Land management and natural hazard

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