340 research outputs found

    La "Gramàtica" de Salvador Puig (1770), llibre de text del Col·legi Episcopal de Barcelona

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    La present vol ser una aportació a la pedagogia i pràctica escolar de la Il·lustració, en la concepció i l?ús dels manuals o llibres de text. Es fa focalitzant l?atenció en un «promptuari» de l?època ?l?episcopat del bisbe il·lustrat Josep Climent a Barcelona?, els anys setanta del segle XVIII. Es tracta de la Gramática castellana ?en realitat un text bilingüe català/castellà? del doctor Salvador Puig, catedràtic i col·laborador estret de Climent al Col·legi Episcopal. La Gramática conté un valuós pròleg de l?autor, no només ?valuós? pels suggeriments didàctics, quan no declaracions formals de la pedagogia del moment, sinó per la referència biogràfica a l?impulsor de l?edició: el doctor Climent i Avinent, que ja des del temps de catedràtic de filosofia tomista a l?Estudi General de València s?havia significat pel seu amor a l?estudi i als llibres. Tot i que Salvador Puig s?esforça per presentar l?edició com a modesta ?«Obrita» en diu ell?, argumentant el poc de temps de què disposà per confegir-la ?per les «presses» de Climent de disposar-ne? i que ben bé l?estudi gramatical de la llengua no era el que, com a catedràtic de retòrica, dominava, la Gramática esdevé, finalment, una publicació emblemàtica i significativa, en compliment de la pragmàtica borbònica d?oficialitat del castellà i fruit de l?esforç d?alguns ?Climent entre ells? per la pervivència del català.This is intended to be a contribution to the pedagogy and school practice of the Enlightenment, in the design and use of manuals or text books. This is carried out by focusing on a «promptuari» [handbook] of the time ? the episcopate of the Enlightenment bishop, Josep Climent, in Barcelona ?in the seventies of the 18th century. We are speaking about: Gramática castellana ?actually a bilingual text Catalan/Spanish? by Dr Salvador Puig, professor and close collaborator with Climent, at the headquarters of the Episcopal School. Gramática contains a prologue by the author which is valuable, not only for its didactic suggestions or formal declarations regarding the pedagogy of the time, but also due to the bibliographic reference to the driving force behind the publication: Dr. Climent i Avinent, who had since his time as professor of Thomist philosophy at the Estudi General de València stood out for his love of study and books. Even though Salvador Puig attempts to present the publication as a modest one ?«Obrita» [small work] he calls it? by arguing the short time he had to write it ?due to the «hurry» Climent was in to have it? and the fact that the grammatical study of language was not what, as a professor of rhetoric, he mastered, Gramática became, finally, an emblematic and significant publication, in accordance with the Bourbon proclamation of the official status of Spanish and the effort of some ?Climent included? to preserve the survival of Catalan.El artículo quiere ser una aportación a la pedagogía y práctica escolar de la Ilustración, en la concepción y uso de los manuales o libros de texto. Así se focaliza la atención en un «prontuario» de la época ?el episcopado del obispo ilustrado Josep Climent en Barcelona?, los años setenta del siglo XVIII. Se trata de la Gramática castellana ?en realidad un texto bilingüe catalán/castellano? del Dr. Salvador Puig, catedrático y estrecho colaborador de Climent en su Colegio Episcopal. La Gramática contiene un valioso prólogo del autor, valioso no sólo por las sugerencias didácticas, cuando no declaraciones formales de la pedagogía del momento, sino por la referencia biográfica al impulsor de la edición: el Dr. Climent y Avinent, que ya desde el tiempo de catedrático de filosofía tomista en el Estudi General de València, se había significado por su amor al estudio y a los libros. Salvador Puig, a pesar de esforzarse en presentar la edición como modesta ?la califica de «Obrita»?, argumentando el poco tiempo de que dispuso para redactarla ?por las «prisas» de Climent en disponer de ella? y que, realmente, el estudio gramatical de la lengua no era lo que como catedrático de retórica dominaba, la Gramática llega a ser, finalmente, una publicación emblemática y significativa, en cumplimiento de la Pragmática borbónica de oficialidad del castellano y el esfuerzo de algunos ?Climent entre ellos? de conservar la pervivencia del catalán

    Human myiasis in Ecuador.

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    We review epidemiological and clinical data on human myiasis from Ecuador, based on data from the Ministry of Public Health (MPH) and a review of the available literature for clinical cases. The larvae of four flies, Dermatobia hominis, Cochliomyia hominivorax, Sarcophaga haemorrhoidalis, and Lucilia eximia, were identified as the causative agents in 39 reported clinical cases. The obligate D. hominis, causing furuncular lesions, caused 17 (43.5%) cases distributed along the tropical Pacific coast and the Amazon regions. The facultative C. hominivorax was identified in 15 (38%) clinical cases, infesting wound and cavitary lesions including orbital, nasal, aural and vaginal, and occurred in both subtropical and Andean regions. C. hominivorax was also identified in a nosocomial hospital-acquired wound. Single infestations were reported for S. haemorrhoidalis and L. eximia. Of the 39 clinical cases, 8 (21%) occurred in tourists. Ivermectin, when it became available, was used to treat furuncular, wound, and cavitary lesions successfully. MPH data for 2013–2015 registered 2,187 cases of which 54% were reported in men; 46% occurred in the tropical Pacific coast, 30% in the temperate Andes, 24% in the tropical Amazon, and 0.2% in the Galapagos Islands. The highest annual incidence was reported in the Amazon (23 cases/100,000 population), followed by Coast (5.1/100,000) and Andes (4.7/100,000). Human myiasis is a neglected and understudied ectoparasitic infestation, being endemic in both temperate and tropical regions of Ecuador. Improved education and awareness among populations living in, visitors to, and health personnel working in high-risk regions, is required for improved epidemiological surveillance, prevention, and correct diagnosis and treatment

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    Study of the anticancer properties of optically active titanocene oximato compounds

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    New water soluble and optically active cyclopentadienyl titanium derivatives [(¿5-C5H5)2Ti{(1R, 4S)-¿ON, (R)NH}Cl] (R = Bn (Benzyl) 1a’, 2-pic (2-picolylamine) 1b’) have been synthesized. The novel compounds along with those previously described [(¿5-C5H5)2Ti{(1S, 4R)-¿ON, (R)NH}Cl] (R = Bn 1a, 2-pic 1b) were evaluated by polarimetry, ultra-violet and circular dichroism spectroscopy. The structure of 1b was determined by single crystal X-ray crystallography and showed a unique terminal monohapto Ti–O disposition of the oximato ligand. All enantiomers have been tested against several cancer cell lines in vitro: prostate PC-3 and DU-145, lung A-549, pancreas MiaPaca-2, colorectal HCT-116, leukemia Jurkat and cervical HeLa. In addition, 1a, 1b and 1b’ were tested against non-tumorigenic prostate RWPE-1 cell line. After 24 h of incubation, 1b and 1b’ were moderately active against Jurkat and A-549 cells. The anti-proliferative effect of titanium compounds on prostate PC-3, DU-145 and RWPE-1 cell lines was also assessed after 72 h of drug exposure. The cytotoxic profile of the enantiomers was similar, exception made for the PC-3 cells, with S, R-isomers exhibiting cytotoxicities 2 to 3 times higher than R, S-compounds. Under these conditions, derivative 1b showed calculated IC50 values better than those of Tacke''s Titanocene-Y (bis-[(p-methoxybenzyl)cyclopentadienyl]titanium(IV) dichloride) on both the prostate PC-3 and DU-145 cells. 1a and 1b cytotoxic behaviour shows certain selectiveness, with activities 2–4 times lower on normal prostate RWPE-1 than on cancer PC-3 cells. Furthermore, 1b produces higher cytotoxicity on prostate PC-3, DU-145 and RWPE-1 cells than the additive dose of titanocene dichloride and pro-ligand b·HCl. Additionally, compound-DNA interactions have been investigated by equilibrium dialysis, Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) melting assays and viscometric titrations, which suggest that these metal complexes and/or their hydrolysis products bind DNA either in the minor groove or externally

    Nutritional Value and Sensory Properties of Cookies Prepared from Flour Mixes of Carrot (Daucus Carota), Lupine (Lupinus Perennis) and Barley (Hordeum Vulgare)

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    Nutritional value and sensory properties of cookies prepared by the combination of different proportions of carrot flour (CF), lupine flour (LF) and barley flour (BF) blends were analyzed. Eight formulations (F) of cookies were prepared from (F1) Control (100% Wheat flour “WF”), (F2) 33.33% CF, 33.33% LF and 33.33% BF, (F3) 33.33% CF, 41.66% LF and 25% BF, (F4) 33.33% CF, 25% LF and 41.66% BF, (F5) 33.33% CF, 25% LF and 41.66% BF, (F6) 41.66% CF, 33.33% LF and 25% BF, (F7) 25% CF, 41.66% LF and 33.33% BF, (F8) 41.66% CF, 25% LF and 33.33% BF. Cookies were subjected to analysis as moisture value, crude protein, Vitamin A as well as mineral analysis (potassium, calcium, phosphorus and iron) and evaluated for consumer acceptance by sensory analysis. Cookies prepared from formulation F8 showed high levels of vitamin A, (30UI/100 g), potassium (417.42 mg/100 g), calcium (182.40 mg/100 g) and iron (6.88 mg/100 g) in comparison with the others formulations. In the moisture value, F2 had similar value that the control cookies, The F3, F5 and F7 had high value in crude protein. Sensory evaluation established that cookies prepared with the formulation 8 were more acceptable than cookies prepared from other formulations

    Biological evaluation of water soluble arene Ru(II) enantiomers with amino-oxime ligands

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    New water soluble, enantiopure arene ruthenium compound SRuSN-(1R, 4S)-[(¿6-p-cymene)Ru{¿NH(Bn), ¿NOH}Cl]Cl (Bn = benzyl, 1a') has been synthesized. The novel compound along with that previously described RRuRN-(1S, 4R)-[(¿6-p-cymene)Ru{¿NH(Bn), ¿NOH}Cl]Cl (1a) was evaluated by polarimetry, ultra-violet and circular dichroism spectroscopy. The structure of novel ruthenium derivative 1a' was determined by single crystal X-ray crystallography. Both enantiomers have been tested against several cancer cell lines in vitro: prostate PC-3, lung A-549, pancreas MIA PaCa-2, colorectal HCT-116, leukemia Jurkat and cervical HeLa. Both enantiomers are active and versatile cytotoxic agents, showing IC50 values from 2 to 12 times lower than those found for cisplatin in the different cell lines evaluated. The mechanism of cell death induced by the metal compounds was analyzed in A-549 and Jurkat cell lines. Derivatives 1a and 1a' induced apoptotic cell death of A-549 cells while dose-dependent cell death mechanisms have been found in the Jurkat cell line. Compound-DNA interactions have been investigated by equilibrium dialysis, Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) melting assays and viscometric titrations, revealing moderate binding affinity of 1a and 1a' towards duplex DNA. Finally, the efficacy of 1a in a preliminary in vivo assay of PC-3 xenografts in nude mice has been evaluated, resulting in a promising inhibition of tumor growth by 45%. Analysis of tumor tissue also showed a significant decrease of levels of crucial molecules in the invasive phenotype of PC-3 cells

    Sobre substitució lingüística i autòmats cel.lulars (SLAC): decurs de la investigació

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    Hem optat per focalitzar la nostra investigació, tot i l'ampla aplicabilitat de la recerca, en la detecció del futur de la nostra llengua a partir dels pressupòsits de la Psicologia Social Computacional. I això mitjançant la utilització de la simulació informàtica, basada en els autòmats cel·lulars, que ha donat els primers resultats que presentem i explicitem en la nostra aportació a l'ANUARI. Així, hi abordem el futur de la llengua pròpia a partir de la conducta referida als parlants del País Valencià i amb la intenció d'esbrinar la reversió de la substitució lingüística


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    The title compound, C8H6O4, crystallizes with two independent mol­ecules in the asymmetric unit. The benzodioxole ring system is almost planar in each mol­ecule, with maximum deviations of 0.008 (1) and 0.007 (1) Å. The mol­ecular structure is characterized by strong electrostatic intra­molecular O⋯O contacts [2.649 (3) Å] and intra­molecular O—H⋯O hydrogen-bonding inter­actions. Inter­molecular O⋯O inter­actions [3.001 (2) Å] are observed in the crystal structure