6 research outputs found
What is a Master's Thesis in Planning?
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Academic interdisciplinary research: problems and practice
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Research Ethics I: Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR)鈥擧istorical and Contemporary Issues Pertaining to Human and Animal Experimentation
- Author
- Adams M.
- Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments
- Alt-White A. C.
- American Association for the Advancement of Science
- American Medical Association
- American Medical Association
- American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
- American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
- American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
- American Speech-Language-Hearing Association & U.S. Public Health Service
- Anderlik M. R.
- Anderson L. C.
- Animal Liberation Front
- Annas G. J.
- Annas G. J.
- Appelbaum P. S.
- Association of American Medical Colleges
- Association of American Medical Colleges
- Association of American Medical Colleges AAMC Task Force on Financial Conflicts of Interest in Clinical Research
- Association of American Medical Colleges AAMC Task Force on Financial Conflicts of Interest in Clinical Research
- Association of American Universities
- Association of American Universities
- Barnes M.
- Barnes M.
- Bateman B. T.
- Beecher H. K.
- Beecher H. K.
- Beirne P.
- BeLue R.
- Benos D. J.
- Bernstein D.
- Boozang K. M.
- Brainard J.
- Brandt A. M.
- Broad W. J.
- Brody B. A.
- Brown K. D.
- Brown T. M.
- Bulger R. E.
- Bullock M.
- Calleigh A. S.
- Cannon W. B.
- Capron A. M.
- Cassell E. J.
- Chadwick J.
- Childress J. F.
- Clayton E. W.
- Cohen C.
- Cohen J. J.
- Cohen-Mansfield J.
- Committee on Science Engineering, and Public Policy, National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, & Institute of Medicine
- Committee on Science Engineering, and Public Policy, National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, & Institute of Medicine
- Committee on Science Engineering, and Public Policy, National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, & Institute of Medicine
- Conarello S. L.
- Corbie-Smith G.
- Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences
- Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences
- Council of Graduate Schools
- Cramer S. C.
- Cruse J. M.
- Cunningham E.
- De Melo-Martin I.
- Dingell J. D.
- Donnelley S.
- Douglas J. D.
- Elliott D.
- Emanuel E. J.
- Emanuel E. J.
- Emanuel E. J.
- Emanuel E. J.
- Ernst A. A.
- Faden R. R.
- Faden R. R.
- Feussner J. R.
- Fisher C. B.
- Flory J.
- Folkins J. W.
- Foshay W. R.
- Fost N.
- Foundation for Biomedical Research
- Franck L. S.
- Fred D. Minifie
- Fuchs B. A.
- Fuchs B. A.
- Garnett R. W.
- Gercas A.
- Gibelman M.
- Girgen J.
- Glantz L. H.
- Gluck J. P.
- Goldfarb R.
- Goldner J. A.
- Goodman E. P.
- Grady C.
- Grant R. W.
- Grodin M. A.
- Grodin M. A.
- Gross C. P.
- Harris S. H.
- Hartman R. G.
- Heitman E.
- Henderson G. E.
- Hollander R.
- Holmes-Farley S. R.
- Horner J.
- Horner J.
- Horner J.
- Horner J. (Guest ed.)
- Horner J. (Symposium ed.)
- Hueston W. J.
- Humane Society of the United States
- Ibrahim D. M.
- Illes J.
- Ingham J. C.
- Ingham J. C.
- Institute of Medicine & National Research Council, Committee on Assessing Integrity in Environments
- Institute of Medicine & National Research Council, Committee on the Responsible Conduct of Research
- Institute of Medicine Committee on Assessing the System for Protecting Human Research
- Institute of Medicine Committee on Assessing the System for Protecting Human Research Subjects, & Board on Health Sciences Policy
- Institute of Medicine Committee on Clinical Research Involving Children
- Institute of Medicine Committee on Ethical Considerations for Revisions to DHHS Regulations for Protection of Prisoners Involved in Research
- Iverson M.
- Janssen R. L.
- Jennifer Horner
- Joffe S.
- Jones J. H.
- Jones S. M.
- Jones S. M.
- Judson H. F.
- Kahn J. P.
- Kapp M. B.
- Karlawish J. H. T.
- Katz J.
- Katz J.
- Keefe F. J.
- Keen W. W.
- Keith-Spiegel P.
- Kelch R. P.
- Kennedy D.
- Ketelhut D. J.
- Kimmelman J.
- Klein H. J.
- Kolar R.
- Kopelman L. M.
- Kopp V. J.
- Korenman S. G.
- Koski G.
- Kubetin W. R.
- Kulynych J.
- Kulynych J.
- LaFollette H.
- LaFollette H.
- Law M.
- Lederer S. E.
- Lederer S. E.
- Lemaire F.
- Lenrow D. A.
- Lerner B. H.
- Levine C.
- Macrina F. L.
- Macrina F. L.
- Magnotti L.
- Mangan K.
- Man鈥檚 mirror: History of animal rights
- Marco C. A.
- Mastroianni A. C.
- McCarthy C. R.
- Medina L. V.
- Medina L. V.
- Menikoff J.
- Metz E.
- Milgram S.
- Miller F. G.
- Miller F. G.
- Miller F. G.
- Miser W. F.
- Moreno J. D.
- Moreno J. D.
- Morreim E. H.
- Morreim E. H.
- Mozes-Kor E.
- Mulford R. D.
- National Association for Biomedical Research
- National Association for Biomedical Research
- National Institutes of Health
- National Institutes of Health & Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration
- National Research Council Committee on Educational Programs in Laboratory Animal Science
- National Research Council Committee on Guidelines for the Use of Animals in Neuroscience and Behavioral Research
- National Research Council Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources
- National Research Council International Workshop on the Development of Science-based Guidelines for Laboratory Animal Care Program Committee
- National Research Council Panel on Institutional Review Boards, Surveys, and Social Science Research
- National Science Foundation
- Neale A. V.
- Nelkin D.
- Office of Research Integrity
- Office of Research Integrity
- Office of Research Integrity
- Office of Research Integrity
- Office of Research Integrity
- Office of Research Integrity
- Office of the Inspector General
- Office of the Inspector General
- Office of the Inspector General
- Office of the Inspector General
- Oliver A. A.
- O鈥機onnor M. J.
- Palmer C. R.
- Panel on Scientific Responsibility and the Conduct of Research Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy, National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, & Institute of Medicine
- Panel on Scientific Responsibility and the Conduct of Research Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy, National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, & Institute of Medicine
- Pellegrino E. D.
- Penslar R. L.
- People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
- Petersdorf R. G.
- Petersen R. A.
- Pimple K. D.
- Pluhar E. B.
- Powell D. J.
- Price A. R.
- Public Health Service
- Racker E.
- Resnik D. B.
- Resnik D. B.
- Rollin B. E.
- Rollin B. E.
- Rose S. L.
- Rothman D. J.
- Rothman J. K.
- Russell N. J. C.
- Russow L.-M.
- Ryan K. J.
- Saver R. S.
- Schaeffer M. H.
- Schwartz J.
- Schwartz R. G.
- Seto B.
- Shalala D.
- Shalowitz D. I.
- Shamoo A. E.
- Shuster E.
- Sideris L.
- Singer P.
- Slater M.
- Smallwood S.
- Smith J. A.
- Spriggs M.
- Steinbrook R.
- Steinbrook R.
- Steneck N. H.
- Steneck N. H.
- Steneck N. H.
- Stineman M. G.
- Sundram C. J.
- Sung N. S.
- Swerdlow P. S.
- U.S. Government Accountability Office
- U.S. Government Printing Office
- U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations of the Committee on Energy and Commerce
- U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations of the Committee on Energy and Commerce
- U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Science and Technology, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations
- U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations of the Committee on Energy and Commerce
- Venderau M. L.
- Watanabe S.
- Weijer C.
- Weil E.
- Wendler D.
- Wendler D.
- Wendler D.
- Wendler D.
- Whitbeck C.
- Whittle A.
- Wicclair M. R.
- Williams J. R.
- Williams M. A.
- Wolf L. E.
- Woolley M.
- Wynia M. K.
- Yarborough M.
- Publication venue
- 'American Speech Language Hearing Association'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Author
- Alpert D.
- Armor D. J.
- Bennis W. G.
- Black R. G.
- Blake R. R.
- Caudill W.
- Chandler A. D.
- Council of Graduate Schools in the U.S.
- Cunningham D. E.
- Daling J. R.
- Evan W. M.
- Fiedler F. E.
- Filley A. C.
- Gaff J. G.
- Georgopoulos B. S.
- Glueck W. F.
- Gross E.
- Hall D. T.
- Hare P. A.
- Harrold R. W.
- Herzog J. D.
- Ibadi Y. M.
- Jauch L.
- Kerlinger F. N.
- Lawrence P. R.
- Luszki M. B.
- Luszki M. B.
- Mansfield E.
- Mar B. W.
- Melcher A. J.
- Michaud G.
- Mott P. E.
- Osgood E. E.
- Palmer A. M.
- Pelz D. C.
- Price J. L.
- Ritchie E.
- Ruble T. L.
- Stogdill R. M.
- Thomas K. W.
- Thorp C. D.
- Vollmer H. M.
- Wallmarn J. R.
- Williamson M. A.
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Responsible Conduct of Research in Communication Sciences and Disorders: Faculty and Student Perceptions
- Author
- Alexander L.
- American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
- American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
- American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
- American Speech-Language-Hearing Association & U.S. Public Health Service
- Anderson M. S.
- Anderson M. S.
- Anderson M. S.
- Association of American Medical Colleges
- Association of American Medical Colleges
- Avins A. L.
- Barrett K. A.
- Bebeau M.
- Braxton J. M.
- Brinthaupt T. M.
- Bronze M. S.
- Brown S.
- Bulger R. E.
- Bullock M.
- Calleigh A. S.
- Candish J.
- Charissa Lansing
- Claxton L. D.
- Claxton L. D.
- Committee on Assessing Integrity in Research Environments National Research Council, & Institute of Medicine
- Committee on Science Engineering, and Public Policy, National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, & Institute of Medicine
- Committee on Science Engineering, and Public Policy, National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, & Institute of Medicine
- Committee on Science Engineering, and Public Policy, National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, & Institute of Medicine
- Cook C.
- Council of Graduate Schools
- de Vries R.
- Debruin D. A.
- Deming N.
- Douglas J. D.
- Eastwood S.
- Eisen A.
- Elham-Eid Alldredge
- Faden R. R.
- Fatovic-Ferencic S.
- Feldhaus C. R.
- Fishleder A. J.
- Folkins J. W.
- Fred D. Minifie
- Funk C. L.
- Harding T. S.
- Heitman E.
- Heitman E.
- Heitman E.
- Heitman E.
- Hotz R. L.
- Ingham J. C.
- Ingham J. C.
- Iverson M.
- James H. McCartney
- Janis C. Ingham
- Janssen R. L.
- Jennifer Horner
- Jotkowitz A.
- Kalichman M. W.
- Kalichman M. W.
- Kalichman M. W.
- Macrina F. L.
- Macrina F. L.
- Macrina F. L.
- Mann M. D.
- Martinson B. C.
- Martinson B. C.
- Marusic A.
- Mastroianni A. C.
- McGee R.
- McMillen J. D.
- Metz E.
- Mundt L. A.
- National Institutes of Health
- National Science Foundation
- Office of Research Integrity
- Office of Research Integrity
- Office of Research Integrity
- Olivas M. A.
- Panel on Scientific Responsibility and the Conduct of Research National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, & Institute of Medicine
- Pearson K.
- Penslar R. L.
- Petersdorf R. G.
- Pimple K. D.
- Plemmons D. K.
- Public Health Service
- Racker E.
- Randall R. Robey
- Redman B. K.
- Resnik D. B.
- Resnik D. B.
- Roberts L. W.
- Roberts L. W.
- Rosenbaum J. R.
- Ryan K. J.
- Sarah C. Slater
- Sax L. J.
- Shamoo A. E.
- Sharon E. Moss
- Sigma Xi & The Scientific Research Society
- Smith S.
- Spece R. G.
- Steneck N. H.
- Steneck N. H.
- Steneck N. H.
- Sugarman J.
- Titus S. L.
- U.S. Government Printing Office
- Vasgird D. R.
- von Eye A.
- Weindling P.
- Wester K. L.
- Ziman J. M.
- Publication venue
- 'American Speech Language Hearing Association'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Table of Contents
- Author
- Adolphus
- Allen
- Allen
- Allen
- Allen
- Allen
- Allen
- Allport
- Amir
- Anderson
- Arbeiter
- Arciniega
- Armstrong-West
- Asamen
- Asch
- Asian American Student Association
- Astin
- Astin
- Astin
- Astin
- Astin
- Astin
- Astin
- Babbit
- Banks
- Barbarin
- Bauer
- Bean
- Bechman
- Beckham
- Belenky
- Belgrave
- Bell-Scott
- Bennett
- Bennett
- Bimbaum
- Blackwell
- Blackwell
- Blake
- Blakely
- Bloom
- Bodenkoop
- Bornholdt
- Bowen
- Bowser
- Boyd
- Boyer
- Braddock
- Braddock
- Brown
- Brown
- Bruner
- Burgos-Sasscer
- Burrell
- California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office
- Callan
- Cardoza
- Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
- Carodo
- Carter
- Carter
- Carter
- Carver
- Castaneda
- Center for Education Statistics
- Center for Education Statistics
- Chacon
- Chew
- Clark
- Claxton
- Clewell
- Clowes
- Cohen
- Commission on Minority Participation in Education and American Life
- Cope
- Council of Graduate Schools
- Courage
- Cox
- Coyle
- Creange
- Cross
- Crosson
- Davis
- de los Santos
- Demetrulias
- Desjardins
- DiCesare
- Dinka
- Dix
- Donovan
- Duffy
- Duhon
- Duran
- Durnell
- Edelman
- El-Khawas
- Elam
- Epps
- Estrada
- Etzioni
- Feldman
- Fenderson
- Fichten
- Fields
- Fiske
- Fleming
- Fox
- Frances
- Frazier
- Freedman
- Fries
- Gamson
- Gamson
- Garza
- Gillespie
- Gittell
- Glennen
- Goldberg
- Gordon
- Green
- Griffith
- Grubb
- Gurin
- Guyette
- Hall
- Hall
- Hameister
- Harris
- Hart
- Hartnett
- Health Resource Center
- Hetherington
- Hill
- Hilton
- Hodgkinson
- Hsia
- Hsia
- Hu
- Hughes
- Hunt
- Jaimes
- Jaramillo
- Jarrow
- Johnson
- Joint Committee for Review of the Master Plan in Higher Education
- Jones
- Jones
- Kanter
- Katz
- Kirchner
- Knowles
- Konrad
- Korolewicz
- Kraiger
- Krupnick
- LaCounta
- Lang
- Larwood
- Lasser
- Le Flore
- Lee
- Lee
- Livingston
- Loo
- Lopez
- Lunneborg
- Lynch
- Madden
- Madrid
- Madrozo-Peterson
- Mallinckrodt
- Marion
- Martin
- Martinez
- Maryland State Board for Higher Education
- Masland
- Maynard
- McBay
- McClain
- McIntosh
- McIntyre
- McKenna
- Mick
- Minatoya
- Mingle
- Minnich
- Morris
- Morris
- Myrdal
- National Center for Fair and Open Testing
- Neher
- Nelms
- Nettles
- Nettles
- Nettles
- Nettles
- Nettles
- Nettles
- Nora
- O'Barr
- Oates
- Ogbu
- Olivas
- Olivas
- Oliver
- Oliver
- Ostar
- Pace
- Palmer
- Pantages
- Parker
- Pascarella
- Pascarella
- Pascarella
- Patterson
- Patterson
- Patterson
- Pearson
- Perry
- Perry
- Peterson
- Pettigrew
- Pfeffer
- Pfeffer
- Phillips
- Ponterotto
- Pounds
- Quevedo-Garcia
- Rasor
- Rend贸n
- Rend贸n
- Rice
- Richardson
- Richardson
- Richardson
- Richardson
- Rochin
- Rokeach
- Rooks
- Rooney
- Rossi
- Roueche
- Salganik
- Sanders
- Sandler
- Sandler
- Saslow
- Schmidt
- Sedlacek
- Sedlacek
- Sedlacek
- Sedlacek
- Sedlacek
- Seeman
- Shavlik
- SHEEO (State Higher Education Executive Officers)
- Simmons
- Skinner
- Slaughter
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Soldier
- Spaights
- Stampen
- Stanford Observer
- Stern
- Stewart
- Stilwell
- Stimpson
- Stoecker
- Sudarkasa
- Sue
- Sue
- Sue
- Suen
- Suzuki
- Switkin
- Tajfel
- Terry
- The college president: A new survey by the ACE
- Thomas
- Tidball
- Tidball
- Tidball
- Tidball
- Tinto
- Tracey
- Tracey
- Trent
- Trent
- Turner
- U.S. Department of Commerce
- Uncapher
- Valencia Community College
- Valverde
- Vasquez
- Vaz
- Verdugo
- Walton
- Watson
- Webster
- Weick
- Weick
- Weinberg
- White
- WICHE (Western Interstate Commission on Higher Education)
- Wilkerson
- Wilkerson
- Williams
- Willie
- Willie
- Willie
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Women's College Coalition
- Wright
- Wright
- Wright
- Yuker
- Zambrana
- Zuber
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2005
- Field of study