276 research outputs found

    Analyse confirmatoire de la version courte de la Center for Epidemiological Studies of Depression Scale (CES-D10) chez les adolescents

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    Background.—Screening depressivity among adolescents is a key public health priority. In order to measure the severity of depressive symptomatology, a four-dimensional 20 items scale called ‘‘Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scale’’ (CES-D) was developed. A shorter 10-item version was developed and validated (Andresen et al.). For this brief version, several authors supported a two-factor structure —Negative and Positive affect— but the relationship between the two reversed-worded items of the Positive affect factor could be better accounted for by correlated errors.Objectives.—The aim of this study is triple: firstly to test a French version of the CES-D10 among adolescents; secondly to test the relevance of a one-dimensional structure by considering error correlation for Positive affect items; finally to examine the extent to which this structural modelis invariant across gender.Method.—The sample was composed of 269 French middle school adolescents (139 girls and 130 boys, mean age: 13.8, SD = 0.65). Confirmatory Factorial Analyses (CFA) using the LISREL 8.52 were conducted in order to assess the adjustment to the data of three factormodels: a one-factor model, a two-factor model (Positive and Negative affect) and a one-factor model with specification of correlated errors between the two reverse-worded items. Then, multigroup analysis was conducted to test the scale invariance for girls and boys.Results.—Internal consistency of the CES-D10 was satisfying for the adolescent sample (α = 0.75). The best fitting model is the one-factor model with correlated errors between the two items of the previous Positive affect factor (Chi2/dl = 2.50; GFI = 0.939; CFI = 0.894; RMSEA = 0.076). This model presented a better statistical fit to the data than the one-factor model without error correlation: Chi2 diff (1) = 22.14, p < 0.001. Then, the one-factor model with correlated errors was analyzed across separate samples of girls and boys. The model explains the data somewhat better for boys than for girls. The model’s overall Chi2(68) without equality constraints from the multigroup analysis was 107.98. The Chi2(89) statistic for the model with equality-constrained factor loadings was 121.31. The change in the overall Chi2 is not statistically significant. This result implies that the model is, therefore, invariant across gender. The mean scores were higher for girls than boys: 9.69 versus 7.19; t(267) = 4.13, p < 0.001.Conclusions.—To conclude, and waiting for further research using the French version of the CESD10 for adolescents, it appears that this short scale is generally acceptable and can be a useful tool for both research and practice. The scale invariance across gender has been demonstrated but the invariance across age must be tested too.La Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scale (CES-D) est un outil d’évaluation de la symptomatologie dépressive. Différentes études ont été réalisées sur la version courte en dix items, y compris chez les adolescents. Elles ont mis en évidence une structure en deux facteurs Affect négatif (huit items) et Affect positif (deux items). L’objet de la présente étude est de valider la version franc¸aise de la CES-D10 sur un échantillon de 269 adolescents et de tester une structure unifactorielle en tenant compte d’un artefact méthodologique supposé sur le facteur Affect positif. Deux analyses ont été réalisées : une analyse factorielle confirmatoire afin de choisir le modèle présentant le meilleur ajustementsuivie d’une analyse confirmatoire multigroupes sur la structure retenue permettant ainsi de tester son invariance selon le genre. Les résultats montrent que la CES-D10 présente une consistance interne acceptable. Le modèle le mieux ajusté aux données est celui à un seul facteur avec corrélation des erreurs pour les deux items associés au facteur Affect positif dans de précédentes recherches. L’invariance structurelle selon le genre est confortée, ce qui permet d’éviter un biais d’interprétation des différences constatées entre les filles et les garçons

    High rectifying behavior in Al/Sinanocrystal-embedded SiOxNy/p-Si heterojunctions

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    5International audienceWe examine the electrical properties of MIS devices made of Al/Si nanocrystal-SiOxNy/p Si. The J V characteristics of the devices present a high rectifying behavior. Temperature measurements show that the forward current is thermally activated following the thermal diffusion model of carriers. At low reverse bias, the current is governed by thermal emission amplified by Poole-Frenkel effect of carriers from defects located in the silicon nanocrystals/SiOxNy interfaces, whereas tunnel conduction in silicon oxynitride matrix dominates at high reverse bias. Devices exhibit a rectification ratio >104 for the current measured at V= 1V. Study reveals that thermal annealing in forming gas (H2/N2) improves electrical properties of the devices due to the passivation of defects

    Interpreter Training in Spain: Past and Present

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    Este artículo aborda la formación en interpretación en las universidades españolas desde que se inició en 1979. Se analizan los problemas asociados con el contenido en Interpretación de la Licenciatura en Traducción e Interpretación, vigente hasta hace poco, tales como la inclusión en el plan de estudios de asignaturas obligatorias que pretendían formar en las técnicas de interpretación utilizadas en Interpretación de Conferencia sin contar con la garantía de que los estudiantes cumplieran otros prerrequisitos necesarios para iniciar la formación en este género de interpretación. En la actualidad se está implantando la nueva titulación de Grado, y las universidades disfrutan de más libertad en la confección de sus planes de estudios. El panorama ahora es muy variado. Numerosas universidades han reducido sus créditos obligatorios en interpretación, al tiempo que han aumentado los créditos optativos. Aún así, sigue habiendo bastantes universidades que incluyen créditos obligatorios en interpretación simultánea. Parece que los títulos de Máster no acaban de consolidarse y otros géneros de interpretación (aparte de la interpretación de conferencia) han entrado en el plan de estudios.This paper deals with interpreter training in Spanish universities since its onset in 1979. Problems associated with the interpreting component in the recently phased out Licenciatura (4 year undergraduate course) in Translation and Interpreting are analysed. Such problems included the presence of compulsory subjects in the main conference interpreting techniques, without other prerequisites for beginning this training being guaranteed. At the current time a new degree is being introduced in the framework of the EHEA (Grado, also a 4 year undergraduate course) which affords much more freedom to the universities in the design of their syllabus. The results are very varied. Many universities have reduced their compulsory credits in interpreting and now offer more optional credits. Despite this trend, there are still a significant number of universities with compulsory credits in simultaneous interpreting. Master’s Degrees seem to be having difficulties in becoming consolidated and new genres of interpretation (other than conference interpreting) are being included in degree programmes

    Effect of doping on the modification of polycrystalline silicon by spontaneous reduction of diazonium salts

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    International audienceThe chemical modification of doped polycrystalline silicon materials (N+, N++ and P++) and silicon (1 0 0) and (1 1 1) used as references is investigated by spontaneous reduction of diazonium salts. The effectiveness of the grafting process on all polySi surfaces is shown by AFM and XPS analyses. The effect of substrate doping on the efficiency of the electrografting process is compared by using the thicknesses of the deposited organic films. For a better accuracy, two methods are used to estimate the thicknesses: XPS and the coupling of a O2 plasma etching with AFM measurement. Structural characteristics of the poly-Si films were investigated by Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-ray diffraction to find a correlation between the structure of the material and its reactivity. Different parameters that could have an impact on the efficiency of the grafting procedure are discussed. The observed differences between differently doped silicon surfaces is rather limited, this is in agreement with the radical character of the reacting species

    Optimised accelerated solvent extraction of hexahydro‐1, 3, 5‐trinitro‐1, 3, 5 triazine (RDX) from polymer bonded explosives

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    An Accelerated Solvent Extraction (ASE) method was developed and optimised to extract hexahydro‐1,3,5‐trinitro‐1,3,5‐triazine (RDX) from a polyurethane matrix. The ASE method development was benchmarked against Soxhlet extraction with a view to improving extraction efficiency in terms of time and solvent volume. Key parameters for the ASE method development involved selecting the most appropriate solvent, optimising static time, ensuring a safe oven temperature for explosives, determination of a sufficient number of rinse cycles and effective sample preparation. To achieve optimal extraction, cutting the PBX samples to maximise solvent exposure was essential. The use of acetone with a static time of 10 minutes at 100 °C with three rinse cycles achieved 97 %±10 % extraction of RDX from PBX in 40 minutes using 72 mL solvent. Extraction time was reduced from 48 hours and solvent use by half compared to the standard Soxhlet extraction. To validate the developed ASE method, two other PBX samples containing different quantities of explosive were also fully extracted using the same parameters. Overall, ASE efficiency was comparable to Soxhlet, which places the ASE as a good alternative and shows potential for implementation as a standard method for other polymer based explosives

    Investigation into the environmental fate of the combined Insensitive High Explosive constituents 2, 4-dinitroanisole (DNAN), 1-nitroguanidine (NQ) and nitrotriazolone (NTO) in soil

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    Contamination of military ranges by the use of explosives can lead to irreversible environmental damage, specifically to soil and groundwater. The fate and effects of traditional explosive residues are well understood, while less is known about the impact of Insensitive High Explosives (IHEs) that are currently being brought into military service. Current research has focussed on the investigation of individual constituents of IHE formulations, which may not be representative of real-world scenarios when explosive residues will be deposited together. Therefore, this study investigated the fate and transport of the combined IHE constituents 2,4-dinitroanisole (DNAN), 1-nitroguanidine (NQ) and 3-nitro-1,2,4-triazol-5-one (NTO) in two UK soil types. Static experiments ran for 9 weeks to determine the fate of the combined explosive constituents in soil by monitoring the rate of degradation. Transport was examined by running soil column experiments for 5 weeks, with a watering regime equivalent to the average yearly UK rainfall. Both static and soil column experiments confirmed that DNAN and NTO started to degrade within twenty-four hours in soil with high organic content, and were both completely degraded within sixty days. NQ was more stable, with 80% of the original material recovered after sixty days. The major degradation product of DNAN in the test soils was 2-amino-4-nitroanisole (2-ANAN), with trace amounts of 4-amino-2-nitroanisole. NTO was rapidly degraded in soil with high organic content, although no degradation products were identified. Results supported work from literature on the individual constituents DNAN, NQ and NTO suggesting that the three explosives in combination did not interact with each other when in soil. This study should provide a useful insight into the behaviour of three combined Insensitive High Explosive constituents for the predication of soil and water contamination during military training

    SiGe derivatization by spontaneous reduction of aryl diazonium salts

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    International audienceGermanium semiconductors have interesting properties for FET-based biosensor applications since they possess high surface roughness allowing the immobilization of a high amount of receptors on a small surface area. Since SiGe combined low cost of Si and intrinsic properties of Ge with high mobility carriers, we focused the study on this particularly interesting material. The comparison of the efficiency of a functionalization process involving the spontaneous reduction of diazonium salts is studied on Si(1 0 0), SiGe and Ge semiconductors. XPS analysis of the functionalized surfaces reveals the presence of a covalent grafted layer on all the substrates that was confirmed by AFM. Interestingly, the modified Ge derivatives have still higher surface roughness after derivatization. To support the estimated thickness by XPS, a step measurement of the organic layers is done by AFM or by profilometer technique after a O2 plasma etching of the functionalized layer. This original method is well-adapted to measure the thickness of thin organic films on rough substrates such as germanium. The analyses show a higher chemical grafting on SiGe substrates compared with Si and Ge semiconductors

    Is the typicality of “Provence Rosé wines” only a matter of color?

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    Aims: Given the diversity of French dry Rosé wines, Provence Rosé producers (France) wish to evaluate the typicality of their wines in order to better identify their typical characteristics. A clear pink color is one of them but they would also like to identify some specific odors and aromas. Here, we address these issues by: (i) assessing whether the identity of Provence Rosé wines is perceptible by tasting and shared by professionals based on specific odors and aromas (disregarding color as indicator using black glasses), and (ii) evaluating the impact of color on Provence Rosé wine typicality. Methods and results: Complementary methods were used: exemplarity measurements by a panel of wine professionals, sensory evaluation by a trained expert panel, and color assessment. It was confirmed that Provence Rosé wine typicality is based on color because the clearest wines were found to be more typical. However, typicality in odors and aromas was also demonstrated. Using black glasses, wine professionals from Provence agreed on ‘citrus fruit’, ‘exotic fruit’ and ‘fresh floral’ odors and aromas being typical attributes of Provence Rosé wines. Next, when using transparent glasses, the color of the wines clearly modified the perception of exemplarity. Conclusion: There is no single sensory profile of typical Provence Rosé wines. Variability within the sensory profiles of this specific Rosé wine area was observed, but some common aromatic and visual characteristics were identified. Significance and impact of the study: These results could be used as a marketing tool to better highlight the specific intrinsic characteristics of Provence Rosé wines. It will now be interesting to investigate the Provence area further in order to evaluate potential sub-area specificities linked to “terroir” factors

    Gene × Environment interactions in autism spectrum disorders: role of epigenetic mechanisms.

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    To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field or click on the hyperlink at the top of the page marked Files. This article is open access.Several studies support currently the hypothesis that autism etiology is based on a polygenic and epistatic model. However, despite advances in epidemiological, molecular and clinical genetics, the genetic risk factors remain difficult to identify, with the exception of a few chromosomal disorders and several single gene disorders associated with an increased risk for autism. Furthermore, several studies suggest a role of environmental factors in autism spectrum disorders (ASD). First, arguments for a genetic contribution to autism, based on updated family and twin studies, are examined. Second, a review of possible prenatal, perinatal, and postnatal environmental risk factors for ASD are presented. Then, the hypotheses are discussed concerning the underlying mechanisms related to a role of environmental factors in the development of ASD in association with genetic factors. In particular, epigenetics as a candidate biological mechanism for gene × environment interactions is considered and the possible role of epigenetic mechanisms reported in genetic disorders associated with ASD is discussed. Furthermore, the example of in utero exposure to valproate provides a good illustration of epigenetic mechanisms involved in ASD and innovative therapeutic strategies. Epigenetic remodeling by environmental factors opens new perspectives for a better understanding, prevention, and early therapeutic intervention of ASD

    Evaluation of small-scale combustion of an insensitive high explosive formulation containing 3-nitro-1,2,4-triazol-5-one (NTO), 2,4-dinitroanisole (DNAN), and 1,3,5-trinitroperhydro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX)

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    Energetic materials are often disposed by open-burning or open-detonation as it is a cost-effective and efficient means of destroying explosive material, and often minimizes the need to transport hazardous explosives to treatment facilities. This practice is often scrutinized for the negative environmental impact of the odorous and unsightly toxic gaseous emissions as well as the resulting deposition residues, which often contain unburned energetic materials. With the increasing use of Insensitive High Explosive compositions in munitions, it is essential that the potential environmental impact of their disposal is assessed before their extensive use to prevent the kind of contamination incidents experienced with legacy explosives. Therefore, the aim of this work was to develop a controlled laboratory experiment to identify the gaseous emissions and the energetic material residues that are generated through the combustion of the IHE components 3-nitro-1,2,4-triazol-5-one (NTO), 2,4-dinitroanisole (DNAN), and 1,3,5-trinitroperhydro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX). A sealed vial containing small (mg) quantities of energetic material was heated until the energetic material combusted. Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GCMS) was used to calculate the oxygen consumption and to identify the gases that were generated. The solid residues were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to quantify unburned energetic material. Results showed that DNAN was the most resistant to burning, thus leaving significant quantities of unreacted starting material in the vial. An interesting observation for the IHE formulation was that DNAN also inhibited the combustion of NTO and RDX. The gases emitted during the open burning of IHE components and mixtures included CO, CO2, and N2O as expected, but the proportions differed when the components and mixture were compared, reflecting the influence of DNAN on the burning behavior. From our data, we concluded that open-burning DNAN-based formulations is an environmentally unfavorable waste-management practice for the disposal of IHEs mainly due to generation of solid residues as well as unburnt DNAN