587 research outputs found

    The prominent role of neutrophils during the initial phase of infection by Leishmania parasites.

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    Neutrophils are rapidly and massively recruited to the site of Leishmania inoculation, where they phagocytose the parasites, some of which are able to survive within these first host cells. Neutrophils can thus provide a transient safe shelter for the parasites, prior to their entry into macrophages where they will replicate. In addition, neutrophils release and synthesize rapidly several factors including cytokines and chemokines. The mechanism involved in their rapid recruitment to the site of parasite inoculation, as well as the putative consequences of their massive presence on the microenvironment of the focus of infection will be discussed in the context of the development of the Leishmania-specific immune response

    Angular momentum transport modeling: achievements of a gyrokinetic quasi-linear approach

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    QuaLiKiz, a model based on a local gyrokinetic eigenvalue solver is expanded to include momentum flux modeling in addition to heat and particle fluxes. Essential for accurate momentum flux predictions, the parallel asymmetrization of the eigenfunctions is successfully recovered by an analytical fluid model. This is tested against self-consistent gyrokinetic calculations and allows for a correct prediction of the ExB shear impact on the saturated potential amplitude by means of a mixing length rule. Hence, the effect of the ExB shear is recovered on all the transport channels including the induced residual stress. Including these additions, QuaLiKiz remains ~10 000 faster than non-linear gyrokinetic codes allowing for comparisons with experiments without resorting to high performance computing. The example is given of momentum pinch calculations in NBI modulation experiments

    Survival Mechanisms Used by Some Leishmania Species to Escape Neutrophil Killing

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    Neutrophils are the most abundant leukocytes in human blood. Upon microbial infection, they are massively and rapidly recruited from the circulation to sites of infection where they efficiently kill pathogens. To this end, neutrophils possess a variety of weapons that can be mobilized and become effective within hours following infection. However, several microbes including some Leishmania spp. have evolved a variety of mechanisms to escape neutrophil killing using these cells as a basis to better invade the host. In addition, neutrophils are also present in unhealing cutaneous lesions where their role remains to be defined. Here, we will review recent progress in the field and discuss the different strategies applied by some Leishmania parasites to escape from being killed by neutrophils and as recently described for Leishmania mexicana, even replicate within these cells. Subversion of neutrophil killing functions by Leishmania is a strategy that allows parasite spreading in the host with a consequent deleterious impact, transforming the primary protective role of neutrophils into a deleterious one

    Calving rates at tidewater glaciers vary strongly with ocean temperature

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    TerraSAR-X data were provided by DLR (project OCE1503), and funded by the Conoco Phillips-Lundin Northern Area Program through the CRIOS project (Calving Rates and Impact on Sea level). A.L. and S.B. are affiliated to the Climate Change Consortium of Wales (C3W). Mooring work is supported by the UK Natural Environment Research Council (Oceans 2025 and Northern Sea Program) and the Research Council of Norway (projects Cleopatra: 178766, Cleopatra II: 216537, and Circa: 214271/F20). Contribution by F.C. was undertaken through the Scottish Alliance for Geoscience Environment and Society (SAGES).Rates of ice mass loss at the calving margins of tidewater glaciers (frontal ablation rates) are a key uncertainty in sea level rise projections. Measurements are difficult because mass lost is replaced by ice flow at variable rates, and frontal ablation incorporates sub-aerial calving, and submarine melt and calving. Here we derive frontal ablation rates for three dynamically contrasting glaciers in Svalbard from an unusually dense series of satellite images. We combine ocean data, ice-front position and terminus velocity to investigate controls on frontal ablation. We find that frontal ablation is not dependent on ice dynamics, nor reduced by glacier surface freeze-up, but varies strongly with sub-surface water temperature. We conclude that calving proceeds by melt undercutting and ice-front collapse, a process that may dominate frontal ablation where submarine melt can outpace ice flow. Our findings illustrate the potential for deriving simple models of tidewater glacier response to oceanographic forcing.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Thyroid gland invasion in laryngopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma: Prevalence, endoscopic and CT predictors

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    SummaryObjectivesThe authors studied the prevalence of histological thyroid gland invasion in laryngopharyngeal cancer and the preoperative endoscopic and CT signs predictive of this invasion.Patients and methodsRetrospective study of patients with laryngopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (T3 and T4) treated by total laryngectomy or total laryngopharyngectomy associated with concomitant total thyroidectomy or ipsilateral lobectomy and isthmectomy.ResultsEighty-seven patients were included. Eleven patients (12.6%) presented thyroid gland invasion. Subglottic tumour extension greater than or equal to 10mm (P=0.008) and cricoid cartilage destruction on CT (P=0.001) were statistically correlated with histological thyroid gland invasion. An intact appearance of the laryngeal cartilages on CT was associated with a low probability of thyroid gland invasion.ConclusionThyroid gland invasion must not be underestimated in patients with advanced laryngopharyngeal cancer. Preoperative CT is an essential part of the preoperative work-up. Thyroidectomy must not be performed systematically

    Cardiac evaluation of candidates for kidney transplantation: value of exercise radionuclide angiocardiography

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    In view of the high incidence and mortality of coronary artery disease (CAD) in patients with kidney transplantation, a systematic cardiac evaluation was prospectively performed in 103 uraemic patients eligible for transplantation. After clinical examination, 28 patients with symptoms of CAD or diabetes mellitus were referred directly for coronary angiography, whereas the remaining 75 patients had rest and exercise radionuclide angiocardiography for evaluation of possible asymptomatic CAD. Among them, left ventricular ejection fraction was below 40% at rest or fell during exercise by at least 5 EF% in 12 patients; coronary angiography in nine showed CAD in four and hypertensive heart disease in five. In the remaining 63 (of 75) patients without severe resting left ventricular dysfunction or exercise ischaemia, the follow-up of 28 ±7 months revealed no clinical manifestation of CAD. Overall incidence of CAD in symptomatic and asymptomatic patients during a follow-up of 27 months after cardiac evaluation was 20 and 25% in non-diabetic and diabetic candidates for kidney transplantation, respectively (P = n.s.). Thus, clinical examination combined with exercise radionuclide angiocardiography in patients without signs or symptoms of heart disease had a high predictive accuracy for presence or absence of late manifestations of CAD. Exercise radionuclide angiocardiography is therefore a useful method for screening kidney transplantation candidates for asymptomatic CA

    The interperiosteodural concept applied to the jugular foramen and its compartmentalization

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    OBJECTIVE The dura mater is made of 2 layers: the endosteal layer (outer layer), which is firmly attached to the bone, and the meningeal layer (inner layer), which directly covers the brain and spinal cord. These 2 dural layers join together in most parts of the skull base and cranial convexity, and separate into the orbital and perisellar compartments or into the spinal epidural space to form the extradural neural axis compartment (EDNAC). The EDNAC contains fat and/or venous blood. The aim of this dissection study was to anatomically verify the concept of the EDNAC by focusing on the dural layers surrounding the jugular foramen area. METHODS The authors injected 10 cadaveric heads (20 jugular foramina) with colored latex and fixed them in formalin. The brainstem and cerebellum of 7 specimens were cautiously removed to allow a superior approach to the jugular foramen. Special attention was paid to the meningeal architecture of the jugular foramen, the petrosal inferior sinus and its venous confluence with the sigmoid sinus, and the glossopharyngeal, vagus, and accessory nerves. The 3 remaining heads were bleached with a 20% hydrogen peroxide solution. This procedure produced softening of the bone without modifying the fixed soft tissues, thus permitting coronal and axial dissections. RESULTS The EDNAC of the jugular foramen was limited by the endosteal and meningeal layers and contained venous blood. These 2 dural layers joined together at the level of the petrous and occipital bones and separated at the inferior petrosal sinus and the sigmoid sinus, and around the lower cranial nerves, to form the EDNAC. Study of the dural sheaths allowed the authors to describe an original compartmentalization of the jugular foramen in 3 parts: 2 neural compartments-glossopharyngeal and vagal-and the interperiosteodural compartment. CONCLUSIONS In this dissection study, the existence of the EDNAC concept in the jugular foramen was demonstrated, leading to the proposal of a novel 3-part compartmentalization, challenging the classical 2-part compartmentalization, of the jugular foramen

    Notch regulates Th17 differentiation and controls trafficking of IL-17 and metabolic regulators within Th17 cells in a context-dependent manner.

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    Th17 cells play critical roles in host defense and autoimmunity. Emerging data support a role for Notch signaling in Th17 cell differentiation but whether it is a positive or negative regulator remains unclear. We report here that T cell-specific deletion of Notch receptors enhances Th17 cell differentiation in the gut, with a corresponding increase in IL-17 secretion. An increase in Th17 cell frequency was similarly observed following immunization of T cell specific Notch mutant mice with OVA/CFA. However, in this setting, Th17 cytokine secretion was impaired, and increased intracellular retention of IL-17 was observed. Intracellular IL-17 co-localized with the CD71 iron transporter in the draining lymph node of both control and Notch-deficient Th17 cells. Immunization induced CD71 surface expression in control, but not in Notch-deficient Th17 cells, revealing defective CD71 intracellular transport in absence of Notch signaling. Moreover, Notch receptor deficient Th17 cells had impaired mTORC2 activity. These data reveal a context-dependent impact of Notch on vesicular transport during high metabolic demand suggesting a role for Notch signaling in the bridging of T cell metabolic demands and effector functions. Collectively, our findings indicate a prominent regulatory role for Notch signaling in the fine-tuning of Th17 cell differentiation and effector function

    Use of a stimulated echo sequence in the MRI study of the brain and spine

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    We describe in this paper how the STEAM sequence can be an efficient tool to obtain images free of flow artifacts in anatomical situation where the spin echo failed. The simplest way to eliminate flow artifacts is to exploit the dephasing induced by motion in magnetic field gradients and to reduce to zero the signal from moving tissues. This can be achieve by increasing the time elapsed between the spin excitation and the signal observed. Because of T2 relaxation, such an increase results in a signal decrease when the spin echo sequence is used. The STEAM sequence has the unique property that the time elapsed between observation and excitation can be increased without change in T2 value and so allows a good suppression of signals from the moving spins with short TE. Our results demonstrate that, although the stimulated echo intensity is only half that of a spin echo taken at the same read out time, the advantages of STEAM imaging can compensate for this partial loss in signal to noise in some particular clinical situations. The influence of mixing time on contrast has been evaluated using thoracic spine imaging and it has been shown that contrast between spine and CSF can be significantly improved (+ 60%) when TM is increased (from 17 ms to 50 ms). In the same time, the contrast between spine and fat issue decreases (40%). This last effect facilitates the adjustment of contrast window. Suppression of motion artifacts has first been evaluated with thoracic spine imaging, using a whole body coil. Suppression of artifacts was better than that obtained with a flow compensated spin echo sequence, especially in the case of kyphotic patients when a presaturation band was inefficient. In a second step suppression of motion artifacts has been evaluated from posterior fossa examination after injection of a paramagnetic contrast agent. The images obtained with the stimulated echo sequence show a dramatic reduction of signal from blood in the lateral sinus, and therefore an increase of quality by elimination of motion artifacts