9 research outputs found

    Experimental variables that affect human hepatocyte MV transduction in liver chimeric mice

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    Adeno-associated virus (AAV) vector serotypes vary in their ability to transduce hepatocytes from different species. Chimeric mouse models harboring human hepatocytes have shown translational promise for liver-directed gene therapies. However, many variables that influence human hepatocyte transduction and transgene expression in such models remain poorly defined. Here, we aimed to test whether three experimental conditions influence AAV transgene expression in immunodeficient, fumaryl-acetoactetate-hydrolase-deficient (Fah(-/-)) chimeric mice repopulated with primary human hepatocytes. We examined the effects of the murine liver injury cycle, human donor variability, and vector doses on hepatocyte transduction with various AAV serotypes expressing a green fluorescent protein (GFP). We determined that the timing of AAV vector challenge in the liver injury cycle resulted in up to 7-fold differences in the percentage of GFP expressing human hepatocytes. The GFP+ hepatocyte frequency varied 7-fold between human donors without, however, changing the relative transduction efficiency between serotypes for an individual donor. There was also a clear relationship between AAV vector doses and human hepatocyte transduction and transgene expression. We conclude that several experimental variables substantially affect human hepatocyte transduction in the Fah(-/-) chimera model, attention to which may improve reproducibility between findings from different laboratories

    Analysis of Hepatitis C Virus Particle Heterogeneity in Immunodeficient Human Liver Chimeric fah-/- MiceSummary

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    Background & Aims: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a leading cause of chronic liver diseases and the most common indication for liver transplantation in the United States. HCV particles in the blood of infected patients are characterized by heterogeneous buoyant densities, likely owing to HCV association with lipoproteins. However, clinical isolates are not infectious in vitro and the relative infectivity of the particles with respect to their buoyant density therefore cannot be determined, pointing to the need for better in vivo model systems. Methods: To analyze the evolution of the buoyant density of in vivoâderived infectious HCV particles over time, we infected immunodeficient human liver chimeric fumaryl acetoacetate hydrolase-/- mice with J6/JFH1 and performed ultracentrifugation of infectious mouse sera on isopicnic iodixanol gradients. We also evaluated the impact of a high sucrose diet, which has been shown to increase very-low-density lipoprotein secretion by the liver in rodents, on lipoprotein and HCV particle characteristics. Results: Similar to the severe combined immunodeficiency disease/Albumin-urokinase plasminogen activator human liver chimeric mouse model, density fractionation of infectious mouse serum showed higher infectivity in the low-density fractions early after infection. However, over the course of the infection, viral particle heterogeneity increased and the overall in vitro infectivity diminished without loss of the human liver graft over time. In mice provided with a sucrose-rich diet we observed a minor shift in HCV infectivity toward lower density that correlated with a redistribution of triglycerides and cholesterol among lipoproteins. Conclusions: Our work indicates that the heterogeneity in buoyant density of infectious HCV particles evolves over the course of infection and can be influenced by diet. Keywords: HCV, Lipoprotein, Mouse Model, Human Liver Chimeric Mic

    Intrinsic Immunity Shapes Viral Resistance of Stem Cells

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    Stem cells are highly resistant to viral infection compared to their differentiated progeny; however, the mechanism is mysterious. Here, we analyzed gene expression in mammalian stem cells and cells at various stages of differentiation. We find that, conserved across species, stem cells express a subset of genes previously classified as interferon (IFN) stimulated genes (ISGs) but that expression is intrinsic, as stem cells are refractory to interferon. This intrinsic ISG expression varies in a cell-type-specific manner, and many ISGs decrease upon differentiation, at which time cells become IFN responsive, allowing induction of a broad spectrum of ISGs by IFN signaling. Importantly, we show that intrinsically expressed ISGs protect stem cells against viral infection. We demonstrate the in vivo importance of intrinsic ISG expression for protecting stem cells and their differentiation potential during viral infection. These findings have intriguing implications for understanding stem cell biology and the evolution of pathogen resistance

    Long-Term Expansion of Functional Mouse and Human Hepatocytes as 3D Organoids

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    The mammalian liver possesses a remarkable regenerative ability. Two modes of damage response have been described: (1) The "oval cell" response emanates from the biliary tree when all hepatocytes are affected by chronic liver disease. (2) A massive, proliferative response of mature hepatocytes occurs upon acute liver damage such as partial hepatectomy (PHx). While the oval cell response has been captured in vitro by growing organoids from cholangiocytes, the hepatocyte proliferative response has not been recapitulated in culture. Here, we describe the establishment of a long-term 3D organoid culture system for mouse and human primary hepatocytes. Organoids can be established from single hepatocytes and grown for multiple months, while retaining key morphological, functional and gene expression features. Transcriptional profiles of the organoids resemble those of proliferating hepatocytes after PHx. Human hepatocyte organoids proliferate extensively after engraftment into mice and thus recapitulate the proliferative damage-response of hepatocytes

    Expansion, in vivo–ex vivo cycling, and genetic manipulation of primary human hepatocytes

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    Primary human hepatocytes (PHHs) are an essential tool for modeling drug metabolism and liver disease. However, variable plating efficiencies, short lifespan in culture, and resistance to genetic manipulation have limited their use. Here, we show that the pyrrolizidine alkaloid retrorsine improves PHH repopulation of chimeric mice on average 10-fold and rescues the ability of even poorly plateable donor hepatocytes to provide cells for subsequent ex vivo cultures. These mouse-passaged (mp) PHH cultures overcome the marked donor-to-donor variability of cryopreserved PHH and remain functional for months as demonstrated by metabolic assays and infection with hepatitis B virus and Plasmodium falciparum. mpPHH can be efficiently genetically modified in culture, mobilized, and then recultured as spheroids or retransplanted to create highly humanized mice that carry a genetically altered hepatocyte graft. Together, these advances provide flexible tools for the study of human liver disease and evaluation of hepatocyte-targeted gene therapy approaches