1,126 research outputs found

    The individualization in the right to health care: exploring an analytic insight

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    Este artigo de natureza ensaística procura contribuir para o desenvolvimento de argumentos já apresentados a respeito de reconfigurações ideológicas nas políticas de saúde. A partir de dimensões analíticas discute-se o espaço e implicações da individualização do direito à saúde no contexto de maior liberalização dos mercados e de maior exposição ao investimento privado lucrativo. A individualização do direito à saúde assume-se como contrária aos princípios éticos e morais consolidados entre os países ocidentais a partir da 2ª metade do séc. XX, em que o acesso aos cuidados passa gradualmente a estar dependente das condições individuais das famílias, não obstante o pagamento de impostos e outros seguros. Não só passa a existir espaço para formas desiguais de acesso ao direito à saúde, como o princípio da utilização racional que baseia esta reconfiguração é uma crença managerialista falaciosa e, em larga medida, irrealista. Esta discussão é ilustrada a partir de dados da OCDE, os quais demonstram tendências díspares a respeito desta dinâmica.This is an essay paper that aims at strengthening arguments presented elsewhere with regard to the ideological reconfiguration of health policies. From an analytical standpoint, it is discussed the extent to which the context of liberalization and growing dependency of for-profit private investments is leading to more individualized health care rights, while discussing its implications for the definition of public policies in the context of neo-liberalism. Individualized health care rights suggest different ethics and moral principles from those consolidated in the late 20th century among Western countries, as users are increasingly becoming more accountable to finance individually their access to health care besides other financing sources, either taxes or health insurances. Not only unequal conditions to access health care arise from this change, as the rational choice theory underpinning such reconfiguration in health policies remains a managerialist believe yet to be proven regarding its conceptual accuracy. This discussion is illustrated based on some OECD indicators, which highlight divergent patterns among countries in respect to the individualization of health rights

    Debating the comprehensive basis of Western healthcare systems in the light of neo-liberalism

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    The wide range of literature on the subject of healthcare reforms makes it difficult to clearly identify some of their main implications. We therefore try to further the debate with this introductory paper which aims to highlight the argument of the individual-oriented nature of health policies nowadays. It specifically refers to the consequences of the current neo-liberal context for public intervention in countries where health policies were originally collective-oriented with a view to comprehensive coverage. Following this analytical discussion, we scrutinize some empirical data gathered from the 2011 OECD Health Data that are particularly relevant to this issue. Although different patterns are found in western countries, there is evidence that users cannot rely solely on tax and insurance when accessing health services but increasingly have to use their own sources of finance. This is in total contradiction with the ideological basis underpinning public policies that called on states to intervene for a more equal society. Given that the best financial solution is not necessarily in the users’ best interest, it is important to analyse the extent to which efficiency is replacing equity

    The WIWP syndemic in the northern hemisphere

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    Seeds for introducing Creative Writing co-laboratory into learning sets: Case studies at Portugal

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    p. 51-58On this document we will present how we have set up experiments with children from 6 to 14 using the “Creative Writing Co-Laboratory”. The set of activities proposed intended to motivate the children to write in a creative and collaborative way. We assume that writing is a difficult process and that providing suitable tools can overcome this difficulty. Creative Writing co-laboratory is the main output of Portuguese partner to European CoLabs Project. This microworld has been translated to Portuguese, English, Hungarian and Slovak. Creative Writing was developed on a process of co-design with children, teachers, trainees, educational researchers, designers and programmers. We soon realized when testing it with children the great potential of self expressing not only by writing, but by drawing, by using characters, balloons, text speech synthesized,backgrounds, pre-recorded sounds and talks recorded on the way. Now a character can have associated not only text balloons, but also music composed by the children, text speech or recorded voice. We developed also a character editor instead of using only pre-made characters. We also realized that Maths are much about reading and understanding, setting up a visual schema of a problem as a path to find the solution, explaining how the solution was found, and justifying why a solution can be considered as a correct one. Creative Writing can be used as a tool for maths activities, because it’s easy to have visual data representations of problems that can be handled to estimate possible solutions. So we evolved from the initial idea of developing four microworlds to a stronger model of a collaborative platform, with different templates for different ages and learning contexts. This idea of templates seems to be much stronger than the original one of levels. Using this concept we can extend the microworld potential to eventually any subject. More information about “Creative Writing Co-Laboratory” and CoLabs project can be found at http://matchsz.inf. elte.hu/Colabs

    Hydrodynamic Optimization of a torpedo-shaped hull

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    Nowadays, it is not fully clear how the Ocean seabed can contribute to Earth ecosystems. However, several steps are being taken to completely understand Ocean’s seabed. Lately, many methods are being developed to explore the Oceans, although there is one method which fulfill the desired trade-off (between low operational costs and high quality data collection). This efficient method developed to explore the Ocean’s depth is known as submarine vehicles, and the most efficient of them, to explore and mapping, is certainly the Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV). The increasing use of AUV’s is leading to a point in which its design parameters are crucial. Characteristics as high endurance, long operation time, high maneuverability and range are demanded at an early design stage; thus, it is essential to find an optimum hull shape design to improve these characteristics. This thesis presents the effect of hydrodynamic forces of axisymmetric underwater vehicles through the variation of the shape of a torpedo-shaped hull body. Furthermore, this thesis is intended to analyze, experimentally, the length-to-Diameter (D) ratios of nose (N) and tail (T), as well as its shapes, in order to find the optimum ratios and shape combinations for the minimization of Drag. The experimental tests were conducted in the towing tank of the University of Beira Interior (UBI). However, due to the Towing Tank dimensions, the development of a scaled model had to be made. A similarity between the scaled model and the full-scale prototype must be done to assume similar flow conditions. Several torpedo-shaped combinations were tested experimentally and further validated the numerical simulations. Moreover, parameters such as the pitch angles (or Angle of Attack (AoA)) [0 - 20°] and velocities [0.50 – 1 m/s] were investigated to understand their influence on the hydrodynamic Drag. The experimental setup is hereby fully described, showing the various procedures adopted until the data collection phase. A strain gauge system (load cell) was used to measure the Drag induced by the hull body. Experimental results demonstrate an optimum configuration for N/D = 0.8 (Elliptical shape) and T/D = 1.6 (Conical shape). From the experimental and numerical data, it could be seen that the Drag increases with the increase of velocity. Same occurrence happens for AoA, where Drag increases with higher AoA’s. Therefore, it can be concluded that the influence of AoA on Drag is higher for greater velocities. The experimental measurements have been used to validate results obtained from a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software that uses Reynolds Average Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations (ANSYSTM FLUENT). A mesh-independency study was made to investigate two turbulence models: Standard ?-e and ?-? SST models. Standard ?-e showed to be the most appropriate model to this study with a lower computational cost. Results between Experimental and Numerical methods showed a good agreement, considering the conditions mentioned.Hoje em dia, não é ainda completamente claro de que maneira o fundo dos oceanos podem contribuir para os Ecossistemas da Terra. Contudo, vários esforços estão a ser feito para compreender em profundidade os fundos marinhos dos Oceanos. Atualmente, o método mais eficiente, já desenvolvido, para explorar a profundeza dos oceanos é conhecido como veículos submarinos, e especificamente, o mais eficiente para pesquisa e exploração destes é conhecido como Veículo Autónomo Subaquático (AUV). O aumento do uso de AUV’s tem levado a um ponto em que os parâmetros de projeto são cruciais. Características como a resistência ao avanço, o alto tempo de operação, a grande manobrabilidade e o grande alcance são exigidos numa fase primária de projeto; desta forma, é fundamental encontrar uma forma ótima do corpo hidrodinâmico, ainda durante a fase de projeto, ambicionando melhorar as suas características. Esta dissertação apresenta o efeito das forças hidrodinâmicas de veículos subaquáticos axi- simétricos através da variação da forma de um corpo em forma de torpedo. Além disso, nesta dissertação pretende-se ainda analisar, experimentalmente, os rácios comprimento/diâmetro do nariz e da cauda do corpo, assim como as suas formas, para que seja possível os rácios e combinação ótimos do ponto de vista da minimização da resistência ao avanço. Os testes experimentais foram feitos num tanque de água da Universidade da Beira Interior (UBI). No entanto, devido às dimensões do tanque de água, o desenvolvimento de um modelo à escala foi a opção mais viável. Uma similaridade entre o modelo à escala e o protótipo foi feita para garantir as mesmas condições de escoamento entre ambos. Várias combinações foram testadas experimentalmente e seguidamente validadas por simulações numéricas. Adicionalmente, parâmetros como o ângulo de ataque (de 0 - 20°) e a velocidade (entre 0.50 – 1 m/s) foram alterados para perceber a sua influência na resistência hidrodinâmica. A preparação experimental é totalmente descrita, mostrando vários procedimentos adotados até à fase de recolha de dados. Um sistema de tensão/compressão (célula de carga) foi utilizado para medir a resistência induzido pelo corpo. Os resultados experimentais demonstraram uma configuração ótima que se situa nas proximidades de N/D = 0.8 (Forma Elítica) e T/D = 1.6 (Forma Cónica). Pode ser visto que a resistência aumenta com o aumento da velocidade. Da mesma forma para os ângulos de ataque, a resistência aumenta para ângulos de ataque maiores. Os dados experimentais foram usados para validar os resultados obtidos de um software CFD que usa as equações RANS. Um estudo de independência da malha foi feito para investigar dois modelos turbulentos: Modelos Standard ?-e e ?-? SST. O modelo turbulento Standard ?-e mostrou ser o mais apropriado para este estudo com um menor custo computacional. Os resultados entre os métodos experimentais e numéricos mostraram uma boa concordância, considerando as condições mencionadas

    Produção de nanofibras para aplicação na engenharia de tecidos e noutras aplicações biotecnológicas

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    As a specialized and complex structure, bone is a tissue with the capacity to self-regenerate that play different functions in our body. However, when there is a critical bone defect the self-regenerative capacity is lost. Currently clinical treatments are based on bone grafts and other bone substitutes which possess several limitations. Hereupon, Tissue Engineering arises as a new scientific field that combines life sciences and engineering knowledges to create biological substitutes capable of restoring defects and lesions of biological tissues. In this context, a new strategy to mimic the extracellular matrix of bone and cellular microenvironment was developed in this work. Therefore, the electrospinning apparatus was used to produce poly(ε-caprolactone), polyethylene oxide-sodium alginate and poly(vinyl)pirrolidone nanofibers. Subsequently, the same procedure was used for coating the alginate aggregated microparticle scaffold. In addition, polycaprolactone electrospun nanofiber membranes were also produced in order to improve the mechanisms on phase separation area. These membranes were subjected to a coating process in order to improve specific properties, such as pore size, fibers diameter and surface interactions. The biological properties of the coated scaffolds were evaluated through in vitro cytotoxicity assays. The results showed that all the coated scaffolds had their biological performance improved when compared to the same scaffolds without coating. The membranes showed to be useful for the separation of biomolecules.Como uma estrutura especializada e complexa, o osso é um tecido com a capacidade de auto- -regeneração responsável por muitas funções no nosso corpo. No entanto, quando existe um defeito ósseo critico a capacidade auto-regenerativa não é suficiente para reparar a lesão em causa. Na actualidade, os tratamentos clínicos baseiam-se em enxertos de osso e outros substitutos de osso que possuem várias limitações. Assim, a engenharia de tecidos surge como um novo campo científico que combina Ciências da vida e os conhecimentos de engenharia de forma a criar um substituto biológico capaz de resolver os defeitos e lesões nos tecidos biológicos. Neste contexto, uma nova estratégia para imitar a matriz extracelular do osso e o microambiente celular foi desenvolvida através deste trabalho. Um aparelho electrospinning foi usado para a produção de fibras de policaprolactona, de alginato de sódio, óxido de polietileno e polivinilpirrolidona. Este processo foi ainda usado para revestir scaffolds de agregados de micropartículas de alginato. Por outro lado, foram também desenvolvidas membranas à base de policaprolactona com o objetivo de serem usadas na purificação de diferentes biomoléculas. As membranas produzidas foram ainda submetidas a um processo de revestimento para melhorar propriedades específicas. A Caracterização biológica dos scaffolds revestidos foi realizada através de ensaios in vitro. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que todos os revestimentos efetuados nos scaffolds melhoraram o seu desempenho biológico, relativamente aos scaffolds sem revestimento. As membranas produzidas por electrospinning apresentaram boas propriedades, para serem testadas na separação de biomoléculas

    Vidrala, S.A. equity evaluation

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    The goal of this academic dissertation is to assess the correct value of Vidrala S.A. shares on the 1st January 2022. Two distinct valuation methods are applied, the first being the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) approach, and the second the relative valuation methodology, with a variety of Multiple used, but favoring the ones based on Enterprise Value. Afterwards, the result yielded by the DCF valuation approach is stressed in a sensitivity analysis and compared to an equity research report made by BPI Equity Research. The conclusion of this dissertation is that Vidrala is marginally undervalued in the market, being the fair value of one unit of common stock estimated to be €110,29 at the beginning of 2022, while the share is traded at €104,2 on the 2nd July 2021 (with less than 15% up price variation). Hence, the recommendation given in this dissertation is that investors should hold Vidrala´s shares. This recommendation is solely based on the DCF methodology, since the relative valuation produced inconsistent results across the different Multiples and peer groups used. BPI Research estimates the value of one unit of common stock at the end of 2021 to be €109, which is a lower valuation than the one expected by this dissertation, but BPI Research also advises to hold Vidrala’s stock. This difference can be justified by different assumptions regarding the calculation of WACC, especially in the value of the risk-free rate.O objetivo desta dissertação académica é estimar o justo valor de ações da Vidrala no dia 1 de janeiro de 2022. Para tal, foram contemplados dois métodos distintos, o primeiro chamado Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) e o segundo Relative Valuation, com uma variedade de Múltiplos usados, mas privilegiando os que são baseados no Enterprise Value. De seguida, a avaliação produzida pelo DCF é testada numa análise de sensibilidade e comparada com um equity research report feito à Vidrala pelo BPI Equity Research. A conclusão gerada por esta dissertação é que Vidrala está neste momento ligeiramente subvalorizada pelo mercado, sendo que o justo valor de uma ação estimado para o início de 2022 é de €110,29, enquanto no dia 2 de julho de 2021 essa mesma ação estava cotada a €104,2. Por isso, a recomendação dada nesta dissertação é a de que os investidores devem manter ações da Vidrala. Esta recomendação é exclusivamente baseada no modelo DCF, visto que a Relative Valuation apresenta resultados inconsistentes entre os Múltiplos e peer groups utilizados. O BPI Equity Research estima que o valor de uma ação no fim de 2021 deveria ser €109, valor inferior ao obtido nesta dissertação, mas com recomendação semelhante – a de manutenção do título da Vidrala. Esta diferença pode ser justificada por diferentes pressupostos considerados no calculado do WACC, especialmente no valor da risk free rate

    A mortality & longevity study : the portuguese case

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    Mestrado em Actuarial ScienceEste trabalho foi desenvolvido com três objetivos principais: (i) fazer o survey da situação atual, no que diz respeito à mortalidade/longevidade no nosso país; (ii) desenvolver um estudo breve sobre os progressos registados na mortalidade em Portugal, com base num projeto semelhante apresentado por Assia Billing, no encontro da Primavera do Mortality Working Group da International Actuarial Association (Berlim, 2018) - grupo que se dedica ao estudo da mortalidade a nível mundial, dando particular atenção ao impacto que esta tem sobre o sector segurador, nomeadamente o ramo de Vida e Pensões; (iii) servir como suporte ao primeiro Country Report português, a ser divulgado pelo Mortality Working Group. No decorrer do trabalho, e tendo em vista os três objetivos estabelecidos, irão ser primeiramente analisados indicadores demográficos, como a evolução da população residente portuguesa, a sua pirâmide populacional, o índice de envelhecimento e a esperança de vida. Numa segunda parte, o foco incidirá sobre o sector segurador português, com a análise de indicadores como a produção ou a composição dos portfolios de investimento. Seguidamente, faz-se a análise dos produtos mais vendidos em Portugal, por tipo de contrato. No que diz respeito às tábuas de mortalidade, merecem destaque as que são publicadas anualmente pelo INE, bem como as que são mais utilizadas nas seguradoras que operam no território nacional. Finalmente, desenvolver-se-á a análise dos progressos registados mais recentemente a nível da mortalidade no país, na senda de estudos similares desenvolvidos para outros países.This work was developed with three main objectives: (i) to survey the current situation, regarding mortality/longevity in Portugal; (ii) to develop a brief study on the progress of mortality in the country, based on a similar project presented by Assia Billing in the Spring Meeting (Berlin 2018) of the International Actuary Association Mortality Working Group ? a group that is dedicated to the study of mortality worldwide, paying particular attention to the impact it has on the insurance sector, namely on Life and Pensions ; (iii) to serve as support for the first Portuguese Country Report to be released by the Mortality Working Group,. In the course of the study, demographic indicators, such as the evolution of the Portuguese resident population, the population pyramid, the aging index and the life expectancy, will be analyzed first. Then, the focus will be set on the Portuguese insurance sector, with the analysis of indicators such as the production or the composition of investment portfolios. Next, we analyze Portugal?s mostly sold insurance products, by type of contract. Regarding the mortality tables, it is worth mentioning those published annually by INE, as well as those that are most used by insurers operating in the national territory. Finally, an analysis of the most recent progress in mortality in the country will be performed, following similar studies developed for other countries.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Design and implementation of a cloud-based membership system for vehicular cooperation

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    Tese de mestrado, Engenharia Informática (Arquitetura, Sistemas e Redes de Computadores) Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2019Personal vehicles such as cars are the transportation method chosen by most people, and thanks to this, our cities are built around them, with roads that go to any place you could ever need to go. Given the number of daily vehicles in our cities, the pollution levels and traffic congestion are higher than ever. Traffic makes everyone’s life harder, and just creates more pollution, which ends up making living in a city a lot harder than it should. Multiples solutions have been proposed to help fixing this problem, but none of them work as expected or in the long run. Nowadays, the first autonomous vehicles are starting to appear, and consequently, bringing the opportunity to once again, try to solve this problem. Current autonomous vehicles are simple and still not a viable option for daily transportation, but everything shows that is likely to change soon. They already help a lot with traffic and pollution, but sadly, not as much as we would like, which means it will not be enough in the long run and another solution is needed. The existing ones make their decisions solely based on their own sensors and nothing else. That is, it is the only view they have of the external world. Even considering this, these vehicles are still not perfect as there is still a subject that was not well explored, communication between vehicles. Vehicle coordination is the next big step and an essential missing factor that has to be considered for the next generation of autonomous vehicles. By being able to communicate with each other, vehicles will be able to cooperate and share useful information about their own decisions or the outside environment. A solution such as this would help considerably with our current traffic issue and we believe that this could be a long term solution with the advantage of reducing pollution (due to higher efficiency), higher passenger security, and making everyone’s lives easier