61 research outputs found

    Atitudes do consumidor em relação às práticas do marketing em Portugal

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    Com o presente trabalho de investigação pretendeu-se medir e conhecer a atitude do consumidor português face às políticas do Marketing-Mix, nas diferentes regiões de Portugal Continental através da aplicação de um inquérito. A dimensão da amostra para aferir sobre a população foi de 600 indivíduos selecionados proporcionalmente à população existente com mais de 15 anos, de acordo com os dados da mesma fonte. De referir que para tal assumiuse um erro de precisão de 4% e um nível de significância de 5%. Os principais resultados permitiram observar que os consumidores manifestaram uma atitude positiva relativamente as atividades de Marketing-Mix qualidade do produto e distribuição e vendas, pois a satisfação nos respetivos parâmetros corresponde às expectativas dos mesmos. Por outro lado, revelaram uma atitude negativa quanto à política de preço dos produtos e à política de comunicação, pois os consumidores revelaram uma insatisfação para estas atividades

    Atitude do consumidor em relação ao marketing (o caso português)

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    Orientado por Paula Odete FernandesAs estratégias de Marketing são cada vez mais estruturadas e direccionadas para públicos alvos, sendo consideradas imprescindíveis na comunicação entre empresas e consumidores. Grandes companhias absorvem orçamentos volumosos para conseguirem transmitir a mensagem ao consumidor final. Estratégias dinâmicas e reconhecidas de agências mundiais de Marketing, são contratadas por grandes companhias para dar a conhecer os seus bens e serviços, face a uma cada vez maior concorrência a que se tem vindo a assistir com a globalização. Tendo em conta que o consumidor possui cada vez mais informação relevante sobre produtos e estratégias de Marketing que os suportam, é necessário conhecer a informação que permite ir ao encontro das reais necessidades do consumidor, bem como a forma de melhor o satisfazer e fidelizar. Assim, com o presente trabalho de pesquisa, pretendeu-se medir e conhecer a atitude do consumidor português face ao Marketing e o seu grau de satisfação em relação à qualidade dos produtos, promoção, preços dos produtos, distribuição e venda, ou seja, em relação às políticas do Marketing-Mix. Foi propósito, ainda, analisar a percepção dos consumidores quanto à regulamentação Governamental para as actividades comerciais, bem como perceber qual a informação mais relevante no processo de decisão de compra do consumidor. Seguindo esta linha de raciocínio este estudo tem como objectivo observar as atitudes dos consumidores nas diferentes regiões de Portugal Continental através da aplicação de um inquérito. As regiões definidas foram: Norte, Centro, Lisboa, Alentejo e Algarve, segundo os dados do Instituto Nacional de Estatística (INE). A amostra encontrada para aferir sobre a população foi de 600 indivíduos seleccionados proporcionalmente à população existente com mais de 15 anos, de acordo com os dados da mesma fonte. De referir que para tal assumiu-se um erro de precisão de 4% e um nível de significância de 5%. Os principais resultados permitem observar que os consumidores manifestaram uma atitude positiva relativamente as actividades de Marketing-Mix qualidade do produto e distribuição e vendas, pois a satisfação nos respectivos parâmetros corresponde às expectativas dos mesmos. Por outro lado, revelaram uma atitude negativa quanto à política de preço dos produtos e à política de comunicação, pois os consumidores revelaram uma insatisfação para estas actividades. Ainda, quanto à regulamentação governamental os consumidores inquiridos manifestaram-se a favor de uma maior intervenção por parte das autoridades nas actividades comerciais. Las estrategias de marketing son cada vez más estructuradas y dirigidas a un público clave y se consideran esenciales en la comunicación entre empresas y consumidores. Las grandes empresas absorben grandes presupuestos para transmitir el mensaje al consumidor final. Estrategias dinámicas y reconocidas de agencias de marketing a nivel mundial, son contratados por grandes empresas para presentar sus productos y servicios frente a una competencia cada vez mayor en resultado de la globalización. Teniendo en cuenta que el consumidor tiene información más relevante acerca de los productos y estrategias de marketing que los apoyan, es necesario conocer la información que permita satisfacer las necesidades reales de los consumidores, así como la forma de satisfacerlo mejor y retenerlo. Por lo tanto, con la presente investigación, se trató de medir y conocer la actitud del consumidor portugués en relación al marketing y el grado de satisfacción con la calidad de los productos, promoción, precios de productos, distribución y venta, o en relación las políticas del Marketing-Mix. Objetivo también fue analizar la percepción de los consumidores con respecto a la normativa gubernamental para actividades comerciales, así como entender qué información es más importante en la decisión de compra del consumidor. Siguiendo esta línea de juicio este estudio tiene como objetivo observar las actitudes de los consumidores en diferentes regiones del territorio continental de Portugal mediante la aplicación de una encuesta. Las regiones se definieron: Norte, Centro, Lisboa, Alentejo y el Algarve, según datos del Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE). La muestra para la medición se encuentra en la población de 600 personas fue seleccionada en proporción a la población existente mayores de 15 años, de acuerdo con la información de la misma fuente. Se asumió un error de 4% y nivel de significancia del 5%. Los principales resultados, de la investigación, permiten observar que los consumidores expresaron una actitud positiva hacia las actividades de Marketing-Mix calidad del producto y distribución y las ventas, pues la satisfacción en sus parámetros corresponde a las expectativas de ellos. Por otro lado, mostró una actitud negativa en el precio de los productos y en la política de comunicación, ya que los consumidores han mostrado una insatisfacción para estas actividades. Sin embargo, en relación a las regulaciones gubernamentales los consumidores encuestados estaban a favor de una mayor intervención de las autoridades en las actividades comerciales. Marketing strategies are more and more structured, and aimed at target audiences, being considered indispensable in the communication between companies and consumers. Big companies absorb high budgets with the aim of getting the message to the final consumer. International marketing agencies with dynamic and known strategies are hired by big companies so that they can disclose their goods and services, while facing the increasing competitiveness originated from globalization. Consumers have more and more relevant information on products as well as on the marketing strategies which support them. Therefore, it is necessary to have the information which will make it possible to meet consumers’ real needs, as well as to know the way to best satisfy them and win their loyalty. For this reason, this research work intended to measure and get to know the Portuguese consumers’ attitude towards marketing as well as their satisfaction level concerning products’ quality, promotion, price, distribution or place and sale, in other words, their satisfaction level concerning marketing-mix policies. In addition to this, this study intended to analyze consumers’ perception of governmental regulation concerning trading activities, as well as to perceive which information is the most relevant in the process of consumers’ purchase decision making. According this, the aim of this study is to observe consumers’ attitudes in the several regions of mainland Portugal, by carrying out a survey. The regions were defined as follows: North; Center; Lisbon; Alentejo; and Algarve, according to data from the Instituto Nacional de Estatística (INE). The sample used to infer about the population consisted of 600 consumers, who were selected proportionally to the existent population over 15 years old, according to data from the same source. Note that a precision error of 4%, and a significance level of 5% were assumed. The main results enable the observation of a positive consumers’ attitude towards marketing-mix activities, product quality, and distribution and sales, since their satisfaction concerning the respective parameters matches their expectations. On the other hand, results revealed a negative attitude towards products’ price policies as well as communication policies, since consumers showed dissatisfaction towards these activities. Finally, as far as governmental regulation is concerned, respondents to the survey showed to be in favor of a bigger intervention from authorities in trading activities

    Global localization with non-quantized local image features

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    In the field of appearance-based robot localization, the mainstream approach uses a quantized representation of local image features. An alternative strategy is the exploitation of raw feature descriptors, thus avoiding approximations due to quantization. In this work, the quantized and non-quantized representations are compared with respect to their discriminativity, in the context of the robot global localization problem. Having demonstrated the advantages of the non-quantized representation, the paper proposes mechanisms to reduce the computational burden this approach would carry, when applied in its simplest form. This reduction is achieved through a hierarchical strategy which gradually discards candidate locations and by exploring two simplifying assumptions about the training data. The potential of the non-quantized representation is exploited by resorting to the entropy-discriminativity relation. The idea behind this approach is that the non-quantized representation facilitates the assessment of the distinctiveness of features, through the entropy measure. Building on this finding, the robustness of the localization system is enhanced by modulating the importance of features according to the entropy measure. Experimental results support the effectiveness of this approach, as well as the validity of the proposed computation reduction methods

    A methodology for the identification and assessment of the conditions for the practice of outdoor and sport tourism related activities: the case of Northern Portugal

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    Tourists’ demand for outdoor sport-related activities has been growing in the last decade, leading to the recognition of the outdoor tourism potential of the development of rural and urban areas where the activities could take place. While the literature has recognized this potential, its features and the existing conditions for its practice are often not fully comprehended, mainly due to the lack of measurement systems and performance indicators. This study addresses this gap by proposing a wide-ranging assessment matrix of nine outdoor-related activities, employing northern Portugal as a study area. Based on an exploratory qualitative analysis employing semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders (public, private and third sector), the main contribution of this study lies in the development of the outdoor tourism assessment matrix (OTAM) to collect data. The OTAM matrix aims to identify and assess the conditions, namely the infrastructure and resources, for the practice of outdoor and sport tourism-related activities within the sustainable development pillars. The nine matrices comprising the OTAM allow the identification of the places where the outdoor activities can be practiced, and the conditions under which they can contribute to the definition of the development strategies of outdoor tourism.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The socio-economic impact of a Polytechnic Institution in a local economy : some insights of field research

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    Higher Education Institutions (HEI) are considered important mechanisms of regional development. However, due to the current economic recession and budget constraints, HEIs need to demonstrate the impact that their activities have on the surrounding community that contributes for its economic development. Hence, the aim of this paper is to present the results of a model to estimate the economic impact of different HEIs that are located in regions with different socio-economic development. Moreover, the common framework of analysis, whilst considering the different socio-economic realities, allows the comparisons of the results for the different HEIS

    EAIR 35th Annual Forum in Rotterdam, the Netherlands 28-31 August 2013

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    Higher Education Institutions (HEI) are considered important mechanisms of regional development. However, due to the current economic recession and budget constraints, HEIs need to demonstrate the impact that their activities have on the surrounding community that contributes for its economic development. Hence, the aim of this paper is to present the results of a model to estimate the economic impact of different HEIs that are located in regions with different socio-economic development. Moreover, the common framework of analysis, whilst considering the different socio-economic realities, allows the comparisons of the results for the different HEIS.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Os custos da aterosclerose em Portugal

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    Copyright © 2020 Sociedade Portuguesa de Cardiologia. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.© 2020 Sociedade Portuguesa de Cardiologia. Published by Elsevier Espa ̃na, S.L.U. This is an open access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).Introduction and objectives: Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in Portugal and atherosclerosis is the most common underlying pathophysiological process. The aim of this study was to quantify the economic impact of atherosclerosis in Portugal by estimating disease-related costs. Methods: Costs were estimated based on a prevalence approach and following a societal perspective. Three national epidemiological sources were used to estimate the prevalence of the main clinical manifestations of atherosclerosis. The annual costs of atherosclerosis included both direct costs (resource consumption) and indirect costs (impact on population productivity). These costs were estimated for 2016, based on data from the Hospital Morbidity Database, the health care database (SIARS) of the Regional Health Administration of Lisbon and Tagus Valley including real-world data from primary care, the 2014 National Health Interview Survey, and expert opinion. Results: The total cost of atherosclerosis in 2016 reached 1.9 billion euros (58% and 42% of which was direct and indirect costs, respectively). Most of the direct costs were associated with primary care (55%), followed by hospital outpatient care (27%) and hospitalizations (18%). Indirect costs were mainly driven by early exit from the labor force (91%). Conclusions: Atherosclerosis has a major economic impact, being responsible for health expenditure equivalent to 1% of Portuguese gross domestic product and 11% of current health expenditure in 2016.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Patient-physician discordance in assessment of adherence to inhaled controller medication: a cross-sectional analysis of two cohorts

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    We aimed to compare patient's and physician's ratings of inhaled medication adherence and to identify predictors of patient-physician discordance.(SFRH/BPD/115169/2016) funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT); ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) through the operations: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029130 ('mINSPIRERS—mHealth to measure and improve adherence to medication in chronic obstructive respiratory diseases—generalisation and evaluation of gamification, peer support and advanced image processing technologies') cofunded by the COMPETE2020 (Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização), Portugal 2020 and by Portuguese Funds through FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio