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    Interethnic diversity of NAT2 polymorphisms in Brazilian admixed populations

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>N-acetyltransferase type 2 (Nat2) is a phase II drug- metabolizing enzyme that plays a key role in the bioactivation of aromatic and heterocyclic amines. Its relevance in drug metabolism and disease susceptibility remains a central theme for pharmacogenetic research, mainly because of its genetic variability among human populations. In fact, the evolutionary and ethnic-specific SNPs on the <it>NAT2 </it>gene remain a focus for the potential discoveries in personalized drug therapy and genetic markers of diseases. Despite the wide characterization of <it>NAT2 </it>SNPs frequency in established ethnic groups, little data are available for highly admixed populations. In this context, five common <it>NAT2 </it>SNPs (<it>G191A</it>, <it>C481T</it>, <it>G590A</it>, <it>A803G </it>and G<it>857A</it>) were investigated in a highly admixed population comprised of Afro-Brazilians, Whites, and Amerindians in northeastern Brazil. Thus, we sought to determine whether the distribution of <it>NAT2 </it>polymorphism is different among these three ethnic groups.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Overall, there were no statistically significant differences in the distribution of <it>NAT2 </it>polymorphism when Afro-Brazilian and White groups were compared. Even the allele frequency of <it>191A</it>, relatively common in African descendents, was not different between the Afro-Brazilian and White groups. However, allele and genotype frequencies of <it>G590A </it>were significantly higher in the Amerindian group than either in the Afro-Brazilian or White groups. Interestingly, a haplotype block between <it>G590A </it>and <it>A803G </it>was verified exclusively among Amerindians.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results indicate that ethnic admixture might contribute to a particular pattern of genetic diversity in the <it>NAT2 </it>gene and also offer new insights for the investigation of possible new <it>NAT2 </it>gene-environment effects in admixed populations.</p

    The complex resistance to cucumber mosaic cucumovirus (CMV) in the melon accession PI161375 is governed by one gene and at least two quantitative trait loci

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    [EN] The complex resistance to cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) present in the exotic melon accession Sonwang Charmi PI161375 (SC) has been studied using two populations, a near-isogenic line (NIL) collection and a doubled haploid line (DHL) collection, both generated from a cross between SC and the cultivar Piel de Sapo as resistant and susceptible parents, respectively. The NIL collection had previously allowed us to describe a single recessive gene, cmv1, which conferred full resistance to CMV strains P9 and P104.82. Screening of the whole DHL population followed by quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis revealed that resistance to the strains M6 and TL, both non-responsive to cmv1, was quantitative and governed by at least three QTLs. One of them, cmvqw12.1, co-located with cmv1 in linkage group (LG) XII. The QTL analysis mapped another two QTLs in LGIII (cmvqw3.1) and LGX (cmvqw10.1) and showed interaction between cmvqw12.1 and cmvqw3.1. Progeny of crosses between resistant DHLs carrying the three main QTLs showed complete resistance to the strain M6, validating the accuracy of the QTL analysis. However, in our screening, there were resistant DHLs carrying only two QTLs, suggesting that there are other regions involved in resistance to M6 and required when one of the main QTLs is missing. Therefore, resistance to CMV in melon SC is qualitative for some strains and quantitative for the rest. For this late resistance, cmv1 is necessary and explains most of the phenotypic variance, but it is not sufficient, and needs the interaction with other loci.We thank Fuensanta Garcia for technical assistance and Enrique Moriones for providing CMV strain M6. The work was funded by grant AGL2009-12698-C02-01/AGR from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion, and grant Consolider CDS2007-00036 from the Spanish Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia. CG-A was supported by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion. M. S. was supported by Junta de Ampliacion de Estudios, from Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas-doc. R. X. C. was supported by Brazilian Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico, CNPq.Guiu-Aragones, C.; Monforte Gilabert, AJ.; Saladie, M.; Correa, RX.; Garcia-Mas, J.; Martín-Hernández, AM. (2014). The complex resistance to cucumber mosaic cucumovirus (CMV) in the melon accession PI161375 is governed by one gene and at least two quantitative trait loci. Molecular Breeding. 34(2):351-362. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11032-014-0038-yS351362342Boissot N, Thomas S, Sauvion N, Marchal C, Pavis C, Dogimont C (2010) Mapping and validation of QTLs for resistance to aphids and whiteflies in melon. Theor Appl Genet 121:9–20Caranta C, Palloix A, Lefebvre V, Daubeze AM (1997) QTLs for a component of partial resistance to cucumber mosaic virus in pepper: restriction of virus installation in host-cells. 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    The banana (Musa acuminata) genome and the evolution of monocotyledonous plants

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    Bananas (Musa spp.), including dessert and cooking types, are giant perennial monocotyledonous herbs of the order Zingiberales, a sister group to the well-studied Poales, which include cereals. Bananas are vital for food security in many tropical and subtropical countries and the most popular fruit in industrialized countries1. The Musa domestication process started some 7,000 years ago in Southeast Asia. It involved hybridizations between diverse species and subspecies, fostered by human migrations2, and selection of diploid and triploid seedless, parthenocarpic hybrids thereafter widely dispersed by vegetative propagation. Half of the current production relies on somaclones derived from a single triploid genotype (Cavendish)1. Pests and diseases have gradually become adapted, representing an imminent danger for global banana production3, 4. Here we describe the draft sequence of the 523-megabase genome of a Musa acuminata doubled-haploid genotype, providing a crucial stepping-stone for genetic improvement of banana. We detected three rounds of whole-genome duplications in the Musa lineage, independently of those previously described in the Poales lineage and the one we detected in the Arecales lineage. This first monocotyledon high-continuity whole-genome sequence reported outside Poales represents an essential bridge for comparative genome analysis in plants. As such, it clarifies commelinid-monocotyledon phylogenetic relationships, reveals Poaceae-specific features and has led to the discovery of conserved non-coding sequences predating monocotyledon–eudicotyledon divergence


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