115 research outputs found

    Exploration and revaluation of old autochthonous varieties in the Republic of Moldova

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    In the Republic of Moldova during the last 40‑50 years the quota of old autochthonous varieties in industrial vineyards permanently decreased and nowadays the majority of these varieties are present only in the Institute's Collection. During this time only an insignificant part of these resources were included in the research projects and, thus, their potential value for viticulture requires insights. The aim of the present work was the preliminary diversity evaluation of these varieties. Thirty-six cultivars were described according to the primary and secondary ampelographic descriptors, and to the phenotyping protocols for eno-carpological characterization. Based on the obtained data and on literature, some characteristics were established such as classification into Negrul's eco-geographical proles, berry colour, agro-biological properties and resistance to abiotic factors and pathogens

    White matter development in infants at risk for schizophrenia

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    Background: Schizophrenia is considered a neurodevelopmental disorder with a pathophysiology that likely begins long before the onset of clinical symptoms. White matter abnormalities have been observed in schizophrenia and we hypothesized that the first 2 years of life is a period in which white matter abnormalities associated with schizophrenia risk may emerge. Methods: 38 infants at high risk for schizophrenia and 202 healthy controls underwent diffusion tensor MRIs after birth and at 1 and 2 years of age. Quantitative tractography was used to determine diffusion properties (fractional anisotropy (FA), axial diffusivity (AD), and radial diffusivity (RD)) of 18 white matter tracts and a general linear model was used to analyze group differences at each age. Results: Adjusting gestational age at birth, postnatal age at MRI, gender, MRI scanner type, and maternal education, neonates at high risk had significantly lower FA (p = 0.02) and AD (p = 0.03) in the superior segment of the left cingulate, and higher RD in the hippocampal segment of the left cingulate (p = 0.04). High risk one year olds had significantly lower FA (p < 0.01) and AD (p = 0.02) in the hippocampal segment of the left cingulate. High risk two year olds had significantly lower FA in the left prefrontal cortico-thalamic tract (p = 0.04) and higher RD in the right uncinate fasciculus (p = 0.04). None of the tract differences remained significant after correction for multiple comparisons. Conclusions: There is evidence of abnormal white matter development in young children at risk for schizophrenia, especially in the hippocampal segment of left cingulum. These results support the neurodevelopmental theory of schizophrenia and indicate that impaired white matter may be present in early childhood

    Sortimentul viticol – component al securităţii şi siguranţei alimentare

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    The degree of viticulture contribution in ensuring the food security and safety is considerably determined by the potential of genetic diversity of assortment. In the paper is presented the evolution of grapevine assortment in Republic of Moldova in terms of ecological-geographic origin of varieties, some agrobiologic characteristics. To ensure the branch sustainability in conditions of northern extremity of industrial viticulture, the concept of genetic improvement of assortment is oriented at creation of varieties, inclusive seedless with multiple biological resistance. In conditions of climatic and socio- economic challenges, in order to ensuring food security, we note as necessary the development and implementation of programs for exploration, conservation and evaluation of genetic resources diversity - a basis for increasing the competitiveness and resistance of varieties. Through the intelligent correlation of classical breeding methods with the molecular biology, but also on new methodological and instrumental basis under development, we see an opportunity of grapevine genome fructification

    Phase Diagram of Multilayer Magnetic Structures

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    Multilayer "ferromagnet-layered antiferromagnet" (Fe/Cr) structures frustrated due to the roughness of layer interfaces are studied by numerical modeling methods. The "thickness-roughness" phase diagrams for the case of thin ferromagnetic film on the surface of bulk antiferromagnet and for two ferromagnetic layers separated by an antiferromagnetic interlayer are obtained and the order parameter distributions for all phases are found. The phase transitions nature in such systems is considered. The range of applicability for the "magnetic proximity model" proposed by Slonczewski is evaluated.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Evaluarea fertilităţii soiurilor noi apirene incluse în sortimentul viticol al Republicii Moldova

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    In the paper are presented the results of study of fertility of the new seedless varieties included in the grapevine assortment of the Republic of Moldova - Apiren roz timpuriu, Apiren alb, Apiren roz, Apiren Basarabean and Apiren negru de Grozeşti. The correlation between the main fertility elements (number of buds left after pruning, number of growing buds, total number of shoots, including fertile, number of formed grapes) was appreciated. In all cases a direct, very close correlation has been attested, especially for the varieties Apiren roz timpuriu and Apiren negru de Grozeşti. It is noted the advanced potential of all varieties for issuing shoots from multiannual wood, inclusive of fertile shoots

    Molecular characterization of old local grapevine varieties from South East European countries

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    South East European (SEE) viticulture partially relies on native grapevine varieties, previously scarcely described. In order to characterize old local grapevine varieties and assess the level of synonymy and genetic diversity from SEE countries, we described and genotyped 122 accessions from Albania, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&amp;H), Croatia, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Republika Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and Romania on nine most commonly used microsatellite loci. As a result of the study a total of 86 different genotypes were identified. All loci were very polymorphic and a total of 96 alleles were detected, ranging from 8 to 14 alleles per locus, with an average allele number of 10.67. Overall observed heterozygosity was 0.759 and slightly lower than expected (0.789) while gene diversity per locus varied between 0.600 (VVMD27) and 0.906 (VVMD28). Eleven cases of synonymy and three of homonymy have been recorded for samples harvested from different countries. Cultivars with identical genotypes were mostly detected between neighboring countries. No clear differentiation between countries was detected although several specific alleles were detected. The integration of the obtained genetic data with ampelographic ones is very important for accurate identification of the SEE cultivars and provides a significant tool in cultivar preservation and utilization.

    280 one-opposition near-Earth asteroids recovered by the EURONEAR with the <i>Isaac Newton</i> Telescope

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    Context. One-opposition near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) are growing in number, and they must be recovered to prevent loss and mismatch risk, and to improve their orbits, as they are likely to be too faint for detection in shallow surveys at future apparitions. Aims. We aimed to recover more than half of the one-opposition NEAs recommended for observations by the Minor Planet Center (MPC) using the Isaac Newton Telescope (INT) in soft-override mode and some fractions of available D-nights. During about 130 h in total between 2013 and 2016, we targeted 368 NEAs, among which 56 potentially hazardous asteroids (PHAs), observing 437 INT Wide Field Camera (WFC) fields and recovering 280 NEAs (76% of all targets). Methods. Engaging a core team of about ten students and amateurs, we used the THELI, Astrometrica, and the Find_Orb software to identify all moving objects using the blink and track-and-stack method for the faintest targets and plotting the positional uncertainty ellipse from NEODyS. Results. Most targets and recovered objects had apparent magnitudes centered around V ~ 22.8 mag, with some becoming as faint as V ~ 24 mag. One hundred and three objects (representing 28% of all targets) were recovered by EURONEAR alone by Aug. 2017. Orbital arcs were prolonged typically from a few weeks to a few years; our oldest recoveries reach 16 years. The O−C residuals for our 1854 NEA astrometric positions show that most measurements cluster closely around the origin. In addition to the recovered NEAs, 22 000 positions of about 3500 known minor planets and another 10 000 observations of about 1500 unknown objects (mostly main-belt objects) were promptly reported to the MPC by our team. Four new NEAs were discovered serendipitously in the analyzed fields and were promptly secured with the INT and other telescopes, while two more NEAs were lost due to extremely fast motion and lack of rapid follow-up time. They increase the counting to nine NEAs discovered by the EURONEAR in 2014 and 2015. Conclusions. Targeted projects to recover one-opposition NEAs are efficient in override access, especially using at least two-meter class and preferably larger field telescopes located in good sites, which appear even more efficient than the existing surveys

    Description of the Vitis vinifera L. phenotypic variability in eno-carpological traits by a Euro-Asiatic collaborative network among ampelographic collections

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    The grapevine intra-specific variability captured an increasing interest during the last decades, as demonstrated by the number of recently funded European projects focused on the grapevine biodiversity preservation. However, nowadays, crop plants are mainly characterized by genotyping methods. The present work summarizes the phenotype data collected among 20 ampelographic collections spread in 15 countries, covering mostly of the viticultural areas in the Euro-Asiatic range: from Portugal to Armenia and from Cyprus to Luxembourg. Together with agro-climatic characterization of the experimental site, in two years, about 2400 accessions were described, following a common experimental protocol mainly focused on the carpological and oenological traits, obtaining a general overview of the distribution of the considered phenotypic traits in the cultivated Vitis vinifera species. The most replicated cultivars were selected and, for the subset of these reference cultivars, their behavior in the different environmental conditions over sites and years was described by ANOVA methods