186 research outputs found

    Transcriptome profiling of grapevine seedless segregants during berry development reveals candidate genes associated with berry weight

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    Indexación: Web of Science; PubMedBackground Berry size is considered as one of the main selection criteria in table grape breeding programs. However, this is a quantitative and polygenic trait, and its genetic determination is still poorly understood. Considering its economic importance, it is relevant to determine its genetic architecture and elucidate the mechanisms involved in its expression. To approach this issue, an RNA-Seq experiment based on Illumina platform was performed (14 libraries), including seedless segregants with contrasting phenotypes for berry weight at fruit setting (FST) and 6–8 mm berries (B68) phenological stages. Results A group of 526 differentially expressed (DE) genes were identified, by comparing seedless segregants with contrasting phenotypes for berry weight: 101 genes from the FST stage and 463 from the B68 stage. Also, we integrated differential expression, principal components analysis (PCA), correlations and network co-expression analyses to characterize the transcriptome profiling observed in segregants with contrasting phenotypes for berry weight. After this, 68 DE genes were selected as candidate genes, and seven candidate genes were validated by real time-PCR, confirming their expression profiles. Conclusions We have carried out the first transcriptome analysis focused on table grape seedless segregants with contrasting phenotypes for berry weight. Our findings contributed to the understanding of the mechanisms involved in berry weight determination. Also, this comparative transcriptome profiling revealed candidate genes for berry weight which could be evaluated as selection tools in table grape breeding programs.http://bmcplantbiol.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12870-016-0789-

    Berry Flesh and Skin Ripening Features in Vitis vinifera as Assessed by Transcriptional Profiling

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    Background Ripening of fleshy fruit is a complex developmental process involving the differentiation of tissues with separate functions. During grapevine berry ripening important processes contributing to table and wine grape quality take place, some of them flesh- or skin-specific. In this study, transcriptional profiles throughout flesh and skin ripening were followed during two different seasons in a table grape cultivar ‘Muscat Hamburg’ to determine tissue-specific as well as common developmental programs. Methodology/Principal Findings Using an updated GrapeGen Affymetrix GeneChip® annotation based on grapevine 12×v1 gene predictions, 2188 differentially accumulated transcripts between flesh and skin and 2839 transcripts differentially accumulated throughout ripening in the same manner in both tissues were identified. Transcriptional profiles were dominated by changes at the beginning of veraison which affect both pericarp tissues, although frequently delayed or with lower intensity in the skin than in the flesh. Functional enrichment analysis identified the decay on biosynthetic processes, photosynthesis and transport as a major part of the program delayed in the skin. In addition, a higher number of functional categories, including several related to macromolecule transport and phenylpropanoid and lipid biosynthesis, were over-represented in transcripts accumulated to higher levels in the skin. Functional enrichment also indicated auxin, gibberellins and bHLH transcription factors to take part in the regulation of pre-veraison processes in the pericarp, whereas WRKY and C2H2 family transcription factors seems to more specifically participate in the regulation of skin and flesh ripening, respectively. Conclusions/Significance A transcriptomic analysis indicates that a large part of the ripening program is shared by both pericarp tissues despite some components are delayed in the skin. In addition, important tissue differences are present from early stages prior to the ripening onset including tissue-specific regulators. Altogether, these findings provide key elements to understand berry ripening and its differential regulation in flesh and skin.This study was financially supported by GrapeGen Project funded by Genoma España within a collaborative agreement with Genome Canada. The authors also thank The Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion for project BIO2008-03892 and a bilateral collaborative grant with Argentina (AR2009-0021). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Peer reviewe

    NMR methods to monitor the enzymatic depolymerization of heparin

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    Heparin and the related glycosaminoglycan, heparan sulfate, are polydisperse linear polysaccharides that mediate numerous biological processes due to their interaction with proteins. Because of the structural complexity and heterogeneity of heparin and heparan sulfate, digestion to produce smaller oligosaccharides is commonly performed prior to separation and analysis. Current techniques used to monitor the extent of heparin depolymerization include UV absorption to follow product formation and size exclusion or strong anion exchange chromatography to monitor the size distribution of the components in the digest solution. In this study, we used 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) survey spectra and NMR diffusion experiments in conjunction with UV absorption measurements to monitor heparin depolymerization using the enzyme heparinase I. Diffusion NMR does not require the physical separation of the components in the reaction mixture and instead can be used to monitor the reaction solution directly in the NMR tube. Using diffusion NMR, the enzymatic reaction can be stopped at the desired time point, maximizing the abundance of larger oligosaccharides for protein-binding studies or completion of the reaction if the goal of the study is exhaustive digestion for characterization of the disaccharide composition. In this study, porcine intestinal mucosa heparin was depolymerized using the enzyme heparinase I. The unsaturated bond formed by enzymatic cleavage serves as a UV chromophore that can be used to monitor the progress of the depolymerization and for the detection and quantification of oligosaccharides in subsequent separations. The double bond also introduces a unique multiplet with peaks at 5.973, 5.981, 5.990, and 5.998 ppm in the 1H-NMR spectrum downfield of the anomeric region. This multiplet is produced by the proton of the C-4 double bond of the non-reducing end uronic acid at the cleavage site. Changes in this resonance were used to monitor the progression of the enzymatic digestion and compared to the profile obtained from UV absorbance measurements. In addition, in situ NMR diffusion measurements were explored for their ability to profile the different-sized components generated over the course of the digestion

    Adaptation and Validation of QUick, Easy, New, CHEap, and Reproducible (QUENCHER) Antioxidant Capacity Assays in Model Products Obtained from Residual Wine Pomace

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    Evaluation of the total antioxidant capacity of solid matrices without extraction steps is a very interesting alternative for food researchers and also for food industries. These methodologies have been denominated QUENCHER from QUick, Easy, New, CHEap, and Reproducible assays. To demonstrate and highlight the validity of QUENCHER (Q) methods, values of Q-method validation were showed for the first time, and they were tested with products of well-known different chemical properties. Furthermore, new QUENCHER assays to measure scavenging capacity against superoxide, hydroxyl, and lipid peroxyl radicals were developed. Calibration models showed good linearity (R2 > 0.995), proportionality and precision (CV < 6.5%), and acceptable detection limits (<20.4 nmol Trolox equiv). The presence of ethanol in the reaction medium gave antioxidant capacity values significantly different from those obtained with water. The dilution of samples with powdered cellulose was discouraged because possible interferences with some of the matrices analyzed may take place.The autonomous government of Castilla y León (Project BU268A11-2

    Efeitos de retardadores de crescimento na frutificação da videira 'Niagara Rosada'

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    Studies were carried out to establish the effects of exogenous growth regulators on Vitis (labrusca x vinifera) 'Niagara Rosada' fruiting. The investigations were done in the Jundiaí Research Station, Agronomic Institute State of São Paulo, always using disease-free vineyards of good productivity. The morphological transformations of clusters were studied under the following aspects: weight, length and width of cluster; weight, length average and width average of berries: length average/width average ratio of berries; length and diameter of rachis; width of cluster minus berries; length and diameter of secondary rachis. The yield for the first half of the period from flowering to maturation was first determined. The same characteristics were determined at the time of maturity plus the number of berries, number of seeds, total sugars, total acid, Maturity Index and reducing sugars in samples of all treatments. The experiment was conducted in order to determine the doses that resulted in the most beneficial effects, always using applications by immersion of the inflorescence. In the experiment was realized applications of (2-chloroethyl) trimethylammonium chloride (CCC) and succinic aeid-2, 2-dimethylhydrazide (SADH) at concentrations of 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000 and 2000 ppm; CCC 500 ppm plus SADH 500 ppm and nontreated, 5 days before flowering, in 1971. The concentrations of CCC applied before flowering did not affect favorably cluster morphology under the conditions of the experiment. Application of SADH at 250 ppm before flowering increased the cluster weight and length, berries number and weight, and seed number. In the first yield treatment of 1000 ppm of SADH increased the cluster weight and lenght, berry weight and rachis lenght.Estudou-se a influência da aplicação por imersão, de retardadores de crescimento (CCC e SADH), 5 dias antes do florescimento, nas características morfológicas da panícuia da videira Vitis (labrusca x vinifera) 'Niagara Rosada'. Neste ensaio verificou-se que as concentrações de CCC aplicadas em pré-florescimento, não afetaram favoravelmente a morfologia das panículas da cultivar estudada, nas condições do ensaio. SADH na dosagem de 1000 ppm provocou, na primeira colheita, aumento no peso e comprimento da panícula, no peso das bagas, e no comprimento da ráquis, proporcionando a formação desejada de uma panícula mais alongada, nas condições estudadas. Aplicação de SADH na concentração de 250 ppm em pré-florescimento, promoveu aumento no peso e comprimento da panícula, número e peso das bagas, além do inconveniente de elevar o número de sementes

    Compelling truth:Legal protection of the infosphere against big data spills

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    The paper explores whether legal and ethical concepts that have been used to protect the natural environment can also be leveraged to protect the ‘infosphere’, a neologism used by Luciano Floridi to characterize the totality of the informational environment. We focus, in particular, on the interaction between allocation of (intellectual) property rights and ‘communication duties’, in particular, data breach notification duties. This article is part of the themed issue ‘The ethical impact of data science’

    Collaborative Enhancement of Antibody Binding to Distinct PECAM-1 Epitopes Modulates Endothelial Targeting

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    Antibodies to platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 (PECAM-1) facilitate targeted drug delivery to endothelial cells by “vascular immunotargeting.” To define the targeting quantitatively, we investigated the endothelial binding of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) to extracellular epitopes of PECAM-1. Surprisingly, we have found in human and mouse cell culture models that the endothelial binding of PECAM-directed mAbs and scFv therapeutic fusion protein is increased by co-administration of a paired mAb directed to an adjacent, yet distinct PECAM-1 epitope. This results in significant enhancement of functional activity of a PECAM-1-targeted scFv-thrombomodulin fusion protein generating therapeutic activated Protein C. The “collaborative enhancement” of mAb binding is affirmed in vivo, as manifested by enhanced pulmonary accumulation of intravenously administered radiolabeled PECAM-1 mAb when co-injected with an unlabeled paired mAb in mice. This is the first demonstration of a positive modulatory effect of endothelial binding and vascular immunotargeting provided by the simultaneous binding a paired mAb to adjacent distinct epitopes. The “collaborative enhancement” phenomenon provides a novel paradigm for optimizing the endothelial-targeted delivery of therapeutic agents