356 research outputs found

    The historical vanishing of the Blazhko effect of RR Lyr from GEOS and Kepler surveys

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    RR Lyr is one of the most studied variable stars. Its light curve has been regularly monitored since the discovery of the periodic variability in 1899. Analysis of all observed maxima allows us to identify two primary pulsation states defined as pulsation over a long (P0 longer than 0.56684 d) and a short (P0 shorter than 0.56682 d) primary pulsation period. These states alternate with intervals of 13-16 yr, and are well defined after 1943. The 40.8 d periodical modulations of the amplitude and the period (i.e. Blazhko effect) were noticed in 1916. We provide homogeneous determinations of the Blazhko period in the different primary pulsation states. The Blazhko period does not follow the variations of P0 and suddenly diminished from 40.8 d to around 39.0 d in 1975. The monitoring of these periodicities deserved and deserves a continuous and intensive observational effort. For this purpose we have built dedicated, transportable and autonomous small instruments, Very Tiny Telescopes (VTTs), to observe the times of maximum brightness of RR Lyr. As immediate results the VTTs recorded the last change of P0 state in mid-2009 and extended the time coverage of the Kepler observations, thus recording a maximum O-C amplitude of the Blazhko effect at the end of 2008, followed by the historically smallest O-C amplitude in late 2013. This decrease is still ongoing and VTT instruments are ready to monitor the expected increase in the next few years.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS. Contents of appendix B may be requested to first autho

    The VIPERS Multi-Lambda Survey. I. UV and NIR Observations, multi-color catalogues and photometric redshifts

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    We present observations collected in the CFHTLS-VIPERS region in the ultraviolet (UV) with the GALEX satellite (far and near UV channels) and the near infrared with the CFHT/WIRCam camera (KsK_s-band) over an area of 22 and 27 deg2^2, respectively. The depth of the photometry was optimized to measure the physical properties (e.g., SFR, stellar masses) of all the galaxies in the VIPERS spectroscopic survey. The large volume explored by VIPERS will enable a unique investigation of the relationship between the galaxy properties and their environment (density field and cosmic web) at high redshift (0.5 < z < 1.2). In this paper, we present the observations, the data reductions and the build-up of the multi-color catalogues. The CFHTLS-T0007 (gri-{\chi}^2) images are used as reference to detect and measure the KsK_s-band photometry, while the T0007 u-selected sources are used as priors to perform the GALEX photometry based on a dedicated software (EMphot). Our final sample reaches NUVABNUV_{AB}~25 (at 5{\sigma}) and KABK_{AB}~22 (at 3{\sigma}). The large spectroscopic sample (~51,000 spectroscopic redshifts) allows us to highlight the robustness of our star/galaxy separation, and the reliability of our photometric redshifts with a typical accuracy σz\sigma_z \le 0.04 and a catastrophic failure rate {\eta} < 2% down to i~23. We present various tests on the KsK_s band completeness and photometric redshift accuracy by comparing with existing, overlapping deep photometric catalogues. Finally, we discuss the BzK sample of passive and active galaxies at high redshift and the evolution of galaxy morphology in the (NUV-r) vs (r-K_s) diagram at low redshift (z < 0.25) thanks to the high image quality of the CFHTLS. The images, catalogues and photometric redshifts for 1.5 million sources (down to NUVNUV \le 25 or KsK_s \le 22) are released and available at this URL: http://cesam.lam.fr/vipers-mls/Comment: 14 pages, 16 figures. Accepted for publication in A&A. Version to be publishe

    The Young and Bright Type Ia Supernova ASASSN-14lp: Discovery, Early-Time Observations, First-Light Time, Distance to NGC 4666, and Progenitor Constraints

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    On 2014 Dec. 9.61, the All-Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN or "Assassin") discovered ASASSN-14lp just 2\sim2 days after first light using a global array of 14-cm diameter telescopes. ASASSN-14lp went on to become a bright supernova (V=11.94V = 11.94 mag), second only to SN 2014J for the year. We present prediscovery photometry (with a detection less than a day after first light) and ultraviolet through near-infrared photometric and spectroscopic data covering the rise and fall of ASASSN-14lp for more than 100 days. We find that ASASSN-14lp had a broad light curve (Δm15(B)=0.80±0.05\Delta m_{15}(B) = 0.80 \pm 0.05), a BB-band maximum at 2457015.82±0.032457015.82 \pm 0.03, a rise time of 16.940.10+0.1116.94^{+ 0.11 }_{- 0.10 } days, and moderate host--galaxy extinction (E(BV)host=0.33±0.06E(B-V)_{\textrm{host}} = 0.33 \pm 0.06). Using ASASSN-14lp we derive a distance modulus for NGC 4666 of μ=30.8±0.2\mu = 30.8 \pm 0.2 corresponding to a distance of 14.7±1.514.7 \pm 1.5 Mpc. However, adding ASASSN-14lp to the calibrating sample of Type Ia supernovae still requires an independent distance to the host galaxy. Finally, using our early-time photometric and spectroscopic observations, we rule out red giant secondaries and, assuming a favorable viewing angle and explosion time, any non-degenerate companion larger than 0.34Rsun0.34 R_{\textrm{sun}}.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, 4 tables. Accepted to ApJ. Photometric data presented in this submission are included as an ancillary file. For a brief video explaining this paper, see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bOV-Cqs-a

    ASASSN-15lh: A Highly Super-Luminous Supernova

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    We report the discovery of ASASSN-15lh (SN 2015L), which we interpret as the most luminous supernova yet found. At redshift z = 0.2326, ASASSN-15lh reached an absolute magnitude of M_{u,AB} = -23.5+/-0.1 and bolometric luminosity L_bol = (2.2+/-0.2)x 10^45 ergs s^-1, which is more than twice as luminous as any previously known supernova. It has several major features characteristic of the hydrogen-poor super-luminous supernovae (SLSNe-I), whose energy sources and progenitors are currently poorly understood. In contrast to most previously known SLSNe-I that reside in star-forming dwarf galaxies, ASASSN-15lh appears to be hosted by a luminous galaxy (M_K ~ -25.5) with little star formation. In the 4 months since first detection, ASASSN-15lh radiated (1.1+/- 0.2)x10^52 ergs, challenging the magnetar model for its engine.Comment: Published in the January 15, 2016 Issue of Science Magazin

    SN 2012fr: Ultraviolet, Optical, and Near-infrared Light Curves of a Type Ia Supernova Observed within a Day of Explosion

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    We present detailed ultraviolet, optical, and near-infrared light curves of the Type Ia supernova (SN) 2012fr, which exploded in the Fornax cluster member NGC 1365. These precise high-cadence light curves provide a dense coverage of the flux evolution from −12 to +140 days with respect to the epoch of B-band maximum (tBmax). Supplementary imaging at the earliest epochs reveals an initial slow and nearly linear rise in luminosity with a duration of ∼2.5 days, followed by a faster rising phase that is well reproduced by an explosion model with a moderate amount of 56Ni mixing in the ejecta. From our analysis of the light curves, we conclude that: (i) the explosion occurred 1800 Å) luminosity was 16.5 ± 0.6 days, (iii) the supernova suffered little or no host-galaxy dust reddening, (iv) the peak luminosity in both the optical and near-infrared was consistent with the bright end of normal Type Ia diversity, and (v) 0.60 ± 0.15 M⊙ of 56Ni was synthesized in the explosion. Despite its normal luminosity, SN 2012fr displayed unusually prevalent high-velocity Ca II and Si II absorption features, and a nearly constant photospheric velocity of the Si II λ6355 line at ∼12,000 km s-1 that began ∼5 days before tBmax. We also highlight some of the other peculiarities in the early phase photometry and the spectral evolution. SN 2012fr also adds to a growing number of Type Ia supernovae that are hosted by galaxies with direct Cepheid distance measurements.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y GeofísicasInstituto de Astrofísica de La Plat

    The MUSE Hubble Ultra Deep Field Survey:II. Spectroscopic redshifts and comparisons to color selections of high-redshift galaxies

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    We have conducted a two-layered spectroscopic survey (1'x1' ultra deep and 3'x3' deep regions) in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field (HUDF) with the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE). The combination of a large field of view, high sensitivity, and wide wavelength coverage provides an order of magnitude improvement in spectroscopically confirmed redshifts in the HUDF; i.e., 1206 secure spectroscopic redshifts for HST continuum selected objects, which corresponds to 15% of the total (7904). The redshift distribution extends well beyond z&gt;3 and to HST/F775W magnitudes as faint as ~30 mag (AB, 1-sigma). In addition, 132 secure redshifts were obtained for sources with no HST counterparts that were discovered in the MUSE data cubes by a blind search for emission-line features. In total, we present 1338 high quality redshifts, which is a factor of eight increase compared with the previously known spectroscopic redshifts in the same field. We assessed redshifts mainly with the spectral features [OII] at z~20% up to 28-29 mag and ~27 mag, respectively. We used the determined redshifts to test continuum color selection (dropout) diagrams of high-z galaxies. The selection condition for F336W dropouts successfully captures ~80% of the targeted z~2.7 galaxies. However, for higher redshift selections (F435W, F606W, and F775W dropouts), the success rates decrease to ~20-40%. We empirically redefine the selection boundaries to make an attempt to improve them to ~60%. The revised boundaries allow bluer colors that capture Lya emitters with high Lya equivalent widths falling in the broadbands used for the color-color selection. Along with this paper, we release the redshift and line flux catalog

    La coopération pour le meilleur usage possible des ressources phytogénétiques en Afrique de l'Ouest et centrale : un impératif régional

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    Les ressources phytogénétiques pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture représentent un précieux héritage des peuples d’Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre. La région est dotée d'agroécosystèmes diversifiés dont la diversité des cultures joue un rôle essentiel en contribuant à la fourniture de nourriture et des services éco-systémiques. Cependant, le défi devient de plus en plus croissant pour assurer l’utilisation durable et la conservation pour les générations futures. Par exemple, dans certaines parties de la région la diversité des cultures locales est menacée par un certain nombre de facteurs, dont des pratiques agricoles non durables, la modification des préférences alimentaires, l'urbanisation et le changement climatique. Il est toutefois encourageant de constater qu'en dépit de ces défis, il y a une prise de conscience croissante de l'importance des ressources phytogénétiques en Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre. Cette publication fait la revue des efforts de collaboration des principaux acteurs de la sous-région au cours des dix dernières années, depuis les programmes de conservation jusqu’aux directives régionales de haut niveau et aux efforts nationaux pour participer au système multilatéral d'accès et de partage des avantages du Traité International sur les Ressources Phytogénétiques pour l'Alimentation et l'Agriculture. Dans l'ensemble, ces documents font un plaidoyer convaincant pour la coopération sous régionale (et mondiale) accrue pour l’utilisation et la conservation durable et équitable des ressources phytogénétiques

    Cooperating to make the best use of plant genetic resources in West and Central Africa: a regional imperative

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    Plant genetic resources for food and agriculture are a precious heritage of the people of West and Central Africa. The region is endowed with diversified agroecosystems in which crop diversity plays an integral role by contributing to the provision of food and ecosystem services. There is a growing challenge, however, in ensuring that those resources are sustainability used and conserved for future generations. For example, in some parts of the region in situ crop diversity is threatened by a number of factors including unsustainable farming practices, changing food preferences, urbanization, and climate change. It is encouraging to note that despite these challenges, there is a growing awareness of the importance of plant genetic resources in West and Central Africa. This publication presents an overview of the collaborative efforts of key actors in the subregion over the last 10 years, from conservation programmes, to high-level regional directives, to national efforts to participate in the multilateral system of access and benefit sharing of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. Overall, these papers make a compelling case for continued subregional (and global) cooperation to sustainably and equitably use and conserve plant genetic resources

    ASASSN-15lh: The Most Luminous Supernova Ever Discovered

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    We report the discovery and early evolution of ASASSN-15lh, the most luminous supernova ever found. At redshift z=0.2326, ASASSN-15lh reached an absolute magnitude of M_{u,AB} ~ -23.5 and bolometric luminosity L_bol ~ 2.2x10^45 ergs/s, which is >~ 2 times more luminous than any previously known supernova. Its spectra match the hydrogen-poor sub-class of super-luminous supernovae (SLSNe-I), whose energy sources and progenitors are poorly understood. In contrast to known SLSNe-I, most of which reside in star-forming, dwarf galaxies, its host appears to be a luminous galaxy (M_V ~ -22; M_K ~ -25.1) with little star formation. In the two months since its first detection, ASASSN-15lh has radiated ~7.5x10^51 ergs, challenging the popular magnetar model for the engine of SLSNe-I