22 research outputs found

    Consolidation tests in archaeological wall painting: comparing treatments depending on the painting technique

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    Para la pintura mural de procedencia arqueológica, la consolidación resulta un tratamiento de gran importancia debido al estado de conservación que suele presentar, en el que la descohesión del mortero y la pulverulencia de la capa pictórica son habituales. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido evaluar los ensayos de consolidación que se han efectuado sobre fragmentos descontextualizados pertenecientes a cinco revestimientos murales distintos (procedentes de diversas épocas y que presentan diferencias notorias tanto en su estado de conservación como en su técnica de ejecución). Para ello, se han comparado dos de los tratamientos más empleados en consolidación de revestimientos arqueológicos, como son una resina acrílica y silicato de etilo, con dos tratamientos de reciente incorporación al mercado y que emplean nanopartículas, como nanocales y nano silicato de etilo, junto con un tratamiento de bioconsolidación empleado, hasta el momento, principalmente para la consolidación de material pétreo: la carbonatogénesis bacteriana.Para a pintura mural de procedência arqueológica, a consolidação é um tratamento de grande importância devido ao estado de conservação que as pinturas costumam apresentar, no qual a falta de coesão da argamassa e a pulverização da camada pictórica são comuns. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar ensaios de consolidação que foram realizados em fragmentos descontextualizados pertencentes a cinco revestimentos de murais distintos (procedentes de diferentes épocas e que possuem diferenças notórias quanto ao seu estado de conservação e quanto à sua técnica de execução). Para isso, compararam-se dois dos tratamentos mais utilizados na consolidação de revestimentos arqueológicos, uma resina acrílica e um silicato de etilo, com dois tratamentos que foram recentemente incorporados no mercado e que utilizam nanopartículas, como nano-cal e de nano-silicato de etilo, juntamente com um tratamento de bioconsolidação utilizado, até ao presente, principalmente para a consolidação de material pétreo: precipitação de carbonato de cálcio bioinduzido.Consolidation is a treatment of great importance for archaeological wall paintings due to their state of preservation, in which the lack of cohesion of the mortar and the pulverulence of the pictorial layer are common. The objective of this work has been to evaluate consolidation tests that have been carried out on decontextualized fragments belonging to five different wall paintings (from different periods and with differences in their state of conservation and in their painting techniques). For this, two of the most used treatments in consolidation of archaeological coatings, such as an acrylic resin and ethyl silicate, have been compared with two treatments that use nanoparticles, such as nanolimes and nano ethyl silicate, together with a bioconsolidation treatment used until present mainly for the consolidation of stone material: bacterial carbonatogenesis.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (FEDER) HAR2015-66139-

    Ensayos de tratamientos de protección y consolidación de la policromía del alfarje y yeserías del Patio de las Doncellas: Real Alcázar de Sevilla

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    El trabajo que se presenta pone de manifiesto la metodología llevada a cabo para la valoración de tratamientos, en lo que a color se refiere, aplicados sobre probetas de ensayo realizadas a partir de los materiales identificados en dos elementos arquitectónicos decorativos de la zona sur-este de uno de los patios más significativos del Alcázar de Sevilla: el Patio de las Doncellas. Estos elementos que tenemos como motivo de estudio son el alfarje de las galerías bajas y el paramento de yeso. Los tratamientos seleccionados para ser evaluados consisten, en el caso del alfarje en la aplicación de un barniz de protección con estabilizador de radiación ultravioleta (Archival Golden ®), y en el caso de las yeserías de aplicación de dos tratamientos de consolidación: resina acrílica (Paraloid®B72) y silicato de etilo (Bioestel®1200). Los resultados obtenidos servirán de base para la elección de una propuesta de intervención óptima que incluya la posible utilización del barniz ultravioleta en el alfarje in situ así como el efecto que podrían tener los tratamientos de consolidación en las policromías de las yeserías. De esta forma contribuimos al conocimiento previo del comportamiento de los materiales antes de abordar la restauración de la decoración arquitectónica de este espacio o de otras obras de similar cronología con problemáticas similares.The work presented shows the methodology conducted for evaluating treatments, in what concerns color, applied on test specimens made from the materials identified in two decorative architectural elements of the south-east one of the most important courts of the Alcazar of Seville: courtyard of the Maidens. These elements we have as a subject of study are the paneled ceiling of the lower galleries and the wall plaster. The treatments selected for evaluation consist in the case of alfarje in applying a protective varnish with ultraviolet radiation stabilizer, and in the case of plasterworks, applying two consolidation treatments: Paraloid ®B72 and Ethyl Silicate (Bioestel®1200). The results will form the basis for choosing an optimal intervention proposal that includes the possible use of UV varnish on the paneled ceiling and the effect that could have treatments consolidation of polychrome plasterwork. In this way, we contribute to the prior knowledge of the behavior of materials before boarding the restoration of the architectural decoration of this space or other works of similar chronology with similar problems.Esta investigación ha sido financiada por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad y por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) en el marco del Proyecto de Investigación “Estudio científico y tratamientos de conservación de revestimientos arquitectónicos de época romana a medieval” de referencia (HAR2015-66139-P) así como el proyecto del Ministerio de Innovación y Ciencia denominado “Decoración arquitectónica de tradición islámica. Materiales y técnicas de ejecución” (HAR 2011-27598). Igualmente ha sido posible gracias a la beca contrato puente de la Universidad de Granada de la que es beneficiaria Ana Isabel Calero Castillo

    Spectral Image Processing for Museum Lighting Using CIE LED Illuminants

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    The authors thank Purificación Marinetto Sánchez for discussions on the selected art piece and facilities to measure it at the Museum of the Alhambra (Granada) and David Nesbitt for technical English revision of the original manuscript.This work presents a spectral color-imaging procedure for the detailed colorimetric study of real artworks under arbitrary illuminants. The results demonstrate this approach to be a powerful tool for art and heritage professionals when deciding which illumination to use in museums, or which conservation or restoration techniques best maintain the color appearance of the original piece under any illuminant. Spectral imaging technology overcomes the limitations of common area-based point-measurement devices such as spectrophotometers, allowing a local study either pixelwise or by selected areas. To our knowledge, this is the first study available that uses the proposed CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage) light-emitting diode (LED) illuminants in the context of art and heritage science, comparing them with the three main CIE illuminants A, D50, and D65. For this, the corresponding colors under D65 have been calculated using a chromatic adaptation transform analogous to the one in CIECAM02. For the sample studied, the CIE LED illuminants with the lowest average CIEDE2000 color differences from the standard CIE illuminants are LED-V1 for A and LED-V2 for D50 and D65, with 1.23, 1.07, and 1.57 units, respectively. The work studied is a Moorish epigraphic frieze of plasterwork with a tiled skirting from the Nasrid period (12th–15th centuries) exhibited in the Museum of the Alhambra (Granada, Spain).This research was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, under research project DPI2015-64571-R, the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and UniversitiesWith support from European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), projects RTI2018-094738-B-I00, FIS2016-80983-P and HAR2015—66139-PJapan Society for the Promotion of Science, KAKENHI grant number 18KK0282

    Toscana Virus in Spain

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    Toscana virus (TOSV, Phlebovirus, family Bunyaviridae) infection is one of the most prevalent arboviruses in Spain. Within the objectives of a multidisciplinary network, a study on the epidemiology of TOSV was conducted in Granada, in southern Spain. The overall seroprevalence rate was 24.9%, significantly increasing with age. TOSV was detected in 3 of 103 sandfly pools by viral culture or reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction from a region of the L gene. Nucleotide sequence homology was 99%–100% in TOSV from vectors and patients and 80%–81% compared to the Italian strain ISS Phl.3. Sequencing of the N gene of TOSV isolates from patients and vectors indicated 87%–88% and 100% homology at the nucleotide and amino acid levels, respectively, compared to the Italian strain. These findings demonstrate the circulation of at least 2 different lineages of TOSV in the Mediterranean basin, the Italian lineage and the Spanish lineage.Grant sponsor was Red EVITAR, Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias, Spanish Ministry of Health, grant no. G03/059. Ximena Collao has a research grant from Valparaiso University (MECESUP project, Chile). The study of vectors, i.e., capture of phlebotomines and taxonomic classification, was supported by the Junta de Andalucía, research grant CVI 176. Dr Sanbonmatsu-Gámez is a microbiologist on a fellowship from the EVITAR network (Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias, Spanish Ministry of Health; grant no. G03/059). Her research interest focuses on viral infectious diseases, especially arthropodborne viral diseases

    Autoimmune Diseases and COVID-19 as Risk Factors for Poor Outcomes: Data on 13,940 Hospitalized Patients from the Spanish Nationwide SEMI-COVID-19 Registry

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    (1) Objectives: To describe the clinical characteristics and clinical course of hospitalized patients with COVID-19 and autoimmune diseases (ADs) compared to the general population. (2) Methods: We used information available in the nationwide Spanish SEMI-COVID-19 Registry, which retrospectively compiles data from the first admission of adult patients with COVID-19. We selected all patients with ADs included in the registry and compared them to the remaining patients. The primary outcome was all-cause mortality during admission, readmission, and subsequent admissions, and secondary outcomes were a composite outcome including the need for intensive care unit (ICU) admission, invasive and non-invasive mechanical ventilation (MV), or death, as well as in-hospital complications. (3) Results: A total of 13,940 patients diagnosed with COVID-19 were included, of which 362 (2.6%) had an AD. Patients with ADs were older, more likely to be female, and had greater comorbidity. On the multivariate logistic regression analysis, which involved the inverse propensity score weighting method, AD as a whole was not associated with an increased risk of any of the outcome variables. Habitual treatment with corticosteroids (CSs), age, Barthel Index score, and comorbidity were associated with poor outcomes. Biological disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (bDMARDs) were associated with a decrease in mortality in patients with AD. (4) Conclusions: The analysis of the SEMI-COVID-19 Registry shows that ADs do not lead to a different prognosis, measured by mortality, complications, or the composite outcome. Considered individually, it seems that some diseases entail a different prognosis than that of the general population. Immunosuppressive/immunoregulatory treatments (IST) prior to admission had variable effects

    Restauración del Patrimonio de la Universidad de Granada (I)

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    La serie editorial de Cuadernos Técnicos del Patrimonio surge debido a la necesidad de dotar al Vicerrectorado de Extensión Universitaria de publicaciones que aborden aspectos patrimoniales en relación con cuestiones de carácter transversal y que sirvan de vehículo de difusión y diálogo de las distintas colecciones que conforman el rico acervo universitario. El objetivo es convertir estos Cuadernos en un espacio de reflexión y debate sobre temas relacionados con la conservación, la restauración, la gestión, la difusión y la puesta en valor de los bienes muebles e inmuebles de la Universidad de Granada en toda su amplitud. No se plantean con un enfoque exclusivamente local pues su intención es abrirse a distintas problemáticas patrimoniales y convertirse en un instrumento que integre estudios de carácter nacional e internacional. Asimismo, entendemos que al Patrimonio hay que afrontarlo desde una perspectiva histórica pero también actual y en diálogo con la compleja realidad social

    Role of the IL33 and IL1RL1 pathway in the pathogenesis of Immunoglobulin A vasculitis

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    Cytokines signalling pathway genes are crucial factors of the genetic network underlying the pathogenesis of Immunoglobulin-A vasculitis (IgAV), an inflammatory vascular condition. An influence of the interleukin (IL)33- IL1 receptor like (IL1RL)1 signalling pathway on the increased risk of several immune-mediated diseases has been described. Accordingly, we assessed whether the IL33-IL1RL1 pathway represents a novel genetic risk factor for IgAV. Three tag polymorphisms within IL33 (rs3939286, rs7025417 and rs7044343) and three within IL1RL1 (rs2310173, rs13015714 and rs2058660), that also were previously associated with several inflammatory diseases, were genotyped in 380 Caucasian IgAV patients and 845 matched healthy controls. No genotypes or alleles differences were observed between IgAV patients and controls when IL33 and IL1RL1 variants were analysed independently. Likewise, no statistically significant differences were found in IL33 or IL1RL1 genotype and allele frequencies when IgAV patients were stratified according to the age at disease onset or to the presence/absence of gastrointestinal (GI) or renal manifestations. Similar results were disclosed when IL33 and IL1RL1 haplotypes were compared between IgAV patients and controls and between IgAV patients stratified according to the clinical characteristics mentioned above. Our results suggest that the IL33-IL1RL1 signalling pathway does not contribute to the genetic network underlying IgAV.Acknowledgements: We are indebted to the patients and healthy controls for their essential collaboration to this study. We also thank the National DNA Bank Repository (Salamanca) for supplying part of the control samples. This study was supported by European Union FEDER funds and `Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias´ (Grant PI18/00042) from ‘Instituto de Salud Carlos III’ (ISCIII, Health Ministry, Spain). DP-P is a recipient of a Río Hortega programme fellowship from the ISCIII, co-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF, `Investing in your future´) (Grant Number CM20/00006). SR-M is supported by funds of the RETICS Program (RD16/0012/0009) (ISCIII, cofunded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)). VP-C is supported by a pre-doctoral grant from IDIVAL (PREVAL 18/01). BA-M is a recipient of a `López Albo´ Post-Residency Programme funded by Servicio Cántabro de Salud. LL-G is supported by funds from IDIVAL (INNVAL20/06). OG is staff personnel of Xunta de Galicia (Servizo Galego de Saude (SERGAS)) through a research-staff stabilization contract (ISCIII/SERGAS) and his work is funded by ISCIII and the European Union FEDER fund (Grant Numbers RD16/0012/0014 (RIER) and PI17/00409). He is beneficiary of project funds from the Research Executive Agency (REA) of the European Union in the framework of MSCA-RISE Action of the H2020 Programme, project 734899—Olive-Net. RL-M is a recipient of a Miguel Servet type I programme fellowship from the ISCIII, co-funded by ESF (`Investing in your future´) (Grant Number CP16/00033)

    Base de datos de abejas ibéricas

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    Las abejas son un grupo extremadamente diverso con más de 1000 especies descritas en la península ibérica. Además, son excelentes polinizadores y aportan numerosos servicios ecosistémicos fundamentales para la mayoría de ecosistemas terrestres. Debido a los diversos cambios ambientales inducidos por el ser humano, existen evidencias del declive de algunas de sus poblaciones para ciertas especies. Sin embargo, conocemos muy poco del estado de conservación de la mayoría de especies y de muchas de ellas ignoramos cuál es su distribución en la península ibérica. En este trabajo presentamos un esfuerzo colaborativo para crear una base de datos de ocurrencias de abejas que abarca la península ibérica e islas Baleares que permitirá resolver cuestiones como la distribución de las diferentes especies, preferencia de hábitat, fenología o tendencias históricas. En su versión actual, esta base de datos contiene un total de 87 684 registros de 923 especies recolectados entre 1830 y 2022, de los cuales un 87% presentan información georreferenciada. Para cada registro se incluye información relativa a la localidad de muestreo (89%), identificador y colector de la especie (64%), fecha de captura (54%) y planta donde se recolectó (20%). Creemos que esta base de datos es el punto de partida para conocer y conservar mejor la biodiversidad de abejas en la península ibérica e Islas Baleares. Se puede acceder a estos datos a través del siguiente enlace permanente: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6354502ABSTRACT: Bees are a diverse group with more than 1000 species known from the Iberian Peninsula. They have increasingly received special attention due to their important role as pollinators and providers of ecosystem services. In addition, various rapid human-induced environmental changes are leading to the decline of some of its populations. However, we know very little about the conservation status of most species and for many species, we hardly know their true distributions across the Iberian Peninsula. Here, we present a collaborative effort to collate and curate a database of Iberian bee occurrences to answer questions about their distribution, habitat preference, phenology, or historical trends. In total we have accumulated 87 684 records from the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands of 923 different species with 87% of georeferenced records collected between 1830 and 2022. In addition, each record has associated information such as the sampling location (89%), collector and person who identified the species (64%), date of the capture (54%) and plant species where the bees were captured (20%). We believe that this database is the starting point to better understand and conserve bee biodiversity in the Iberian Peninsula. It can be accessed at: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6354502Esta base de datos se ha realizado con la ayuda de los proyectos EUCLIPO (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-028360/EUCLIPO) y SAFEGUARD (ref. 101003476 H2020 -SFS-2019-2).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio