227 research outputs found

    La devoción a la hostia consagrada en la Baja Edad Media castellana: Fuentes textuales, materiales e iconográficas para su estudio

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    Deeply inserted in the context of the diverse polemics about the real presence of Christ in the species, the Eucharist found in the ritual of the mass during the Middle Ages the way to present the positions of the Church with respect to the dogma. The interest to demonstrate the miracle of the Transubstantiation occurred in the altar, implied a complicated process of ritualization, not exclusively of the ceremony, but also of the previous moments, as demonstrated by the different sources. These sources can be of documentary, material or iconographical type and, carefully analyzed, demonstrate the increasingimportance acquired by the consecrated host during the Gothic Period. At the same time, the images implied the medieval notion of praesentia and its relation to the liturgy was established during the mass.Inscrita dentro del contexto de las diversas polémicas acerca de la presencia real de Cristo a través de las especies del pan y vino, la Eucaristía halló en la expresión de la misa durante la Edad Media el modo de presentar al pueblo las posiciones de la Iglesia con respecto al dogma. La preocupación por evidenciar el milagro de la Transustanciación que se lleva a cabo en el altar, implicó un complicado proceso de ritualización no sólo de la ceremonia como tal, sino también de los momentos previos a la misma. Las fuentes para su estudio pueden ser de tipo documental, material o iconográfico y, analizadas en profundidad, evidencian la creciente importancia que adquirió la hostia consagrada durante la Baja Edad Media. Al mismo tiempo, las imágenes implican la noción medieval de praesentia y su relación con la liturgia de la misa queda evidenciada

    Content marketing in the strategy of ‘growth hacking’ in the new economy. The cases of Wallapop, Westwing and Fotocasa

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    Las marcas nativas digitales buscan nuevas fórmulas que les permitan ver aumentar sus audiencias, planteando estrategias de growth hacking que combinan creatividad y análisis. El presente artículo tiene como objetivo describir el papel que juega en ellas el marketing de contenidos, a través del análisis de los casos de estudios de Wallapop, Westwing y Fotocasa, tres marcas nativas digitales de referencia en Barcelona, ciudad que se ha convertido en uno de los principales hubs tecnológicos del mundo, con presencia más de 1.200 empresas tecnológicas emergentes y sede de la feria internacional Mobile World Congress, en el que se ha generado un potente ecosistema de startups. Los resultados de la investigación, obtenidos en base a técnicas de carácter cualitativo, constatan que la elaboración, curación y difusión de contenidos es uno de los ejes de la planificación estratégica de la nueva economía que tiene una visión growth hacker, enfocada al crecimiento y que combina acciones de publicidad, relaciones públicas y marketing digital para lograrlo. En este sentido, las marcas nativas digitales elaboran y difunden contenidos de interés para sus públicos en todo tipo de formatos (escrito, audiovisual) y mediante canales diversos (blogs, redes sociales, app, newsletter, branded content). Disponen de equipos propios de contenidos para elaborarlos y también promueven y realizan curación de los contenidos que sus propios usuarios y seguidores elaboran sobre ellos y que ejercen a su vez de microinfluencers, potenciando y viralizando los mensajes que la marca quiere transmitir.Digital native brands are looking for new formulas to increase their audiences. Their growth hacking strategies combines creativity and analysis. The objective of this article is to describe the role of content marketing through the analysis of the case studies of Wallapop, Westwing and Fotocasa, three digital marks, reference in Barcelona, a city that has become one of the main technological hubs in the world, with more than 1,200 startups. Mobile World Congress has generated a powerful ecosystem of startups in Barcelona. The results of the research, analysed according to qualitative methods, confirm that contents are one of the axes of strategic planning of the new economy. His vision is focused on growth and combines publicity, public relations and digital marketing actions to do it. Native digital brands create interesting content to their audiences in all types of formats (written, audiovisual) and through different channels (blogs, social networks, app, newsletter, branded content). They have their own content teams to do it and also promote and carry out curation of their users and followers’ contents who are microinfluencers that make viral the messages that the brand wants to communicate

    El marketing de contenidos en la estrategia de growth hacking en la nueva economía. Los casos de Wallapop, Westwing y Fotocasa

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    Digital native brands are looking for new formulas to increase their audiences. Their growth hacking strategies combines creativity and analysis. The objective of this article is to describe the role of content marketing through the analysis of the case studies of Wallapop, Westwing and Fotocasa, three digital marks, reference in Barcelona, ​​a city that has become one of the main technological hubs in the world, with more than 1,200 startups. Mobile World Congress has generated a powerful ecosystem of startups in Barcelona.The results of the research, analysed according to qualitative methods, confirm that contents are one of the axes of strategic planning of the new economy. His vision is focused on growth and combines publicity, public relations and digital marketing actions to do it. Native digital brands create interesting content to their audiences in all types of formats (written, audiovisual) and through different channels (blogs, social networks, app, newsletter, branded content). They have their own content teams to do it and also promote and carry out curation of their users and followers’ contents who are microinfluencers that make viral the messages that the brand wants to communicate.Las marcas nativas digitales buscan nuevas fórmulas que les permitan ver aumentar sus audiencias, planteando estrategias de growth hacking que combinan creatividad y análisis. El presente artículo tiene como objetivo describir el papel que juega en ellas el marketing de contenidos, a través del análisis de los casos de estudios de Wallapop, Westwing y Fotocasa, tres marcas nativas digitales de referencia en Barcelona, ciudad que se ha convertido en uno de los principales hubs tecnológicos del mundo, con presencia más de 1.200 empresas tecnológicas emergentes y sede de la feria internacional Mobile World Congress, en el que se ha generado un potente ecosistema de startups.Los resultados de la investigación, obtenidos en base a técnicas de carácter cualitativo, constatan que la elaboración, curación y difusión de contenidos es uno de los ejes de la planificación estratégica de la nueva economía que tiene una visión growth hacker, enfocada al crecimiento y que combina acciones de publicidad, relaciones públicas y marketing digital para lograrlo. En este sentido, las marcas nativas digitales elaboran y difunden contenidos de interés para sus públicos en todo tipo de formatos (escrito, audiovisual) y mediante canales diversos (blogs, redes sociales, app, newsletter, branded content). Disponen de equipos propios de contenidos para elaborarlos y también promueven y realizan curación de los contenidos que sus propios usuarios y seguidores elaboran sobre ellos y que ejercen a su vez de microinfluencers, potenciando y viralizando los mensajes que la marca quiere transmitir

    Estrategias de comunicación en la nueva economía: relaciones públicas y publicidad en la era digital. Los casos de estudio de Wallapop, Westwing y Fotocasa

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    L'activitat comunicativa es troba en ple procés de transformació i les seves estratègies es desenvolupen en nou context interconnectat. La present tesi doctoral parteix de la hipòtesi de l'existència d'un plantejament estratègic 360º de la comunicació, cada vegada més integrada per aprofitar les sinergies entre accions de publicitat i relacions públiques. L'objectiu és descriure-ho, a partir de l'anàlisi crític i propositiu de l'estratègia de comunicació de la nova economia, formada per empreses natives digitals. Els resultats més destacats d'aquest estudi, que se centra en l'anàlisi qualitativa dels casos d'estudi de Wallapop, Westwing i Fotocasa, permeten, en primer lloc, descriure estratègia de comunicació de les empreses natives digitals que, constaten la seva visió 360, en línia amb les teories de comunicació integrada de màrqueting desenvolupades a partir dels anys 80, encara que amb les particularitats que imposa el nou context interconnectat. Un dels factors que influeixen en el model de planificació estratègica de comunicació de la nova economia és la velocitat que imposen les regles de joc del seu propi ecosis-tema empresarial i, lligat a ella, la necessitat de màxim creixement i creació de valor. L'estudi conclou que l'estratègia de comunicació de la nova economia segueix els prin-cipis de la direcció per objectius del management establerts per Drucker el 1954, que el 1968 Marston va aplicar a la comunicació en el seu model d'espiral en quatre fases (investiga-ció , planificació, execució i avaluació), encara que en la seva aplicació mostra destacades particularitats derivades dels aquests condicionants, entre les quals destaca la planificació flexible ia curt termini i la presa de decisions basada en dades, procedents de la in-vestigació i del seguiment constant. Amb una visió integrada de públics i canals, les empreses de la nova economia 'aprofita-chan al màxim les sinergies entre les accions de publicitat i relacions públiques, que inclouen iniciatives de múltiples camps d'actuació, des dels més convencionals, com campanyes publicitàries a la televisió i accions dirigides a mitjans de comunicació, a altres que van adquirint una importància creixent, com el màrqueting de continguts i l'influencer màrqueting.La actividad comunicativa se encuentra en pleno proceso de transformación y sus estrategias se desarrollan en nuevo contexto interconectado. La presente tesis doctoral parte de la hipótesis de la existencia de un planteamiento estratégico 360º de la comunicación, cada vez más integrada para aprovechar las sinergias entre acciones de publicidad y relaciones públicas. El objetivo es describirlo, a partir del análisis crítico y propositivo de la estrategia de comunicación de la nueva economía, formada por empresas nativas digitales. Los resultados más destacados de este estudio, que se centra en el análisis cualitativo de los casos de estudio de Wallapop, Westwing y Fotocasa, permiten, en primer lugar, describir estrategia de comunicación de las empresas nativas digitales que, constatan su visión 360, en línea con las teorías de comunicación integrada de marketing desarrolladas a partir de los años 80, aunque con las particularidades que impone el nuevo contexto interconectado. Uno de los factores que influyen en el modelo de planificación estratégica de comunicación de la nueva economía es la velocidad que imponen las reglas de juego de su propio ecosistema empresarial y, ligado a ella, la necesidad de máximo crecimiento y creación de valor. El estudio concluye que la estrategia de comunicación de la nueva economía sigue los principios de la dirección por objetivos del management establecidos por Drucker en 1954, que en 1968 Marston aplicó a la comunicación en su modelo de espiral en cuatro fases (investigación, planificación, ejecución y evaluación), aunque en su aplicación muestra destacadas particularidades derivadas de los estos condicionantes, entre las que destaca la planificación flexible y a corto plazo y la toma de decisiones basada en datos, procedentes de la investigación y del seguimiento constante. Con una visión integrada de públicos y canales, las empresas de la nueva economía aprovechan al máximo las sinergias entre las acciones de publicidad y relaciones públicas, que incluyen iniciativas de múltiples campos de actuación, desde los más convencionales, como campañas publicitarias en televisión y acciones dirigidas a medios de comunicación, a otros que van adquiriendo una importancia creciente, como el marketing de contenidos y el influencer marketing.The communicative activity is in the process of transformation and its strategies are developed in a new interconnected context. This thesis starts from the hypothesis of the existence of a 360º strategic approach to communication, increasingly integrated to take advantage of the synergies between publicity and public relations actions. The objective is to describe it, based on the critical and propositional analysis of the communication strategy of the new economy, formed by digital native companies. The most outstanding results of this study, which focuses on the qualitative analysis of the case studies of Wallapop, Westwing and Fotocasa, allow, first, to describe the communication strategy of digital native companies that, line with theories of integrated marketing communication developed since the 1980s, but with the particularities imposed by the new interconnected context. One of the factors that influence the strategic planning model of communication in the new economy is the speed imposed by the rules of the game of its own business ecosystem and, linked to it, the need for maximum growth and value creation. The study concludes that the communication strategy of the new economy follows the principles of management by management objectives established by Drucker in 1954, which in 1968 Marston applied to communication in his model of spiral in four phases (research , planning, execution and evaluation), although in its application it shows outstanding particularities derived from these conditions, among which the flexible and short-term planning and data-based decision-making, from research and constant monitoring. With an integrated vision of publics and channels, companies in the new economy take full advantage of the synergies between publicity and public relations actions, which include initiatives from multiple fields of action, from the most conventional, such as advertising campaigns on television and actions directed to the media, to others that are becoming increasingly important, such as content marketing and influencer marketing

    Global increase of the intensity of tropical cyclones under global warming based on their maximum potential intensity and CMIP6 models

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    Future changes in the intensity of tropical cyclones (TCs) under global warming are uncertain, although several studies have projected an upward trend in TC intensity. In this study, we examined the changes in the strength of TCs in the twenty-first century based on the Hurricane Maximum Potential Intensity (HuMPI) model forced with the sea surface temperature (SST) from the bias-corrected CMIP6 dataset. We first investigated the relationship between the mean lifetime maximum intensity (LMI) of major hurricanes (MHs) and the maximum potential intensity (MPI) using the SST from the Daily Optimum Interpolation SST database. The LMI of MHs and the MPI in the last two decades was, on average, 2–3% higher than mean values in the sub-period 1982–2000, suggesting a relationship between changes in MPI and LMI. From our findings, the projected changes in TC intensity in the near-future period (2016–2040) will be almost similar for SSP2-4.5 and SSP5-8.5 climate scenarios. However, TCs will be 9.5% and 17% more intense by the end (2071–2100) of the twenty-first century under both climate scenarios, respectively, compared with the mean intensity over the historical period (1985–2014). In addition, the MPI response to a warmed sea surface temperature per degree of warming is a 5–7% increase in maximum potential wind speed. These results should be interpreted as a projection of changes in TC intensity under global warming since the HuMPI formulation does not include environmental factors (i.e., vertical wind shear, mid-level moisture content and environmental stratification) that influence TC long-term intensity variations.Universidade de Vigo/CISU

    A Census of Marine Biodiversity Knowledge, Resources, and Future Challenges

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    15 pages, 7 figures, 6 tablesThe Census of Marine Life (2000–2010) was the largest global research programme on marine biodiversity. This paper integrated the findings of reviews of major world regions by the Census and provides a global perspective on what is known and what are the major scientific gaps. Study metrics were regional species richness, numbers of endemic and alien species, numbers of species identification guides and taxonomic experts, and a state-of-knowledge index. The threats to biodiversity were classified across the regions. A poor to moderate correlation between species richness and seabed area, and sea volume, and no correlations with topographic variation, were attributed to sparse, uneven and unrepresentative sampling in much of the global marine environment. Many habitats have been poorly sampled, particularly in deeper seas, and several species-rich taxonomic groups, especially of smaller organisms, remain poorly studied. Crustacea, Mollusca, and Pisces comprised approximately half of all known species across the regions. The proportion that these and other taxa comprised of all taxa varied sufficiently to question whether the relative number of species within phyla and classes are constant throughout the world. Overfishing and pollution were identified as the main threats to biodiversity across all regions, followed by alien species, altered temperature, acidification, and hypoxia, although their relative importance varied among regions. The findings were replicated worldwide, in both developed and developing countries: i.e. major gaps exist in sampling effort and taxonomic expertise that impair society's ability to discover new species and identify and understand species of economic and ecological importance. There was a positive relationship between the availability of species identification guides and knowledge of biodiversity, including the number of species and alien species. Available taxonomic guides and experts correlated negatively with endemic species, suggesting that the more we study the ocean the fewer endemic species are evident. There is a need to accelerate the discovery of marine biodiversity, since much of it may be lost without even being known. We discuss how international collaboration between developed and developing countries is essential for improving productivity in the discovery and management of marine biodiversity, and how various sectors may contribute to thisThe contribution of HO was financed by research grant from the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research (no. SF0180005s10). MC was supported financially by the European Commission Marie Curie Post-doctoral Fellowship through the International Outgoing Fellowships (Call FP7-PEOPLE-2007-4-1-IOF) for the ECOFUN project and by Dalhousie University, Canada. RD was supported by the projects HERMIONE (EU-FPVII), VECTOR and OBAMA (MIUR, Italy). PM was supported by the Decanato de Investigación y Desarrollo, Universidad Simón BolívarPeer reviewe

    La planificación estratégica de la comunicación en la era digital. Los casos de estudio de Wallapop, Westwing y Fotocasa

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    Las estrategias comunicativas, especialmente en la nueva economía, evolucionan de forma cada vez más acelerada, para adaptarse al complejo y cambiante escenario de la interconectada sociedad red. Partiendo de la hipótesis de la existencia de un planteamiento de la estrategia de comunicación 360º, heredero del enfoque propio de la comunicación integrada de marketing, el artículo describe las estrategias de comunicación de tres marcas nativas digitales de referencia en Barcelona, sede del Mobile World Congress, donde se ha desarrollado un contexto interconectado de startups y marcas nativas digitales. Los resultados de esta investigación provienen de tres casos de estudio (Wallapop, Westwing y Fotocasa), que muestran que su planificación estratégica consta de cuatro fases (investigación, planificación, ejecución y evaluación), coincidentes con el modelo RACE de Marston. La estrategia comunicativa que constatan estos casos de estudio pone el foco en el corto plazo, con una perspectiva growth hacker, característica del ecosistema startup, que aprovecha las sinergias entre acciones de publicidad y relaciones públicas. Para llevarlas a cabo estas accciones de comunicación, las marcas nativas digitales buscan sinergias entre acciones, utilizando todas las herramientas de investigación y medición a su alcance, que les permiten experimentar de forma controlada y tomar decisiones basadas en datos, en un proceso de aprendizaje continuo

    Relações públicas em estratégias de growth hacking na comunicação digital: os estudos de caso da Wallapop, Westwing e Fotocasa

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    Este trabalho debruça-se sobre o planeamento estratégico de relações públicas em marcas digitais de referência, que estão sediadas em Barcelona. Esta é a cidade anfitriã da feira internacional de tecnologia “Mobile World Congress” e, ao mesmo tempo, está em quinto lugar na Europa, no que respeita ao número de startups existentes. A metodologia qualitativa com o recurso ao estudo de caso foi a estratégia de investigação utilizada, a qual privilegiou a triangulação na recolha de dados através da realização de entrevistas em profundidade e da análise documental. Foram estudadas três marcas sustentadas no ambiente digital, cuja atividade se desenvolve no meio online. Os resultados do estudo mostraram que o planeamento de relações públicas das marcas digitais analisadas é realizado em quatro etapas: a pesquisa, o planeamento, a implementação e a avaliação. As ações de relações públicas destas marcas estão integradas em estratégias de marketing e privilegiam ações de publicidade, de marketing de conteúdo e de marketing de influência, que combinam a criatividade e a análise a fim de se atingirem as metas de growth hacking. As estratégias destas marcas procuram atingir metas de comunicação a curto prazo e as técnicas utilizadas orientam-se por uma abordagem de gestão por objetivos.This work focuses on the strategic planning of public relations in well-known digital brands, based in Barcelona. This is the host city of the international technology fair “Mobile World Congress” and, at the same time, is in fifth place in Europe, in terms of the number of existing start-ups. The qualitative methodology, using the case study, was the research strategy used, which favoured triangulation in data collection through in-depth interviews and document analysis. Three brands founded on the digital environment were studied, whose activity is developed in the online environment. The results of the study showed that the public relations planning of the analysed digital brands is carried out in four stages: research, planning, implementation and evaluation. The public relations actions of these brands are integrated into marketing strategies and focus on advertising, content marketing and influence marketing actions, which combine creativity and analysis in order to achieve growth hacking goals. The strategies of these brands seek to achieve communication goals in the short term and the techniques used are guided by a management approach by objectives

    Public relations in growth hacking strategies in digital communication: the case studies of Wallapop, Westwing and Fotocasa

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    This work focuses on the strategic planning of public relations in well-known digital brands, based in Barcelona. This is the host city of the international technology fair “Mobile World Congress” and, at the same time, is in fifth place in Europe, in terms of the number of existing start-ups. The qualitative methodology, using the case study, was the research strategy used, which favoured triangulation in data collection through in-depth interviews and document analysis. Three brands founded on the digital environment were studied, whose activity is developed in the online environment. The results of the study showed that the public relations planning of the analysed digital brands is carried out in four stages: research, planning, implementation and evaluation. The public relations actions of these brands are integrated into marketing strategies and focus on advertising, content marketing and influence marketing actions, which combine creativity and analysis in order to achieve growth hacking goals. The strategies of these brands seek to achieve communication goals in the short term and the techniques used are guided by a management approach by objectives.Este trabalho debruça-se sobre o planeamento estratégico de relações públicas em marcas digitais de referência, que estão sediadas em Barcelona. Esta é a cidade anfitriã da feira internacional de tecnologia “Mobile World Congress” e, ao mesmo tempo, está em quinto lugar na Europa, no que respeita ao número de startups existentes. A metodologia qualitativa com o recurso ao estudo de caso foi a estratégia de investigação utilizada, a qual privilegiou a triangulação na recolha de dados através da realização de entrevistas em profundidade e da análise documental. Foram estudadas três marcas sustentadas no ambiente digital, cuja atividade se desenvolve no meio online. Os resultados do estudo mostraram que o planeamento de relações públicas das marcas digitais analisadas é realizado em quatro etapas: a pesquisa, o planeamento, a implementação e a avaliação. As ações de relações públicas destas marcas estão integradas em estratégias de marketing e privilegiam ações de publicidade, de marketing de conteúdo e de marketing de influência, que combinam a criatividade e a análise a fim de se atingirem as metas de growth hacking. As estratégias destas marcas procuram atingir metas de comunicação a curto prazo e as técnicas utilizadas orientam-se por uma abordagem de gestão por objetivos

    Teacher-Students Relationships in First and Second Grade Classrooms. Adaptation of the Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction-Early Primary (QTI-EP)

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    The aim of this study is twofold: to adapt, for a Spanish population, the Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction-Early Primary (QTI-EP), an instrument developed in 2013 by Zijlstra, Wubbels, Brekelmans, and Koomen to measure the perceptions of 6- to 9-year-old children on teacher-students relationships; and to analyze the influence of these perceptions on academic achievement. The QTI-EP has been demonstrated to have a dual factor structure —the dimensions of teacher proximity and teacher control— an acceptable reliability, and predictive validity on academic achievement. The QTI-EP is sensitive to children’s differential responses so that the scores of students from the same classroom are more similar to each other than to the scores of students from different classrooms. The dimension of proximity predicts both the mathematics mark and the combined mark. The dimension of control moderates the relationship between proximity and academic achievement.La meta del estudio es doble, adaptar al castellano el Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction-Early Primary (QTI-EP), un instrumento desarrollado en 2013 por Zijlstra, Wubbels, Brekelmans y Koomen para medir las percepciones que los niños y niñas de 6 a 9 años tienen de las relaciones entre el profesorado y el alumnado de un aula, y analizar su influencia en el rendimiento académico. El QTI-EP ha probado tener una estructura factorial dual, dimensiones proximidad y control del profesorado, una fiabilidad aceptable, y validez predictiva sobre el rendimiento académico. El QTI-EP resulta sensible a las respuestas diferenciales de forma que las puntuaciones del alumnado de una clase son más similares entre sí que las puntuaciones entre el alumnado de diferentes aulas. La dimensión proximidad predice tanto la calificación en matemáticas como la calificación compuesta. La dimensión control modera las relaciones entre proximidad y rendimiento