1,034 research outputs found

    Targeting anti-chondrogenic factors for the stimulation of chondrogenesis: A new paradigm in cartilage repair

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    Trauma and age-related cartilage disorders represent a major global cause of morbidity, resulting in chronic pain and disability in patients. A lack of effective therapies, together with a rapidly aging population, creates an impressive clinical and economic burden on healthcare systems. In this scenario, experimental therapies based on transplantation or in situ stimulation of skeletal Mesenchymal Stem/progenitor Cells (MSCs) have raised great interest for cartilage repair. Nevertheless, the challenge of guiding MSC differentiation and preventing cartilage hypertrophy and calcification still needs to be overcome. While research has mostly focused on the stimulation of cartilage anabolism using growth factors, several issues remain unresolved prompting the field to search for novel solutions. Recently, inhibition of anti-chondrogenic regulators has emerged as an intriguing opportunity. Anti-chondrogenic regulators include extracellular proteins as well as intracellular transcription factors and microRNAs that act as potent inhibitors of pro-chondrogenic signals. Suppression of these inhibitors can enhance MSC chondrogenesis and production of cartilage matrix. We here review the current knowledge concerning different types of anti-chondrogenic regulators. We aim to highlight novel therapeutic targets for cartilage repair and discuss suitable tools for suppressing their anti-chondrogenic functions. Further effort is needed to unveil the therapeutic perspectives of this approach and pave the way for effective treatment of cartilage injuries in patients

    Drug delivery in intervertebral disc degeneration and osteoarthritis : Selecting the optimal platform for the delivery of disease-modifying agents

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    Acknowledgement We would like to acknowledge Prof. Gerjo Van Osch and prof Molly Stevens for their careful and critical revision of the manuscript. We wish to thank all principal investigators of the TargetCaRe consortium for their enormous support during the years: Prof G. van Osch. Prof. Mauro Alini, Prof. Bruce Caterson, Dr. Alan Chan, Prof. Cosimo De Bari, Prof. Ron Heeren, Prof. Kennet Howard, Prof. Marcelle Machluf, Prof. Molly M. Stevens and Prof. Avner Yayon. This work was supported by European Union's Horizon 2020 Research And Innovation Programme under Marie Sklodowska Curie Grant agreement no. 642414.Peer reviewedproofPublisher PD

    Targeting the IL-6-Yap-Snail signalling axis in synovial fibroblasts ameliorates inflammatory arthritis

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    ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors thank staff at the University of Aberdeen’s Animal Facility, Microscopy and Histology Facility, qPCR Facility, and the Iain Fraser Cytometry Centre for their expert support. The authors also thank the NHS Grampian Biorepository for facilitating the collection of human tissue samples. Additionally, thanks is given to Denis Evseenko for critical review of the manuscript. Funding This work was supported by funding from the Medical Research Council (grants MR/L020211/1, MR/L022893/1), Versus Arthritis (formerly Arthritis Research UK, grants 20775, 19429, 21156, 20050, 19667, 20865, 21800), Tenovus Scotland (grant G13/14), and European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Marie Sklodowska Curie (Grant 642414).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Developing a participatory process for soil fertility:A case study in an urban area of Italy

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    Approaches that are transdisciplinary and participatory can help to address complex socio-ecological issues by integrating multiple disciplinary perspectives while taking into account the different needs and experiences of community members and other stakeholders. Despite this promise, such approaches are rarely applied within the scientific community, as researchers and public actors often lack the training, practice and reference cases required to handle the working relationships and translations of terminology, ideas and values across multiple bodies of knowledge. A case study described in this manuscript depicts a group of researchers, artists and citizens consciously engaged in the construction of a transdisciplinary process as part of a 40-day ‘citizen science’ experiment focussed on assessing soil fertility in the urban area of Milan, Italy. The group drew from recognised scientific approaches, applied agronomic methodologies, artistic practices and technological tools, integrating them into a hybrid process of collective and participatory inquiry. As a quantitative outcome of the experiment, a dataset of bio-chemical parameters was generated, which was enriched by agronomic interpretations but also by artistic and reflective materials. Importantly, the process developed transdisciplinary and participatory skills, as it created a potentially replicable procedure of engagement, analysis and presentation for use in other citizen science settings. This article presents the context, the multiple objectives of the research and the applied approach and its timeline. Described in detail are the process of designing and conducting the experiment by involving an extended research community—including both junior and senior researchers—in progressive steps. Quantitative and qualitative results are provided. The findings are meant to contribute case material and methods to inform the advancement of transdisciplinary research approaches within the scientific community as well as examples of ways to transcend the boundaries of science to include artists and community stakeholders. The aspiration is to inform and inspire concrete application of transdisciplinary and participatory methods in concert to address complex socio-environmental challenges

    Recognition and control of neutrophil extracellular trap formation by MICL

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    Acknowledgements We thank the staff of the animal facilities at the University of Aberdeen and the University of Exeter for support and care for animals; C. Paterson from the University of Glasgow for assistance in establishing a Material Transfer Agreement; C. Parkin and D. Thompson for support with microscopy; and M. Stacey for valuable input. We acknowledge funding from the Wellcome Trust (102705 and 097377), Versus Arthritis (21164, 20775 and 21156), the US National Institutes of Health (R01DK121977 and R01AI163007), Versus Arthritis Centre of Excellence, Medical Research Council (MR/L020211/1) and the MRC Centre for Medical Mycology (MR/N006364/1). SLE tissue samples were provided by the Imperial College Healthcare Tissue Bank funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), Biomedical Research Centre based at the Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and Imperial College London. The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR or the Department of Health.Peer reviewe

    Influence of safety warnings on the prescribing attitude of JAK 2inhibitors for rheumatoid arthritis in Italy

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    The Janus kinase inhibitors (JAKi) tofacitinib (TOFA), baricitinib (BARI), upadacitinib (UPA) and 74 filgotinib (FILGO) are effective drugs for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. However, the US 75 Food & Administration (FDA) raised concerns on the safety of TOFA after its approval. This 76 prompted the European Medicines Agency (EMA) to issue two safety warnings for limiting TOFA 77 use then extended in a third warning to all Jaki in patients at high risk of developing serious adverse 78 events (SAE). These included thrombosis, major adverse cardiac events (MACE) and cancer. Thepurpose of this work was to analyze how the first two safety warnings from EMA affected the pre- 80 scribing of Jaki by rheumatologists in Italy. All patients with rheumatoid arthritis who had been 81 prescribed JAKi for the first time in a 36-month period from July 1, 2019, to June 30, 2022 were con- 82 sidered. Data were obtained from the medical records of 29 Italian tertiary referral rheumatology 83 centers. Patients were divided into three groups of 4 months each, depending on whether the JAKi 84 prescription had occurred before the EMA's first safety alert (July 1-October 31, 2019, Group 1), 85 between the first and second alerts (November 1, 2019-February 29, 2020, Group 2), or between the 86 second and third alerts (March 1, 2021-June 30, 2021, Group 3). Percentage and absolute changes in 87 patients prescribed the individual JAKi were analyzed. Differences among the three Groups of pa- 88 tients in demographic and clinical characteristics were also assessed. A total of 864 patients were 89 prescribed a JAKi during the entire period considered. Of these, 343 were identified in Group 1, 233 90 in Group 2 and 288 in Group 3. An absolute reduction of 32% was observed in the number of patients 91 prescribed a JAKi between Group 1 and Group 2 and 16% between Group 1 and Group 3. In contrast, 92 there was a 19% increase in the prescription of a JAKi in patients between Group 2 and Group 3. In 93 the first Group, BARI was the most prescribed drug (227 prescriptions, 66.2% of the total), followed 94 by TOFA (115, 33.5%) and UPA (1, 0.3%). In the second Group, the most prescribed JAKi was BARI 95 (147, 63.1%), followed by TOFA (65, 27.9%) and UPA (33, 11.5%). In the third Group, BARI was still 96 the most prescribed JAKi (104 prescriptions, 36.1%), followed by UPA (89, 30.9%), FILGO (89, 21.5%) 97 and TOFA (33, 11.5%). The number of patients prescribed TOFA decreased significantly between 98 Group 1 and Group 2 and between Group 2 and Group 3 (p ˂ 0.01). Patients who were prescribed 99 BARI decreased significantly between Group 1 and Group 2 and between Group 2 and Group 3 (p 100 ˂ 0.01). In contrast, patients prescribed UPA increased between Group 2 and Group 3 (p ˂ 0.01). 101 These data suggest that the warnings issued for TOFA were followed by a reduction in total JAKi 102 prescriptions. However, the more selective JAKi (UPA and FILGO) were perceived by prescribers 103 as favorable in terms of risk/benefit ratio and their use gradually increased at the expense of the 104 other molecules

    Radiation-magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the photoionisation of magnetised globules

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    We present the first three-dimensional radiation-magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the photoionisation of a dense, magnetised molecular globule by an external source of ultraviolet radiation. We find that, for the case of a strong ionising field, significant deviations from the non-magnetic evolution are seen when the initial magnetic field threading the globule has an associated magnetic pressure that is greater than one hundred times the gas pressure. In such a strong-field case, the photoevaporating globule will adopt a flattened or "curled up" shape, depending on the initial field orientation, and magnetic confinement of the ionised photoevaporation flow can lead to recombination and subsequent fragmentation during advanced stages of the globule evolution. We find suggestive evidence that such magnetic effects may be important in the formation of bright, bar-like emission features in H II regions. We include simple but realistic fits to heating and cooling rates in the neutral and molecular gas in the vicinity of a high-mass star cluster and show that the frequently used isothermal approximation can lead to an overestimate of the importance of gravitational instability in the radiatively imploded globule. For globules within 2 parsecs of a high-mass star cluster, we find that heating by stellar x rays prevents the molecular gas from cooling below 50 K.Comment: 19 pages, 16 figures, many in full color. Accepted by MNRAS. Updated to reflect the accepted version. Significantly expanded and improved with respect to the first version. Well worth downloading agai

    Development and implementation of the AIDA International Registry for patients with Periodic Fever, Aphthous stomatitis, Pharyngitis, and cervical Adenitis syndrome

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    Objective: Aim of this paper is to illustrate the methodology, design, and development of the AutoInflammatory Disease Alliance (AIDA) International Registry dedicated to patients with the Periodic Fever, Aphthous stomatitis, Pharyngitis, and cervical Adenitis (PFAPA) syndrome. Methods: This is a physician-driven, non-population- and electronic-based registry proposed to gather real-world demographics, clinical, laboratory, instrumental and socioeconomic data from PFAPA patients. Data recruitment is realized through the on-line Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) tool. This registry is thought to collect standardized information for clinical research leading to solid real-life evidence. The international scope and the flexibility of the registry will facilitate the realization of cutting-edge study projects through the constant updating of variables and the possible merging and transfer of data between current and future PFAPA registries. Results: A total of 112 centers have already been involved from 23 countries and 4 continents starting from August 24th, 2021, to April 6th, 2022. In total 56/112 have already obtained the formal approval from their local Ethics Committees. The platform counts 321 users (113 principal investigators, 203 site investigators, two lead investigators, and three data managers). The registry collects retrospective and prospective data using 3,856 fields organized into 25 instruments, including PFAPA patient's demographics, medical histories, symptoms, triggers/risk factors, therapies, and impact on the healthcare systems. Conclusions: The development of the AIDA International Registry for PFAPA patients will enable the on-line collection of standardized data prompting real-life studies through the connection of worldwide groups of physicians and researchers. This project can be found on NCT 05200715

    Development and Implementation of the AIDA International Registry for Patients With Undifferentiated Systemic AutoInflammatory Diseases

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    Objective: This paper points out the design, development and deployment of the AutoInflammatory Disease Alliance (AIDA) International Registry dedicated to pediatric and adult patients affected by Undifferentiated Systemic AutoInflammatory Diseases (USAIDs). Methods: This is an electronic registry employed for real-world data collection about demographics, clinical, laboratory, instrumental and socioeconomic data of USAIDs patients. Data recruitment, based on the Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) tool, is designed to obtain standardized information for real-life research. The instrument is endowed with flexibility, and it could change over time according to the scientific acquisitions and potentially communicate with other similar tools; this platform ensures security, data quality and data governance. Results: The focus of the AIDA project is connecting physicians and researchers from all over the world to shed a new light on heterogeneous rare diseases. Since its birth, 110 centers from 23 countries and 4 continents have joined the AIDA project. Fifty-four centers have already obtained the approval from their local Ethics Committees. Currently, the platform counts 290 users (111 Principal Investigators, 179 Site Investigators, 2 Lead Investigators, and 2 data managers). The Registry is collecting baseline and follow-up data using 3,769 fields organized into 23 instruments, which include demographics, history, symptoms, trigger/risk factors, therapies, and healthcare information access for USAIDs patients. Conclusions: The development of the AIDA International Registry for USAIDs patients will facilitate the online collection of real standardized data, connecting a worldwide group of researchers: the Registry constitutes an international multicentre observational groundwork aimed at increasing the patient cohort of USAIDs in order to improve our knowledge of this peculiar cluster of autoinflammatory diseases