8 research outputs found

    Scale-dependence of lithological control on topography: Bedrock channel geometry and catchment morphometry in western Scotland

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    We propose that a scale-dependent topographic signature of erodibility arises due to fluvial and glacial erosion acting on different parts of the landscape at different times. For 14 catchments in western Scotland, we define three levels of substrate erodibility in order of decreasing resistance: quartzite rocks, nonquartzite rocks, and zones of fault-related fracture. Then, using digital topographic and planimetric data coupled with field measurements, we identify regression based scaling relationships between substrate erodibility and morphometric parameters at two spatial scales. Catchment-scale morphometry shows a weak to variable relationship with substrate metrics overall. Erodibility can be inferred from catchment steepness indices (i.e., channel steepness index and relief ratio), but the existence of multiple exceptions could confound a more general application of this approach. Nonetheless, major valley troughs trace fault zones and nonquartzite rocks, leaving much of the higher and steeper ground formed in quartzite. At the reach scale, bedrock channel slope is far more sensitive to substrate erodibility than is channel width. Quartzite outcrops steepen bedrock channels by a factor of 1.5–6.0, and in terms of unit stream power, channels increase their erosional capacity by a factor of 2.7–3.5. Yet only 4%–13% of this increase is due to channel narrowing. Based on a large data set of bedrock channel width (n = 5825) from four rivers, we find that width scales with drainage area (in m<sup>2</sup>) as W = 0.01A<sup>0.28</sup>. Our results are consistent with the view that width-area scaling is similar in all single-thread rivers subject to transport-limited conditions but that for increasingly sediment supply limited settings, erosional thresholds at the channel boundary are the key determinants of bedrock channel width

    Lowland river responses to intraplate tectonism and climate forcing quantified with luminescence and cosmogenic 10Be

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    Intraplate tectonism has produced large-scale folding that steers regional drainage systems, such as the 1600 km-long Cooper Ck, en route to Australia’s continental depocentre at Lake Eyre. We apply cosmogenic 10Be exposure dating in bedrock, and luminescence dating in sediment, to quantify the erosional and depositional response of Cooper Ck where it incises the rising Innamincka Dome. The detachment of bedrock joint-blocks during extreme floods governs the minimum rate of incision (17.4±6.5 mm/ky) estimated using a numerical model of episodic erosion calibrated with our 10Be measurements. The last big-flood phase occurred no earlier than ~112–121ka. Upstream of the Innamincka Dome long-term rates of alluvial deposition, partly reflecting synclinal-basin subsidence, are estimated from 47 luminescence dates in sediments accumulated since ~270 ka. Sequestration of sediment in subsiding basins such as these may account for the lack of Quaternary accumulation in Lake Eyre, and moreover suggests that notions of a single primary depocentre at base-level may poorly represent lowland, arid-zone rivers. Over the period ~75–55 ka Cooper Ck changed from a bedload- dominant, laterally-active meandering river to a muddy anabranching channel network up to 60 km wide. We propose that this shift in river pattern was a product of base-level rise linked with the slowly deforming syncline–anticline structure, coupled with a climate-forced reduction in discharge. The uniform valley slope along this subsiding alluvial and rising bedrock system represents an adjustment between the relative rates of deformation and the ability of greatly enhanced flows at times during the Quaternary to incise the rising anticline. Hence, tectonic and climate controls are balanced in the long term

    Single-grain cosmogenic 21Ne concentrations in fluvial sediments reveal spatially variable erosion rates

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    We evaluated the hypothesis that the spatial variation in erosion in a catchment is reflected in the distribution of the cosmogenic nuclide concentrations in sediments leaving the catchment. Using published data and four new 10Be measurements in fluvial sediment collected from the outlets of small river catchments, we constrained the spatial variability of erosion rates in the Gaub River catchment in Namibia. We combined these catchment-averaged erosion rates, and the mean slope values with which they are associated, in a digital elevation model (DEM)–based analysis to predict distributions of cosmogenic 21Ne concentrations in the sediment leaving the Gaub catchment. We compared these synthetic distributions with the distribution of concentrations of cosmogenic 21Ne (21NeC) in 32 quartz fluvial pebbles (16–21 mm) collected from the catchment outlet. The 21NeC concentrations span nearly two orders of magnitude (2.6–160 × 106 atoms/g) and are highly skewed toward low values. The DEM-based analysis confirms this skew—the measured 21NeC distribution plots within the envelope of distributions predicted for the catchment. This match between measured and synthetic 21Ne distributions implies that the measured distribution is a signature of the spatial variation in erosion rates

    Does decreasing paraglacial sediment supply slow knickpoint retreat?

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    In four rivers in western Scotland for which there is a well constrained record of relative base-level fall, the rate of postglacial bedrock erosion is quantifi ed by measuring the concentration of in situ cosmogenic 10Be on strath terraces downstream of headward retreating knickpoints. Along-channel gradients in 10Be exposure age show two distinct trends: upstream younging and constant age, which we interpret as diagnostic of knickpoint retreat and diffusive transport-limited incision, respectively. We show that bedrock channel incision and regional formation of strath terraces began shortly after deglaciation (ca. 11.5 ka), and that knickpoint retreat rates peaked in the early to mid-Holocene. Erosion rates have since decreased by two orders of magnitude, converging in the late Holocene to low rates independent of stream power per unit channel area. We infer this regional slowing in postglacial knickpoint retreat to be the result of the depletion of paraglacial sediment supply over the Holocene, leading to a defi ciency in “tools” for bedrock erosion. Our results imply that episodes of major fl uvial erosion may be in tune with glacial cycles, and that sediment depletion following glacial-interglacial transitions may be an important cause of bedrock erosion rate variations in rivers draining glaciated landscapes

    TĂĽrkiye Bilimler Akademisi arkeoloji dergisi : TĂśBA-AR

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    The century-long debate over the origins of inner gorges that were repeatedly covered by Quaternary glaciers hinges upon whether the gorges are fluvial forms eroded by subaerial rivers, or subglacial forms cut beneath ice. Here we apply cosmogenic nuclide exposure dating to seven inner gorges along ~500 km of the former Fennoscandian ice sheet margin in combination with a new deglaciation map. We show that the timing of exposure matches the advent of ice-free conditions, strongly suggesting that gorges were cut by channelized subglacial meltwater while simultaneously being shielded from cosmic rays by overlying ice. Given the exceptional hydraulic efficiency required for meltwater channels to erode bedrock and evacuate debris, we deduce that inner gorges are the product of ice sheets undergoing intense surface melting. The lack of postglacial river erosion in our seven gorges implicates subglacial meltwater as a key driver of valley deepening on the Baltic Shield over multiple glacial cycles

    Journal of applied finance : JAF

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    Intraplate tectonism has produced large-scale folding that steers regional drainage systems, such as the 1600 km-long Cooper Ck, en route to Australia’s continental depocentre at Lake Eyre. We apply cosmogenic 10Be exposure dating in bedrock, and luminescence dating in sediment, to quantify the erosional and depositional response of Cooper Ck where it incises the rising Innamincka Dome. The detachment of bedrock joint-blocks during extreme floods governs the minimum rate of incision (17.4±6.5 mm/ky) estimated using a numerical model of episodic erosion calibrated with our 10Be measurements. The last big-flood phase occurred no earlier than ~112–121ka. Upstream of the Innamincka Dome long-term rates of alluvial deposition, partly reflecting synclinal-basin subsidence, are estimated from 47 luminescence dates in sediments accumulated since ~270 ka. Sequestration of sediment in subsiding basins such as these may account for the lack of Quaternary accumulation in Lake Eyre, and moreover suggests that notions of a single primary depocentre at base-level may poorly represent lowland, arid-zone rivers. Over the period ~75–55 ka Cooper Ck changed from a bedload- dominant, laterally-active meandering river to a muddy anabranching channel network up to 60 km wide. We propose that this shift in river pattern was a product of base-level rise linked with the slowly deforming syncline–anticline structure, coupled with a climate-forced reduction in discharge. The uniform valley slope along this subsiding alluvial and rising bedrock system represents an adjustment between the relative rates of deformation and the ability of greatly enhanced flows at times during the Quaternary to incise the rising anticline. Hence, tectonic and climate controls are balanced in the long term