313 research outputs found

    Utilidad de la ecografía pulmonar clínica en la bronquiolitis moderada-grave

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    La bronquiolitis aguda es un síndrome clínico muy frecuente en la infancia. Es una enfermedad inflamatoria de los bronquiolos, fundamentalmente causado por el virus respiratorio sincitial, que supone una gran carga asistencial anual tanto en atención primaria como hospitalaria. Sólo un pequeño porcentaje de los niños precisan ingreso en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Pediátricos (UCIP), fundamentalmente los lactantes más pequeños, y aquellos con factores de riesgo, por insuficiencia respiratoria o complicaciones de la enfermedad. Las pausas de apnea y el fallo hipercápnico secundario a fatiga son las causas más frecuentes de necesidad de ingreso en UCIP, aunque la hipoxemia producida por la formación de atelectasias puede también requerir soporte respiratorio avanzado. La bronquiolitis aguda es una entidad de difícil manejo clínico, ya que suele comportarse con un patrón mixto de patología restrictiva con áreas de pérdida de aireación y cortocircuito intrapulmonar, y un patrón obstructivo de atrapamiento aéreo y sobredistensión. El diagnóstico es clínico, y su tratamiento se basa fundamentalmente en medidas de soporte. El soporte respiratorio no invasivo (oxigenoterapia de alto flujo y ventilación no invasiva con uno o dos niveles de presión) proporciona oxígeno húmedo y caliente, y mejora los flujos inspiratorio y espiratorio, consiguiendo disminuir el esfuerzo respiratorio, el colapso dinámico de la vía aérea, y una mejoría del intercambio gaseoso, en muchos casos evitando la necesidad de intubación y ventilación mecánica. La ecografía clínica o en el punto de atención, llevada a cabo por los profesionales directamente encargados del cuidado de los pacientes, ha supuesto un gran avance en la práctica clínica, permitiendo un estudio dinámico y dirigido, que aporta una información anatómica y/o fisiológica que integrar a los datos clínicos y de laboratorio, para la toma de decisiones terapéuticas y la monitorización de la respuesta. Su disponibilidad, inocuidad y la posibilidad de repetirla tantas veces como sea necesario, la han convertido en una herramienta indispensable en los Servicios de Cuidados Intensivos. El mayor potencial cancerígeno de la radiación ionizante en niños ha despertado el interés de esta disciplina en el campo de la Pediatría en los últimos años. La ecografía pulmonar clínica es una de las modalidades que más posibilidades ofrece. La técnica y la semiología son fáciles de aprender. La imágenes que se obtienen son una combinación de artefactos e imágenes reales, en función de la normal aireación del pulmón, o de la pérdida de la misma por ocupación parcial o total de líquido. Dado que los artefactos pueden clasificarse de acuerdo con la relación aire/líquido, es posible crear puntuaciones que reflejen inversamente el grado de aireación pulmonar. En adultos se han usado distintos scores de puntuación cuantitativos para valorar el grado de aireación pulmonar, que parecen ser sólo útiles en trastornos pulmonares restrictivos (síndrome de distrés respiratorio agudo, neumonías, etc.). En los últimos años se han ido publicando algunos estudios sobre la utilidad de la ecografía pulmonar clínica en las bronquiolitis agudas. Se ha descrito el patrón ecográfico de las mismas, la correlación con la gravedad clínica, y cierta capacidad predictiva de los hallazgos ecográficos con la necesidad y duración de hospitalización, oxigenoterapia y soporte respiratorio distinto del oxígeno convencional, aunque no hay estudios suficientes que incluyan pacientes graves en UCIP. Por lo tanto, no está comprobado que la mejoría de la función respiratoria que experimentan los niños con bronquiolitis agudas moderadas y graves sometidos a soporte respiratorio no invasivo en la UCIP sea debido a una mejoría de la aireación pulmonar, ni que patrones de mayor pérdida de aireación pulmonar supongan una mayor gravedad clínica. Por ello llevamos a cabo este estudio, para cuantificar la aireación pulmonar mediante ecografía, describir el patrón ecográfico al ingreso en UCIP de las bronquiolitis agudas moderadas y graves, analizar la asociación entre el score ecográfico de aireación pulmonar con la escala de gravedad clínica y con la evolución clínica, valorar la capacidad predictiva del score ecográfico de aireación pulmonar con la necesidad de ventilación mecánica, y estudiar la concordancia inter-observador en cuanto a los hallazgos ecográficos. 95 Llevamos a cabo un estudio prospectivo observacional en la UCIP del Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal, en tres periodos epidémicos de virus respiratorio sincitial. El estudio incluyó un total de 36 niños <2 años con diagnóstico de bronquiolitis aguda, que precisaron soporte respiratorio con oxigenoterapia de alto flujo o ventilación no invasiva, y en los que fue posible realizar dos exploraciones ecográficas. Se realizó una primera valoración clínica y ecográfica al ingreso en UCIP, y una segunda valoración tras 2-3 horas de haber iniciado el soporte respiratorio no invasivo. Se obtuvo un score de aireación pulmonar cuantitativo que poder comparar. No pudimos demostrar que la aireación pulmonar cuantificada mediante el score ecográfico de aireación pulmonar tuviera correlación alguna con la puntuación de la escala clínica de gravedad, pero si encontramos relación con la evolución clínica posterior en cuanto a duración del ingreso en UCIP y duración de hospitalización total. Los niños menores de 3 meses presentaron una mayor pérdida de aireación pulmonar reflejando un mayor componente de afectación restrictiva. El virus respiratorio sincitial aislado o en coinfección con otros virus respiratorios no condicionó diferentes patrones de aireación pulmonar. Tampoco encontramos capacidad predictiva del score ecográfico de aireación pulmonar al inicio del soporte respiratorio no invasivo con la necesidad ni duración de ventilación mecánica. Los hallazgos ecográficos de las bronquiolitis agudas son múltiples pero inespecíficos, por lo que la ecografía pulmonar clínica no puede utilizarse como una prueba independiente para el diagnóstico, debiendo se considerada como una extensión de la evaluación clínica. La concordancia inter-observador fue buena, mejor para los patrones extremos que para los patrones intermedios de pérdida de aireación.Acute bronchiolitis is a very common lung infection in young children and infants. It is an acute inflammatory injury of the bronchioles caused by a viral infection, usually the respiratory syncytial virus, and represents a large annual health care burden in both outpatient and inpatient settings. Only a small proportion of children require admission to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, particularly young infants and those with risk factors, due to respiratory failure or disease´s complications. Apnea and hypercapnic respiratory failure due to muscular fatigue are the most frequent reasons for admission to PICU, although hypoxemia caused by development of atelectasis may also require advanced respiratory support. Acute bronchiolitis usually presents with a mixed pattern of restrictive disease with areas of loss of aeration and intrapulmonary shunt, and an obstructive pattern of air trapping and overdistention, being a challenge its clinical management. Diagnosis of acute bronchiolitis is based on typical history and results of a physical examination, and its treatment is focused on supportive care. Non-invasive respiratory support (high-flow oxygen therapy and non-invasive ventilation with continuous positive airway pressure or two pressure levels) provides heated and humidified oxygen and improves inspiratory and expiratory flows, reducing respiratory effort, dynamic airway collapse, and improving gas exchange, in many cases avoiding the need for intubation and mechanical ventilation. Point-of-care ultrasound, ultrasound imaging acquired and interpreted by a treating clinician at the bedside of the patient, has emerged as an advance in clinical practice, allowing a dynamic study, which provides anatomical and/or physiological information to be integrated with clinical and laboratory data, for therapeutic decision-making and monitoring response, increasing the diagnostic accuracy of the traditional bedside assessment. Its bedside availability, safety and the possibility of repeating it as many times as necessary, make point of care ultrasound an emerging valuable and essential tool in Intensive Care Units. The concern that children are at a greater risk than adults to develop cancer after being exposed to radiation, has increase the interest of this discipline in the field of Pediatrics in recent years. Clinical lung ultrasound offers a valuable tool for the management of respiratory diseases. The technique and semiology are easy to learn. Lung ultrasound is based on interpretation of artifacts along with true images, depending on the normal aeration of the lung or its partial or complete loss. Since artifacts can be classified according to the air/fluid ratio, it is possible to create scores that inversely reflect the degree of lung aeration. In adults, different quantitative scores have been used to assess the degree of pulmonary aeration, which seems to be only useful in restrictive pulmonary disorders (acute respiratory distress syndrome, pneumonia, etc.). In recent years, some studies have been published on the usefulness of clinical lung ultrasound in acute bronchiolitis. The ultrasound pattern and its correlation with clinical severity, and a certain predictive capacity of ultrasound findings for the need and length of hospitalization, oxygen therapy, and respiratory support other than conventional oxygen have been described, but there are lack of studies including critical patients in PICU. Therefore, it has not been proven yet that the improvement in the respiratory function experienced by children with moderate and severe acute bronchiolitis undergoing noninvasive respiratory support in PICU is due to an improvement in pulmonary aeration, and neither that patterns of greater loss of pulmonary aeration lead to greater clinical severity. For this reason, we carried out this study, to quantify pulmonary aeration by ultrasound, describe the ultrasound pattern on admission to the PICU of moderate and severe acute bronchiolitis, analyze the association between the ultrasound pulmonary aeration score with the clinical severity score and with the clinical progression, to assess the predictive capacity of the ultrasound lung aeration score with the need for mechanical ventilation, and to study the inter-observer agreement regarding the ultrasound findings. We conducted a prospective observational study in the PICU of Ramón y Cajal University Hospital, in three epidemic seasons of respiratory syncytial virus. The study included a 98 total of 36 children <2 years old with clinical diagnosis of acute bronchiolitis, who needed respiratory support with high flow oxygen therapy or noninvasive ventilation, and in whom it was possible to perform two ultrasound examinations. A first clinical and ultrasound evaluation was performed on admission to the PICU, and a second evaluation 2-3 hours after starting noninvasive respiratory support. A quantitative pulmonary aeration score was obtained. We failed to demonstrate that the pulmonary aeration quantified by the ultrasound pulmonary aeration score had any correlation with the clinical severity, but we did find a correlation with the clinical progression in terms of length of PICU stay and length of hospital admission. Children younger than 3 months showed a greater loss of pulmonary aeration, showing a greater component of restrictive affectation. Respiratory syncytial virus infection, in single infection or in coinfection with other respiratory viruses did not determine different pulmonary aeration patterns. The ultrasound findings of acute bronchiolitis are multiple but non-specific, so clinical lung ultrasound cannot be used as an independent test for diagnosis, and should be considered as an extension of clinical evaluation. Inter-observer agreement was good, better for extreme patterns than for intermediate aeration loss patterns

    Una nueva asociación prepirenaica de Asplenion petrarchae Br.-Bl. in Meier & Br.-Bl. 1934 nom. mut

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    A new Pre-Pyrenean association of Asplenion petrarchae Br.-B1. in Meier &amp; Br.-131. 1934 nom. mut. Palabras clave. Vegetación rupícola, Asplenietea, fitosociología, sintaxonomía, España. Key words. Rupicolous plant communities, Asplenietea, phytosociology, syntaxonomy, Spain

    Pharmacokinetic Appraisal of Carprofen Delivery from Intra-Articular Nanoparticles: A Population Modeling Approach in Rabbits

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    Osteoarthritis is frequently treated in veterinary settings with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) such as carprofen (CP). Its action over the articular cartilage can be enhanced by increasing drug uptake into the cartilage, alongside its site of action, and anticipating its rapid distribution towards the bloodstream. A pharmacokinetic study to evaluate carprofen nanoparticles (NP) after intraarticular administration (IA) in rabbits was performed through a modeling allometric approach. The pharmacokinetic analysis of plasma profiles showed a rapid CP distribution outwards the synovial chamber but mainly remaining in plasma (Vc = 0.14 L/5 Kg), according to its high protein-binding. The absorption data modeling showed the occurrence of two different release–absorption rate processes after nanoparticle administration in the synovial space, i.e., a fast rate process causing a burst effect and involving the 59.5% of the total CP absorbed amount and a slow rate process, involving 40.5%. Interestingly, the CP burst effect inside the joint space enhances its diffusion towards cartilage resulting in CP accumulation in about three times higher concentrations than in plasma. In line with these results, the normalized-by-dose area under the concentration vs. time curve (AUC) values after IA were 80% lower than those observed after the intravenous. Moreover, the slower slope of the concentration–time terminal phase after IA administration vs. intravenous (IV) suggested a flip-flop phenomenon (0.35 h-1 vs. 0.19 h-1). Notably, CP clearances are predictive of the pharmacokinetic (PK) profile of CP in healthy humans (0.14 L/h/5 kg vs. 2.92 L/h/70 kg) although an over-estimation has been detected for cats or dogs (10 times and 4 times, respectively). This fact could probably be attributed to inter-species metabolic differences. In summary, despite the limited number of animals used, this study shows that the rabbit model could be suitable for a predictive evaluation of the release enhancement of CP-NP towards the biophase in arthritic diseases not due to sterical retention of the formulation

    Catálogo preliminar de las plantas vasculares de los bosques del corredor biológico formado entre los parques nacionales naturales Puracé y Cueva de los Guácharos (Huila, Colombia)

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    A catalogue of the plant species found in the foest of the biological corridor located between the National Parks Purcé and Cueva de los Guácharos, Southern Huila Department, Colombia is presented. The main goal of the catalogue was to identify the species of the woodlands and disturbed areas in the biological corridor. Species sampling was made in a 1475 ha area during a vegetation survey made in order to characterize the flora and the structure of the biological corridor forest. The list is a representative sample of the species found in both conserved and disturbed Andean and sub-Andean forest between 1900 and 2443m of altitude beloging to three of the four municipalities of the corridor: San Agustín, Pitalito and Acevedo. We found 274 vascular species of 82 plant families. The richest families were Rubiaceae, Lauraceae, and Melastomataceae. A total number of 266 species for Angiospermae, 7 species for Pterydophyta and only one Gimnospermae, the Colombian pine, Retrophyllum rospigliosii, were registered in this study.Se presentá un catálogo de l;as especies encontradas en los bosques pertenecientes al corredor biológico ubicado entre los Parques Nacionales Naturales (PNN) Puracé, Cueva de los Guácharos, al sur del departamento del Huila, Colombia. El objetivo del cat;alogo es identificar las especies de las áreas boscosas y perturbadas del corredor. El muestreo de especies se realizó duranté el levantamiento de vegetación en un área total de 1475 ha necesaria para caracterzar florística y estructuralmente los bosques del corredor biológico. El listado es una muestra de las especies concentradas en los bosques subandinos y andinos mejor conservados y de las áreas intervenidas entre 1900 y 2443 m de altitud para tres de los cuatro municipios que hacen parte del corredor biológico: San Agustín, Pitalito y Acevedo. Se encontraron 274 especies de plantas vasculares distribuidas en 82 familias, siendo lsa más ricas Rubiaceae, Lauraceae y Melastomataceae. Pra el preente estudio se reportaron 266 especies de Angiospermas, 7 especies de Pteridófitos y una Gimnosperma, el pino colombiano Retrophyllum rospigliosii

    Hypoglycemia following intravenous insulin plus glucose for hyperkalemia in patients with impaired renal function

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    Producción CientíficaBackground: Hypoglycemia is a serious complication following the administration of insulin for hyperkalemia. We determined the incidence of hypoglycemia and severe hypoglycemia (blood glucose <70 or ≤40 mg/dl, respectively) in a cohort of AKI and non-dialysis dependent CKD patients who received an intravenous infusion of insulin plus glucose to treat hyperkalemia. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed charts of all AKI and non-dialysis dependent CKD patients who received 10 U of insulin plus 50 g glucose to treat hyperkalemia from December 1, 2013 to May 31, 2015 at our Department. Results: One hundred sixty four episodes of hyperkalemia were treated with insulin plus glucose and were eligible for analysis. Serum potassium levels dropped by 1.18 ± 1.01 mmol/l. Eleven treatments (6.1%) resulted in hypoglycemia and two (1.2%) in severe hypoglycemia. A lower pretreatment blood glucose tended to associate with a higher subsequent risk of hypoglycemia. Age, sex, renal function, an established diagnosis of diabetes or previous treatment were not associated with the development of this complication. We did not register any significant adverse events. Conclusion: Our intravenous regimen combining an infusion of insulin plus glucose effectively reduced serum potassium levels compared to previous studies and associated a low risk of symptomatic hypoglycemia and other complications

    Conflicto en el desempeño del papel maternal en estudios con madres de recién nacidos hospitalizados: revisión integral

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    The hospitalization of a newborn separates mother and child at a time when their contact is essential for developing the mother's role. Therefore, mothers tend to feel incapable of meeting their child's needs, and face difficulties in dealing with their personal feelings and the demands of their family. The objective of this study was to identify the defining characteristics of the nursing diagnosis Conflict in performing the role of mother in studies addressing the experience of being a mother in the neonatal unit. This is an integrative literature review, which utilized 15 qualitative studies published between 2004 and 2009, in journals indexed in the Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature and on the Medical Literature and Retrieval System Online. This diagnosis is a nursing phenomenon to be studied by neonatal nurses so they are able to recognize and propose interventions to meet the mothers' needs, considering that nine out of ten defining characteristics were identified in the mothers' statements.La hospitalización del neonato provoca separación entre madre e hijo cuando el contacto es fundamental para el desarrollo del papel materno. Consecuentemente, las madres tienden a sentirse incapaces de atender las necesidades del hijo, tienen dificultad para afrontar el sentimiento y las demandas familiares. Se objetivó identificar Características Definidoras del Diagnóstico de Enfermería Conflicto en el desempeño del papel maternal en estudios acerca de la experiencia de ser madre en la unidad neonatal. Revisión integral de la literatura, habiéndose utilizado quince estudios cualitativos, publicados entre 2004-2009 en períodos indexados en la Literatura Latinoamericana y del Caribe en Ciencias de Salud y Medical Literature and Retrieval System Online. Este diagnóstico constituye un fenómeno de Enfermería a ser estudiado por enfermeros neonatales para que puedan reconocer y proponer intervenciones para las necesidades maternas, en virtud de que nueve de las diez Características Definidoras fueron identificadas en los testimonios de las madresA hospitalização de um recém-nascido provoca a separação entre mãe e filho quando o contato é fundamental para o desenvolvimento do papel materno. Assim, as mães tendem a se sentir incapazes de atender as necessidades dos filhos, enfrentando dificuldades para lidar com seus sentimentos e com as demandas dos familiares. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar as Características Definidoras do Diagnóstico de Enfermagem Conflito no desempenho do papel de mãe em estudos sobre a experiência de ser mãe na unidade neonatal. Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura, que utilizou 15 estudos qualitativos, publicados de 2004 a 2009 em periódicos indexados na Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde e Medical LiteratureandRetrieval System OnLine. Este diagnóstico é um fenômeno de enfermagem a ser estudado por enfermeiros neonatais para que possam reconhecer e propor intervenções às necessidades maternas, visto que nove das dez Características Definidoras foram identificadas nos depoimentos das mães.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) EnfermagemUniversidade Estadual de Campinas Faculdade de Ciências Médicas Departamento de EnfermagemUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de EnfermagemUNIFESP, EnfermagemUNIFESP, Depto. de EnfermagemSciEL

    Factors associated with nipple trauma in the maternity unit

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    OBJECTIVE: To identify factors associated with nipple trauma in women breastfeeding exclusively in a maternity unit. METHODS: This was a case-control study that recruited 146 recently-delivered mothers in rooming-in wards: 73 cases, defined as women with nipple trauma, and 73 controls, defined as women free from this pathology. Women breastfeeding exclusively were tested daily for a diagnosis of nipple injury, identified using a magnifying glass. Sociodemographic, obstetric and neonatal variables were studied. A logistic regression model was used for statistical analysis. RESULTS: Cases and controls proved to be comparable in terms of their sociodemographic variables, although the women with nipple trauma were more likely not to be living with a partner. The following variables were found to be factors associated with nipple trauma: primiparity (OR 3.16; 95%CI 1.19-8.42), not living with a partner (OR 3.25; 95%CI 1.18-8.93), turgid and/or engorged breasts (OR 12.31; 95%CI 4.48-33.78), semi-protruding and/or malformed nipples (OR 4.69; 95%CI 1.50-14.62), and depigmentation of nipples (OR 13.98; 95%CI 4.43-44.06). CONCLUSION: Primiparity, not living with a partner, turgid and/or engorged breasts, semi-protruding and/or malformed nipples, and depigmentated nipples are associated with nipple trauma.OBJETIVO: Identificar os fatores associados ao trauma mamilar em mulheres em aleitamento materno exclusivo na maternidade. MÉTODOS: Estudo caso-controle com 146 puérperas internadas nas enfermarias de alojamento conjunto, sendo 73 casos, definidos como mulheres com trauma mamilar, e 73 controles, definidos como ausência da patologia. Diariamente buscaram-se mulheres em aleitamento materno exclusivo com diagnóstico de lesão mamilar, identificada por meio de lupa. Foram estudadas variáveis sociodemográficas, obstétricas e neonatais. Na análise estatística, utilizou-se modelo de regressão logística. RESULTADOS: Casos e controles mostraram-se semelhantes quanto às variáveis sociodemográficas, embora a ausência do companheiro tenha sido mais frequente no grupo de mulheres com trauma mamilar. As variáveis primiparidade (OR 3,16; IC95% 1,19-8,42), ausência do companheiro (OR 3,25; IC95% 1,18-8,93), mama túrgida e/ou ingurgitada (OR 12,31; IC95% 4,48-33,78), mamilo semiprotruso e/ou malformado (OR 4,69; IC95% 1,50-14,62) e despigmentação dos mamilos (OR 13,98; IC95% 4,43-44,06) comportaram-se como fatores associados ao trauma mamilar. CONCLUSÃO: Primiparidade, ausência do companheiro, mamas túrgidas e ingurgitadas, mamilos semiprotrusos e/ou malformados e despigmentados estão associados ao trauma mamilar.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)UNIFESP Departamento de EnfermagemUNIFESP Departamento de Medicina PreventivaUNIFESP, Depto. de EnfermagemUNIFESP, Depto. de Medicina PreventivaSciEL

    Estructura y composición florística de la vegetación del corredor biológico entre los parques nacionales naturales Puracé y Cueva de los Guácharos

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    The floristic compisitiion and structure of disturbed and non disturbed vegetation at the biological corridor located among the National Natural Parks Puracé, Cueva de los Guácharos was studied based on 16 plots in three localities of the Huila Department, Colombia, between 1950 and 2450m. A total of 1.5ha was sampled.La caracterización florística y estructural de la vegetación intervenida y no intervenida del corredor biológico entre los Parques Nacionales Naturales (PNN) Puracé y Cueva de los Guácharos se realizó con base en 16 levantamientos ubicados en tres municipios del sur del Huila, Colombia entre los 1950 y 2450m; En total se muestrearon 1.5ha

    Fatores associados à mamoplastia de aumento e o aleitamento materno

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    Objective: To analyze the association between the surgical characteristics of breast implants, time elapsed since surgery, access route, implant placement and implanted volume and variables related to breastfeeding, type, first ‘milk let-down’, breast engorgement, pain, lesion, milk production and use of galactagogues. Method: A prospective cohort carried out during the hospital stay (12 to 72 hours after delivery), home care (5th to 7th day after delivery) and telephone contact (between the 30th and 32nd day postpartum) of 115 postpartum women with breast implants between 2015 and 2017. Results: The first evaluation identified more frequent use of oral galactagogues (p=0.029) by puerperal women with prepectoral implants, and of oxytocin spray by those with implants up to 270 ml (p=0.040). The second evaluation showed a higher pain score among those with prepectoral implants (p=0.046). Around the 30th day postpartum, the presence of nipple lesion (p=0.021), pain (p=0.025) and a higher pain score (p=0.039) was more frequent among those with mammoplasty performed less than 10 years ago. Conclusion: The presence of pain and a higher pain score, the occurrence of lesion and the use of oral and nasal galactagogues were associated with implant placement, implant size and time elapsed since surgery

    Carprofen Permeation Test through Porcine Ex Vivo Mucous Membranes and Ophthalmic Tissues for Tolerability Assessments: Validation and Histological Study

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    Carprofen (CP), a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), is profusely used in veterinary medicine for its analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity. Some undesirable effects are associated with its systemic administration. Alternative local routes are especially useful to facilitate its administration in animals. The main aim of this paper is to validate the suitability of ex vivo permeation experiments of CP with porcine mucous membranes (buccal, sublingual and vaginal) and ophthalmic tissues (cornea, sclera and conjunctiva) intended to be representative of naïve in vivo conditions. Chromatographic analysis of CP in membrane-permeated samples and drug-retained have been validated following standard bioanalytical guidelines. Then, recovery levels of drugs in tissue samples were assessed with aqueous phosphate buffered saline (PBS) buffer to preserve the histological integrity. Finally, as a proof of concept, a series of CP permeation tests in vertical Franz diffusion cells has been performed to evaluate permeation flux and permeability constants in all tissues, followed by a histological study for critical evaluation. Furthermore, synthetic tissue retention-like samples were prepared to verify the value of this experimental study. Results show linear relationships with good determination coefficient (R2 > 0.998 and R2 > 0.999) in the range of 0.78 to 6.25 mg/mL and 3.125 mg/mL to 100 mg/mL, respectively. Low limits of quantification around 0.40 µg/mL were allowed to follow permeation levels until a minimum of 0.40% of the locally-applied dose. This method showed a good accuracy and precision with values lower than 2%. After the recovery technique, reproducible values below 30% were achieved in all tissues, suggesting it is a non-damaging method with low efficiency that requires the use of further solvents to enhance the extraction percentages. After permeation and histology tests, no relevant peak interferences were detected, and no cell or tissue damage was found in any tissue. In conclusion, results demonstrate the suitability of this test to quantify the distribution of CP with good histological tolerability