48 research outputs found

    Major flaws in conflict prevention policies towards Africa : the conceptual deficits of international actors’ approaches and how to overcome them

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    Current thinking on African conflicts suffers from misinterpretations oversimplification, lack of focus, lack of conceptual clarity, state-centrism and lack of vision). The paper analyses a variety of the dominant explanations of major international actors and donors, showing how these frequently do not distinguish with sufficient clarity between the ‘root causes’ of a conflict, its aggravating factors and its triggers. Specifically, a correct assessment of conflict prolonging (or sustaining) factors is of vital importance in Africa’s lingering confrontations. Broader approaches (e.g. “structural stability”) offer a better analytical framework than familiar one-dimensional explanations. Moreover, for explaining and dealing with violent conflicts a shift of attention from the nation-state towards the local and sub-regional level is needed.Aktuelle Analysen afrikanischer Gewaltkonflikte sind hĂ€ufig voller Fehlinterpretationen (Mangel an Differenzierung, Genauigkeit und konzeptioneller Klarheit, Staatszentriertheit, fehlende mittelfristige Zielvorstellungen). Breitere AnsĂ€tze (z. B. das Modell der Strukturellen StabilitĂ€t) könnten die Grundlage fĂŒr bessere Analyseraster und Politiken sein als eindimensionale ErklĂ€rungen. hĂ€ufig differenzieren ErklĂ€rungsansĂ€tze nicht mit ausreichender Klarheit zwischen Ursachen, verschĂ€rfenden und auslösenden Faktoren. Insbesondere die richtige Einordnung konfliktverlĂ€ngernder Faktoren ist in den jahrzehntelangen gewaltsamen Auseinandersetzungen in Afrika von zentraler Bedeutung. Das Diskussionspapier stellt die große Variationsbreite dominanter ErklĂ€rungsmuster der wichtigsten internationalen Geber und Akteure gegenĂŒber und fordert einen Perspektivenwechsel zum Einbezug der lokalen und der subregionalen Ebene fĂŒr die ErklĂ€rung und Bearbeitung gewaltsamer Konflikte

    Mapping Morality with a Compass: Testing the theory of ‘morality as cooperation’ with a new questionnaire

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    Morality-as-Cooperation (MAC) is the theory that morality is a collection of biological and cultural solutions to the problems of cooperation recurrent in human social life. MAC uses game theory to identify distinct types of cooperation, and predicts that each will be considered morally relevant, and each will give rise to a distinct moral domain. Here we test MAC's predictions by developing a new self-report measure of morality, the Morality-as-Cooperation Questionnaire (MAC-Q), and comparing its psychometric properties to those of the Moral Foundations Questionnaire (MFQ). Over four studies, the results support MAC's seven-factor model of morality, but not the MFQ's five-factor model. Thus MAC emerges as the best available compass with which to explore the moral landscape

    The Genomic Basis of Noise-induced Hearing Loss: A Literature Review Organized by Cellular Pathways

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    OBJECTIVE:Using Reactome, a curated Internet database, noise-induced hearing loss studies were aggregated into cellular pathways for organization of the emerging genomic and epigenetic data in the literature. DATA SOURCES:PubMed and Reactome.org, a relational data base program systematizing biological processes into interactive pathways and subpathways based on ontology, cellular constituents, gene expression, and molecular components. STUDY SELECTION:Peer-reviewed population and laboratory studies for the previous 15 years relating genomics and noise and hearing loss were identified in PubMed. Criteria included p values 1.5, or duplicated studies. DATA EXTRACTION AND SYNTHESIS:One-hundred fifty-eight unique HGNC identifiers from 77 articles met the selection criteria, and were uploaded into the analysis program at http://reactome.org. These genes participated in a total of 621 cellular interactions in 21 of 23 pathways. Cellular response to stress with its attenuation phase, particularly in response to heat stress, detoxification of ROS, and specific areas of the immune system are predominant pathways identified as significantly 'overrepresented' (p values <0.1e-5 and false discovery rates <0.01). CONCLUSION:Twenty-one of 23 of the designated pathways in Reactome have significant influence on noise-induced hearing loss, signifying a confluence of molecular pathways in reaction to acoustic trauma; however, cellular response to stress, including heat shock response, and other small areas of immune response were highly overrepresented. Yet-to-be-explored genomics areas include miRNA, lncRNA, copy number variations, RNA sequencing, and human genome-wide association study

    Summary statistics from <i>Novel Risk Loci in Tinnitus and Causal Inference With Neuropsychiatric Disorders Among Adults of European Ancestry</i>

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    Summary statistics from Clifford et al., 2020 (doi:10.1001/jamaoto.2020.2920).Please refer to original publication for detailed study information and phenotype definitions.</p