2,341 research outputs found

    Contribución al conocimiento del yacimiento de yeso de Vilaverd (Tarragona)

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    El jaciment de guix de Vilaverd (Tarragona) conté les següents espècies minerals: guix, dolomita, quars, bassanita, anhidrita, celestina, calcita (les tres últimes excepcionalment).S'hi han identificat 13 elements químics. En totes les mostres hi ha: Sr, Fe, K, Si, Al. S'ha fet l'anàlisi quantitativa dels 4 primers i, amb els resultats obtinguts, s'ha efectuat l'estudi de la correlació i l'anàlisi factorial. De tot el conjunt de dades hom dedueix que la presència d'argiles és en quantitat inferior a la sensibilitat difractomètrica. L'estronci apareix com a substituent del calci.La menor proporció de Fe i K en els noduls d'alabastre i la llur gran homometria son degudes a una recristal·lització que ha provocat I'expulsió de les argiles

    The influence of surface energy on the self-cleaning of insect adhesive devices

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    The ability of insects to adhere to surfaces is facilitated by the use of adhesive organs found on the terminal leg segments. These adhesive pads are inherently 'tacky' and are expected to be subject to contamination by particulates, leading to loss of function. Here, we investigated the self-cleaning of ants and beetles by comparing the abilities of both hairy and smooth pad forms to selfclean on both high and low energy surfaces after being fouled with microspheres of two sizes and surface energies. We focused on the time taken to regain adhesive potential in unrestrained Hymenopterans (Polyrhachis dives and Myrmica scabrinodis) and Coccinellids (Harmonia axyridis and Adalia bipunctata) fouled with microspheres. We found that the reattainment of adhesion is influenced by particle type and size in Hymenopterans, with an interaction between the surface energy of the contaminating particle and substrate. In Coccinellids, reattainment of adhesion was only influenced by particle size and substrate properties. The adhesive organs of Coccinellids appear to possess superior self-cleaning abilities compared with those of Hymenopterans, although Hymenopterans exhibit better adhesion to both surface types. © 2012. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd

    Case Report: Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis in a Young Child With SARS-CoV-2 Infection: The Italian Experience

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    IntroductionSevere acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection in pediatric patients is usually characterized by fever, dry cough, and fatigue, or is asymptomatic and rarely presents with pneumonia. On the other hand, cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) could be a neurological sequela of the prothrombotic state triggered by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) both in adults and children. Case ReportWe present a case of a 15-year-old male child who was obese and had mild neurocognitive impairment. He was admitted to the pediatric emergency department and then diagnosed with CVST during SARS-CoV-2 infection. ConclusionDuring the COVID-19 pandemic, in patients presenting with neurological manifestations of CVST (headache, alteration of consciousness, focal deficit, or signs of endocranial hypertension), it is advisable to look for a current or recent infection of SARS-CoV-2, regardless of the presence of respiratory symptoms. In our patient, ongoing SARS-CoV-2 infection represents the only prothrombotic risk factor underlying the neurological disease

    Variations of training load, monotony, and strain and dose-response relationships with maximal aerobic speed, maximal oxygen uptake, and isokinetic strength in professional soccer players

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    This study aimed to identify variations in weekly training load, training monotony, and training strain across a 10-week period (during both, pre- and in-season phases); and to analyze the dose-response relationships between training markers and maximal aerobic speed (MAS), maximal oxygen uptake, and isokinetic strength. Twenty-seven professional soccer players (24.9±3.5 years old) were monitored across the 10-week period using global positioning system units. Players were also tested for maximal aerobic speed, maximal oxygen uptake, and isokinetic strength before and after 10 weeks of training. Large positive correlations were found between sum of training load and extension peak torque in the right lower limb (r = 0.57, 90%CI[0.15;0.82]) and the ratio agonist/antagonist in the right lower limb (r = 0.51, [0.06;0.78]). It was observed that loading measures fluctuated across the period of the study and that the load was meaningfully associated with changes in the fitness status of players. However, those magnitudes of correlations were small-to-large, suggesting that variations in fitness level cannot be exclusively explained by the accumulated load and loading profile

    Endotoxin increase after fat overload is related to postprandial hypertriglyceridemia in morbidly obese patients.

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    The low-grade inflammation observed in obesity has been associated with a high-fat diet, though this relation is not fully understood. Bacterial endotoxin, produced by gut microbiota, may be the linking factor. However, this has not been confirmed in obese patients. To study the relationship between a high-fat diet and bacterial endotoxin, we analyzed postprandial endotoxemia in morbidly obese patients after a fat overload. The endotoxin levels were determined in serum and the chylomicron fraction at baseline and 3 h after a fat overload in 40 morbidly obese patients and their levels related with the degree of insulin resistance and postprandial hypertriglyceridemia. The morbidly obese patients with the highest postprandial hypertriglyceridemia showed a significant increase in lipopolysaccharide (LPS) levels in serum and the chylomicron fraction after the fat overload. Postprandial chylomicron LPS levels correlated positively with the difference between postprandial triglycerides and baseline triglycerides. There were no significant correlations between C-reactive protein (CRP) and LPS levels. The main variables contributing to serum LPS levels after fat overload were baseline and postprandial triglyceride levels but not glucose or insulin resistance. Additionally, superoxide dismutase activity decreased significantly after the fat overload. Postprandial LPS increase after a fat overload is related to postprandial hypertriglyceridemia but not to degree of insulin resistance in morbidly obese patients

    Desarrollo de competencias a través de un proyecto multidisciplinario

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    En un esfuerzo conjunto los profesores de las Facultades de Ciencias de la Comunicación y Salud Pública y Nutrición de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, desarrollamos un proyecto colaborativo en línea, donde los alumnos inscritos en las materias de Desarrollo de Campañas Publicitarias y Posicionamiento de la FCC y Salud Pública y Nutrición de la FaSPyN desarrollaran competencias de trabajo multidisciplinario y aplicación de las tecnologías de información y comunicación, para el diseño de una campaña publicitaria de enfoque social. El fundamento para el presente proyecto ha sido la Visión UANL 2012 en la cual se establece que “las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación contribuyen a la creación de ambientes para el aprendizaje, entendidos, estos como situaciones educativas centradas en el estudiante, que favorecen el aprendizaje autodirigido y el desarrollo del pensamiento reflexivo y crítico”, así mismo, que el modelo educativo deberá contemplar el rediseño curricular centrado en el aprendizaje, un enfoque transversal de la currícula que incoprpore persepctivas multi, inter y transdisciplinarias y la incorporación del uso de la tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TIC) en los procesos de enseñanza aprendizaje. De esta manera organizamos el trabajo en 21 equipos multidisciplinarios constituidos por 1 mercadólogo, 1-2 publicistas, 3-4 nutriólogos. Se establecieron 11 temas diferentes tales como: a) Importancia del desayuno, b) Obesidad infantil, c) Actividad física, d) Lectura de etiquetas, etc. Para que los equipos pudieran trabajar en línea, tanto los maestros como los alumnos de Nutrición, recibieron capacitación en el manejo de la plataforma tecnológica Blackboard, no siendo necesario para los alumnos de ciencias de la comunicación ya que ellos se encuentran inscritos en la modalidad en línea. El resultado de este proyecto son 21 campañas publicitarias que incluyen cartel publicitario, spot de radio y comercial de TV, este material fue utilizado por los alumnos de Nutrición durante la visita que realizaron a las escuelas primarias del área metropolitana de Monterrey con motivo de la celebración del día mundial de la alimentación. El proyecto concluyó con la ceremonia de premiación y entrega de reconocimientos tanto para los alumnos, profesores y autoridades que hicieron posible la realización del mismo

    Hybrid organic-inorganic mononuclear lanthanoid single ion magnets

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    The first family of hybrid mononuclear organic-inorganic lanthanoid complexes is reported, based on [PW11O39]7− and 1,10-phenanthroline ligands. This hybrid approach causes a dramatic improvement of the relaxation time (×1000) with a decrease of the optimal field while maintaining the Ueff of the inorganic analogues