555 research outputs found

    El uso de conchas marinas como soporte de útiles pulimentados: una pieza recuperada en Costamar (Castellón)

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    La singularidad de un instrumento pulimentado recuperada en los niveles neolíticos del yacimiento de Costamar (Castellón) suscitó un análisis detallado tanto de la naturaleza del soporte, que se ha identificado como concha marina correspondiente a la especie Spondylus gaederopus, como de los rastros de uso conservados en la zona activa, que permiten redefinir el útil como una azuela

    El porqué y para qué de la ‘Traceología’ en la Arqueología prehistórica

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    In this paper a series of questions related to the functional analyses of prehistoric tools based on the application of methods summarized under the umbrella traceological or in other words, use-wear analysis will be presented. Questions inherently related to the necessity of broadening the scope of this methodology in order to obtain data on the nature of social interactions are addressed. These analytical methods allow us to obtain basic information’s about the productive processes in which these distinct tools have been used, about the functionality of the archaeological sites, the organization of social space and the division of labor based on age and gender of their occupants. Wewill touch upon some of these aspects based on our data obtained using these methods on archaeological materials from different chronologies and geographical contexts. On some of these occasions we will draw upon analysis and determinations provided by other researchers in order to emphasize certain aspects of research.En este trabajo se plantean una serie de cuestiones en relación al ‘análisis funcional’ de los instrumentos de trabajo prehistóricos a partir de la aplicación del método denoinado como Traceología o Use-wear analysis. Cuestiones que tienen que ver con la necesidad de aplicar ese método analítico si queremos obtener datos de índole social. Esta técnica de análisis nos permite obtener información básica sobre los procesos productivos en los que intervinieron los distintos instrumentos, sobre la funcionalidad de los asentamientos o sitios arqueológicos, sobre la organización social del espacio y la división del trabajo por género y/o edad. Nos adentraremos en algunos de estos aspectos basándonos en los datos obtenidos a partir de la aplicación, por parte nues- tra, de este método analítico a materiales arqueológico de diferentes procedencias geográficas y cronologías. En ocasiones también recogemos explicaciones de otros/as investigadores/as para enfatizar en determinados aspectos

    The use of mollusc shells as tools by coastal human groups: The contribution of ethnographical studies to research on mesolithic and early neolithic technologies in Northern Spain

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    In European archaeology, the malacological remains recovered in archaeological contexts have traditionally been considered almost exclusively as food waste. In other cases, this view has been broadened in order to study these remains as an expression of aspects of the social organization of the human groups, based on the use of perforated shells as objects of personal ornamentation. However, the study of these natural resources as raw materials for the manufacture of tools aimed at satisfying the production needs of the human groups has been very limited. This little-developed aspect of research is at variance with the abundant ethnographic information from many different periods and geographical settings showing that malacological resources were used in many complex and varied ways. This paper is an attempt at compiling a small part of this ethnographic information - a contribution which, through its critical application to the archaeological record, is of interest in establishing a methodology for studying this type of evidence. In the specific case of northern Spain, information from ethnographic studies has been used to develop an appropriate methodology with which to approach the analysis of this kind of archaeological evidence, as recently documented for the first time at the classic site of Santimamihe (Basque Country). At the same time, the documentation of shell tools could provide an explanation for the scarcity of " traditional technologies " that characterizes many Mesolithic and early Neolithic sites in northern Spain.The authors would like to thank the University of Cantabria for financial support, J. C. Lopez Quintana, M. R. Gonzalez Morales, and A. Garcia Moreno for their help; and L. G. Straus, C. Claassen, D. Lubell, and two anonymous referees for their comments

    La larga marcha: de roca a instrumento

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    "Encuentro en los conchales fueguinos" ha estat coordinat pel Departament d'Antropologia Social i de Prehistòria de la Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona.[EN] This chapter presents the analysis of the of mineral resources to characterize the production of lithic tools and their use on other production processes. All these processes begin with the obtention of raw materials, its subsequent transformation, and fmish when they are used as finished implements to obtain other goods. These two steps are dialectically related which help us to state the changes in the management of mineral resources.[ES] En este trabajo partimos del análisis de la gestión de los recursos minerales para caracterizar la producción de instrumentos de trabajo líticos y su posterior participación en los procesos de trabajo destinados a la consecución de bienes materiales de consumo. Para ello nos interesa conocer, en cada uno de esos procesos, la obtención de la materia prima, la transformación de la misma, y su posterior utilización.Peer reviewe

    ¿En el camino de la desigualdad? El litoral de la costa Caribe de Nicaragua entre el 500 cal. ANE y el 450 cal. NE

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    Al inicio del proyecto de investigación desarrollado en la Costa Atlántica de Nicaragua, nos planteamos la excavación de uno de los yacimientos costeros, Karoline (con cronologías entre 340 cal ANE a 350 cal NE) bajo la perspectiva de conocer el grado de desarrollo y la evolución de las sociedades prehistóricas que poblaron esta región caribeña. Basándonos en fuentes etnohistóricas referentes a la denominada la Costa Mosquita de los siglos XVII-XIX, creíamos encontrarnos ante una sociedad articulada en torno a pequeñas comunidades dedicadas básicamente a la caza, pesca y recolección, en algunos casos con una agricultura de subsistencia incipiente. Sin embargo, el recién descubrimiento del sitio El Cascal de Flor de Pino (KH-31, 750 cal ANE-340 calNE) parece indicarnos que podría tratarse de una sociedad con una organización social un tanto más compleja.The original aim of the research project carried out on the Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua was to excavate one of the coastal sites (Karoline, KH-4, 340 calBC-350 cal. AD) to determine the levels of evolution and development of the prehistoric societies that populated this Caribbean region. Written ethno-historical sources for the so-called Mosquito Coast from the 17th-19th centuries, suggested that this was a society composed of small groups, basically devoted to hunting/fishing and gathering, probably with incipient subsistence agriculture. However, the recent discovery of the site of El Cascal de Flor de Pino (KH-31, 750 calBC-340 calAD) seems to indicate the possibility of a society with a rather more complex level of social organisation

    Past, present and future of the use-wear analysis applied to the study of prehistoric shell tools

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    Resumen: El análisis funcional orientado al estudio de la tecnología lítica ha tenido un gran desarrollo durante las últimas décadas, tanto a nivel metodológico cómo en variedad y cantidad de aplicaciones. Sin embargo, el estudio del utillaje manufacturado con materias duras de origen animal, especialmente los instrumentos de concha, a partir de la traceología ha tenido menor interés en la investigación arqueológica. En este sentido, numerosa y variada información etnográfica muestra que las poblaciones que explotaron los recursos costeros también emplearon las conchas, bien de forma expeditiva o bien mediante diferentes procesos de manufactura, como instrumento de trabajo para realizar sus actividades de producción. En este artículo mostraremos esta variedad de evidencias etnográficas, para posteriormente presentar y debatir acerca de las diferentes aplicaciones arqueológicas que se han desarrollado, principalmente, basadas en la traceología. Haciendo especial hincapié en los trabajos pioneros, su evolución durante las últimas décadas y los retos futuros para el desarrollo de este tipo de estudios en la investigación arqueológica.Abstract: Use-wear methodology oriented on the analysis of the lithic technology has made great progress in recent decades, both in terms of methodological approaches and the variety and quantity of applications of the technique. However, the study of tools manufactured with hard animal materials, specially the shell tools, using the use-wear methodology has been less of a focus in archaeological research. Extended and varied ethnographic information shows that populations exploiting coastal resources often used shells, expeditiously or by distinct manufacturing processes, as tools for the development of their production activities. This article shows this variety of ethnographic evidence for shell use, before presenting and discussing some of the most important applications based on the use-wear methodology for the study of these tools. Particular emphasis is made on pioneering work, its evolution over the past decades, and the future challenges for the development of this analysis in archaeological research.Esta investigación se ha realizado en el marco de sendos proyectos financiados por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (HAR2010-22115-C02-01 y HAR2013-46802-P). DCS es financiado actualmente por esta misma entidad a través de un contrato postdoctoral del Programa de Investigación Juan de la Cierva- Incorporación (IJCI-2014-20590)

    Manufacture and bone tools wear in prehistoric sites of eastern Uruguay

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    En este trabajo analizamos, desde un punto de vista tecno-funcional, un conjunto de herramientas recuperadas en dos yacimientos prehistóricos en las tierras bajas del Este de Uruguay. Estas herramientas son objeto de análisis tecnológicos y funcionales, obteniéndose interesantes resultados sobre todo a nivel funcional, que muestran los diferentes usos que se le dieron a estas herramientas a la vez que las ubican dentro del esquema productivo general

    Shell tools and productive strategies of hunter-gatherer groups: Some reflections from a use-wear analysis at the Balma del Gai site (Barcelona, Spain)

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    Balma del Gai site is a small rock shelter situated in the municipality of Moià (Barcelona, Spain) at an altitude of 760 m above sea level and 50 km from the current coastline. The levels of occupation in this context are dated between 13,442 cal BP and 9,552 cal BP, being related to the so-denominated "Epimagdalenian" and "Microlaminar Sauveterroid" complexes. The excavations have provided important mollusc samples, both terrestrial and marine, which have been studied and considered alimentary and adornment resources. In this article, we present the results of the use-wear analyses of the shell tools of Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck, 1819 and Glycymeris glycymeris (Linnaeus, 1758). The results of these analyses and their comparison with analytical experimentation demonstrate that some of these shells were used as tools for developing diverse productive activities related to the processing of materials of animal, mineral and vegetal origin. In this way, this research contributes to: 1) broaden the technological spectrum registered in this context and in a wider sense for Epipalaeolithic hunter-gatherers (beyond the traditional technological elements), 2) demonstrate a diversified use of the shells as adornments, food and tools in the site; an aspect of great interest especially bearing in mind the distance from the coast

    The effects of defensive style and final game outcome on the external training load of professional basketball players

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    [EN] This study aimed to analyse the influence of different contextual factors (i.e., defensive style and game outcome) on basketball players’ external load during games-based drills using ultrawideband (UWB) technology. Fourteen male professional basketball players belonging to an elite reserve Spanish club (ACB) participated in this study. The games-based drills consisted of one bout of 10 min played 5vs5 in which players were instructed to use man-to-man defence (MMD) and/or zone defence (ZD). In addition, the final game outcome (i.e., winning or losing) of the game-based drill was registered. External load variables per minute were recorded: total distance covered, distance covered in different speed zones, distance covered while accelerating and decelerating, maximum speed, steps, jumps and player load. A two-way ANOVA with the Tukey post hoc test was used to assess the impact of defensive style and final game outcome and the interaction of both factors on the external load encountered by basketball players. No meaningful differences (unclear) were found in the external loads between playing with MMD and with ZD and between winning and losing teams except for greater distance at high-speed running (18.0–24.0 km·h-1) in winning teams (p < 0.05, ES = 0.68, moderate). A significant interaction between defensive style and final game outcome was found for high decelerations (> -2 m·s-2) (p = 0.041; ES = 0.70) and jumps (p = 0.037; ES = 0.68). These results could potentially help coaching staff in prescribing an appropriate workload during basketball-specific gamebased drills, and ultimately enhance the match performance.The project leading to these results has received funding from “La Caixa” Foundation (ID 100010434) and La Caja de Burgos, under agreement LCF/PR/PR18/51130008Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER)] (NARPAS_MM) [SPGC201800X098742CV0]