29 research outputs found

    Recreational ketamine-related deaths notified to the National Programme on Substance Abuse Deaths, England, 1997-2019

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    © 2021 The Authors. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits non-commercial use, reproduction and distribution of the work without further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages (https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/open-access-at-sage).Background: Ketamine is a phencyclidine derivative with dissociative anaesthetic properties. Increasing numbers of individuals in England take ketamine recreationally. Information on deaths arising from such use in England is presented. Methods: Cases were extracted on 31 January 2020 from the National Programme on Substance Abuse Deaths database, based on text searches of the cause of death, coroner’s verdict and positive toxicology results for the terms ‘ketamine’ or ‘norketamine’. Findings: During 1997–2005, there were <5 deaths p.a. in which ketamine was implicated. Numbers increased until 2009 (21), plateauing until 2016; thereafter, deaths have risen to about 30 p.a. Decedents’ characteristics (N = 283): male 84.1%, mean age 31.2 (SD 10.0) years, employed 56.5%, drug use history 79.6% and living with others 60.3%. Ketamine was detected with other substances in most cases. Main (74.6%) underlying cause of death was accidental poisoning. Ketamine may have impaired judgement in other cases. Conclusions: Although controlled, recreational ketamine use and related fatalities continue to increase. Consumers need to be more aware of the potentially fatal risks they face.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Deaths from Novel Psychoactive Substances in England, Wales and Northern Ireland: Evaluating the Impact of the UK Psychoactive Substances Act 2016

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    Background: ‘Legal highs’ began appearing in the UK in the mid-2000s. Whilst many of these substances were controlled under the 1971 Misuse of Drugs Act, novel compounds and new variants of controlled compounds were continuously being introduced to the recreational drug market. The Psychoactive Substances Act (PSA) was therefore implemented in 2016 as a blanket ban on all novel psychoactive substances (NPS). Aim: To evaluate the impact of the PSA on deaths following NPS use in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Methods: Cases reported to the National Programme on Substance Abuse Deaths where death had occurred 3 years pre- or post-implementation of the PSA were extracted. Cases with NPS detected at post-mortem were analysed and compared against cases non-NPS cases. Results: 293 deaths with NPS detected were identified; 91 occurring before the PSA and 202 afterwards, indicating an 222.0% post-PSA increase. Contrastingly, non-NPS drug-related death case reporting increased by only 8.0%. Synthetic cannabinoid, anxiolytic/sedative and stimulant NPS were detected in the largest proportions of deaths pre-PSA; post-PSA stimulant NPS detections reduced whilst synthetic cannabinoid and anxiolytic/sedative detections increased. Post-PSA, average decedent age increased significantly (mean age pre-PSA 34.4±10.8 vs post-PSA 38.3±9.4), and they were significantly more likely to have been living in deprived areas (pre-PSA 50.0% vs post-PSA 65.9%). Conclusions: Reporting of deaths following NPS use has risen despite introduction of the PSA. Whilst deaths amongst younger individuals and those living in more affluent areas has reduced, additional approaches to prohibition are needed to curb their persistence in deprived demographics

    An exploratory study of information sources and key findings on UK cocaine-related deaths.

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    Cocaine-related deaths have increased since the early 1990s in Europe, including the UK. Being multi-factorial, they are difficult to define, detect and record. The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction commissioned research to: describe trends reported to Special Mortality Registries and General Mortality Registers; provide demographic and drug-use characteristic information of cases; and establish how deaths are identified and classified. A questionnaire was developed and piloted amongst all European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction Focal Point experts/Special Mortality Registries: 19 (63%) responded; nine countries provided aggregated data. UK General Mortality Registers use cause of death and toxicology to identify cocaine-related deaths. Categorisation is based on International Classification of Diseases codes. Special Mortality Registries use toxicology, autopsy, evidence and cause of death. The cocaine metabolites commonly screened for are: benzoylecgonine, ecgonine methyl ester, cocaethylene and ecgonine. The 2000s saw a generally accelerating upward trend in cases, followed by a decline in 2009. The UK recorded 2700-2900 deaths during 1998-2012. UK Special Mortality Registry data (2005-2009) indicate: 25-44 year-olds account for 74% of deaths; mean age=34 (range 15-81) years; 84% male. Cocaine overdoses account for two-thirds of cases; cocaine alone being mentioned/implicated in 23% in the UK. Opioids are involved in most (58%) cocaine overdose cases

    Determining the feasibility of calculating pancreatic cancer risk scores for people with new-onset diabetes in primary care (DEFEND PRIME): study protocol

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    Introduction Worldwide, pancreatic cancer has a poor prognosis. Early diagnosis may improve survival by enabling curative treatment. Statistical and machine learning diagnostic prediction models using risk factors such as patient demographics and blood tests are being developed for clinical use to improve early diagnosis. One example is the Enriching New-onset Diabetes for Pancreatic Cancer (ENDPAC) model, which employs patients’ age, blood glucose and weight changes to provide pancreatic cancer risk scores. These values are routinely collected in primary care in the UK. Primary care’s central role in cancer diagnosis makes it an ideal setting to implement ENDPAC but it has yet to be used in clinical settings. This study aims to determine the feasibility of applying ENDPAC to data held by UK primary care practices. Methods and analysis This will be a multicentre observational study with a cohort design, determining the feasibility of applying ENDPAC in UK primary care. We will develop software to search, extract and process anonymised data from 20 primary care providers’ electronic patient record management systems on participants aged 50+ years, with a glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) test result of ≥48 mmol/mol (6.5%) and no previous abnormal HbA1c results. Software to calculate ENDPAC scores will be developed, and descriptive statistics used to summarise the cohort’s demographics and assess data quality. Findings will inform the development of a future UK clinical trial to test ENDPAC’s effectiveness for the early detection of pancreatic cancer. Ethics and dissemination This project has been reviewed by the University of Surrey University Ethics Committee and received a favourable ethical opinion (FHMS 22-23151 EGA). Study findings will be presented at scientific meetings and published in international peer-reviewed journals. Participating primary care practices, clinical leads and policy makers will be provided with summaries of the findings

    The ethnicity attainment gap among medical and biomedical science students: a qualitative study.

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    Background Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) medical students and professionals frequently underachieve when compared with their White counterparts not only in the United Kingdom, but across the globe. There is no consensus for the definitive causes of this attainment gap, but suggestions contributing towards it include: increased feelings of isolation as a member of a minority culture or religion; a poorer higher education (HE) experience compared with White counterparts; and stereotype threat, whereby students underperform in exams from the stresses of fearing confirming to a negative-stereotype. Methods The aim of this study was to gather qualitative data on HE experiences of medical and biomedical science students to explore factors contributing to the attainment gap. Audio-recorded, semi-structured interviews and a novel approach for this research area of ethnically-homogenous student-led focus groups, were held with students and staff at a healthcare-based university in London, where lower attainment, slower rates of degree completion and lower levels of satisfaction with HE experience were identified in BAME students compared with White students. Thematic analysis was used to manage, summarize and analyse the data. Results Forty-one students and eight staff members were interviewed or took part in focus groups. The student data were best explained by two main themes: social factors and stereotyping, whilst staff data were also best explained by two main themes: social factors and student and staff behaviour. Social factors suggested ethnically-defined social networks and the informal transfer of knowledge impacted academic performance, isolating minority groups from useful academic information. BAME students may also be at a further disadvantage, being unable to attend social and academic functions for cultural or family reasons. Black students also mentioned changing their behaviour to combat negative stereotypes in a variety of contexts. Conclusions This study suggests that forms of discrimination, whether conscious or unconscious, may be negatively impacting the abilities of BAME students both in examinations and in coursework choice. It highlights the importance of social networks for the transfer of academic knowledge and the impact ethnicity may have on their formation, with issues around segregation and the sharing of information outside defined groups

    Ethics and legal requirements for data linkage in 14 European countries for children with congenital anomalies

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    Introduction Linking healthcare data sets can create valuable resources for research, particularly when investigating rare exposures or outcomes. However, across Europe, the permissions processes required to access data can be complex. This paper documents the processes required by the EUROlinkCAT study investigators to research the health and survival of children with congenital anomalies in Europe.Methods Eighteen congenital anomaly registries in 14 countries provided information on all the permissions required to perform surveillance of congenital anomalies and to link their data on live births with available vital statistics and healthcare databases for research. Small number restrictions imposed by data providers were also documented.Results The permissions requirements varied substantially, with certain registries able to conduct congenital anomaly surveillance as part of national or regional healthcare provision, while others were required to obtain ethics approvals or informed consent. Data linkage and analysis for research purposes added additional layers of complexity for registries, with some required to obtain several permissions, including ethics approvals to link the data. Restrictions relating to small numbers often resulted in a registry’s data on specific congenital anomalies being unusable.Conclusion The permissions required to obtain and link data on children with congenital anomalies varied greatly across Europe. The variation and complexity present a significant obstacle to the use of such data, especially in large data linkage projects. Furthermore, small number restrictions severely limited the research that could be performed for children with specific rare congenital anomalies

    Ethics and legal requirements for data linkage in 14 European countries for children with congenital anomalies

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    INTRODUCTION: Linking healthcare data sets can create valuable resources for research, particularly when investigating rare exposures or outcomes. However, across Europe, the permissions processes required to access data can be complex. This paper documents the processes required by the EUROlinkCAT study investigators to research the health and survival of children with congenital anomalies in Europe. METHODS: Eighteen congenital anomaly registries in 14 countries provided information on all the permissions required to perform surveillance of congenital anomalies and to link their data on live births with available vital statistics and healthcare databases for research. Small number restrictions imposed by data providers were also documented. RESULTS: The permissions requirements varied substantially, with certain registries able to conduct congenital anomaly surveillance as part of national or regional healthcare provision, while others were required to obtain ethics approvals or informed consent. Data linkage and analysis for research purposes added additional layers of complexity for registries, with some required to obtain several permissions, including ethics approvals to link the data. Restrictions relating to small numbers often resulted in a registry’s data on specific congenital anomalies being unusable. CONCLUSION: The permissions required to obtain and link data on children with congenital anomalies varied greatly across Europe. The variation and complexity present a significant obstacle to the use of such data, especially in large data linkage projects. Furthermore, small number restrictions severely limited the research that could be performed for children with specific rare congenital anomalies

    Liver transplantation in ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency: A retrospective multicentre cohort study

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    Ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency (OTCD) is an X-linked defect of ureagenesis and the most common urea cycle disorder. Patients present with hyperammonemia causing neurological symptoms, which can lead to coma and death. Liver transplantation (LT) is the only curative therapy, but has several limitations including organ shortage, significant morbidity and requirement of lifelong immunosuppression. This study aims to identify the characteristics and outcomes of patients who underwent LT for OTCD. // We conducted a retrospective study for OTCD patients from 5 UK centres receiving LT in 3 transplantation centres between 2010 and 2022. Patients' demographics, family history, initial presentation, age at LT, graft type and pre- and post-LT clinical, metabolic, and neurocognitive profile were collected from medical records.// A total of 20 OTCD patients (11 males, 9 females) were enrolled in this study. 6/20 had neonatal and 14/20 late-onset presentation. 2/20 patients had positive family history for OTCD and one of them was diagnosed antenatally and received prospective treatment. All patients were managed with standard of care based on protein-restricted diet, ammonia scavengers and supplementation with arginine and/or citrulline before LT. 15/20 patients had neurodevelopmental problems before LT. The indication for LT was presence (or family history) of recurrent metabolic decompensations occurring despite standard medical therapy leading to neurodisability and quality of life impairment. Median age at LT was 10.5 months (6–24) and 66 months (35–156) in neonatal and late onset patients, respectively. 15/20 patients had deceased donor LT (DDLT) and 5/20 had living related donor LT (LDLT). Overall survival was 95% with one patient dying 6 h after LT. 13/20 had complications after LT and 2/20 patients required re-transplantation. All patients discontinued dietary restriction and ammonia scavengers after LT and remained metabolically stable. Patients who had neurodevelopmental problems before LT persisted to have difficulties after LT. 1/5 patients who was reported to have normal neurodevelopment before LT developed behavioural problems after LT, while the remaining 4 maintained their abilities without any reported issues. // LT was found to be effective in correcting the metabolic defect, eliminates the risk of hyperammonemia and prolongs patients' survival

    Climate emergency summit III:nature-based solutions report

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    An RSGS &amp; SNH report from the Climate Summit held in April 2020"The Climate Emergency is the result of burning fossils fuels and changes in the way we use the land that short-circuit global carbon and nitrogen cycles. To remain within safe climate limits (1.5-2°C), the remaining carbon budget for all people, and for all time, is now so small that stopping fossil fuel use, while essential, will not by itself address the problem. Changing the way we use the land and sea is now essential. Nature-based solutions are vital to creating a safe operating space for humanity. "Extract from the foreword by Dr Clive Mitchell, Outcome Manager: People and Nature, Scottish Natural Heritage. The report has 45 contributors for a variety of institutions

    Gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB), gamma butyrolactone (GBL) and 1,4 butanediol (1,4-BD; BDO) : a literature review with a focus on UK fatalities related to non-medical use

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    Misuse of gamma hydroxybutrate (GHB) and gamma butyrolactone (GBL) has increased greatly since the early 1990s, being implicated in a rising number of deaths. This paper reviews knowledge on GHB and derivatives, and explores the largest series of deaths associated with their non-medical use. Descriptive analyses of cases associated with GHB/GBL and 1,4 butanediol (1,4-BD) use extracted from the UK’s National Programme on Substance Abuse Deaths database. From 1995 to September 2013, 159 GHB/GBL-associated fatalities were reported. Typical victims: White (92%), young (mean age 32 years); male (82%); with a drug misuse history (70%). Most deaths (79%) were accidental or related to drug use, the remainder (potential) suicides. GHB/GBL alone was implicated in 37%; alcohol 14%; other drugs 28%; other drugs and alcohol 15%. Its endogenous nature and rapid elimination limit toxicological detection. Post-mortem blood levels: mean 482 (range 0 - 6500; S.D. 758) mg/L. Results suggest significant caution is needed when ingesting GHB/GBL, particularly with alcohol, benzodiazepines, opiates, stimulants, and ketamine. More awareness is needed about risks associated with consumption.Peer reviewe