111 research outputs found

    4E Interacting Protein as a Potential Novel Drug Target for Nucleoside Analogues in Trypanosoma brucei

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    Human African trypanosomiasis is a neglected parasitic disease for which the current treatment options are quite limited. Trypanosomes are not able to synthesize purines de novo and thus solely depend on purine salvage from the host environment. This characteristic makes players of the purine salvage pathway putative drug targets. The activity of known nucleoside analogues such as tubercidin and cordycepin led to the development of a series of C7-substituted nucleoside analogues. Here, we use RNA interference (RNAi) libraries to gain insight into the mode-of-action of these novel nucleoside analogues. Whole-genome RNAi screening revealed the involvement of adenosine kinase and 4E interacting protein into the mode-of-action of certain antitrypanosomal nucleoside analogues. Using RNAi lines and gene-deficient parasites, 4E interacting protein was found to be essential for parasite growth and infectivity in the vertebrate host. The essential nature of this gene product and involvement in the activity of certain nucleoside analogues indicates that it represents a potential novel drug target.</jats:p

    A Sephin1-insensitive tripartite holophosphatase dephosphorylates translation initiation factor 2α.

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    The integrated stress response (ISR) is regulated by kinases that phosphorylate the α subunit of translation initiation factor 2 and phosphatases that dephosphorylate it. Genetic and biochemical observations indicate that the eIF2αP-directed holophosphatase, a therapeutic target in diseases of protein misfolding, is comprised of a regulatory subunit, PPP1R15, and a catalytic subunit, protein phosphatase 1 (PP1). In mammals, there are two isoforms of the regulatory subunit, PPP1R15A and PPP1R15B, with overlapping roles in the essential function of eIF2αP dephosphorylation. However, conflicting reports have appeared regarding the requirement for an additional co-factor, G-actin, in enabling substrate-specific dephosphorylation by PPP1R15-containing PP1 holoenzymes. An additional concern relates to the sensitivity of the holoenzyme to the [(o-chlorobenzylidene)amino]guanidines Sephin1 or guanabenz, putative small-molecule proteostasis modulators. It has been suggested that the source and method of purification of the PP1 catalytic subunit and the presence or absence of an N-terminal repeat-containing region in the PPP1R15A regulatory subunit might influence the requirement for G-actin and sensitivity of the holoenzyme to inhibitors. We found that eIF2αP dephosphorylation by PP1 was moderately stimulated by repeat-containing PPP1R15A in an unphysiological low ionic strength buffer, whereas stimulation imparted by the co-presence of PPP1R15A and G-actin was observed under a broad range of conditions, low and physiological ionic strength, regardless of whether the PPP1R15A regulatory subunit had or lacked the N-terminal repeat-containing region and whether it was paired with native PP1 purified from rabbit muscle or recombinant PP1 purified from bacteria. Furthermore, none of the PPP1R15A-containing holophosphatases tested were inhibited by Sephin1 or guanabenz.Supported by a Wellcome Trust Principal Research Fellowship to D.R. (Wellcome 200848/Z/16/Z) and a Wellcome Trust Strategic Award to the Cambridge Institute for Medical Research (Wellcome 100140). M.B. was supported by a Flemish Concerted Research Action (GOA15/016). W.P. was supported by National Institute of Health R01NS091336 and the American Diabetes Association Pathway to Stop Diabetes Grant 1-14-ACN-31. Z.C. is a PhD fellow of the Fund for Scientific Research - Flanders

    A longitudinal analysis of organisational capacity determinants of the perceived need for change, adoption of ‘light’ sports initiatives and organisational growth in voluntary sports clubs

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    Considering wider societal developments that reflect a demand for personalised services, this study aims to uncover the relationship between the perceived need for change by voluntary sports clubs (VSCs), their adoption of innovative services to promote flexibility of sports participation (also referred to as ‘light’ sports initiatives) and their organisational growth (in terms of membership evolution). Simultaneously, the impact of key organisational capacity (OC) determinants on each of the aforementioned variables is taken into account. In this study, VSCs in Flanders (Belgium) are examined utilising three (generalised) linear mixed model analyses on longitudinal panel data from 2012, 2015 and 2018. The results show a positive relationship between the need for change on the one hand and the adoption of ‘light’ sports initiatives and organisational growth on the other hand, whilst adopting ‘light’ sports initiatives as types of service innovations do not necessarily lead to organisational growth. The results of this study offer implications for the management and policy of VSCs to cater to shifting member demands. This study serves as a stepping-stone for further research to investigate other types of innovation on organisational change and growth

    Hierarchical spectral clustering reveals brain size and shape changes in asymptomatic carriers of C9orf72

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    Traditional methods for detecting asymptomatic brain changes in neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer\u27s disease or frontotemporal degeneration typically evaluate changes in volume at a predefined level of granularity, e.g. voxel-wise or in a priori defined cortical volumes of interest. Here, we apply a method based on hierarchical spectral clustering, a graph-based partitioning technique. Our method uses multiple levels of segmentation for detecting changes in a data-driven, unbiased, comprehensive manner within a standard statistical framework. Furthermore, spectral clustering allows for detection of changes in shape along with changes in size. We performed tensor-based morphometry to detect changes in the Genetic Frontotemporal dementia Initiative asymptomatic and symptomatic frontotemporal degeneration mutation carriers using hierarchical spectral clustering and compared the outcome to that obtained with a more conventional voxel-wise tensor- and voxel-based morphometric analysis. In the symptomatic groups, the hierarchical spectral clustering-based method yielded results that were largely in line with those obtained with the voxel-wise approach. In asymptomatic C9orf72 expansion carriers, spectral clustering detected changes in size in medial temporal cortex that voxel-wise methods could only detect in the symptomatic phase. Furthermore, in the asymptomatic and the symptomatic phases, the spectral clustering approach detected changes in shape in the premotor cortex in C9orf72. In summary, the present study shows the merit of hierarchical spectral clustering for data-driven segmentation and detection of structural changes in the symptomatic and asymptomatic stages of monogenic frontotemporal degeneration

    Concerns about anti-angiogenic treatment in patients with glioblastoma multiforme

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    BACKGROUND: The relevance of angiogenesis inhibition in the treatment of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) should be considered in the unique context of malignant brain tumours. Although patients benefit greatly from reduced cerebral oedema and intracranial pressure, this important clinical improvement on its own may not be considered as an anti-tumour effect. DISCUSSION: GBM can be roughly separated into an angiogenic component, and an invasive or migratory component. Although this latter component seems inert to anti-angiogenic therapy, it is of major importance for disease progression and survival. We reviewed all relevant literature. Published data support that clinical symptoms are tempered by anti-angiogenic treatment, but that tumour invasion continues. Unfortunately, current imaging modalities are affected by anti-angiogenic treatment too, making it even harder to define tumour margins. To illustrate this we present MRI, biopsy and autopsy specimens from bevacizumab-treated patients. Moreover, while treatment of other tumour types may be improved by combining chemotherapy with anti-angiogenic drugs, inhibiting angiogenesis in GBM may antagonise the efficacy of chemotherapeutic drugs by normalising the blood-brain barrier function. SUMMARY: Although angiogenesis inhibition is of considerable value for symptom reduction in GBM patients, lack of proof of a true anti-tumour effect raises concerns about the place of this type of therapy in the treatment of GBM

    Galectins and Gliomas

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    Malignant gliomas, especially glioblastomas, are associated with a dismal prognosis. Despite advances in diagnosis and treatment, glioblastoma patients still have a median survival expectancy of only 14 months. This poor prognosis can be at least partly explained by the fact that glioma cells diffusely infiltrate the brain parenchyma and exhibit decreased levels of apoptosis, and thus resistance to cytotoxic drugs. Galectins are a family of mammalian beta-galactoside-binding proteins characterized by a shared characteristic amino acid sequence. They are expressed differentially in normal vs. neoplastic tissues and are known to play important roles in several biological processes such as cell proliferation, death and migration. This review focuses on the role played by galectins, especially galectin-1 and galectin-3, in glioma biology. The involvement of these galectins in different steps of glioma malignant progression such as migration, angiogenesis or chemoresistance makes them potentially good targets for the development of new drugs to combat these malignant tumors

    The roles of immune cells in bone healing; what we know, do not know and future perspectives

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    Key events occurring during the bone healing include well-orchestrated and complex interactions between immune cells, multipotential stromal cells (MSCs), osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Through three overlapping phases of this physiological process, innate and adaptive immune cells, cytokines and chemokines have a significant role to play. The aim of the escalating immune response is to achieve an osseous healing in the shortest time and with the least complications facilitating the restoration of function. The uninterrupted progression of these biological events in conjunction with a favourable mechanical environment (stable fracture fixation) remains the hallmark of successful fracture healing. When failure occurs, either the biological environment or the mechanical one could have been disrupted. Not infrequently both may be compromised. Consequently, regenerative treatments involving the use of bone autograft, allograft or synthetic matrices supplemented with MSCs are increasingly used. A better understanding of the bone biology and osteoimmunology can help to improve these evolving cell-therapy based strategies. Herein, an up to date status of the role of immune cells during the different phases of bone healing is presented. Additionally, the known and yet to know events about immune cell interactions with MSCs and osteoblasts and osteoclasts and the therapeutic implications are being discussed

    Trapping in irradiated p-on-n silicon sensors at fluences anticipated at the HL-LHC outer tracker

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    The degradation of signal in silicon sensors is studied under conditions expected at the CERN High-Luminosity LHC. 200 ÎŒ\mum thick n-type silicon sensors are irradiated with protons of different energies to fluences of up to 3⋅10153 \cdot 10^{15} neq/cm2^2. Pulsed red laser light with a wavelength of 672 nm is used to generate electron-hole pairs in the sensors. The induced signals are used to determine the charge collection efficiencies separately for electrons and holes drifting through the sensor. The effective trapping rates are extracted by comparing the results to simulation. The electric field is simulated using Synopsys device simulation assuming two effective defects. The generation and drift of charge carriers are simulated in an independent simulation based on PixelAV. The effective trapping rates are determined from the measured charge collection efficiencies and the simulated and measured time-resolved current pulses are compared. The effective trapping rates determined for both electrons and holes are about 50% smaller than those obtained using standard extrapolations of studies at low fluences and suggests an improved tracker performance over initial expectations

    Anterolateral Ligament Expert Group consensus paper on the management of internal rotation and instability of the anterior cruciate ligament - deficient knee

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    Purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the latest research on the anterolateral ligament (ALL) and present the consensus of the ALL Expert Group on the anatomy, radiographic landmarks, biomechanics, clinical and radiographic diagnosis, lesion classification, surgical technique and clinical outcomes. A consensus on controversial subjects surrounding the ALL and anterolateral knee instability has been established based on the opinion of experts, the latest publications on the subject and an exchange of experiences during the ALL Experts Meeting (November 2015, Lyon, France). The ALL is found deep to the iliotibial band. The femoral origin is just posterior and proximal to the lateral epicondyle; the tibial attachment is 21.6 mm posterior to Gerdy's tubercle and 4-10 mm below the tibial joint line. On a lateral radiographic view the femoral origin is located in the postero-inferior quadrant and the tibial attachment is close to the centre of the proximal tibial plateau. Favourable isometry of an ALL reconstruction is seen when the femoral position is proximal and posterior to the lateral epicondyle, with the ALL being tight upon extension and lax upon flexion. The ALL can be visualised on ultrasound, or on T2-weighted coronal MRI scans with proton density fat-suppressed evaluation. The ALL injury is associated with a Segond fracture, and often occurs in conjunction with acute anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury. Recognition and repair of the ALL lesions should be considered to improve the control of rotational stability provided by ACL reconstruction. For high-risk patients, a combined ACL and ALL reconstruction improves rotational control and reduces the rate of re-rupture, without increased postoperative complication rates compared to ACL-only reconstruction. In conclusion this paper provides a contemporary consensus on all studied features of the ALL. The findings warrant future research in order to further test these early observations, with the ultimate goal of improving the long-term outcomes of ACL-injured patients. Level of evidence Level V-Expert opinion
