16 research outputs found

    Impact of extreme weather conditions on European crop production in 2018

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    International audienceOne contribution of 16 to a theme issue 'Impacts of the 2018 severe drought and heatwave in Europe: from site to continental scale'. Subject Areas: plant science, computational biology Extreme weather increases the risk of large-scale crop failure. The mechanisms involved are complex and intertwined, hence undermining the identification of simple adaptation levers to help improve the resilience of agricultural production. Based on more than 82 000 yield data reported at the regional level in 17 European countries, we assess how climate affected the yields of nine crop species. Using machine learning models, we analyzed historical yield data since 1901 and then focus on 2018, which has experienced a multi-plicity and a diversity of atypical extreme climatic conditions. Machine learning models explain up to 65% of historical yield anomalies. We find that both extremes in temperature and precipitation are associated with negative yield anomalies, but with varying impacts in different parts of Europe. In 2018, Northern and Eastern Europe experienced multiple and simultaneous crop failures-among the highest observed in recent decades. These yield losses were associated with extremely low rainfalls in combination with high temperatures between March and August 2018. However, the higher than usual yields recorded in Southern Europe-caused by favourable spring rainfall conditions-nearly offset the large decrease in Northern European crop production. Our results outline the importance of considering single and compound climate extremes to analyse the causes of yield losses in Europe. We found no clear upward or downward trend in the frequency of extreme yield losses for any of the considered crops between 1990 and 2018. This article is part of the theme issue 'Impacts of the 2018 severe drought and heatwave in Europe: from site to continental scale'

    The shift of phosphorus transfers in global fisheries and aquaculture

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    International audienceGlobal fish production (capture and aquaculture) has increased quickly, which has altered global flows of phosphorus (P). Here we show that in 2016, 2:04 3:09 1:59 Tg P yr −1 (mean and interquartile range) was applied in aquaculture to increase fish production; while 1:10 1:14 1:04 Tg P yr −1 was removed from aquatic systems by fish harvesting. Between 1950 and 1986, P from fish production went from aquatic towards the land-human systems. This landward P peaked at 0.54 Tg P yr −1 , representing a large but overlooked P flux that might benefit land activities under P scarcity. After 1986, the landward P flux decreased significantly , and became negative around 2004, meaning that humans spend more P to produce fish than harvest P in fish capture. An idealized pathway to return to the balanced anthropogenic P flow would require the mean phosphorus use efficiency (the ratio of harvested to input P) of aquaculture to be increased from a current value of 20% to at least 48% by 2050-a big challenge

    A globally robust relationship between water table decline, subsidence rate, and carbon release from peatlands

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    International audienceAbstract Peatland ecosystems are globally important carbon stores. Disturbances, such as drainage and climate drying, act to lower peatland water table depths, consequently enhancing soil carbon release and subsidence rates. Here, we conduct a global meta-analysis to quantify the relationship among water table depth, carbon release and subsidence. We find that the water table decline stimulated heterotrophic, rather than autotrophic, soil respiration, which was associated with an increase in subsidence rate. This relationship held across different climate zones and land uses. We find that 81% of the total annual soil respiration for all drained peatlands was attributable to tropical peatlands drained for agriculture and forestry and temperate peatlands drained for agriculture. Globally, we estimate that, drained peatlands release 645 Mt C yr –1 (401–1025 Mt C yr –1 ) through soil respiration, equivalent to approximately 5% of global annual anthropogenic carbon emissions. Our findings highlight the importance of conserving pristine peatlands to help mitigate climate change

    A global map of root biomass across the world's forests

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    International audienceAbstract. As a key component of the Earth system, roots play a key role in linking Earth's lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere and atmosphere. Here we combine 10 307 field measurements of forest root biomass worldwide with global observations of forest structure, climatic conditions, topography, land management and soil characteristics to derive a spatially explicit global high-resolution (∼ 1 km) root biomass dataset, including fine and coarse roots. In total, 142 ± 25 (95 % CI) Pg of live dry-matter biomass is stored belowground, representing a global average root : shoot biomass ratio of 0.25 ± 0.10. Earlier studies (Jackson et al., 1997; Robinson, 2007; Saugier et al., 2001) are 44 %–226 % larger than our estimations of the total root biomass in tropical, temperate and boreal forests. The total global forest root biomass from a recent estimate (Spawn et al., 2020) is 24 % larger than this study. The smaller estimation from this study is attributable to the updated forest area, spatially explicit aboveground biomass density used to predict the patterns of root biomass, new root measurements and the upscaling methodology. We show specifically that the root shoot allometry is one underlying driver that has led to methodological overestimation of root biomass in previous estimations. Raw datasets and global maps generated in this study are deposited at the open-access repository Figshare (https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.12199637.v1; Huang et al., 2020)

    Analysis of the temporal variability of CO 2 , CH 4 and CO concentrations at Lamto, West Africa

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    International audienceThe 10-year observations of the atmospheric molar fractions of CO2, CH4 and CO in West Africa were analyzed using a high precision measurement of the Lamto (LTO) station (6°31 N and 5°02 W) in Côte d’Ivoire. At daily scale, high concentrations appear at night with significant peaks around 7 a.m. local time and minimum concentrations in the afternoon for CO2 and CH4. The CO concentrations show two peaks around 8 h and 20 h corresponding to the maximum in road traffic of a northern motorway located 14 km from the station. The long-term increase rates of CH4 (∼7 ppb year−1) and CO2 (∼2.24 ppm year−1) at Lamto are very close to global trends. The variations of the concentrations of the three gases show strong seasonality with a peak in January for all gases and minima in September for CO2 and CH4, and in June for CO. The CO variation suggests a significant impact of fires on the CO, CO2 and CH4 anomalies in the Lamto region during the dry season (December to February). CO and CH4 show strong correlations (at synoptic-scale and monthly based) in January (r = 0.84), February (r = 0.90), April (r = 0.74), November (r = 0.79) and December (r = 0.72) reflecting similar sources of emission for both gases. The trajectories of polluted air masses at LTO, also indicate continental sources of emission associated with Harmattan winds

    Tradeoff of CO2 and CH4 emissions from global peatlands under water-table drawdown

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    International audienceThe climate impact of water-table drawdown in peatlands is unclear as carbon dioxide emissions increase and methane emissions decrease due to drying. This study shows decreasing water-table depth results in net greenhouse gas emissions from global peatlands, despite reducing methane emissions.Water-table drawdown across peatlands increases carbon dioxide (CO2) and reduces methane (CH4) emissions. The net climatic effect remains unclear. Based on global observations from 130 sites, we found a positive (warming) net climate effect of water-table drawdown. Using a machine-learning-based upscaling approach, we predict that peatland water-table drawdown driven by climate drying and human activities will increase CO2 emissions by 1.13 (95% interval: 0.88-1.50) Gt yr(-1) and reduce CH4 by 0.26 (0.14-0.52) GtCO(2)-eq yr(-1), resulting in a net increase of greenhouse gas of 0.86 (0.36-1.36) GtCO(2)-eq yr(-1) by the end of the twenty-first century under the RCP8.5 climate scenario. This drops to 0.73 (0.2-1.2) GtCO(2)-eq yr(-1) under RCP2.6. Our results point to an urgent need to preserve pristine and rehabilitate drained peatlands to decelerate the positive feedback among water-table drawdown, increased greenhouse gas emissions and climate warming

    Regional trends and drivers of the global methane budget

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    International audienceThe ongoing development of the Global Carbon Project (GCP) global methane (CH4 ) budget shows a continuation of increasing CH4 emissions and CH4 accumulation in the atmosphere during 2000-2017. Here, we decompose the global budget into 19 regions (18 land and 1 oceanic) and five key source sectors to spatially attribute the observed global trends. A comparison of top-down (TD) (atmospheric and transport model-based) and bottom-up (BU) (inventory- and process model-based) CH4 emission estimates demonstrates robust temporal trends with CH4 emissions increasing in 16 of the 19 regions. Five regions-China, Southeast Asia, USA, South Asia, and Brazil-account for >40% of the global total emissions (their anthropogenic and natural sources together totaling >270 Tg CH4 yr-1 in 2008-2017). Two of these regions, China and South Asia, emit predominantly anthropogenic emissions (>75%) and together emit more than 25% of global anthropogenic emissions. China and the Middle East show the largest increases in total emission rates over the 2000 to 2017 period with regional emissions increasing by >20%. In contrast, Europe and Korea and Japan show a steady decline in CH4 emission rates, with total emissions decreasing by ~10% between 2000 and 2017. Coal mining, waste (predominantly solid waste disposal) and livestock (especially enteric fermentation) are dominant drivers of observed emissions increases while declines appear driven by a combination of waste and fossil emission reductions. As such, together these sectors present the greatest risks of further increasing the atmospheric CH4 burden and the greatest opportunities for greenhouse gas abatement