69 research outputs found

    Determinants of adoption of agricultural technology in Kenya: a case of small scale farmers in Kirinyaga

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    A Research project Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Business Science in Financial Economics at Strathmore UniversityAgricultural technologies are seen as an important route out of poverty in most of the developing countries. However the rate of adoption of these technologies has remained low in most of these countries. This study aim at shedding some light on the potential factors that influence agricultural technology adoption in Kenya by looking at small-scale farmers in Kirinyaga. Kenya. The following study objective guided the study, to identify determinants of adoption of technology in a among small scale farmers in Kirinyaga. A Iogit and probit model is used to analyze the determinants of technology adoption, using a secondary survey data of 4363 observation. The following were the findings, education level, age, farm size, level of income, belonging to a group and access to credit influence the decision of adoption. Given these results, the paper recommends tailored credit schemes for farmers, dissemination of information via groups, improvement of links between manufacturer of the modem technology and the farmers and subsidizing of the modem agricultural technolog

    Knowledge Management Practices and its Effect on Firm Performance: A Case of Commercial Banks’ Performance in Kisumu City, Kenya.

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    Knowledge Management has become an important strategic weapon for sustaining competitive advantage in firms. Banking statistics in Kenya indicate only 25 percent of customers believe their banks’ act on their best interests with 5 percent employee turnover annually. This had hampered Banks’ competitiveness and performance. Effective Knowledge Management promotes knowledge creation, knowledge sharing, knowledge acquisition and knowledge retention to maintain customer satisfaction and organizational performance. However little is known about Knowledge Management Practices in Kenyan Banks. The overall objective of this study was to analyze the effects of knowledge management practices on commercial banks’ performance in Kisumu city in Kenya. Specifically the study sought to establish the extent of knowledge creation; knowledge sharing; knowledge acquisition, level of organizational performance and determine the relationship between organizational performance and knowledge creation; knowledge sharing and knowledge acquisition in commercial banks in Kisumu city. The target population was 20 commercial banks operating within Kisumu City with a sampling frame of branch managers and operational managers. Data was collected by use of questionnaires and analyzed by descriptive statistics and correlation analysis. The study found there is significant relationship between knowledge creation and organizational performance (r=0.614, p<0.001). A significant positive relationship as also found to exist between organizational performance and knowledge sharing (r=0.501, p<0.005). Keywords: Knowledge Management, Knowledge Creation, Organizational Performance, Employees, Learning

    Kenya Constitutional Documents: A Comparative Analysis

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    This study compares the three constitutional documents listed below that were the subject of debate in Kenya’s constitutional reform process in 2005: 1. The Constitution of Kenya (the present constitution with amendments that has been in existence since 1969); 2. The Draft Constitution of Kenya, 2004 – the so-called Bomas Draft that was prepared by the Constitution of Kenya Review Commission (CKRC) and endorsed by the National Constitution Conference held at the Bomas of Kenya, hence the term ‘Bomas Draft’; 3. The Proposed New Constitution of Kenya – the draft that the Attorney-General and the Parliamentary Select Committee on Constitution Review prepared through adjustment of the Bomas Draft after the meetings at Naivasha (the Naivasha Accord) and Kilifi (the Kilifi Accord). The Proposed New Constitution of Kenya is informally referred to as the ‘Wako Bill’ with reference to its principal author, the Kenyan Attorney-General, Amos Wako. In conclusion, we also project a number of scenarios as to the future of constitution-making in Kenya in view of the rejection by the people of the Wako Bill in the referendum held on 21 November 2005, and the subsequent dissolution of the Cabinet and the prorogation of Parliament, as well as the formation of a new Cabinet

    Internet of Things (IoT) implementation in learning institutions: a systematic literature review

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    Internet of Things (IoT) is a computing concept facilitating the management of collaborative activities from one central area. Millennial learners, growth in enrolment numbers in universities, and the need for equity and quality learning necessitate the use of IoT technologies in education. The focus of this paper is to examine IoT implementations in learning institutes, their application areas, the themes presented, the models and methodologies used, and the benefits. This study concentrated on publications from 2008 to 2017. The outcomes revealed that the utilization of IoT for tracking and tracing a learner’s attendance had been one of the application areas of IoT in education. This study further categorized the papers and presents novel research opportunities based on concentrated themes and areas that had not been fully exhausted. Most research studies employed qualitative methods, with a few utilizing a quantitative approach with surveys. Research themes exhibited a shortcoming in other important themes, such as the models and methodologies used for implementing IoT. Finally, the results of this study agree that IoT implementation could help solve some issues in learning institutions like equity and quality learning. The results from this research also provide a base for future research works on the successful implementation of IoT in learning institutions

    IoT in higher learning institutions: opportunities and challenges

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    Education is now an active collaborative self-directed model because of the presence of technology influence making many institutions to plan to change their way of teaching and learning. The main aim of this paper is to identify problems arising in higher learning institutions around the world and explores the significance of the Internet of Things in providing solutions to these challenges. The paper also brings out various opportunities and challenges that result from the Internet of Things more so to higher learning institutions. The paper finally brings out future directions in relation to developing and implementing projects on Internet of Things on higher learning

    Distribution of Biomphalaria Snails in Associated Vegetations and Schistosome Infection Prevalence Along the Shores of Lake Victoria in Mbita, Kenya: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Background: Schistosomiasis due to Schistosoma mansoni remains a major public health problem and cause of morbidity and mortality in sub-Saharan Africa despite the implementation of control programmes. More than 6 million Kenyans are at risk of infection. Regarding control measures, Biomphalaria snail species, which are the obligatory intermediate hosts for transmission of S. mansoni, have been neglected. Mbita subcounty in Homa Bay County, western Kenya, along Lake Victoria basin, has a high prevalence of S. mansoni infection despite mass drug administration. This study aimed to determine the abundance of Biomphalaria, with their associated vegetation and schistosome infection rates, along Mbita shoreline.   Methods: Sixteen purposively selected sites along the Mbita shoreline were sampled for Biomphalaria snails using a 30-minute scooping technique. Global positioning system technology was used to map selected sites. The associated vegetation at sampling sites were collected and identified. Schistosome infection status among the snails was determined via the detection of cercaria shedding.   Results: A total of 3,135 Biomphalaria sudanica snails were collected. The number of snails collected differed significantly between the 16 sites (F=11.735; degrees of freedom [df]=15.836; P<.001). Significant mean differences (MD) were also observed in terms of the number of snails collected per vegetation type (F=7.899; df=5.846; P<.001). The mean number of snails collected from Cyprus gracilis was significantly higher than that from Enydra fluactuants (MD= 2.03; P<.001), Eichhornia crassipes (MD=4.15; P<.010), and E. fluactuants mixed with E. crassipes (MD=2.516; P<.010). A total of 21 (0.67%) snails shed human cercariae, while 27 (0.86%) snails shed nonhuman cercariae, despite 14 sites having human faeces contamination.   Conclusion: Although the schistosome infection prevalence among the snails was low, these sites may still be important exposure sites. C. gracilis is the main vegetation type associated with a high abundance of Biomphalaria snails. Molecular techniques are necessary for verification of schistosome positivity among the snails


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    Abstract Though the concept of real-time information processing is spreading across organization

    Black nightshades, Solanum nigrum L. and related species

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    The black nightshades (Solanum nigrum and related species in sect. Solanum) are worldwide weeds of arable land, gardens, rubbish tips, soils rich in nitrogen, in moderately light and warm situations which occur from sea to montane levels. They are, however, also widely used as leafy herbs and vegetables, as a source of fruit and for various medicinal purposes. Therefore, human consumption of their leaves and fruits as food is widespread, particularly in Africa and SE Asia. Unfortunately, there is widespread confusion over the precise identification of the taxa involved, especially in those areas in which the species are most commonly used as food sources. This monograph attempts to identify the species related to the black nightshade more accurately, by providing an identification key, descriptions of the taxa most widely reported to be of dietary and/or ethnobotanical use in various Asian, African and Indonesian countries, listing some of the many vernacular names used for the species, recording precise uses of the various species and presenting some information on their genetic resources. Two appendices are included listing (1) research contacts and centres of research, and (2) gene banks maintaining collections. (Abstract © CAB ABSTRACTS, CAB International

    Cat's whiskers Cleome gynandra L.

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    Cat's whiskers (Cleome gynandra) grows as a weed in most tropical countries, but is a semi-cultivated, popular tropical leafy vegetable in many parts of sub-Saharan Africa especially in most countries in eastern and southern Africa. This book presents information on its genetic resources in a series of chapters on the following topics: taxonomy, botany, origin and centre of diversity, properties and uses, characterization, evaluation and conservation, breeding, production, ecology, agronomy, and limitations, prospects and research needs. An appendix details researchers and institutions working on indigenous leafy vegetables in sub-Saharan Africa. (Abstract © CAB ABSTRACTS, CAB International

    The Consumption of Wild Edible Plants

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    Wild edible plants are of great importance in both former and current human societies. Their use embodies evolutionary trends, continuing interactions between men and nature, relevant traditional knowledge, and cultural heritage. A conceptual approach to wild edible plants, including the contribution of such species to people's diets and daily lives, focusing on nutritional and cultural value, food sovereignty and security, as well as the huge legacy for future generations, leads to a general overview of new tendencies and availability of wild plant resources according to geographic regions. The potential benefits and the continual need for conservation strategies of plants, habitats, and associated knowledge are also discussed, enhancing biodiversity and biocultural patrimony. Finally, some examples of culturally significant edible wild plants are described, emphasizing the importance of knowledge transmission and sustainable uses in a changing world.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
